changed wordpress address to a site i dont own by accedent, recovering it - wordpress

I was going through the 'settings' tab of my wordpress site and by accident i changed my WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) to a site i dont own (i accidentally put .com instead of
Now when i go to it takes me to the other site (the .com) i dont own, as you can see this is a big problem, is there a easy way i can get back into wp and change this back over ?
is there somthing i one of the wp-config.php files i could download edit and upload again, or a part of a db table i need to update ?

When I developing a site it I do it on a test server and then push to the live server. To do this I change the two fields in the mySQL database. In phpmyadmin you can change the wordpress options.
wp_options table
edit the siteurl option.
and any other instances that you want to make sure are correct.
The following query should find them.
SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_value LIKE ''
Then edit those files, be sure to make a backup of your database before you do that. It should work but at times changing the database like that might affect things in your menu or else where on your site. It should fix your oops and allow you in to make things right.

Add these lines to the top of wp-config.php:
In functions.php, use these two lines:
Load up, verify that you can get in, and then remove those lines from the files.

go to your phpmyadmin and select the table called wp_otions
change site url to your previous site
it worked for me .

Run this query in your MySQL database, with the URL changed to your actual site URL:
update wp_options
set option_value = ''
where option_name in ('siteurl', 'home');
NB: assumes that your WordPress tables are prefixed with 'wp_', adjust as necessary if not.


Moved website location: Loading failed for the <script>

Building a Wordpress site locally, I've moved the website's location from localhost/company to the root (so localhost). I've gone into the settings in phpMyAdmin and changed the siteurl and home to 'http://localhost'.
Initially the site loads almost correctly (missing some images, elements etc). I presume these missing things are down to me not going changing the links using MySQL or the Velvet Blues Plugin.
However, when I refresh the entire website structure fails. Only a few elements actually load. If I inspect, I see the same error over and over.
Loading failed for the with source "http://localhost/company/wp-content/themes/grandtour/js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js".
This error continues referencing just about any JS file within /wp-content/ or /wp-includes/.
I'm unsure why it's still looking into /company/ despite me changing the phpMyAdmin settings.
Edit: A large amount of the JS files are being linked to like below:
<script type="text/javascript"
src="<?php bloginfo("template_url"); ?>/js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script>
So it would appear that 'template_url' is still seen as localhost/company. Should this have changed when I changed 'siteurl' and 'home'?
Edit 2: The problem is now also occurring when I upload the site to a live domain, so it's not a localhost issue.
There are 2 thing you need to do when changing your website domain name or URL.
The first thing you would want to double check is that your SQL entries reflect the correct new URL. The SQL statement below will adjust the URL's inside wp_options, wp_posts and wp_postmeta.
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, '', '') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';
UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = REPLACE (guid, '', '');
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE (post_content, '', '');
UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = REPLACE (meta_value, '','');
The next thing you want to adjust is your .htaccess file. The quickest way to do this is to go to Settings -> Permalinks and click save.
This will regenerate your .htaccess file, assuming that your new server has got the mod_rewrite rules enabled (most do). As mentioned in your comments, deleting the .htaccess is also a potential fix (but keep a backup just in case).
it is always better to keep your site with-in the directory instead moving to localhost which is primary location of your websites.
Primary location means where you can setup multiple websites in a directory.
If you are curious about URL structure you should look for Virtual Host.
Here is the setup guide on
So, Keep your site in htdocs folder if you are using XAMPP. and setup VHOST for pretty URL's.
after setup the V-HOST URL would be like http://yoursite.html
Everything will work perfectly without any error.
In the end, to solve the issue, I used this search and replace tool for WP databases.
I'd updated the links using MySQL and also attempted using the Velvet Blues plugin, which is what I usually use without issue. However, this tool was able to find an additional 8 entries, which when updates, solved the issue.

WordPress Changed Hostname & Can't Access Admin

I'm trying to recover a WordPress site where the hostname changed (unintentionally or maliciously). Because of that I can't even access the admin panel. Is there anywhere in the DB or code that the hostname can be updated? Here is what I'm seeing:
Many thanks. Kate.
I'm not sure it will work but you can try to get into the database and then find the wp_options table and there you can change the value of siteurl and home or in wp_site the domain and path.
Edit wp-config.php and add:
Some of the links are fine, as those are likely stored in the database as content.
Let's do some checks first to see if something changed that you can quickly edit yourself:
Step 1
Open the wp-config.php file. Do you see the constants 'WP_SITEURL' and 'WP_HOME' being defined? It would look like this:
If they are in there, make sure the URL is set to your website's domain address, as #Eravald indicated above.
If they are not in there, go ahead and add them per #Eravald's instructions:
Step 2
Let's check the settings in the database. Open up phpMyAdmin and then the options table, which would be wp_options if you used the wp_ as the database prefix.
The first two records are the siteurl and home. Make sure those are set to
If no, do this:
Backup your database
Double click on the option_value column for the entry you want to
change. Then change it to the right domain URL. Be Careful! You
are changing your database.
Did it fix the problem? If no, go to the next step.
Step 3
Contact your hosting provider. Let them do some checks. It looks like a staging server IP address being applied to it.

Error Moving WordPress

I'm in the process of trying to move a WordPress site from "" to "" and I've run into some considerable trouble.
I made a backup of the database and put a copy of all of the WP files onto the new host. I then tried to change the URL, but got a bunch of errors on the new page. I tried to revert back to the old site in the hopes getting everything in order again, but now everything redirects to the "new" site. My wp-config and database settings are all the same as they once were since I never deleted them off the old site. I've since deleted the files from the new site. The page is still redirecting and I can't access the dashboard login.
I'm completely at a loss right now, so I could really use some expert opinion. Thanks for any help that leads to a solution.
Old Site Link
If you have access to phpmyadmin or any interface for your database you can go into the wp_options table and update rows 1 and 36. As jogesh_pi mentioned, the base url of your site is stored there, so you will need to update the database with your new path.
You can run this query in phpmyadmin and it will do it for you. Obviously replace the newsite url with your own.
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = '' WHERE option_name = 'siteurl' OR option_name = 'home'
You need to run a database query that updates all instances of your old URL with your new URL. The process is explained in detail in the Wordpress Codex.
I like to use this very useful PHP script for running the database update automatically as it takes into account serialized strings which in certain cases can break widgets or plugins if they are not addressed.
I always run into this issue, I use this plugin now to transfer wordpress sites:
But heres a quick fix:
Login to phpmyadmin, go to your database
Go to wp_options
Change these two options to your new url where my url's are the old ones:
If your wp-content folder is of the old site contents, it should pick up. But if your images dont show, use a URL changer plugin like this one:
it's just a simple query that helps you to transfer your wordpress site from old to new.
update wp_options set
`option_value` = replace(`option_value`, '', '');
beside this make sure about the file permissions and the database is same that you have used in the old site.

i need to put back/ (change) WordPress Address (URL) - should be simple

I made a mistake and changed the SETTINGS / WordPress Address (URL) in WordPress and now i cant get into the back-end anymore.
The problem is that, i have a site on a "dev" folder so the address was "", and this is where WordPress was(is). I mistakenly removed the "dev" and now its the normal "".
I need to put everything back but since i removed the "/dev", WordPress always redirects me to the main site and i dont have access to the back end anymore.
How can i restore it so i can access my WordPress dev site on the dev folder?
Thanks in advanced.
The simplest way to do this (especially if you aren't comfortable in phpMyAdmin) is to FTP in and edit your wp-config.php file in the base WP directory (e.g. and add these lines:
Next time you visit the site it will automatically change the settings. Note that this will cause the associated fields in the admin panel to be grayed out, so when you want to change the URL in the future you will need to either update or delete these lines from the wp-config file.
There are several different methods for resetting the site URL in WordPress. Some involve editing wp_options and others wp-config.php, with varying degrees of difficulty. See Changing The Site URL « WordPress Codex for recovery instructions.
You can change this settings via phpMyAdmin
in table wp_options change the option value for siteurl and home.
To restore the correct address, I got the best results by going into MYSQL directly and updating the entry.
I found that hard coding the site address by adding lines to wp_config.php gave incomplete results. The admin pages still looked buggy. And I couldn't change the address from the Wordpress admin site anymore. I'm sure phpMyAdmin works fine, but I didn't want to install anything extra.
Log in $ mysql -u [your-mysql-user] -p
Make a note of what your tables are named. I believe the "wp" prefix is standard for all table names, but this may vary by installation.
> show databases;
> use [your-wordpress-database];
> show tables;
> desc wp_options;
Look up current value.
> SELECT option_id, option_name, option_value
> FROM wp_options
> WHERE option_name="siteurl";
Output should look something like: 1 | siteurl | [current path with incorrect value]
Replace with correct value
> UPDATE wp_options
> SET option_value="[new path]"
> WHERE option_name="siteurl";

wordpress on localhost linked to live site

A few months ago I put together a site using Wordpress for a friend, I developed it on localhost and exported it to his live site
I have recently been asked to do the same for someone else and I set about it the same way, my problem is at some point I accessed (I don't know how or when) and in doing so I have set his site to, I assume by changing the home url in the options panel in the admin area.
Now when I try to access the admin area for the first site, I get redirected to the second. I have been going through the wordpress code, but only have limited coding knowledge and cant find how to fix the mess up.
Where do I find the option to edit the home url, without using the admin area?
See Changing The Site URL « WordPress Codex for different methods to recover. You don't necessarily have to be able to get into WordPress administration backend.
The easiest quick fix is add these define URL directives in wp-config.php:
with the URL of the new domain, and those will override the URL settings in the database and the old domain. You're hardcoding the URLs and you won't be able to edit them on the General settings page anymore after using this method, but that will get you back into the site.
If you need to change domains when moving a site and database to a new domain, you need to use queries in phpmyadmin to change all URLs in the database, i.e. those site URLs, as well as in theme options, in post content, etc.
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, '', '') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';
UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, '','');
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '', '');
UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value, '', '');
Important Update 2/20/2017:
When moving a site and a database to a new URL or domain, it's now best to use this - WordPress Serialized PHP Search Replace Tool - rather than queries directly in PHPMyAdmin that I posted above. The Interconnectit tool will correctly handle serialized data in the database, such as used by Wordpress themes and plugins; using those queries in PHPMyAdmin will break such data, such as used for theme options, widget settings, etc, and you will have to reset all those options afterward, which can be a mess.
Whoops. Make the change to the database directly through phpmyadmin. Login into the panel for the server and look in the database table wp_options (assuming you never changed the default prefix, if you did it'll be yourprefix_options).
It's the siteurl option, if you browse the table it's right at the top. If you don't have panel access anymore for whatever reason, and only have FTP then you can upload adminer.php and use that to change the siteurl option from your browser.
I would prefer to go with the wordpress rules :)
Because you never know what wordpress does behind the scene, I wouldn't hack wordpress database.
Simply you update your vhosts and put the live domain to point to your local ip address. After that wordpress still redirects you to the live url but this time you see the local project.
Login to the admin panel. Go to settings and change the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) with your local url. Save the changes. Edit the vhosts file and remove the live domain.
Now you can access the local project putting the local url.
Note: when you want to import the local database into the live server, don't forget to do the same visa versa.
