How to get the ID of a previously inserted row within a transaction using QSqlQuery - qt

I am trying to get the primary key of an inserted row within a transaction scope, because I do not want to leave the db in a logically inconsistent state.
My problem is I cannot find a way to retrieve the ID value of a previously executed query, which I want to use for the next insert query. Querying the PostgreSQL database while the transaction is in effect shows no results in the non-foreign-key table(the row is not yet committed?). I believe this is due to the transaction's isolation level.
Below is what I'm trying to do with production code, albeit slightly edited and narrowed down to one function for clarity. const int lastInsertId is always 0, which in this context should mean no value was found (technically that toInt() function failed). I tried manually inserting a valid non-foreign-key row, and then calling LASTVAL() which produced the expected result - the ID of the inserted row.
So, what am I doing wrong? What am I missing or misunderstanding here?
void createEntityWithoutForiegnKeyConstraint(const QString &nameOfEntity)
QSqlQuery insertQuery(db_);
insertQuery.prepare("INSERT INTO \"EntityWithoutForeignKey\" (\"name\") VALUES (:name);");
insertQuery.bindValue(":name", nameOfEntity);
execQuery(__LINE__, insertQuery);
QSqlQuery lastIdQuery("SELECT LASTVAL();", db_); // auto executes
const int lastInsertId = lastIdQuery.value(0).toInt();
if (lastInsertId <= 0) // 0 is not a valid ID
throw exception("Oh noes.");
createEntityWithForeignKeyConstraint(lastInsertId, someData);
if (!db_.commit())

I realise this is an old question but in Qt 5.10 (and likely earlier) there is a function QSqlQuery::lastInsertId() which can be called after QSqlQuery::exec().
It's quite useful if you are using a database such as SQLite which doesn't support the RETURNING clause on an INSERT statement.
QSqlQuery::lastInsertId() documentation.
Usage is something along the lines of the following:
QSqlQuery q;
q.prepare("INSERT INTO table_name VALUES(:some_column_name)");
q.bindValue(":some_column_name", "FooBar");
qDebug() << "Last ID was:" << q.lastInsertId();

#Kasheen is perfectly right but I want to set the focus on one important aspect you should keep in mind: Don't forget to encapsulate everything in one single transaction.
Why? It saves time and avoids database corruption if the second insert using the generated primary key (you got with q.lastInsertId()) fails.
So your insert should look like this (this is basically #Kasheen's answer with some additions):
db_.transaction(); // Starts a transaction
QSqlQuery q;
// first insert
q.prepare("INSERT INTO table_name VALUES(:some_column_name)");
q.bindValue(":some_column_name", "FooBar");
auto pk == q.lastInsertId().toInt;
// second insert
q.prepare("INSERT INTO other_table VALUES(:other_column_name, :fk)");
q.bindValue(":other_column_name", "OtherText");
q.bindValue(":fk", pk);
db_.commit(); // Commits transaction
#average joe does the transaction handling correctly but you might forget it if you look on the solution only.


Recover the ids of updated rows

I need to be able to recover the ids of the rows updated by an UPDATE query using the QSqlQuery class of Qt.
I don't know if it is even possible, but there is a similar mecanism which allows to recover the id of the last row inserted by a QSqlQuery:
If anyone can give me a way to do that or to ensure me that it is not possible, it would be great.
Using PostgreSQL (not available with SqlServer):
QSqlQuery query("UPDATE myTable SET value=1 WHERE value=0 RETURNING id");
while ( {
int id = query.value(0).toInt();
qDebug() << id;

How to delete a row that has the same ID as a variable in an SQLite database

I've got a function that I'd like use to delete a row in my database. This is the only way I've used the DELETE statement to remove a row before but I want the 1 to be replaced by a variable called recID so that the value of recID is the row ID number which is deleted. So if recID = 6, I want the function to delete the row with ID = 6. I hope that makes sense.
The notation I've been using is the following, if it helps or makes any difference.
db.transaction(function(transaction) {
transaction.executeSql( //DELETE STATEMENT HERE );
executeSql supports arguments (check definition).
Use it like:
db.transaction(function(transaction) {
transaction.executeSql("DELETE FROM MyRecords WHERE ID=?", [recId]);
If you're certain that your variable, recID, will only ever contain numbers, you can just use:
transaction.executeSql("DELETE FROM MyRecords WHERE ID=" + recID);
If recID comes from outside your application (user input) however, it either needs to be sanitized, or use a prepared statement and use the database API to set the parameter after the statement has been prepared. Otherwise you open yourself up to SQL injection attacks.
I don't know the details of your SQLite wrapper, or what version of SQLite it wraps, but creating a prepared statement using the SQLite3 C API would go something like this:
// sqlite3* db = ...
sqlite3_stmt* stmt;
sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "DELETE FROM MyRecords WHERE ID=?", -1, &stmt, 0);
sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, recID);
// ...
This simple example excludes all the error checking you'd want to do in a real application, but since you're using a wrapper that has different syntax anyway, you'd have to figure out how it wraps these functions anyway.

Default DB values during inserting new record to QSqlTableModel

How to insert new record to QSqlTableModel with respect to default values of DB?
I am trying to call pTableModel->insertRecord(0, pTableModel->record(0));
or pTableModel->insertRecord(0, pTableModel->record());
or pTableModel->insertRecord(QSqlDatabase::database().record("tableName"));
or pTableModel->insertRow(0);
Result the same, all fields are NULL instead of default values of DB.
The fact that you're inserting at row 0 may be an issue. When I've tried doing that, I don't get the record I expect when I later ask for the record at row 1 (which is where the inserted record should be after a call of insertRecord(0, ...)). Also, are you calling pTableModel->submit() or pTableModel->submitAll()? If not, your record never gets committed to the database.
This code works for me:
QSqlRecord rec( pTableModel->record() );
// Insert at end of table
pTableModel->insertRecord( -1, rec );
// Or, pTableModel->submit(), depending on the model's edit strategy
// Grab the last row. It should be the one just inserted.
QSqlRecord writtenRec( pTableModel->record( pTableModel->rowCount() - 1 ) );

qt sqlite insert into autoincrement table yields two rows

I have a sqlite db which I am manipulating using qts built in sqlite database driver.
I have a small test app that allows me to run an sql query from a line edit and it will be executed and the results are then updated in a view of the relevant model.
I have created a table which uses autoincremented primary key values, but if I execute an insert statement without providing the key, I get two rows inserted, each with an autoincremented value.
If I provide the key value, only one row is created. Any ideas why this is?
Table is simple enough, e.g
and when I run the query
insert into groupnames (name) values ("testName");
I get two new rows with autoincremented ids. However, if I run
insert into groupnames (id, name) values (100, "testName");
I get one row as expected, with the correct id 100.
Also of note is that if I try
insert into table groupnames (id, name) values (100, "testName");
insert into table groupnames (name) values ("testName");
the query does not run.
The qt code to run the query could not be simpler:
QSqlQuery *DbCore::run_query(const QString &query_string)
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(defConnectionName);
return NULL;
QSqlQuery *q = new QSqlQuery(query_string, db);
return q;
I have added some logging code to check that the query is executed once:
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(defConnectionName);
return NULL;
qDebug() << "Running query:" << query_string;
QSqlQuery *q = new QSqlQuery(query_string, db);
qDebug() << "Error running query:" << q->lastError();
return q;
The log confirms that I'm only executing once:
Running query: "insert into groupnames (name) values ("hello")"
If i then check the database using sqlite3 shell (to remove any doubt about qt views etc):
sqlite> select * from groupnames;
question was answered above in a comment:
As i see in the documentation, when you create a QSqlQuery the way you do, the query, if not empty, is executed. To create the QSqlQuery and execute the query, use this: QSqlQuery *q = new QSqlQuery(db); q->exec(query_string) To see the last executed query, use QSqlQuery::lastQuery() And for the last query that was successfully executed QSqlQuery::executedQuery() Hope this helps. – Hector Mar 16 at

Delete All Data with SQLite delete syntax?

I've made a button that removes all the objects in my array, which is shown in my tableView. Then it reloads data and the tableview is empty. But how can I delete all the data from my SQLite database as well, and not just the array? Now the data occurs when I restart. I have tried this:
Button void:
- (void) deleteAllButton_Clicked:(id)sender {
[appDelegate removeAllBooks:nil];
[self.tableView reloadData];
Appdelegate void:
-(void) removeAllBooks:(Book *)bookObj {
//Delete it from the database.
[bookObj deleteAllBooks];
//Remove it from the array.
[bookArray removeAllObjects];
Delete syntax in Book.m
- (void) deleteAllBooks {
if(deleteStmt == nil) {
if(sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, sql, -1, &deleteStmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK)
NSAssert1(0, #"Error while creating delete statement. '%s'", sqlite3_errmsg(database));
//When binding parameters, index starts from 1 and not zero.
sqlite3_bind_int(deleteStmt, 1, bookID);
if (SQLITE_DONE != sqlite3_step(deleteStmt))
NSAssert1(0, #"Error while deleting. '%s'", sqlite3_errmsg(database));
Well, the normal SQL syntax would be:
DELETE FROM tablename
If you have a standard primary id column (and you should) you can do
DELETE FROM tablename WHERE id > -1;
And this will delete all rows in the table since there is no id less than 0.
DELETE FROM tablename did not work for me. I was using a sqlite3 database on iPhone, which I assume the poster was, as well. For me to get this to work, I needed to:
DROP table tablename
followed by a CREATE statement, if I wanted the table to still exist (without any rows).
Of course, that requires knowing the right CREATE statement. Using the SQLManager plugin for Firefox quickly reverse-engineered for me the correct CREATE statement to use. I never figured out why DELETE FROM tablename didn't work, but it definitely didn't, in my case.
