how to write a formula in c#? - formula

how to write a formula like
v_r (t)=∑_(n=0)^(N-1)▒〖A_r (L_2-L_1 ) e^j(ω_c t-4π/λ (R+υt+L_(1+L_2 )/2 cos⁡〖(θ)sin⁡(ω_r t+2πn/N)))〗 ┤) sinc(4π/λ-L_(2-L_1 )/2 cos⁡(θ) sin⁡(ω_r t+2πn/N))〗
in c#?

You have to convert the formula to something the compiler recognizes.
To it's equivalent using the a combination of basic algebra and the Math class like so:
p = rho*R*T + (B_0*R*T-A_0-((C_0) / (T*T))+((E_0) / (Math.Pow(T, 4))))*rho*rho +
(b*R*T-a-((d) / (T)))*Math.Pow(rho, 3) +
alpha*(a+((d) / (t)))*Math.Pow(rho, 6) +
((c*Math.Pow(rho, 3)) / (T*T))*(1+gamma*rho*rho)*Math.Exp(-gamma*rho*rho);
Example taken from: Converting Math Equations in C#

Well, first you have to figure out what all those symbols mean. I see the sigma which usually indicates sum-of, with ∑_(n=0)^(N-1) probably translating to:
This generally means the sum of the following expression where n varies from 0 to N-1. So I gather you'd need a loop there.
The expression to be calculated within that loop consists of a lof of trigonometric-type functions involving π, θ, sin and cos, and the little known sinc which I assume is a typo :-)
The bottom line is that you need to understand the current expression before you can think about converting it to another form like a C# program. Short of knowing where it came from, or a little bit of context, we probably can't help you that much though there's always a possibility that we have a savant/genius here that will recognise that formula off the top of their head.


How to Distribute a math expression without evaluating it

I am attempting to create a linear combination of two numbers to create their GCD. The code I have so far can find the expanded solution. I have done all of the (hard) math for it (i.e. find the GCD using Euclid's Algorithm, then work backward essentially) and it will result in something like this for example (the two starting numbers are 1215 and 960):
In my actual solution there is a space between every component (e.g. '( ( 960 - (3 * '...)
but I am trying to simplify this into the equation:
I feel like the best approach is to create an Expression Tree, but I don't know how to without actually just evaluating the answer.
It sounds like you are looking for a symbolic computation system. Here's one approach using Maxima ( I'll enable stardisp to show * between terms of a product. I'll also input numbers like 960 as symbols in order to suppress arithmetic on them by writing them as \960 etc. Note that 1 and 3 are input as ordinary numbers so arithmetic is carried out on them.
(%i13) stardisp:true;
(%o13) true
(%i14) 2*3;
(%o14) 6
(%i15) \2*\3;
(%o15) 2*3
(%i16) ((\960-(3*(\1215-(1*\960))))-(3*((\1215-(1*\960))-(1*(\960-(3*(\1215-(1*\960))))))));
(%o16) 960 - 3*(1215 - 960) - 3*((- 2*960) + 3*(1215 - 960)
+ 1215)
(%i17) factor(%);
(%o17) 19*960 - 15*1215
Maybe you want to replace the numbers with symbols a, b, c, etc to get a more general solution.
There are many other symbol computation systems, a web search will find them. Good luck and have fun.

Alternate recursion function definition syntax in Mathematica

Suppose I wish to define a recursive function theta whose functionality should be apparent below.
The following definition will work.
theta[0] = 0;
theta[i_ ] := theta[i-1] + 1
However, this will not work.
theta[0] = 0;
theta[i_ + 1] := theta[i] + 1
My question is, is it possible to make something like the second definition work, where I can define the function based on the i+1 term instead of the i term?
I understand that they are mathematically equivalent, but I am curious about whether Mathematica will permit something like the second syntax.
It is perfectly feasible to make your second definition work if you understand that default automatic simplifications are done, often before you can get control, and if you then use your definition with appropriate parameters that match your definition.
In[1]:= theta[i_ + 1] := Sin[i]+1;
theta[a + 1]
Out[2]= 1+Sin[a]
but then you probably expect to use this as
In[3]:= theta[8]
Out[3]= theta[8]
and that fails because you defined a function that matches the sum of something and one, but gave it just an integer and you have no definition that matches that. Even this fails
In[4]:= theta[7 + 1]
Out[4]= theta[8]
because the default automatic rules turn the sum of two integers into an integer and you are back to the previous case.
It is sometimes said that Mathematica does "structural" matching, if two structure of two expressions match the Mathematica accepts this as a match. This is very different from the sort of matching that anyone with a bit of mathematical maturity would use. A decade or more ago someone wrote up an article in the Mathematica Journal showing that it would be possible to use a more mathematical version of matching within Mathematica. I think that was completely ignored and nothing more was ever done with that. It would be nice if someone with the skill needed could bring that code up to the current version of Mathematica, but I think this might be a substantial challenge.
There is always "a way". For example:
a[i_] = a[i] /. First#RSolve[{a[i + 1] == a[i] + 1, a[0] == 0}, a[i], i]

How do I efficiently find the maximum value in an array containing values of a smooth function?

I have a function that takes a floating point number and returns a floating point number. It can be assumed that if you were to graph the output of this function it would be 'n' shaped, ie. there would be a single maximum point, and no other points on the function with a zero slope. We also know that input value that yields this maximum output will lie between two known points, perhaps 0.0 and 1.0.
I need to efficiently find the input value that yields the maximum output value to some degree of approximation, without doing an exhaustive search.
I'm looking for something similar to Newton's Method which finds the roots of a function, but since my function is opaque I can't get its derivative.
I would like to down-thumb all the other answers so far, for various reasons, but I won't.
An excellent and efficient method for minimizing (or maximizing) smooth functions when derivatives are not available is parabolic interpolation. It is common to write the algorithm so it temporarily switches to the golden-section search (Brent's minimizer) when parabolic interpolation does not progress as fast as golden-section would.
I wrote such an algorithm in C++. Any offers?
UPDATE: There is a C version of the Brent minimizer in GSL. The archives are here: Note that it will be covered by some flavor of GNU "copyleft."
As I write this, the latest-and-greatest appears to be gsl-1.14.tar.gz. The minimizer is located in the file gsl-1.14/min/brent.c. It appears to have termination criteria similar to what I implemented. I have not studied how it decides to switch to golden section, but for the OP, that is probably moot.
UPDATE 2: I googled up a public domain java version, translated from FORTRAN. I cannot vouch for its quality. I notice that the hard-coded machine efficiency ("machine precision" in the comments) is 1/2 the value for a typical PC today. Change the value of eps to 2.22045e-16.
Edit 2: The method described in Jive Dadson is a better way to go about this. I'm leaving my answer up since it's easier to implement, if speed isn't too much of an issue.
Use a form of binary search, combined with numeric derivative approximations.
Given the interval [a, b], let x = (a + b) /2
Let epsilon be something very small.
Is (f(x + epsilon) - f(x)) positive? If yes, the function is still growing at x, so you recursively search the interval [x, b]
Otherwise, search the interval [a, x].
There might be a problem if the max lies between x and x + epsilon, but you might give this a try.
Edit: The advantage to this approach is that it exploits the known properties of the function in question. That is, I assumed by "n"-shaped, you meant, increasing-max-decreasing. Here's some Python code I wrote to test the algorithm:
def f(x):
return -x * (x - 1.0)
def findMax(function, a, b, maxSlope):
x = (a + b) / 2.0
e = 0.0001
slope = (function(x + e) - function(x)) / e
if abs(slope) < maxSlope:
return x
if slope > 0:
return findMax(function, x, b, maxSlope)
return findMax(function, a, x, maxSlope)
Typing findMax(f, 0, 3, 0.01) should return 0.504, as desired.
For optimizing a concave function, which is the type of function you are talking about, without evaluating the derivative I would use the secant method.
Given the two initial values x[0]=0.0 and x[1]=1.0 I would proceed to compute the next approximations as:
def next_x(x, xprev):
return x - f(x) * (x - xprev) / (f(x) - f(xprev))
and thus compute x[2], x[3], ... until the change in x becomes small enough.
Edit: As Jive explains, this solution is for root finding which is not the question posed. For optimization the proper solution is the Brent minimizer as explained in his answer.
The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is a Newton's method like optimizer. It has a C/C++ implementation levmar that doesn't require you to define the derivative function. Instead it will evaluate the objective function in the current neighborhood to move to the maximum.
BTW: this website appears to be updated since I last visited it, hope it's even the same one I remembered. Apparently it now also support other languages.
Given that it's only a function of a single variable and has one extremum in the interval, you don't really need Newton's method. Some sort of line search algorithm should suffice. This wikipedia article is actually not a bad starting point, if short on details. Note in particular that you could just use the method described under "direct search", starting with the end points of your interval as your two points.
I'm not sure if you'd consider that an "exhaustive search", but it should actually be pretty fast I think for this sort of function (that is, a continuous, smooth function with only one local extremum in the given interval).
You could reduce it to a simple linear fit on the delta's, finding the place where it crosses the x axis. Linear fit can be done very quickly.
Or just take 3 points (left/top/right) and fix the parabola.
It depends mostly on the nature of the underlying relation between x and y, I think.
edit this is in case you have an array of values like the question's title states. When you have a function take Newton-Raphson.

Derivative Calculator

I'm interested in building a derivative calculator. I've racked my brains over solving the problem, but I haven't found a right solution at all. May you have a hint how to start? Thanks
I'm sorry! I clearly want to make symbolic differentiation.
Let's say you have the function f(x) = x^3 + 2x^2 + x
I want to display the derivative, in this case f'(x) = 3x^2 + 4x + 1
I'd like to implement it in objective-c for the iPhone.
I assume that you're trying to find the exact derivative of a function. (Symbolic differentiation)
You need to parse the mathematical expression and store the individual operations in the function in a tree structure.
For example, x + sin²(x) would be stored as a + operation, applied to the expression x and a ^ (exponentiation) operation of sin(x) and 2.
You can then recursively differentiate the tree by applying the rules of differentiation to each node. For example, a + node would become the u' + v', and a * node would become uv' + vu'.
you need to remember your calculus. basically you need two things: table of derivatives of basic functions and rules of how to derivate compound expressions (like d(f + g)/dx = df/dx + dg/dx). Then take expressions parser and recursively go other the tree. (
Parse your string into an S-expression (even though this is usually taken in Lisp context, you can do an equivalent thing in pretty much any language), easiest with lex/yacc or equivalent, then write a recursive "derive" function. In OCaml-ish dialect, something like this:
let rec derive var = function
| Const(_) -> Const(0)
| Var(x) -> if x = var then Const(1) else Deriv(Var(x), Var(var))
| Add(x, y) -> Add(derive var x, derive var y)
| Mul(a, b) -> Add(Mul(a, derive var b), Mul(derive var a, b))
(If you don't know OCaml syntax - derive is two-parameter recursive function, with first parameter the variable name, and the second being mathched in successive lines; for example, if this parameter is a structure of form Add(x, y), return the structure Add built from two fields, with values of derived x and derived y; and similarly for other cases of what derive might receive as a parameter; _ in the first pattern means "match anything")
After this you might have some clean-up function to tidy up the resultant expression (reducing fractions etc.) but this gets complicated, and is not necessary for derivation itself (i.e. what you get without it is still a correct answer).
When your transformation of the s-exp is done, reconvert the resultant s-exp into string form, again with a recursive function
SLaks already described the procedure for symbolic differentiation. I'd just like to add a few things:
Symbolic math is mostly parsing and tree transformations. ANTLR is a great tool for both. I'd suggest starting with this great book Language implementation patterns
There are open-source programs that do what you want (e.g. Maxima). Dissecting such a program might be interesting, too (but it's probably easier to understand what's going on if you tried to write it yourself, first)
Probably, you also want some kind of simplification for the output. For example, just applying the basic derivative rules to the expression 2 * x would yield 2 + 0*x. This can also be done by tree processing (e.g. by transforming 0 * [...] to 0 and [...] + 0 to [...] and so on)
For what kinds of operations are you wanting to compute a derivative? If you allow trigonometric functions like sine, cosine and tangent, these are probably best stored in a table while others like polynomials may be much easier to do. Are you allowing for functions to have multiple inputs,e.g. f(x,y) rather than just f(x)?
Polynomials in a single variable would be my suggestion and then consider adding in trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential and other advanced functions to compute derivatives which may be harder to do.
Symbolic differentiation over common functions (+, -, *, /, ^, sin, cos, etc.) ignoring regions where the function or its derivative is undefined is easy. What's difficult, perhaps counterintuitively, is simplifying the result afterward.
To do the differentiation, store the operations in a tree (or even just in Polish notation) and make a table of the derivative of each of the elementary operations. Then repeatedly apply the chain rule and the elementary derivatives, together with setting the derivative of a constant to 0. This is fast and easy to implement.

As a programmer how would you explain imaginary numbers?

As a programmer I think it is my job to be good at math but I am having trouble getting my head round imaginary numbers. I have tried google and wikipedia with no luck so I am hoping a programmer can explain in to me, give me an example of a number squared that is <= 0, some example usage etc...
I guess this blog entry is one good explanation:
The key word is rotation (as opposed to direction for negative numbers, which are as stranger as imaginary number when you think of them: less than nothing ?)
Like negative numbers modeling flipping, imaginary numbers can model anything that rotates between two dimensions “X” and “Y”. Or anything with a cyclic, circular relationship
Problem: not only am I a programmer, I am a mathematician.
Solution: plow ahead anyway.
There's nothing really magical to complex numbers. The idea behind their inception is that there's something wrong with real numbers. If you've got an equation x^2 + 4, this is never zero, whereas x^2 - 2 is zero twice. So mathematicians got really angry and wanted there to always be zeroes with polynomials of degree at least one (wanted an "algebraically closed" field), and created some arbitrary number j such that j = sqrt(-1). All the rules sort of fall into place from there (though they are more accurately reorganized differently-- specifically, you formally can't actually say "hey this number is the square root of negative one"). If there's that number j, you can get multiples of j. And you can add real numbers to j, so then you've got complex numbers. The operations with complex numbers are similar to operations with binomials (deliberately so).
The real problem with complexes isn't in all this, but in the fact that you can't define a system whereby you can get the ordinary rules for less-than and greater-than. So really, you get to where you don't define it at all. It doesn't make sense in a two-dimensional space. So in all honesty, I can't actually answer "give me an exaple of a number squared that is <= 0", though "j" makes sense if you treat its square as a real number instead of a complex number.
As for uses, well, I personally used them most when working with fractals. The idea behind the mandelbrot fractal is that it's a way of graphing z = z^2 + c and its divergence along the real-imaginary axes.
You might also ask why do negative numbers exist? They exist because you want to represent solutions to certain equations like: x + 5 = 0. The same thing applies for imaginary numbers, you want to compactly represent solutions to equations of the form: x^2 + 1 = 0.
Here's one way I've seen them being used in practice. In EE you are often dealing with functions that are sine waves, or that can be decomposed into sine waves. (See for example Fourier Series).
Therefore, you will often see solutions to equations of the form:
f(t) = A*cos(wt)
Furthermore, often you want to represent functions that are shifted by some phase from this function. A 90 degree phase shift will give you a sin function.
g(t) = B*sin(wt)
You can get any arbitrary phase shift by combining these two functions (called inphase and quadrature components).
h(t) = Acos(wt) + iB*sin(wt)
The key here is that in a linear system: if f(t) and g(t) solve an equation, h(t) will also solve the same equation. So, now we have a generic solution to the equation h(t).
The nice thing about h(t) is that it can be written compactly as
h(t) = Cexp(wt+theta)
Using the fact that exp(iw) = cos(w)+i*sin(w).
There is really nothing extraordinarily deep about any of this. It is merely exploiting a mathematical identity to compactly represent a common solution to a wide variety of equations.
Well, for the programmer:
class complex {
double real;
double imaginary;
complex(double a_real) : real(a_real), imaginary(0.0) { }
complex(double a_real, double a_imaginary) : real(a_real), imaginary(a_imaginary) { }
complex operator+(const complex &other) {
return complex(
real + other.real,
imaginary + other.imaginary);
complex operator*(const complex &other) {
return complex(
real*other.real - imaginary*other.imaginary,
real*other.imaginary + imaginary*other.real);
bool operator==(const complex &other) {
return (real == other.real) && (imaginary == other.imaginary);
That's basically all there is. Complex numbers are just pairs of real numbers, for which special overloads of +, * and == get defined. And these operations really just get defined like this. Then it turns out that these pairs of numbers with these operations fit in nicely with the rest of mathematics, so they get a special name.
They are not so much numbers like in "counting", but more like in "can be manipulated with +, -, *, ... and don't cause problems when mixed with 'conventional' numbers". They are important because they fill the holes left by real numbers, like that there's no number that has a square of -1. Now you have complex(0, 1) * complex(0, 1) == -1.0 which is a helpful notation, since you don't have to treat negative numbers specially anymore in these cases. (And, as it turns out, basically all other special cases are not needed anymore, when you use complex numbers)
If the question is "Do imaginary numbers exist?" or "How do imaginary numbers exist?" then it is not a question for a programmer. It might not even be a question for a mathematician, but rather a metaphysician or philosopher of mathematics, although a mathematician may feel the need to justify their existence in the field. It's useful to begin with a discussion of how numbers exist at all (quite a few mathematicians who have approached this question are Platonists, fyi). Some insist that imaginary numbers (as the early Whitehead did) are a practical convenience. But then, if imaginary numbers are merely a practical convenience, what does that say about mathematics? You can't just explain away imaginary numbers as a mere practical tool or a pair of real numbers without having to account for both pairs and the general consequences of them being "practical". Others insist in the existence of imaginary numbers, arguing that their non-existence would undermine physical theories that make heavy use of them (QM is knee-deep in complex Hilbert spaces). The problem is beyond the scope of this website, I believe.
If your question is much more down to earth e.g. how does one express imaginary numbers in software, then the answer above (a pair of reals, along with defined operations of them) is it.
I don't want to turn this site into math overflow, but for those who are interested: Check out "An Imaginary Tale: The Story of sqrt(-1)" by Paul J. Nahin. It talks about all the history and various applications of imaginary numbers in a fun and exciting way. That book is what made me decide to pursue a degree in mathematics when I read it 7 years ago (and I was thinking art). Great read!!
The main point is that you add numbers which you define to be solutions to quadratic equations like x2= -1. Name one solution to that equation i, the computation rules for i then follow from that equation.
This is similar to defining negative numbers as the solution of equations like 2 + x = 1 when you only knew positive numbers, or fractions as solutions to equations like 2x = 1 when you only knew integers.
It might be easiest to stop trying to understand how a number can be a square root of a negative number, and just carry on with the assumption that it is.
So (using the i as the square root of -1):
= (3+5i)*2 + (3+5i)*(-i)
= 6 + 10i -3i - 5i * i
= 6 + (10 -3)*i - 5 * (-1)
= 6 + 7i + 5
= 11 + 7i
works according to the standard rules of maths (remembering that i squared equals -1 on line four).
An imaginary number is a real number multiplied by the imaginary unit i. i is defined as:
i == sqrt(-1)
i * i == -1
Using this definition you can obtain the square root of a negative number like this:
== sqrt(3 * -1)
== sqrt(3 * i * i) // Replace '-1' with 'i squared'
== sqrt(3) * i // Square root of 'i squared' is 'i' so move it out of sqrt()
And your final answer is the real number sqrt(3) multiplied by the imaginary unit i.
A short answer: Real numbers are one-dimensional, imaginary numbers add a second dimension to the equation and some weird stuff happens if you multiply...
If you're interested in finding a simple application and if you're familiar with matrices,
it's sometimes useful to use complex numbers to transform a perfectly real matrice into a triangular one in the complex space, and it makes computation on it a bit easier.
The result is of course perfectly real.
Great answers so far (really like Devin's!)
One more point:
One of the first uses of complex numbers (although they were not called that way at the time) was as an intermediate step in solving equations of the 3rd degree.
Again, this is purely an instrument that is used to answer real problems with real numbers having physical meaning.
In electrical engineering, the impedance Z of an inductor is jwL, where w = 2*pi*f (frequency) and j (sqrt(-1))means it leads by 90 degrees, while for a capacitor Z = 1/jwc = -j/wc which is -90deg/wc so that it lags a simple resistor by 90 deg.
