Service oriented architecture - Transport layer (http vs messaging) - http

We've looking at moving splitting up our architecture (and adding new components) using a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). There will be a number of external API's that will be used by third parties, which we will make using a REST HTTP interface, however I was wondering what would be best to use internally as all components are with in our control and will be on the same network, however potentially different technologies (mainly .net and ruby on rails).
Would there be big performance/functionality gains in using a messaging system (redis, rabbitmq, EMS, other notable exceptions I've not heard of...) instead of HTTP (REST, SOAP, etc).
I've struggled to find good information on this topic and (as you can probably tell) I'm fairly new to this side area, so any advice or good resources would be appreciated!

Messaging tends to give you a more loosely coupled architecture. It can potentially be more robust as well, since individual components can fail without killing the entire infrastructure.
The downside is complexity, the paradigm shift to an asynchronous model, and possibly performance (especially if you're persisting messages every where).
You also need to ensure that your messaging system is particularly robust. A single aspect of your logic can go down and restart without affecting everything, but if you lose your core message base, then ALL of your logic is down waiting for the messaging to be back up.
Fortunately, the message bus can be long running without humans fiddling and touching it, the largest source of errors and instability in any system.

In addition to what #Will Hartung mentioned, I would also say that it depends on what you are going to do with your system. If you have mostly client-server type applications, where you have few servers/services and they tend to be completely independent, then it will probably be easier to implement service contracts via REST over HTTP.
If, on the other hand, your entire system is doing bi-directional communication, or if there are many inter-process calls (and particularly if every participant in the system is going to be both a client and a server at some point), then messaging is your best bet. Of the messaging options, I find that AMQP/RabbitMQ is the most feature-rich and easy to use of all of these. It offers you a true asynchronous platform to code against.
They key benefit to using messaging is that you can have queues for each type of message, so as your system expands and changes, the queues/messages can be the same, but the service that handles them can change underneath. It promotes separation of layers.
Finally, and this is a huge thing in my opinion, the proper use of messaging promotes small, independent pieces of code. These are both more testable and more maintainable, and in general it simplifies your enterprise architecture. If you attempt to handle too many services from HTTP endpoints, you will eventually (over the course of a year or two) end up with either (1) way too many endpoints to keep track of or (2) an unmaintainable mess of spaghetti code.
My company started out with using a message-based framework, and it has worked very well for us. The RabbitMQ server has easily been the most reliable component. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions about messaging or SOA.


Why use more than one endpoint in a Rebus system?

In a Rebus service bus, there is a single message transport queue per endpoint. It is possible for an endpoint to handle more than one message, and it is possible to have only a single endpoint in a system.
Other than the throughput of messages, what reasons are there to use more than a single endpoint in a Rebus service bus system?
Excellent question! :) There can be many reasons why you might want to have several Rebus endpoints active at the same time.
An obvious reason is that you might want to host the endpoints in separate processes so you can update them independently of each other. But since this reason is pretty obvious, I assume you are thinking about reasons one might want to host multiple Rebus endpoints in the same process.
Let me just mention a few(*):
Concurrency requirements
One endpoint might be hosting data that experiences contention and therefore does not benefit from being able to process messages concurrently - this endpoint will probably have only a few threads and low parallelism, possibly 1/1.
Another endpoint might be doing stream-based data processing (e.g. loading blobs from one place into another, downloading data from web services, etc.), which can be done with very high throughput and low resource requirements with one single thread and a high level of parallelism - e.g. 1/20.
Yet another endpoint might be doing a lot of serialization/deserialization, which is usually CPU-bound, and therefore might benefit from running on a many-core box with many worker threads and matching parallelism - e.g. 10/10.
As you can see, the type of tasks performed by an endpoint can call for a configuration that matches the nature of the tasks.
One endpoint might be designated for processing low-priority background stuff, like e.g. moving data to cold storage, optimizing storage of historic data, etc.
Another endpoint might be processing messages where low latency is the most important quality attribute.
If these two were using the same queue, the low-priority background stuff could sometimes clog up the queue, hindering low-latency processing of the other messages.
Logical separation
I have many times started out by hosting several Rebus endpoints in the same process because it was easy to deal with during development, while keeping the endpoints separate because they were implementing different business functions.
This way it is easy to physically break them apart some time later on, allowing for a higher degree of separation and independence.
(*) Udi Dahan works with the concepts "business components" and "autonomous components" where the first one is an implementation of a business capability and the second one is what business components are decomposed into, mostly for technical reasons.
I guess you could say that the first two reasons I mentioned are separate endpoints for "autonomous component" reasons, whereas the third is separation because things belong to different business components.
Udi keeps a pretty strict view of these concepts that is completely orthogonal to how the system is physically composed, but I almost always end up with pretty high convergence between logical separation and physical separation.

What is ZeroMQ underlying design architecture

I am comparatively new to ZeroMQ and would like some suggestions regarding its it's internal architecture.
I am planning to use ZeroMQ as a messaging framework for my work. The basic idea what I want to achieve is to be able to dynamically scale the infrastructure based on the load and computational capacity required to achieve a particular workflow deadlines.
So,if if there is a necessity to add more nodes, then the application spawns new nodes and the messaging framework should be able to incorporate the changes as well. I should also be able to be point where the additional computations should occur or how the framework dynamically adds the new nodes (if any). The event on a particular node decides subsequent actions to be performed on other nodes. Here is my scenario or my stack that I am thinking off, but wanted to know if it makes sense:
User applications
ZeroMQ messaging
Squid-Content based routing
Physical Substrate
I am bit skeptical about the above stack as I believe ZeroMQ helps one to achieve most of the functionality and therby thereby making it simpler.
Few points about my stack:
Physical substrate are the total number of nodes that are available for the computations or as data sources.
Overlay is a logical network that is built dynamically upon the physical network based upon the closest nodes available for a particular workflow. i.e. if two nodes exchange data frequently, then those two nodes are placed logically close to one another. Is a separate overlay like CHORD etc required when we use ZeroMQ?
Squid is basically used for content based routing. Is Squid required when we use ZeroMQ?
ZeroMQ messaging is for the communication between different nodes for an application.
Basically, what I wanted to know is whether above stack can be made simpler given that ZeroMQ has richer functionalities. If so, can someone point or share the thoughts. I am however going through the documentations of ZeroMQ, I am finding it a bit difficult to understand the intrinsic design of ZeroMQ. Please help.
There's so much specific to your use-case here that it's almost impossible to give any definite answers. ZeroMQ is not a direct replacement for the concepts you've built into your architecture, however it may meet the goals you're trying to meet depending on how you're using them.
My suggestion would be to put your current architecture aside and start trying to build up a new one with ZMQ as its core, and see where you run into limitations that are solved by the other parts of your stack.
As for the "intrinsic design" of ZMQ, here's the basics that you need to understand as a starting point:
A ZMQ socket handles connection details for you, including managing network hiccups - but this has limits that you'll need to know
There are different kinds of ZMQ sockets, and they have opinions about how you use them. Some of them communicate asynchronously, some of them are strictly synchronous, some are one way, some are bi-directional.
If a connection between two sockets is severed (e.g. one node goes down, there is a network failure - something more than a momentary hiccup), it's your job to recognize that and re-establish that connection
There is no built in brokering or topology, you have to design and build that all yourself.
... ultimately, ZMQ provides a toolset for you to build a messaging framework, it does not provide a fully realized messaging framework out of the box. So, yes, it has the power to replace some of the other tools you're currently using, but you'll have to build it.

What so different about Node.js's event-driven? Can't we do that in ASP.Net's HttpAsyncHandler?

I'm not very experienced in web programming,
and I haven't actually coded anything in Node.js yet, just curious about the event-driven approach. It does seems good.
The article explains some bad things that could happen when we use a thread-based approach to handle requests, and should opt for a event-driven approach instead.
In thread-based, the cashier/thread is stuck with us until our food/resource is ready. While in event-driven, the cashier send us somewhere out of the request queue so we don't block other requests while waiting for our food.
To scale the blocking thread-based, you need to increase the number of threads.
To me this seems like a bad excuse for not using threads/threadpools properly.
Couldn't that be properly handled using IHttpAsyncHandler?
ASP.Net receives a request, uses the ThreadPool and runs the handler (BeginProcessRequest), and then inside it we load the file/database with a callback. That Thread should then be free to handle other requests. Once the file-reading is done, the ThreadPool is called into action again and executes the remaining response.
Not so different for me, so why is that not as scalable?
One of the disadvantages of the thread-based that I do know is, using threads needs more memory. But only with these, you can enjoy the benefits of multiple cores. I doubt Node.js is not using any threads/cores at all.
So, based on just the event-driven vs thread-based (don't bring the "because it's Javascript and every browser..." argument), can someone point me out what is the actual benefit of using Node.js instead of the existing technology?
That was a long question. Thanks :)
First of all, Node.js is not multi-threaded. This is important. You have to be a very talented programmer to design programs that work perfectly in a threaded environment. Threads are just hard.
You have to be a god to maintain a threaded project where it wasn't designed properly. There are just so many problems that can be hard to avoid in very large projects.
Secondly, the whole platform was designed to be run asynchronously. Have you see any ASP.NET project where every single IO interaction was asynchronous? simply put, ASP.NET was not designed to be event-driven.
Then, there's the memory footprint due to the fact that we have one thread per open-connection and the whole scaling issue. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't know how you would avoid creating a new thread for each connection in ASP.NET.
Another issue is that a Node.js request is idle when it's not being used or when it's waiting for IO. On the other hand, a C# thread sleeps. Now, there is a limit to the number of these threads that can sleep. In Node.js, you can easily handle 10k clients at the same time in parallel on one development machine. You try handling 10k threads in parallel on one development machine.
JavaScript itself as a language makes asynchronous coding easier. If you're still in C# 2.0, then the asynchronous syntax is a real pain. A lot of developers will simply get confused if you're defining Action<> and Function<> all over the place and using callbacks. An ASP.NET project written in an evented way is just not maintainable by an average ASP.NET developer.
As for threads and cores. Node.js is single-threaded and scales by creating multiple-node processes. If you have a 16 core then you run 16 instances of your node.js server and have a single Node.js load balancer in front of it. (Maybe a nginx load balancer if you want).
This was all written into the platform at a very low-level right from the beginning. This was not some functionality bolted on later down the line.
Other advantages
Node.js has a lot more to it then above. Above is only why Node.js' way of handling the event loop is better than doing it with asynchronous capabilities in ASP.NET.
Performance. It's fast. Real fast.
One big advantage of Node.js is its low-level API. You have a lot of control.
You have the entire HTTP server integrated directly into your code then outsourced to IIS.
You have the entire nginx vs Apache comparison.
The entire C10K challenge is handled well by node but not by IIS
AJAX and JSON communication feels natural and easy.
Real-time communication is one of the great things about Node.js. It was made for it.
Plays nicely with document-based nosql databases.
Can run a TCP server as well. Can do file-writing access, can run any unix console command on the server.
You query your database in javascript using, for example, CouchDB and map/reduce. You write your client in JavaScript. There are no context switches whilst developing on your web stack.
Rich set of community-driven open-source modules. Everything in node.js is open source.
Small footprint and almost no dependencies. You can build the node.js source yourself.
Disadvantages of Node.js
It's hard. It's young. As a skilled JavaScript developer, I face difficulty writing a website with Node.js just because of its low-level nature and the level of control I have. It feels just like C. A lot of flexibility and power either to be used for me or to hang me.
The API is not frozen. It's changing rapidly. I can imagine having to rewrite a large website completely in 5 years because of the amount Node.js will be changed by then. It is do-able, you just have to be aware that maintenance on node.js websites is not cheap.
further reading
There are a lot of misconceptions regarding node.js vs. ASP.Net and asynchronous programming. You can do non blocking IO in ASP.NET. Most people don't know that the .Net framework uses Windows iocompletion ports underneath when you do web service calls or other I/O bound operations using the begin/end pattern in .Net 2.0 and above. IO completion ports is the way the Windows operating system supports non-blocking IO so that the app thread is freed why the IO operation completes. Interestingly, node.js uses a less optimal non blocking IO implementation in Windows through Cygwin. A new Windows version is on the road map, which with Microsoft's guidance will be using IO completions ports. At that point there is underneath no difference.
It is also possible to do non-blocking database calls in ADO.NET but be aware of ORM tools such as NHibernate and Entity Framework. They are still very much synchronous.
Synchronous IO (blocking) makes the control flow much clearer and it has for this reason become popular. The reason why computer environments are multithreaded has only superficially to do with this. It is more generally related to time sharing and utilization of multiple CPUs.
Having only a single thread can cause starvation during lengthy operations, which can be related to both IO and complex computations. So, even though the rule of thumb is one thread pr. core when utilizing non-blocking IO, one should still consider a sufficient thread pool size so that simple requests don't get starved by more complex operations if such exist. Multiple threads also allows complex operations to be split easily among multiple CPUs. A single threaded environment like node.js can only utilize multicore processors through more processes and message passing to coordinate action.
I have personally not yet seen any compelling argument to introduce an additional technology such a node.js. However, there may be good reasons but they have in my opinion little to do with servicing a large number of connections through non-blocking IO since this can also be done with ASP.NET.
BTW tamejs can help make your nodejs code more readable similar to the new upcoming .Net Async CTP.
It is easy to understate the cultural difference between the Node.js and ASP.NET communities. Sure, IHttpAsyncHandler exists and it's been around since .NET 1.0 so it might even be good, but all of the code and discussion around Node.js is about async I/O which is decidedly not the case when it comes to .NET. Want to use LINQ To SQL? You kind of can, kind of. Want to log stuff? Maybe "CSharp DotNet Logger" will work, maybe.
So yes, IHttpAsyncHandler is there and if you're really careful you might be able to write an event driven web-service without tripping over some blocking I/O somewhere, but I don't really get the impression a lot of people are using it (and it certainly isn't the prominent way for writing ASP.NET apps). In contrast, Node.js is all about evented I/O, all the code examples, all the libraries and it's the only way people are using it. So if you were going to bet on which one's evented I/O model actually worked all the way through, Node.js would probably be the one to pick.
As per current age technology improvements and reading below links, I can say, it is matter of expertise and choosing perfect mix as per the particular scenario that matters. NodeJS is getting mature and ASP.NET side we have ASP.NET MVC, WebAPI, and SignalR etc. to make things better.
Node.js vs .Net performance

Mochiweb's Scalability Features

From all the articles I've read so far about Mochiweb, I've heard this over and over again that Mochiweb provides very good scalability. My question is, how exactly does Mochiweb get its scalability property? Is it from Erlang's inherent scalability properties or does Mochiweb have any additional code that explicitly enables it to scale well? Put another way, if I were to write a simple HTTP server in Erlang myself, with a simple 'loop' (recursive function) to handle requests, would it have the same level of scalability as a simple web server built using the Mochiweb framework?
UPDATE: I'm not planning to implement a full blown web-server supporting every feature possible. My requirements are very specific - to handle POST data from a HTML form with fixed controls.
Probably. :-)
If you were to write a web server that handles each request in a separate process (light weight thread in Erlang) you could reach the same kind of "scalability" easily. Of course the feature set would be different, unless you implement everything Mochiweb has.
Erlang also has great built in support for distribution among many machines, this might be possible to use to gain even more scalability.
MochiWeb isn't scalable itself, as far as I understand it. It's a fast, tiny server library that can handle thousands of requests per second. The way in which it does that has nothing to do with "scalability" (aside from adjusting the number of mochiweb_acceptors that are listening at any given time).
What you get with MochiWeb is a solid web server library, and Erlang's scalability features. If you want to run a single MochiWeb server, when a request comes in, you can still offload the work of processing that request to any machine you want, thanks to Erlang's distributed node infrastructure and cheap message passing. If you want to run multiple MochiWeb servers, you can put them behind a load balancer and use mnesia's distributed features to sync session data between machines.
The point is, MochiWeb is small and fast (enough). Erlang is the scalability power tool.
If you roll your own server solution, you could probably meet or beat MochiWeb's efficiency and "scalability" out of the box. But then you'd have to rethink everything they've already thought of, and you'd have to battle test it yourself.

Is Async Messaging (In particular pub/sub style messaging) viable as a domain service architecture or only in an SOA-focused environment?

I have been researching asynchronous messaging, and I like the way it elegantly deals with some problems within certain domains and how it makes domain concepts more explicit. But is it a viable pattern for general domain-driven development (at least in the service/application/controller layer), or is the design overhead such that it should be restricted to SOA-based scenarios, like remote services and distributed processing?
Great question :). The main problem with asynchronous messaging is that when folks use procedural or object oriented languages, working in an asynchronous or event based manner is often quite tricky and complex and hard for the programmer to read & understand. Business logic is often way simpler if its built in a kinda synchronous manner - invoking methods and getting results immediately etc :).
My rule of thumb is generally to try use simpler synchronous programming models at the micro level for business logic; then use asynchrony and SEDA at the macro level.
For example submitting a purchase order might just write a message to a message queue; but the processing of the purchase order might require 10 different steps all being asynchronous and parallel in a high performance distributed system with many concurrent processes & threads processing individual steps in parallel. So the macro level wiring is based on a SEDA kind of approach - but at the micro level the code for the individual 10 steps could be written mostly in a synchronous programming style.
Like so many architecture and design questions, the answer is "it depends".
In my experience, the strength of asynchronous messaging has been in the loose coupling it brings to a design. The coupling can be in:
Time - Requests can be handled asynchronously, helping overall scalability.
Space - As you point out, allowing for distributed processing in a more robust way than many synchronous designs.
Technology - Messages and queues are one way to bridge technology differences.
Remember that messages and queues are an abstraction that can have a variety of implementations. You don't necessarily need to use a JMS-compliant, transactional, high-performance messaging framework. Implemented correctly, a table in a relational database can act as a queue with the rows as messages. I've seen both approaches used to great effect.
I agree with #BradS too BTW
BTW here's a way of hiding the middleware from your business logic while still getting the benefits of loose coupling & SEDA - while being able to easily switch between a variety of different middleware technology - from in memory SEDA to JMS to AMQP to JavaSpaces to database, files or FTP etc
