delete related data from a single table -

hi I have table with id usertypeId, managerId, SupervisorId n representative id..
when perticuler user login..
suppose manager then it will display the data related to manager..
when we want to delete the data then login user will not be deleted but when suppose superviosr is deleted then its related data like
reperesentative shoulb be delete..
here is my code:
if (Session["UserTypeId"].ToString() == "2")
DataTable dt1 = new BALUserProfile().SelectForGridManager(
new BOLUserProfile() { Id = int.Parse(Session["UserId"].ToString()),
ManagerId = int.Parse(Session["UserId"].ToString()) });
for (int i = 0; i < dt1.Rows.Count; i++)
if (dt1.Rows[i]["Id"].ToString() == Session["UserId"].ToString() &&
lblGUserTypeId1.ToString() == "2")
lblMessageGrid.Visible = true;
lblMessageGrid.Text = "Data Can Not Be Delete";
//ObjBOL.Id = int.Parse(dt1.Rows[i]["Id"].ToString());
//ObjBOL1.Id = int.Parse(dt1.Rows[i]["Id"].ToString());
} //this was missing
ya i know that but thanks...


need Test Case for the below code in salesforce Create Asset on Order Update

trigger createAssetonActivated on Order (after update) {
OrderItem [] OLI = [Select Quantity,UnitPrice,Description,Order.Status,Product2.Create_Assets__c,OrderId,Product2Id,Product2.Name,Order.AccountId FROM OrderItem
where Order.Status = 'Activated'and Product2.Create_Assets__c = 'YES' and OrderId IN:];
List assetList = new List();
for(OrderItem ol:OLI){
for (Integer i = 0; ol.quantity > i; i++){
asset a = new asset();
insert assetList;

How to populate data related to an item from the location which is same for all items in Xamarin.forms

I am developing an xamarin.forms app ,I have various fields like Item Name ,Item Number and location ,here Location of all the items are same ,by entering names or number of the items the values are generated automatically because name and number are unique but since the location number is common is for all the items I am not able to populate correct data related to a particular field ,I am using sqlite database in my project can anyone please suggest me on what basis can I generate related values ?
Here is the code
public async void OnSearch_Location(object o, EventArgs args)
if (location.Text == string.Empty || location.Text == null)
await Navigation.PushAsync(new ListValuePage("Location", filePath,
pos, list));
for (int p = 0; p < list.Count; p++)
if (list.ElementAt(p).Aisle + "." + list.ElementAt(p).Bin +
"." + list.ElementAt(p).Level == location.Text)
line.Text =
location.Text = list.ElementAt(p).Aisle + "." +
list.ElementAt(p).Bin + "." + list.ElementAt(p).Level;
item.Text = list.ElementAt(p).Item_Number;
name.Text = list.ElementAt(p).Name;
if (list.ElementAt(p).Order_Qty == 0)
order_uom.Text = "";
order_qty.Text =
order_uom.Text = list.ElementAt(p).Order_UOM;
if (list.ElementAt(p).Consumption_UOM == string.Empty ||
list.ElementAt(p).Consumption_UOM == null)
consume_lbl.IsVisible = false;
consume_qty.IsVisible = false;
consume_uom.IsVisible = false;
consume_lbl.IsVisible = true;
consume_qty.IsVisible = true;
consume_uom.IsVisible = true;
if (list.ElementAt(p).Consumption_Qty == 0)
consume_qty.Text = "";
consume_qty.Text =
consume_uom.Text = list.ElementAt(p).Consumption_UOM;

How to create Query using IN?

I need to collect data and add it to temporary table in AX 2012 R3 using X++.
This is the Query on SQL
select store, receiptid, itemid, str(qty,16,0) as Qty, str(price,16,0) as Price, str(DISCAMOUNT,16,0) DiscAmount, str(taxamount,16,0) SalesTaxAmount ,convert(date, transdate) transdate, DATAAREAID from RETAILTRANSACTIONSALESTRANS
where DATAAREAID in ('5740','5760') and transdate >='2016-03-21' and transdate <='2016-03-27' and store in ('JTJDRN1','JNUSADP','JOFFICE')
and INVENTSTATUSSALES='2' and itemid in ('10010038') and receiptid in (select receiptid from RETAILTRANSACTIONPAYMENTTRANS where transdate >='2016-03-21' and transdate <='2016-03-27')
order by transdate
User can input transDate, itemid and storeid
this is what form looks like
this is my code so far
private void RetailPromoReport()
str receiptId, curDatetxt,fileLocation, filePath, itemtxt, startPtxt, endPtxt,
storetxt, item_txt, item2, receiptId2, rcptid_txt, store_txt, store2;
FileName fileName;
str 50 item, itemid, store;
container items, receiptid_con, stores;
int i,x, ware, itm, tot, y,z, rcptLen, storeLen;
Date emptyDate, startP, endP;
RetailTransactionPaymentTrans rtpt;
RetailTransactionSalesTrans rtst;
ReportRetailTemp rrpi_tmp, rrpi_tmp2;
QueryBuildRange qbr1, qbr2, qbr3, qbr4, qbr5;
QueryRun queryRun;
Query query, query2;
QueryBuildDataSource qbdsRetailTransactionPaymentTrans, qbdsRetailTransactionSalesTrans;
RecordInsertList recordILCRppi_tmp = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(ReportRetailTemp),false,false,false,false,false,rrpi_tmp);
startP = DateFrom.dateValue();
endP = DateTo.dateValue();
tot = 0;
delete_from rrpi_tmp;
while select receiptId from rtpt group by rtpt.receiptId where rtpt.transDate >= startP && rtpt.transDate <= endP
receiptid_con += rtpt.receiptId;
query = new Query();
qbdsRetailTransactionSalesTrans = query.addDataSource(tableNum(RetailTransactionSalesTrans));
qbr1 = qbdsRetailTransactionSalesTrans.addRange(fieldNum(RetailTransactionSalesTrans,TransDate));
qbr1.value(strfmt('(%3.transDate>=%1) && (%3.transDate<=%2)',Date2StrXpp(startP),Date2StrXpp(endP),;
qbr2 = qbdsRetailTransactionSalesTrans.addRange(fieldNum(RetailTransactionSalesTrans,inventStatusSales));
items = msCtrlCust.getSelectedFieldValues();
itemtxt = multilookupItem.valueStr();
stores = msCtrlStore.getSelectedFieldValues();
storetxt = multilookupStore.valueStr();
if(itemtxt != "")
item_txt = conPeek(items,1);
item2 = strFmt('(%2.itemId == "%1") ',queryValue(conPeek(items,1)),;
itm = conlen(items);
if(itm > 1)
for (i = 2; i <= itm;i++)
item = conPeek(items,i);
item2 = strFmt('%1 || (%3.itemId == "%2") ',item2, queryValue(item),;
qbr3 = qbdsRetailTransactionSalesTrans.addRange(fieldNum(RetailTransactionSalesTrans, itemId));
rcptLen = conlen(receiptid_con);
receiptId2 = strFmt('(%2.receiptId == "%1") ',queryValue(conPeek(receiptid_con,1)),;
if(rcptLen > 1)
for (y = 2; y <= rcptLen; y++)
rcptid_txt = conPeek(receiptid_con,y);
receiptId2 = strFmt('%1 || (%3.receiptId == "%2") ',receiptId2, queryValue(rcptid_txt),;
qbr4 = qbdsRetailTransactionSalesTrans.addRange(fieldNum(RetailTransactionSalesTrans, receiptId));
if(storetxt != '')
store_txt = conPeek(stores,1);
store2 = strFmt('( == "%1") ',queryValue(conPeek(stores,1)),;
storeLen = conlen(stores);
if(storeLen > 1)
for (z = 2; z <= storeLen;z++)
store = conPeek(stores,z);
store2 = strFmt('%1 || ( == "%2") ',store2, queryValue(store),;
qbr5 = qbdsRetailTransactionSalesTrans.addRange(fieldNum(RetailTransactionSalesTrans, store));
qbdsRetailTransactionSalesTrans.addSortField(fieldNum(RetailTransactionSalesTrans, transDate),SortOrder::Ascending);
qbdsRetailTransactionSalesTrans.addSortField(fieldNum(RetailTransactionSalesTrans, itemId),SortOrder::Ascending);
queryRun = new QueryRun(query);
while (
rtst = queryRun.getNo(1); =;
rrpi_tmp.receiptId = rtst.receiptId;
rrpi_tmp.itemId = rtst.itemId;
rrpi_tmp.qty = rtst.qty;
rrpi_tmp.price = rtst.price;
rrpi_tmp.discAmount = rtst.discAmount;
rrpi_tmp.SalestaxAmount = rtst.taxAmount;
rrpi_tmp.transDate = rtst.transDate;
if(tot > 0)
Box::info(strFmt("%1 row data",tot));
Box::info(strFmt("No Data",tot));
My code doesn't show any error in short period but because receiptId is stored in str,
receiptId2 = strFmt('%1 || (%3.receiptId == "%2") ',receiptId2, queryValue(rcptid_txt),;
there is limitation and show error for long periode
Can someone make my code more efficient and
is there any way to create Query in x++ that have same function like "IN" on SQL
You have two options:
You can use more than one query range for the same field; it will automatically count as an or
for (i = conLen(items); i > 0; i--)
qbdsRetailTransactionSalesTrans.addRange(fieldNum(RetailTransactionSalesTrans, itemId)).value(queryValue(conPeek(items,i)));
You may need special handling, if the container is empty!
Often it is better to use an (exists) join instead
ds = qbdsRetailTransactionSalesTrans.addDatasource(tableNum(RetailTransactionPaymentTrans));
ds.relations(true); // Or do ds.addLink(...) etc.
I am not sure I follow the correct logic here :)
If you need to do crosscompany selections, do so using the interface for that:

shift select records in gridview

hey guys,
i have a gridview which displays 10records per page, now i want to implement shift+click option in my gridview, when user clicks on the first row and press shift key and click on the 5th row, all the rows between 1 and 5(1 and 5 inclusive) should be selected...
can anyone suggest how should i do this in javascript.
I take it back, I found a shift+click multiple select solution for a gridview. All credit goes to mdv over at the asp forums.
var _sPreviousRow = null;
function wsCheckRange(p_oGridView, p_oControl, e) {
var l_sCheckID =;
var l_aCheckIDParts = l_sCheckID.split(;
var l_sCurrentRow = l_aCheckIDParts[1].split('_')[1].substring(3);
var l_oEvent = (window.event) ? event : e;
if (l_oEvent.shiftKey) {
if (_sPreviousRow != null && _sPreviousRow != l_sCurrentRow) {
var l_iFirst = 0, l_iLast = 0;
if (parseInt(_sPreviousRow,10) > parseInt(l_sCurrentRow,10)) {
l_iFirst = parseInt(l_sCurrentRow,10);
l_iLast = parseInt(_sPreviousRow,10);
else {
l_iFirst = parseInt(_sPreviousRow,10);
l_iLast = parseInt(l_sCurrentRow,10);
for (var i = l_iFirst; i < l_iLast; i++) {
var l_sLastRow = (i <= 9 ? '0' + i : i);
var l_sCtrlNew = l_sCheckID.replace('ctl' + l_sCurrentRow, 'ctl' + l_sLastRow);
var l_oCtrlNew = $get(l_sCtrlNew);
if (l_oCtrlNew) {
l_oCtrlNew.checked = p_oControl.checked;
_sPreviousRow = null;
else {
_sPreviousRow = l_sCurrentRow;

Adding data into tables includes foreign keys but which new row created Entity Framework?

Addding data into kartlar table (RehberID,KampanyaID,BrimID) is ok. But which Kart'ID created? I need to learn which Id created after adding data (RehberID,KampanyaID,BrimID) into Kartlar?
public static List<Kartlar> SaveKartlar(int RehberID, int KampanyaID, int BrimID, string Notlar)
using (GenSatisModuleEntities genSatisCtx = new GenSatisModuleEntities())
Kartlar kartlar = new Kartlar();
kartlar.RehberReference.EntityKey = new System.Data.EntityKey("GenSatisModuleEntities.Rehber", "ID", RehberID);
kartlar.KampanyaReference.EntityKey = new System.Data.EntityKey("GenSatisModuleEntities.Kampanya", "ID", KampanyaID);
kartlar.BirimReference.EntityKey = new System.Data.EntityKey("GenSatisModuleEntities.Birim", "ID", BrimID);
kartlar.Notlar = Notlar;
List<Kartlar> kartAddedPatient;
kartAddedPatient = (from k in genSatisCtx.Kartlar
where k.RehberReference.EntityKey == RehberID &&
k.KampanyaReference.EntityKey == KampanyaID &&
k.BirimReference.EntityKey == BrimID
select k)
return kartAddedPatient ;
How can I do that? I want to get data from Kartlar which data I added?
Upon you call ObjectContext.SaveChanges the generated ID will be in "kartlar" object:
using (GenSatisModuleEntities genSatisCtx = new GenSatisModuleEntities())
Kartlar kartlar = new Kartlar();
//Do your stuff with kartlar...
//kartlar.ID - the generated identifier should be loaded into ID property
List<Kartlar> kartAddedPatient;
kartAddedPatient = (from k in genSatisCtx.Kartlar
where k.Rehber.ID == RehberID &&
k.Kampanya.ID == KampanyaID &&
k.Birim.ID == BrimID
select k).ToList()
return kartAddedPatient ;
