Spring MVC 3 - Need help in resolving the url-pattern issue - spring-mvc

I am developing an app with spring mvc and here is my web.xml
For serving static content, I added the following line in my admin-servlet.xml
<context:component-scan base-package="com.prasanna.blog.Server" />
<mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/"/>
I have 5 controllers each mapped to particular url for example adminRequests.java is mapped to /admin/*
public class AdminRequests
Then I have methods inside the class mapped to particular urls.
The problem is, I am getting 404 error when the url-pattern in web.xml is mapped as / .But when I change the url pattern in web.xml to /app or any other , my index.html is served without any issues.
I am not sure where the problem is. Please advice

When you map Url pattern / to Spring's Dispatcher Servlet, all the request to your application is forwarded to Dispatcher Servlet. Although in this case you defined the static resources using <mvc:resources> tag, but your index.html is not resolved properly because it is not rendered as /resources/index.html but /index.html.
I would suggest you to add one more <servlet-mapping> in your web.xml before spring's <servlet-mapping>. For example:
Hope that will work for you.

No that did not resolve the issue. But I saw another thread discussing the same issue and one of the answer there worked. I removed <mvc:resources> line from spring xml and added the below lines in the web.xml
Now my static content is served without any issues but I don't like this method. It feels like a very dirty hack. Now if I have to serve images, I have to add mapping for each image type. I am not sure whether the spring version is a problem because I use mongodb in the backend with spring data. It took a hell of a time to set up my pom.xml because there were some issues with the spring data version and mongodb driver.


HTTP request with RESTful URL and .htm URL

URL with *.htm works fine. But I encounter a problem is when I try to access RESTful URL without *.htm, then the server gives me 404 error. Well I can solve the problem by replacing *.htm with /. If I do that then I break my webpages. So the question is how do I go about supporting RESTful and regular HTTP request through the same Spring Controller? What needs to be configured in Web.xml? I tried something like /rest/* but that does not seems to be working either.
Tested with configuration 'Type - I'
Works when URL is set to end with .htm http://localhost:8080/controllerName/my/123/url/value.htm
Web.xml mapping
Controller Mapping
#RequestMapping(value = "/my/{number}/url/{somevalue}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces="application/xml")
Test with configuration 'Type - II'
No other combination seems to work when URL does not contain .htm
This may be late, but it may be an issue with the DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping in Spring. It will, by default I believe, automatically handle extentions, but that can be turned off. Also, your Servlet definition in your web.xml should be set to accept URLs ending in '*'.

Spring MVC eliminate *.html pattern

I use Spring MVC 3.1 with following front controller configuration:
Because I have pattern like "*.html" I have to do next thing. I need an html extension in all my url's to controller (e.g. 'a href=/admin.html' intercepts controller with request mapping '/admin'). Can I configure some url-pattern in order to avoid html extensions in my url? Thank you.
By mapping DispatcherServlet to /, you can use it as a default servlet and it’ll be responsible for handling all requests including html, htm etc.
Or you can use the Spring MVC 3.x default servlet handler to do the job. Just add that following to the Spring XML config.

Spring web application without redirection

I am trying to create a spring web application. The application should directly go to a controller and should not have any welcome file. What i am trying is
At the top of this controller I have the annotations
#RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
and my welcome file list has root context
So my application should run as :
However , the problem is when I try to run the application in jdeveloper , I need to set a default target , which I obviously cannot here.
Hoow to proceed.
Thanks n Regards,
I'd remove the <welcome-file-list> entry and ensure your servlet-mapping in web.xml looks something like (note <url-pattern>):

spring MVC servlet mapping

I am trying a sample spring MVC application. My web.xml has
so my question is how I can call my test controller if I just type in the url
Where do i need to make change to call exactly this type of URL so that my test controller called. I don't know what I am asking is correct or not but my requirement is that I don't want to end my UrL with "/" or "test.htm".
Please help and thanks in advance
You usually map your dispatcher servlet to /, and then you have controllers with #RequestMapping("/foo/bar"). But if you define a servlet with a more specific url, it will get picked up.

How to use wildcards in Spring MVC servlet mapping URLs?

I've got a controller set up in my web.xml:
And a matching bean defined in controller-servlet.xml:
<bean name="/console/index" class="com.package.OverviewController"/>
Which works correctly - when I get "/appName/console/index" it behaves as I expect. But when I change web.xml to this:
It no longer functions, giving me the following exception:
WARN (org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound) - No mapping for [/appName/console/index] in DispatcherServlet with name 'controller'
So my question is how do I use wildcards in the servlet mappings, so that different URLs all go through the single DispatcherServlet but may go to one of several controller beans?
FYI: I'm stuck on Spring 2.0, as it's an established application used in government.
When you use wildcards in <url-pattern>, controller names by default correspond to wildcard part of the pattern.
So, you can either rename your controller to /index, or set the alwaysUseFullPath property of your HandlerMapping to true.
