'make'-like dependency-tracking library? - r

There are many nice things to like about Makefiles, and many pains in the butt.
In the course of doing various project (I'm a research scientist, "data scientist", or whatever) I often find myself starting out with a few data objects on disk, generating various artifacts from those, generating artifacts from those artifacts, and so on.
It would be nice if I could just say "this object depends on these other objects", and "this object is created in the following manner from these objects", and then ask a Make-like framework to handle the details of actually building them, figuring out which objects need to be updated, farming out work to multiple processors (like Make's -j option), and so on. Makefiles can do all this - but the huge problem is that all the actions have to be written as shell commands. This is not convenient if I'm working in R or Perl or another similar environment. Furthermore, a strong assumption in Make is that all targets are files - there are some exceptions and workarounds, but if my targets are e.g. rows in a database, that would be pretty painful.
To be clear, I'm not after a software-build system. I'm interested in something that (more generally?) deals with dependency webs of artifacts.
Anyone know of a framework for these kinds of dependency webs? Seems like it could be a nice tool for doing data science, & visually showing how results were generated, etc.
One extremely interesting example I saw recently was IncPy, but it looks like it hasn't been touched in quite a while, and it's very closely coupled with Python. It's probably also much more ambitious than I'm hoping for, which is why it has to be so closely coupled with Python.
Sorry for the vague question, let me know if some clarification would be helpful.

A new system called "Drake" was announced today that targets this exact situation: http://blog.factual.com/introducing-drake-a-kind-of-make-for-data . Looks very promising, though I haven't actually tried it yet.

This question is several years old, but I thought adding a link to remake here would be relevant.
From the GitHub repository:
The idea here is to re-imagine a set of ideas from make but built for R. Rather than having a series of calls to different instances of R (as happens if you run make on R scripts), the idea is to define pieces of a pipeline within an R session. Rather than being language agnostic (like make must be), remake is unapologetically R focussed.
It is not on CRAN yet, and I haven't tried it, but it looks very interesting.

I would give Bazel a try for this. It is primarily a software build system, but with its genrule type of artifacts it can perform pretty arbitrary file generation, too.
Bazel is very extendable, using its Python-like Starlark language which should be far easier to use for complicated tasks than make. You can start by writing simple genrule steps by hand, then refactor common patterns into macros, and if things become more complicated even write your own rules. So you should be able to express your individual transformations at a high level that models how you think about them, then turn that representation into lower level constructs using something that feels like a proper programming language.
Where make depends on timestamps, Bazel checks fingerprints. So if at any one step produces the same output even though one of its inputs changed, then subsequent steps won't need to get re-computed again. If some of your data processing steps project or filter data, there might be a high probability of this kind of thing happening.
I see your question is tagged for R, even though it doesn't mention it much. Under the hood, R computations would in Bazel still boil down to R CMD invocations on the shell. But you could have complicated muliti-line commands assembled in complicated ways, to read your inputs, process them and store the outputs. If the cost of initialization of the R binary is a concern, Rserve might help although using it would make the setup depend on a locally accessible Rserve instance I believe. Even with that I see nothing that would avoid the cost of storing the data to file, and loading it back from file. If you want something that avoids that cost by keeping things in memory between steps, then you'd be looking into a very R-specific tool, not a generic tool like you requested.
In terms of “visually showing how results were generated”, bazel query --output graph can be used to generate a graphviz dot file of the dependency graph.
Disclaimer: I'm currently working at Google, which internally uses a variant of Bazel called Blaze. Actually Bazel is the open-source released version of Blaze. I'm very familiar with using Blaze, but not with setting up Bazel from scratch.

Red-R has a concept of data flow programming. I have not tried it yet.


Does Lean expose itself as a C/C++ or python library?

I am interested in doing a project relying on automated proofs, in great dimension as a learning exercise. So far my online search suggests Lean is the way to go, in theory.
However, all I read about it talks about using it as a proof assistant in VS code or Emacs. But that's not what I need, I need a system I can communicate with fully programmatically. I.E string of assumptions goes in -> string specifying deductibility comes out or something like that.
To be more precise, I need to be able to call parsing functions on strings that do the heavy work of determining whether a set of results is deducible from the input assumptions.
I cant find documentation about Lean being able to do this.

Writing robust R code: namespaces, masking and using the `::` operator

Short version
For those that don't want to read through my "case", this is the essence:
What is the recommended way of minimizing the chances of new packages breaking existing code, i.e. of making the code you write as robust as possible?
What is the recommended way of making the best use of the namespace mechanism when
a) just using contributed packages (say in just some R Analysis Project)?
b) with respect to developing own packages?
How best to avoid conflicts with respect to formal classes (mostly Reference Classes in my case) as there isn't even a namespace mechanism comparable to :: for classes (AFAIU)?
The way the R universe works
This is something that's been nagging in the back of my mind for about two years now, yet I don't feel as if I have come to a satisfying solution. Plus I feel it's getting worse.
We see an ever increasing number of packages on CRAN, github, R-Forge and the like, which is simply terrific.
In such a decentralized environment, it is natural that the code base that makes up R (let's say that's base R and contributed R, for simplicity) will deviate from an ideal state with respect to robustness: people follow different conventions, there's S3, S4, S4 Reference Classes, etc. Things can't be as "aligned" as they would be if there were a "central clearing instance" that enforced conventions. That's okay.
The problem
Given the above, it can be very hard to use R to write robust code. Not everything you need will be in base R. For certain projects you will end up loading quite a few contributed packages.
IMHO, the biggest issue in that respect is the way the namespace concept is put to use in R: R allows for simply writing the name of a certain function/method without explicitly requiring it's namespace (i.e. foo vs. namespace::foo).
So for the sake of simplicity, that's what everyone is doing. But that way, name clashes, broken code and the need to rewrite/refactor your code are just a matter of time (or of the number of different packages loaded).
At best, you will know about which existing functions are masked/overloaded by a newly added package. At worst, you will have no clue until your code breaks.
A couple of examples:
try loading RMySQL and RSQLite at the same time, they don't go along very well
also RMongo will overwrite certain functions of RMySQL
forecast masks a lot of stuff with respect to ARIMA-related functions
R.utils even masks the base::parse routine
(I can't recall which functions in particular were causing the problems, but am willing to look it up again if there's interest)
Surprisingly, this doesn't seem to bother a lot of programmers out there. I tried to raise interest a couple of times at r-devel, to no significant avail.
Downsides of using the :: operator
Using the :: operator might significantly hurt efficiency in certain contexts as Dominick Samperi pointed out.
When developing your own package, you can't even use the :: operator throughout your own code as your code is no real package yet and thus there's also no namespace yet. So I would have to initially stick to the foo way, build, test and then go back to changing everything to namespace::foo. Not really.
Possible solutions to avoid these problems
Reassign each function from each package to a variable that follows certain naming conventions, e.g. namespace..foo in order to avoid the inefficiencies associated with namespace::foo (I outlined it once here). Pros: it works. Cons: it's clumsy and you double the memory used.
Simulate a namespace when developing your package. AFAIU, this is not really possible, at least I was told so back then.
Make it mandatory to use namespace::foo. IMHO, that would be the best thing to do. Sure, we would lose some extend of simplicity, but then again the R universe just isn't simple anymore (at least it's not as simple as in the early 00's).
And what about (formal) classes?
Apart from the aspects described above, :: way works quite well for functions/methods. But what about class definitions?
Take package timeDate with it's class timeDate. Say another package comes along which also has a class timeDate. I don't see how I could explicitly state that I would like a new instance of class timeDate from either of the two packages.
Something like this will not work:
new("timeDate", ns="timeDate")
That can be a huge problem as more and more people switch to an OOP-style for their R packages, leading to lots of class definitions. If there is a way to explicitly address the namespace of a class definition, I would very much appreciate a pointer!
Even though this was a bit lengthy, I hope I was able to point out the core problem/question and that I can raise more awareness here.
I think devtools and mvbutils do have some approaches that might be worth spreading, but I'm sure there's more to say.
GREAT question.
Writing robust, stable, and production-ready R code IS hard. You said: "Surprisingly, this doesn't seem to bother a lot of programmers out there". That's because most R programmers are not writing production code. They are performing one-off academic/research tasks. I would seriously question the skillset of any coder that claims that R is easy to put into production. Aside from my post on search/find mechanism which you have already linked to, I also wrote a post about the dangers of warning. The suggestions will help reduce complexity in your production code.
Tips for writing robust/production R code
Avoid packages that use Depends and favor packages that use Imports. A package with dependencies stuffed into Imports only is completely safe to use. If you absolutely must use a package that employs Depends, then email the author immediately after you call install.packages().
Here's what I tell authors: "Hi Author, I'm a fan of the XYZ package. I'd like to make a request. Could you move ABC and DEF from Depends to Imports in the next update? I cannot add your package to my own package's Imports until this happens. With R 2.14 enforcing NAMESPACE for every package, the general message from R Core is that packages should try to be "good citizens". If I have to load a Depends package, it adds a significant burden: I have to check for conflicts every time I take a dependency on a new package. With Imports, the package is free of side-effects. I understand that you might break other people's packages by doing this. I think its the right thing to do to demonstrate a commitment to Imports and in the long-run it will help people produce more robust R code."
Use importFrom. Don't add an entire package to Imports, add only those specific functions that you require. I accomplish this with Roxygen2 function documentation and roxygenize() which automatically generates the NAMESPACE file. In this way, you can import two packages that have conflicts where the conflicts aren't in the functions you actually need to use. Is this tedious? Only until it becomes a habit. The benefit: you can quickly identify all of your 3rd-party dependencies. That helps with...
Don't upgrade packages blindly. Read the changelog line-by-line and consider how the updates will affect the stability of your own package. Most of the time, the updates don't touch the functions you actually use.
Avoid S4 classes. I'm doing some hand-waving here. I find S4 to be complex and it takes enough brain power to deal with the search/find mechanism on the functional side of R. Do you really need these OO feature? Managing state = managing complexity - leave that for Python or Java =)
Write unit tests. Use the testthat package.
Whenever you R CMD build/test your package, parse the output and look for NOTE, INFO, WARNING. Also, physically scan with your own eyes. There's a part of the build step that notes conflicts but doesn't attach a WARN, etc. to it.
Add assertions and invariants right after a call to a 3rd-party package. In other words, don't fully trust what someone else gives you. Probe the result a little bit and stop() if the result is unexpected. You don't have to go crazy - pick one or two assertions that imply valid/high-confidence results.
I think there's more but this has become muscle memory now =) I'll augment if more comes to me.
My take on it :
Summary : Flexibility comes with a price. I'm willing to pay that price.
1) I simply don't use packages that cause that kind of problems. If I really, really need a function from that package in my own packages, I use the importFrom() in my NAMESPACE file. In any case, if I have trouble with a package, I contact the package author. The problem is at their side, not R's.
2) I never use :: inside my own code. By exporting only the functions needed by the user of my package, I can keep my own functions inside the NAMESPACE without running into conflicts. Functions that are not exported won't hide functions with the same name either, so that's a double win.
A good guide on how exactly environments, namespaces and the likes work you find here:
This definitely is a must-read for everybody writing packages and the likes. After you read this, you'll realize that using :: in your package code is not necessary.

Abstraction or not?

The other day i stumbled onto a rather old usenet post by Linus Torwalds. It is the infamous "You are full of bull****" post when he defends his choice of using plain C for Git over something more modern.
In particular this post made me think about the enormous amount of abstraction layers that accumulate one over the other where I work. Mine is a Windows .Net environment. I must say that I like C# and the .Net environment, it really makes most things easy.
Now, I come from a very different background made of Unix technologies like C and a plethora or scripting languages; to me, also, OOP is just one, and not always the best, programming paradigm.. I often struggle (in a working kind of way, of course!) with my colleagues (one in particular), because they appear to be of the "any problem can be solved with an additional level of abstraction" church, while I'm more of the "keeping it simple" school. I think that there is a very different mental approach to the problems that maybe comes from the exposure to different cultures.
As a very simple example, for the first project I did here I needed some configuration for an application. I made a 10 rows class to load and parse a txt file to be located in the program's root dir containing colon separated key / value pairs, one per row. It worked.
In the end, to standardize the approach to the configuration problem, we now have a library to be located on every machine running each configured program that calls a service that, at startup, loads up an xml that contains the references to other xmls, one per application, that contain the configurations themselves.
Now, it is extensible and made up of fancy reusable abstractions, providers and all, but I still think that, if we one day really happen to reuse part of it, with the time taken to make it up, we can make the needed code from start or copy / past the old code and modify it.
What are your thoughts about it? Can you point out some interesting reference dealing with the problem?
Abstraction makes it easier to construct software and understand how it is put together, but it complicates fully understanding certain issues around performance and security, because the abstraction layers introduce certain kinds of complexity.
Torvalds' position is not absurd, but he is an extremist.
Simple answer: programming languages provide data structures and ways to combine them. Use these directly at first, do not abstract. If you find you have representation invariants to maintain that are at a high risk of being broken due to a large number of usage sites possibly outside your control, then consider abstraction.
To implement this, first provide functions and convert the call sites to use them without hiding the representation. Hide the data representation only when you're satisfied your functional representation is sufficient. Make sure at this time to document the invariant being protected.
An "extreme programming" version of this: do not abstract until you have test cases that break your program. If you think the invariant can be breached, write the case that breaks it first.
Here's a similar question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1992279/abstraction-in-todays-languages-excited-or-sad.
I agree with #Steve Emmerson - 'Coders at Work' would give you some excellent perspective on this issue.

make your Jar not to be decompiled

How can I package my Java application into an executable jar that cannot be decompiled (for example , by Jadclipse)?
You can't. If the JRE can run it, an application can de-compile it.
The best you can hope for is to make it very hard to read (replace all symbols with combinations of 'l' and '1' and 'O' and '0', put in lots of useless code and so on). You'd be surprised how unreadable you can make code, even with a relatively dumb translation tool.
This is called obfuscation and, while not perfect, it's sometimes adequate.
Remember, you can't stop the determined hacker any more than the determined burglar. What you're trying to do is make things very hard for the casual attacker. When presented with the symbols O001l1ll10O, O001llll10O, OO01l1ll10O, O0Ol11ll10O and O001l1ll1OO, and code that doesn't seem to do anything useful, most people will just give up.
First you can't avoid people reverse engineering your code. The JVM bytecode has to be plain to be executed and there are several programs to reverse engineer it (same applies to .NET CLR). You can only make it more and more difficult to raise the barrier (i.e. cost) to see and understand your code.
Usual way is to obfuscate the source with some tool. Classes, methods and fields are renamed throughout the codebase, even with invalid identifiers if you choose to, making the code next to impossible to comprehend. I had good results with JODE in the past. After obfuscating use a decompiler to see what your code looks like...
Next to obfuscation you can encrypt your class files (all but a small starter class) with some method and use a custom class loader to decrypt them. Unfortunately the class loader class can't be encrypted itself, so people might figure out the decryption algorithm by reading the decompiled code of your class loader. But the window to attack your code got smaller. Again this does not prevent people from seeing your code, just makes it harder for the casual attacker.
You could also try to convert the Java application to some windows EXE which would hide the clue that it's Java at all (to some degree) or really compile into machine code, depending on your need of JVM features. (I did not try this.)
GCJ is a free tool that can compile to either bytecode or native code. Keeping in mind, that does sort of defeat the purpose of Java.
A little late I know, but the answer is no.
Even if you write in C and compile to native code, there are dissasemblers / debuggers which will allow people to step through your code. Granted - debugging optimized code without symbolic information is a pain - but it can be done, I've had to do it on occasion.
There are steps that you can take to make this harder - e.g. on windows you can call the IsDebuggerPresent API in a loop to see if somebody is debugging your process, and if yes and it is a release build - terminate the process. Of course a sufficiently determined attacker could intercept your call to IsDebuggerPresent and always return false.
There are a whole variety of techniques that have cropped up - people who want to protect something and people who are out to crack it wide open, it is a veritable arms race! Once you go down this path - you will have to constantly keep updating/upgrading your defenses, there is no stopping.
This not my practical solution but , here i think good collection or resource and tutorials for making it happen to highest level of satisfaction.
A suggestion from this website (oracle community)
(clean way), Obfuscate your code, there are many open source and free
obfuscator tools, here is a simple list of them : [Open source
obfuscators list] .
These tools make your code unreadable( though still you can decompile
it) by changing names. this is the most common way to protect your
2.(Not so clean way) If you have a specific target platform (like windows) or you can have different versions for different platforms,
you can write a sophisticated part of your algorithms in a low level
language like C (which is very hard to decompile and understand) and
use it as a native library in you java application. it is not clean,
because many of us use java for it's cross-platform abilities, and
this method fades that ability.
and this one below a step by step follow :
Keep your solutions added we need this more.

The Clean programming language in the real world?

Are there any real world applications written in the Clean programming language? Either open source or proprietary.
This is not a direct answer, but when I checked last time (and I find the language very interesting) I didn't find anything ready for real-world.
The idealist in myself always wants to try out new languagages, very hot on my list (apart from the aforementioned very cool Clean Language) is currently (random order) IO, Fan and Scala...
But in the meantime I then get my pragmatism out and check the Tiobe Index. I know you can discuss it, but still: It tells me what I will be able to use in a year from now and what I possibly won't be able to use...
No pun intended!
I am using Clean together with the iTasks library to build websites quite easy around workflows.
But I guess another problem with Clean is the lack of documentation and examples: "the Clean book" is from quite a few years back, and a lot of new features don't get documented except for the papers they publish.
http://clean.cs.ru.nl/Projects page doesn't look promising :) It looks like just another research project with no real-world use to date.
As one of my professors at college has been involved in the creation of Clean, it was no shock he'd created a real world application. The rostering-program of our university was created entirely in Clean.
The Clean IDE and the Clean compiler are written in Clean. (http://wiki.clean.cs.ru.nl/Download_Clean)
Cloogle, a search engine for Clean libraries, syntax, etc. (like Hoogle for Haskell) is written in Clean. Its source is on Radboud University's GitLab instance (web frontend; engine).
