I have 3 models, all of which are significant and I want to create a linear graph with my data. This is what I have so far:
> attach(morpho)
> wtpro<-lm(weight~pronotum)
> plot(weight,pronotum)
> abline(wtpro)
I have tried entering the abline as:
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I want to add my equation, I have all of my coefficients but can't get past the line...I have even started over thinking maybe I messed up along the way and it still will not work. Is there a separate package that I am missing?
abline(coef(lm(weight~pronotum)) # works if dataframe is attached.
I try to avoid attach(). It creates all sorts of anomalies that increase as you do more regression work. Better would be:
wtpro<-lm(weight~pronotum, data= morpho)
with( morpho , plot(weight,pronotum) )
abline( coef(wtpro) )
Plot is in the format plot(x, y, ...) and it looks like you've ordered your dependent variable first. Easy mistake to make.
For example:
Set up some data
y <- rnorm(10)
x <- rnorm(10) + 5
A plot with the dependent variable placed on the x axis will not display the regression line as it's outside of the visible plane.
abline(lm(y~x), col='red', main='Check the axis labels')
Flip the variables in the plot command. Now it will be visible.
abline(lm(y~x), col='red', main='Check the axis labels')
I found some similar questions but the answers didn't solve my problem.
I try to plot a time series of to variables as a scatterplot and using the date to color the points. In this example, I created a simple dataset (see below) and I want to plot all data with timesteps in the 1960ties, 70ties, 80ties and 90ties with one colour respectively.
Using the standard plot command (plot(x,y,...)) it works the way it should, as I try using the ggplot library some strange happens, I guess I miss something. Has anyone an idea how to solve this and generate a correct plot?
Here is my code using the standard plot command with a colorbar
# generate data frame with test data
x <- seq(1,40)
y <- seq(1,40)
year <- c(rep(seq(1960,1969),2),seq(1970,1989,2),seq(1990,1999))
df <- data.frame(x,y,year)
# define interval and assing color to interval
myinterval <- seq(1959,1999,10)
mycolors <- rainbow(4)
colbreaks <- findInterval(df$year, vec = myinterval, left.open = T)
# basic plot
layout(array(1:2,c(1,2)),widths =c(5,1)) # divide the device area in two panels
par(oma=c(0,0,0,0), mar=c(3,3,3,3))
plot(x,y,pch=20,col = mycolors[colbreaks])
# add colorbar
ncols <- length(myinterval)-1
colbarlabs <- seq(1960,2000,10)
image(t(array(1:ncols, c(ncols,1))), col=mycolors, axes=F)
axis(4, at=seq(0.5/(ncols-1)-1/(ncols-1),1+1/(ncols-1),1/(ncols-1)), labels=colbarlabs, cex.axis=1, las=1)
As I would like to use ggplot package, as I do for other plots, I tried this version with ggplot
# plot with ggplot
ggplot(df, aes(x=x,y=y,color=year)) + geom_point() +
scale_colour_gradientn(colours= mycolors[colbreaks])
but it didn't work the way I thought it would. Obviously, there is something wrong with the color coding. Also, the colorbar looks strange. I also tried it with scale_color_manual and scale_color_gradient2 but I got more errors (Error in continuous_scale).
Any idea how to solve this and generate a plot according to the standard plot 3 including a colorbar.
Hopefully a simple question today:
I'm plotting an RDA (in R Studio) and would like to remove the second X and Y (top and right) axes . Purely for aesthetic purposes, but still. The code I'm using is below. I've managed to remove the first axes (I'll replace them with something nicer later) with xaxt="n" and yaxt="n", but it still puts the others in.
The question: How do I remove the top and right axes from a plot in R?
To make this example reproducible you will need two data frames of equal length called "bio" and "abio" respectively.
library (vegan) ##not sure which package I'm actually employing
library(MASS) ##these are just my defaults
rdaY1<-rda(bio,Abio) #any dummy data will do so long as they're of equal length
plot(rdaY1,type="n",bty="n",main="Y1. P<0.001 R2=XXX",
ylab="XXX% variance explained",
xlab="XXX% variance explained",
col.main="black",col.lab="black", col.axis="white",
xaxt="n",yaxt="n",axes=FALSE, bty="n")
UPDATE: Using comments below I've played around with various ways to get rid of the axes and it seems like that second "points" command where I call for the vectors to be plotted is the problem. Any ideas?
bty="L" worked for me. I generated some random data using rnorm() to test:
mat <- matrix(rnorm(100), nrow = 10)
pl <- rda(mat)
plot(pl, bty="L")
Here's the result.
This is probably a simple question, but I´m not able to find the solution for this.
I have the following plot (I´m using plot CI since I´m not able to fill the points with plot()).
Col.rar1<-c(rgb(1,0,0,0.7), rgb(0,0,1,0.7), rgb(0,1,1,0.7),rgb(0.6,0,0.8,0.7),rgb(1,0.8,0,0.7),rgb(0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7),rgb(0.2,0.3,0.2,0.7),rgb(1,0.3,0,0.7))
pch=c(21), pt.bg=Col.rar1,xlab="",ylab="", ui=test$Mean,li= test$Mean)
legend(4200,400,legend=leg,pch=c(21),pt.bg=Col.rar1, bty="n", cex=1)
I want to creat the same effect but with lines, instead of points (continue line)
Any suggestion?
You have 2 solutions :
Use The lines() function draws lines between (x, y) locations.
Use plot with type = "l" like line
hard to show it without a reproducible example , but you can do for example:
Col.rar1<-c(rgb(1,0,0,0.7), rgb(0,0,1,0.7), rgb(0,1,1,0.7),rgb(0.6,0,0.8,0.7),rgb(1,0.8,0,0.7),rgb(0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7),rgb(0.2,0.3,0.2,0.7),rgb(1,0.3,0,0.7))
x <- seq(0, 5000, length.out=10)
y <- matrix(sort(rnorm(10*length(Col.rar1))), ncol=length(Col.rar1))
plot(x, y[,1], ylim=range(y), ann=FALSE, axes=T,type="l", col=Col.rar1[1])
lines(x, y[,i], col=Col.rar1[i])
points(x, y[,i]) # this is optional
When it comes to generating plots where you want lines connected according to some grouping variable, you want to get away from base-R plots and check out lattice and ggplot2. Base-R plots don't have a simple concept of 'groups' in an xy plot.
A simple lattice example:
library( lattice )
dat <- data.frame( x=rep(1:5, times=4), y=rnorm(20), gp=rep(1:4,each=5) )
xyplot( y ~ x, dat, group=gp, type='b' )
You should be able to use something like this if you have a variable in test similar to the color vector you define.
I have a simple data set with two columns of data- K and SwStr.
K = c(.259, .215, .224, .223, .262, .233)
SwStr = c(.130, .117, .117, .114, .113, .111)
I plotted the data using:
plot(res$K, res$SwStr)
I want to plot the result of a linear model, using SwStr to predict K. I try to do that using:
graphic<-lm(K~SwStr-1, data=res)
plot(res$K, res$SwStr)
lines(P, lty="dashed", col="green", lwd=3)
But when I do this, I don't get any line plotted. What am I doing wrong?
(1) You are inverting the axes of the original plot. If you want SwStr on the x axis and K on the y axis you need
plot(res$SwStr, res$K)
If you check the actual values of the plotted points on the graph, this might be obvious (especially if K and SwStr have different magnitudes) ...
For lm fits you can also use abline(graphic,...)
edit: (2) You also have to realize that predict gives just the predicted y values, not the x values. So you want something like this:
K=c(.259, .215, .224, .223, .262, .233)
SwStr=c(.130, .117, .117, .114, .113, .111)
g <- lm(K~SwStr-1)
par(las=1,bty="l") ## my favourites
P <- predict(g)
Depending on the situation, you may also want to use the newdata argument to predict to specify a set of evenly spaced x values ...
I have this problem. I got a heatmap, (but i suppose this applies to every plot) but I need to mirror my y-axis.
I got here some example code:
x <- seq(1,50,length=50)
y <- seq(1,50,length=50)
z <- rnorm(1000)
df <- data.frame(x=x,y=y,z=z)
This will generate the following heatmap
But I need the y-axis mirrored. Starting with 0 on the top and 50 on the bottom. Does anybody has a clue as to what I must do to change this?
See the help page for ?plot.default, which specifies
xlim: the x limits (x1, x2) of the plot. Note that ‘x1 > x2’ is
allowed and leads to a ‘reversed axis’.
x <- seq(1,50,length=50)
y <- seq(1,50,length=50)
z <- rnorm(1000)
df <- data.frame(x=x,y=y,z=z)
image(df,col=heat.colors(256), ylim = rev(range(y)))
Does this work for you (it's a bit of a hack, though)?
df2$y<-50-df2$y #reverse oredr
image(df2,col=heat.colors(256),yaxt="n") #avoid y axis
axis(2, at=c(0,10,20,30,40,50), labels=c(50,40,30,20,10,0)) #draw y axis manually
The revaxis function in the plotrix package "reverses the sense of either or both the ‘x’ and ‘y’ axes". It doesn't solve your problem (Nick's solution is the correct one) but can be useful when you need to plot a scatterplot with reversed axes.
I would use rev like so:
df <- data.frame(x=x,y=rev(y),z=z)
In case you were not aware, notice that df is actually a function. You might want to be careful when overwriting. If you rm(df), things will go back to normal.
Don't forget to relabel the y axis as Nick suggests.
For the vertical axis increasing in the downward direction, I provided two ways (two different answers) for the following question:
R - image of a pixel matrix?