Mozilla vs Chrome Div width issue. Counting vs not counting borders? - css

Hey guys I am having a small issue with an assignment. I have to create this page and it looks great in Chrome but every div cell renders one pixel smaller in Firefox, I believe it has something to do with border width. Is there a work around or something I am doing wrong?
I am using a CSS reset, and I have declared my doc type.
Should I have just built this page using tables instead? Sorry no link to published code, also when I place the code in the code block it still displays the HTML.
Thanks in advance.

Try using CSS outline that will also work. An outline is a line that is drawn around elements (outside the borders) to make the element "stand out".
However, the outline property is different from the border property.
The outline is not a part of an element's dimensions; the element's total width and height is not affected by the width of the outline.
.example {outline: 1px solid pink;}

Try using the box-sizing property in CSS to fix this problem. box-sizing:border-box; will render the border and padding inside the actual width and height of the element. For a better description check this


Force Highcharts to display tooltip outside of div/container

Hello, is there a way to display the tooltip outside the tags? Like to make it "float" outside the container so that it doesn't get cutoff like below.
Thanks in advance.
Here's an example jsFiddle you can use to reproduce the issue. (Try hovering over the boxplot) Code
In your fiddle i can figure out the Problem:
If you go up one cascade in your stylesheet you can see that your paths and stuff is within a tag.
The tag has the fix height of 65px and no overflow attributes - but one path before there is the overflow:hidden. This is why the highchart tooltips and everything is just cut off.
You can change your height dynamically to for example 40% what doesn't really fix the problem if you have longer contents in your tooltip. but you can give a "overflow:visible;" to your <svg> and overwrite the "overflow:hidden" in your ".highcharts-container" with visible - so all the contents like your tooltips that have more than 65 px height are displayed.
You can see the solution here:
be careful changing these things, but in your example i couldn't see any bad reactions to this change. In case you have to give your css the whole path to not change it globally.
So the concrete fixing for your css could be:
overflow:visible !important;

CSS: width behavior change when including bootstrap

I recently noticed that CSS property width does not have the same effect when using bootstrap. Could someone know why?
I use firefox developer console to inspect box model and see actual dimensions.
Simple html code:
<div style="width=400px;height=30px;background-color:red;"></div>
Here is a fiddle with a simple div with a fixed width/height. Its sized 404*34
Here the same one including bootstrap. You can see the box size to be 400*30
Thanks Adrift, your answert really helped me!
Because bootstrap applies box-sizing: border-box; to all elements, whereas >your example retains the initial box-sizing value of content box (which draws >padding & border outside of the specified width & height). – Adrift yesterday

CSS layered backgrounds

Attempting to have three backgrounds with various z indices is resulting in only one layer being shown.
This jsfiddle has the relevant code and examples (minus the huge foundation css file... the behaviour is unaltered without it).
the classes that are failing are
whereas #header_container is running properly.
I've updated your fiddle here.
#footer-container wasn't displaying its background image because of your CSS syntax. Since you combined both the background image URL and no-repeat, you would need to use the background shorthand rather than the background-image property.
A great way to check this sort of thing is to inspect your element with your browser (in Chrome: Right Click > Inspect Element) and find the element that isn't displaying properly. You'd notice that the background image property of your #footer-container div was being literally crossed out by Chrome because of a syntax error.
There was also a bit of a syntax problem in your .skyline class. First, both your body and the inner div have a class of .skyline. This is kind of confusing so you should remove it or be more specific in your CSS, e.g. with p.skyline, div.skyline, etc. As you've got it currently written, both your body and that .skyline div will get the background image. You also didn't include a closing </body> tag. I'm assuming you don't want the background image on both that div and the body, so I removed your body tag in the updated fiddle.
Also, in your .skyline css, you have both height: 546 and height: auto. First of all, height in CSS should have a specific value (e.g. px, em, %). For an <img src="img.jpg" height="546" />, however, simply putting "546" as its height would be fine. Second, you should only have one height value per class.
The skyline problem itself is that you didn't close your curly bracket on line 126, so no styling at all was applied to .skyline. Once it's closed, there's still a problem. It has no width. So let's set it to 100%. Still nada. This is because .skyline's parent div#container also is widthless. So let's toss a 100% width at it too. Then we're in business.
A good text editor that highlights syntax errors could help you out a bunch, especially when you're just starting out.

problem formatting height <DD> for IE6

I'm trying to format DL list:
(6 items starting with "Troy Merkle on Giant")
Looks good in Firefox, Chrome, IE7-8.
In IE6 DD height is always larger (107px, while it must be 78px). I tried adding smaller height in style, removing all margins / padding etc and nothing seems to help. Attached is a screen shot of what I see in Microsoft SuperPreview.
alt text
Any idea what might be the problem?
You are giving your anchor tag around the IMG a width and height, making it ipso-facto a block element. This is just a hunch, but try removing the anchor tag, put the mouse event handlers directly on the IMG, and setting the IMG to show a hand cursor with the style "cursor: hand"
Hope that helps.

Round Corner (css and javascript)

Please go to: to see the problem
The top box look fine but in IE6 there is a double top and bottom border.
can somebody point me ut what i have done wrong ?
Or can anybody tell me a javascript rounded box that accept to do that effect with the border that is unequal. I have test some and they all fail, so i have done the picture round box but i like the jQuery javascript approach better.
Take a look at the JQuery's round corner plugin
And here is a demo
The default for background images to to have them repeat.
Try: background: transparent url(../images/roundbox-top.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat;
Edited after comment to provide full solution:
IE6 sets the height of empty divs to your font-size if the height specified in the css is less than the font-size.
On #roundbox .top and #roundbox .bottom, put
That will collapse the div to the right height.
In addition to the change you've made for the bottom border, setting the font-size of the element with class "top" to 7px fixes it in my IE6.
Try using the web developer toolbar in Firefox to validate the CSS and HTML. I did a quick check and there are multiple errors in each. The rendering difference, I suspect, is because IE does not handle malformed content as well as FF. In particular, even small errors in CSS files tend to snowball in IE and melt down an otherwise good layout. Not sure if IE7 and IE8 have made any improvements in this regard.
