Symfony - Get Entity Repository with multiple ID's - symfony

I have an entity that has multiple keys, how would I go about finding the proper object based on multiple ids?
$product = $em->getRepository('AcmeStoreBundle:Product')->find($id);

It's a little confusing what you're asking here. It sounds as though you have an entity with a compound key (primary key relates to multiple columns) and want to find it based on it's primary key values, yes?
If so, the find method will require an array containing values for each of the fields that make up the key:
$product = $em->getRepository('AcmeStoreBundle:Product')->find(array(
'key1' => 'value1',
'key2' => 'value2'
Alternatively, you could use findOneBy method. This would be useful for when the combination of the provided fields are not unique as you're able to provide a second argument to define the ordering.
$product = $em->getRepository('AcmeStoreBundle:Product')->findOneBy(array(
'key1' => 'value1',
'key2' => 'value2'
), array('updated_at' => 'DESC'));

$product = $em->getRepository('AcmeStoreBundle:Product')->findBy(
array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2'=>'value2')


does votingapi_set_votes handles voting and unvoting

does votingapi_set_votes handles voting and unvoting. I will try to use the same logic as this Drupal Creating Votes in Voting API Through Code to create a vote. What i am asking is how to handle voting and unvoting.
Generally you add votes using votingapi_set_votes and delete votes using votingapi_delete_votes.
For both these functions you need a base criteria, something like this.
$criteria = array(
'entity_type' => 'node',
'entity_id' => $node->nid,
'uid' => $user->uid,
'value_type' => 'points',
'tag' => 'vote',
For setting vote you need its value, which usually differs from criteria only by value field.
$votes = $copy_of_criteria;
$votes['value'] = 666;
Then votingapi_set_votes($votes, $criteria) will delete all votes matching $criteria, and then add new votes (specified by $votes). This function also takes care of recalculating votes cache (i.e. aggregated values).
For deleting votes ("unvote") you firstly need to select required votes and then pass them into the votingapi_delete_votes function:
$votes = votingapi_select_votes($criteria);
This function does not recalculates voting cache, so you need to call votingapi_recalculate_results('node', $node->nid).

Symfony2 Criteria filtering OneToMany

I have an Entity called 'User', which has a OnetoMany relation in a field called 'books'.
I also have an Entity called 'Book' which has many attributes, like, 'title' or 'date'.
There ir another entity called 'Date', which attributes are: 'day', 'month' and 'year'.
I want to filter the books that the user has which are from year 2009.
I am tring to do it like this, using Criteria, but I recieve an error because field date.year does not exist:
$books = $user->getBooks();
$criteria = Criteria::create()
->where(Criteria::expr()->eq("date.year", "2009"));
$books_2009 = $books->matching($criteria);
Any idea of how can I solve it?
$criteria = Criteria::create()
->where(Criteria::expr()->eq("year", "2009"));
This should work. Please let me know.

Adding an array of an array at Amazon DynamoDB

I know that AmazonDB supports number, string, number set and string set as item types. But, how about a set of an string set (array of array, or multidimensional array)?
In case it's possible, this is the only way I found to do that, which didn't work (using PHP):
$units_frequencies["id"][0] = "400";
$units_frequencies["id"][1] = "401";
$units_frequencies["id"][2] = "402";
$units_frequencies["frequency"][0] = "20";
$units_frequencies["frequency"][1] = "30";
$units_frequencies["frequency"][2] = "50";
// item that will be inserted
$item = array(
'id' => array(AmazonDynamoDB::TYPE_STRING => $id),
'arrays_field' => array(
AmazonDynamoDB::TYPE_ARRAY_OF_STRINGS => array(
AmazonDynamoDB::TYPE_ARRAY_OF_STRINGS => $units_frequencies)));
I don't want to have two columns (one for $units_frequencies["id"] and $units_frequencies["frequency"]) because the second one can have two index with the same values, which is not allowed by Dynamo.
Thanks in advance.
It doesn't.
At least while looking at AttributeValue.class (AWS Java SDK)
I also couldn't find any hint on the documentation site except for those dealing with int, string, set of string or set of int
You can eventually serialize your object. More info at

How WordPress can list users with specific capabilities

Is there a way to list only the users that has a specific capability, such us "publish_posts" ?
To select users with certain capabilities you can use WP_User_Query with meta_query parameter, because WP stores capabilities as a serialized string in user_meta table.
Also remember that due to availability to have multisite installation capabilities name in user meta looks like wp_table_prefix_capabilities.
global $wpdb;
// meta-key name
//array as argument for our query
'role' => ['Customer'], // use this if you need to query by role at the same time
'relation' => 'OR', // optional if you'll need to select more than
// one capability just add this and create same array
// as down below describing what are you looking for
'key' => $capabilities_field_name,
'value' => 'your_role_name',
'compare' => 'LIKE',
// here could be same array [key,value,compare]... as above with another capability
// but you'll need to add extra argument showing relationship between them see above 'relation parameter'
'number'=> -1 // to select all users
$usersQuery=new WP_User_Query($qargs); // instantiate UserQuery with $qargs
$users=$usersQuery->get_results(); // get all results as array of WPUser objects
Hope it helps somebody:)
Note [vars] could be substituted to array(vars), I like [] short syntax but it's supported only since php 5.4.
You can just retrieve all users. Then loop through them in a foreach. Check if the user has a specific capability then push the users to another array and use that array to list them.
$all_users = get_users();
$specific_users = array();
foreach($all_users as $user){
$specific_users[] = $user;
It seemed a nice quick and dirty solution at the time, but now I would recommend writing a query. I do not have the time to investigate this for you, so if the one downvoting this would be so kind to answer this question instead of downvoting an answer which was an actual help to the inquirer, that would be nice.
You can list users with WP_User_Query, but afaik you can only return different roles, not permissions, maybe that's already what you want! There's also a site where you can see the different roles in the wordpress documentation.
You will first need to get all the roles that contain that capability. Then you can search users based on the roles that contain that capability.
$roles = array();
foreach ( wp_roles()->roles as $role_name => $role_obj ) {
if ( ! empty( $role_obj['capabilities']['my_capability_name'] ) ) {
$roles[] = $role_name;
$users = get_users( array( 'role__in' => $roles ) );
This does not account for if another role has "Deny" on that capability and your users can contain multiple roles. If so then you will also need to add a "user_can()" condition when looping through your Users.

Add Table Join, Where, and Order By to Views Query in views_query_alter()

I am trying to modify the query for Views in Drupal (Views version 3, Drupal version 7).
What I want to do is change the query prior to running such that it LEFT JOINs a table in which I have weights assigned to the nodes.
If I was to write the query I want in SQL, it would look like this:
SELECT a.nid, a.title, a.description
FROM node a
LEFT OUTER JOIN node_weights b
ON a.nid = b.nid
WHERE b.uid = $uid
ORDER BY b.weight DESC
This query works like a champ when I run it in the query analyzer. So, now I need to make it work in my module.
I've seen multiple approaches detailed on various blogs for different ways to modify View queries, but they seem to be addressing different versions of Views. So it is very confusing to try to determine whether anything I'm looking at could even possibly work for my application.
It seems that I need to use a MODULE_NAME_views_tables() function to tell Views what the relationship is between the table I want to join and the node table.
I've added the following functions to
function MODULE_NAME_views_tables() {
$tables['node_weights'] = array(
"name" => "node_weights",
"join" => array(
"left" => array(
"table" => "node",
"field" => "nid"
"right" => array(
"field" => "nid"
return $table;
This does seem to be working because when I use Krumo to look at the query array, I see my "node_weights" table in the "table_queue" element.
In the views_query_alter() function, I'd like it to work something like this:
function MODULE_NAME_views_query_alter(&$view, &$query) {
$uid = $_COOKIE['uid'];
$view->query->add_relationship('node_weights', new views_join('node_weights', 'nid', 'node', 'nid','LEFT'));
$view->query->add_where('node_weights', "node_weights.uid", $uid);
This function barfs pretty badly. Although my join table is appearing in the $view object, the add_relationship method is throwing an error for a 3rd argument, but I don't see any examples online that have 3 arguments so I don't know what it's missing.
Also, I'm pretty sure my add_where method isn't correct, but I don't know what the inputs should actually be. This is just a blind guess.
The bottom line is that I want to join the node table to my node_weights table, and then make sure my weights are used in the query to sort the results in a descending fashion where the user id = the user id in my table, and the tables are joined on the nid field.
Thanks in advance.
WHEREs are pretty easy to add once you've got the JOIN in. You can both in a query alter (Drupal 7).
function MODULE_NAME_views_query_alter(&$view, &$query){
// Only alter the view you mean to.
if($view->name == 'VIEW NAME' && $view->current_display == 'DISPLAY'){
// Create the join.
$join = new views_join();
$join->table = 'table_name';
$join->field = 'entity_id';
$join->left_table = 'node';
$join->left_field = 'nid';
$join->type = 'left';
// Add the join the the view query.
$view->query->add_relationship('table_name', $join, 'node');
// Add the where.
$view->query->where[1]['conditions'][] = array(
'field' => 'table_name.collumn_name',
'value' => 'value',
'operator' => '='
I found the OP's comments helpful in creating a join in the hook_views_query_alter function, so I wanted to put the parts I found useful in a more digestible answer.
I was using Views 2x on Drupal 6x, but I assume it would be very similar to use on D7 Views 2.
The OP mentions describing the relationship of the join in hook_views_table. This wasn't necessary for me, as I was not linking to a custom table, but one that existed in core.
The join creation in the HOOK_views_query_alter() function was very helpful though:
$join = new views_join;
'node', // left table
'nid', // left field
'nid', // field
See views_join::construct documentation for more information. In particular, I didn't need to use the 'extra' parameter that the OP used. Perhaps this is necessary with a custom table.
Finally, add the join to the query, and whatever other elements are needed from it:
// Add join to query; 'node' is the left table name
// Add fields from table (or where clause, or whatever)
You already have the $query in parameters, so you can just do:
myhook_views_query_alter(&$view, &$query) {
if ($view->name = ....) {
$join = new views_join();
No need to use $view->query->...
