go tour when to not use pointer to struct literal in a variable - pointers

Per the Go tour page 28 and page 53
They show a variable that is a pointer to a struct literal. Why is this not the default behavior? I'm unfamiliar with C, so it's hard to wrap my head around it. The only time I can see when it might not be more beneficial to use a pointer is when the struct literal is unique, and won't be in use for the rest program and so you would want it to be garbage collected as soon as possible. I'm not even sure if a modern language like Go even works that way.
My question is this. When should I assign a pointer to a struct literal to a variable, and when should I assign the struct literal itself?

Using a pointer instead of just a struct literal is helpful when
the struct is big and you pass it around
you want to share it, that is that all modifications affect your struct instead of affecting a copy
In other cases, it's fine to simply use the struct literal. For a small struct, you can think about the question just as using an int or an *int : most of the times the int is fine but sometimes you pass a pointer so that the receiver can modify your int variable.
In the Go tour exercises you link to, the Vertex struct is small and has about the same semantic than any number. In my opinion it would have been fine to use it as struct directly and to define the Scaled function in #53 like this :
func (v Vertex) Scaled(f float64) Vertex {
v.X = v.X * f
v.Y = v.Y * f
return v
because having
v2 := v1.Scaled(5)
would create a new vertex just like
var f2 float32 = f1 * 5
creates a new float.
This is similar to how is handled the standard Time struct (defined here), which is usually kept in variables of type Time and not *Time.
But there is no definite rule and, depending on the use, I could very well have kept both Scale and Scaled.

You're probably right that most of the time you want pointers, but personally I find the need for an explicit pointer refreshing. It makes it so there's no difference between int and MyStruct. They behave the same way.
If you compare this to C# - a language which implements what you are suggesting - I find it confusing that the semantics of this:
static void SomeFunction(Point p)
p.x = 1;
static void Main()
Point p = new Point();
// what is p.x?
Depend on whether or not Point is defined as a class or a struct.


Passing by reference and value in Go to functions

I am a bit confused about passing by reference and value in Go.
I've seen this explained of the * in front of a type.
in front of a type name, means that the declared variable will store an address of another variable of that type (not a value of that
This just doesn't make sense to me.
In Java if I was passing a Database instance into a function I would do
databaseFunction(DatabaseType db) {
// do something
However in the go example I have it's passed like so.
func PutTasks(db *sql.DB) echo.HandlerFunc {
Why do we need to have the asterisk in front of the type?
According to this cheat sheet, I found.
func PrintPerson(p *Person) ONLY receives the pointer address
I don't understand why I would only want to send a pointer address as a parameter.
First, Go technically has only pass-by-value. When passing a pointer to an object, you're passing a pointer by value, not passing an object by reference. The difference is subtle but occasionally relevant. For example, you can overwrite the pointer value which has no impact on the caller, as opposed to dereferencing it and overwriting the memory it points to.
// *int means you *must* pass a *int (pointer to int), NOT just an int!
func someFunc(x *int) {
*x = 2 // Whatever variable caller passed in will now be 2
y := 7
x = &y // has no impact on the caller because we overwrote the pointer value!
As to your question "Why do we need to have the asterisk in front of the type?": The asterisk indicates that the value is of type pointer to sql.DB, rather than a value of type sql.DB. These are not interchangeable!
Why would you want to send a pointer address? So that you can share the value between the caller of a function and the function body, with changes made inside the function reflected in the caller (for example, a pointer is the only way that a "setter" method can work on an object). While Java passes objects by reference always, Go passes by value always (i.e. it creates a copy of the value in the function); if you pass something to a function, and that function modifies that value, the caller won't see those changes. If you want changes to propogate outside the function, you must pass a pointer.
See also: the Go tour section on Pointers, the Go spec section on pointers, the Go spec section on the address operators
The purpose of reference semantics is to allow a function to manipulate data outside its own scope. Compare:
func BrokenSwap(a int, b int) {
a, b = b, a
func RealSwap(a *int, b *int) {
*a, *b = *b, *a
When you call BrokenSwap(x, y), there is no effect, because the function receives and manipulates a private copy of the data. By contrast, when you call RealSwap(&x, &y), you actually exchange the values of the caller's x and y. Taking the address of the variables explicitly at the call site informs the reader that those variables may be mutated.
Pass by Reference :-
When you pass a same variable into a function by different name.
Below example from C++ (as Go doesnt have this concept), where a and a1 are same variable.
void swap(int& a1, int& b1)
int tmp = a1;
a1 = b1;
b1 = tmp;
int main()
int a = 10, b = 20;
swap(a, b);
cout << "a " << a << " b " << b ;
Go passes everything as data( means it copies the data from current active frame to new active frame of new function). So if you pass values it copies the value and advantage is safety from accidental modification. And when it passes address of variable its copied also into the new pointer variables but has advantage of efficiency since size of pointer is smaller.

Will an array of pointers be equal to an array of chars?

I have got this code:
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
void main()
char [] str = "aaa".dup;
char [] *str_ptr;
str_ptr = &str;
*(str_ptr[0].ptr) = 'f';
I thought that I am creating an array of pointers char [] *str_ptr so every single pointer will point to a single char. But it looks like str_ptr points to the start of the string str. I have to make a decision because if I am trying to give access to (for example) writeln(str_ptr[1]); I am getting a lot of information on console output. That means that I am linking to an element outside the boundary.
Could anybody explain if it's an array of pointers and if yes, how an array of pointers works in this case?
What you're trying to achieve is far more easily done: just index the char array itself. No need to go through explicit pointers.
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
void main()
char [] str = "aaa".dup;
str[0] = 'f';
writeln(str[0]); // str[x] points to individual char
writeln(str); // faa
An array in D already is a pointer on the inside - it consists of a pointer to its elements, and indexing it gets you to those individual elements. str[1] leads to the second char (remember, it starts at zero), exactly the same as *(str.ptr + 1). Indeed, the compiler generates that very code (though plus range bounds checking in D by default, so it aborts instead of giving you gibberish). The only note is that the array must access sequential elements in memory. This is T[] in D.
An array of pointers might be used if they all the pointers go to various places, that are not necessarily in sequence. Maybe you want the first pointer to go to the last element, and the second pointer to to the first element. Or perhaps they are all allocated elements, like pointers to objects. The correct syntax for this in D is T*[] - read from right to left, "an array of pointers to T".
A pointer to an array is pretty rare in D, it is T[]*, but you might use it when you need to update the length of some other array held by another function. For example
int[] arr;
int[]* ptr = &arr;
(*ptr) ~= 1;
assert(arr.length == 1);
If ptr wasn't a pointer, the arr length would not be updated:
int[] arr;
int[] ptr = arr;
ptr ~= 1;
assert(arr.length == 1); // NOPE! fails, arr is still empty
But pointers to arrays are about modifying the length of the array, or maybe pointing it to something entirely new and updating the original. It isn't necessary to share individual elements inside it.

What pointers may be used for in Go?

I think I understand what pointer is but I don't quite understand when to use it.
The below snippet is from "A Tour of Go".
What is the purpose of "*Vertex" and "&Vertex"?
I replaced them with "Vertex" and it run fine.
package main
import (
type Vertex struct {
X, Y float64
func (v *Vertex) Abs() float64 {
return math.Sqrt(v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y)
func main() {
v := &Vertex{3, 4}
That's not a particularly good example of the pointer/value distinction, because in that case they're interchangeable! Pointers are useful when you need to mutate data "remotely" (from another function).
func (v Vertex) SetX(x int) {
v.X = x
func main() {
v := Vertex{3, 4}
As you'll note, this doesn't change anything (strictly speaking, it changes a copy of the vertex, but that's just semantics in most cases)! The value of v is still {3,4}. Trying instead with:
func (v *Vertex) SetX(x int) {
v.X = x
func main() {
v := &Vertex{3, 4}
And suddenly, it works, the second time it prints {1,4}. Now, if you're curious, you may decide to experiment and change v := &Vertex{3, 4} to v := Vertex{3, 4}. Indeed, the above snippet still works. Strange. Likewise, if you change the same line in the second snippet to contain a pointer, it also works the same way.
Why? Go has "transparent" pointers. In other languages with explicit pointer values like C or C++, you have to explicitly use the operators & and * to dereference a pointer. C and C++ even have special syntax for pointer chasing on field access and method calls v->SetX.
For better or worse, Go hides this from you. If you have a value and need to call a pointer method, Go will happily do (&v).Method() for you, if you need to dereference to call a value method, it happily does (*v).Method() automatically. This is true in most cases, there are a few corner cases with things like maps where this doesn't apply, but in general this holds.
So, when it comes down to it, when should you use a pointer receiver on a method? The answer, really, is "most of the time." The Go Style Guide generally recommends using pointer type method receivers except when the receiver is a direct alias for a map, func, or chan, it's a slice that doesn't need reslicing, or you're doing optimizations on small, immutable data types (because pointer chasing is a little bit slower than copying). I'd add to that that you generally shouldn't use direct pointers to pointers.
Generally, when you have no idea which to use, use a pointer receiver. 99% of the time using a pointer will give you the behavior you expect, especially if you're used to languages like Python or C#. It's comparatively rare that incorrectly using a pointer causes a bug, compared the probability of getting a bug because your Setter method isn't actually setting anything.
This particular example is bad because the method defined on pointer type, *Vertex, does not attempt to mutate the value of its receiver (the value the method is called on).
In Go, everything is ever passed/assigned by value — including pointers. So, when you have a method
func (v Vertex) Abs() float64 {
return math.Sqrt(v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y)
(notice there's no * in front of Vertex in the receiver's type specification), it works just OK because when you do
v := Vertex{2, 3}
x := v.Abs()
the value of v at the v.Abs() call site is copied to the value the Abs() method receives.
Now suppose you want to change (mutate) some of the Vertex's variables using a method call. A naive approach, like in,
func (v Vertex) SetX(x float64) {
v.X = x
v := Vertex{2, 3}
// Here, v.X is still 2
won't work because it will change X of the value v which has been copied to the callee when the call was made; the method changed the X of the copy—a change only seen in the method's scope.
On the other hand, if you were to define that method on the pointer (which holds the address of an actual variable holding a value instead of the value itself), that would work:
func (v *Vertex) SetX(x float64) {
v.X = x
v := Vertex{2, 3}
Here, the compiler would take the address of v at the point SetX() is called and pass it to the method. The method would then use that address to refer to the value in the caller's scope.
The syntactic confusion is because Go (in most cases) allows you to not use operators to take address of a value and dereference that address.
If you're coming from one of popular languages like PHP, Python etc the chief difference is that in many of them objects are "special" and are always passed by reference. Go is more low-level and tries not to use magic behind programmer's back, so you have to be explicit about whether you want to pass a pointer or a copy of the value to a method.
Note that this is not only about whether a method is able or is not able to mutate its receiver; performance things might also play a role here.

Pass double pointer in a struct to CUDA

I've got the following struct:
struct Param
double** K_RP;
And I wanna perform the following operations on "K_RP" in CUDA
__global__ void Test( struct Param prop)
int ix = threadIdx.x;
int iy = threadIdx.y;
If "prop" has the following form, how should I do my "cudaMalloc" and "cudaMemcpy" operations?
int main( )
Param prop;
Param cuda_prop;
//cudaMalloc cuda_prop ?
//cudaMemcpyH2D prop to cuda_prop ?
Test<<< (1,1), (Imax,Jmax)>>> ( cuda_prop);
//cudaMemcpyD2H cuda_prop to prop ?
return (0);
Questions like this get asked from time to time. If you search on the cuda tag, you'll find a variety of examples with answers. Here's one example.
In general, dynamically allocated data contained within structures or other objects requires special handling. This question/answer explains why and how to do it for the single pointer (*) case.
Handling double pointers (**) is difficult enough that most people would recommend "flattening" the storage so that it can be handled by reference with a single pointer (*). If you really want to see how the double pointer (**) method works, review this question/answer. It's not trivial.

Problems with a structure copy

I am having a compiler issue in Visual Studio 2005 using the standard C compiler when trying to do a structure copy from one location to another.
The types are defined in a file as follows:
#define MAX 7
typedef struct{
char recordtext[18];
boolean recordvalid;
typdef recordtype tabletype[MAX];
typedef struct{
tabletype table;
Let us pretend that a global_s "object" is instantiated and initialized somewhere and a pointer to this structure is created.
#include "definition.h"
global_s global;
global_s* pglobal = &global;
Meanwhile, in another file (and this is where my problem is) i am trying to create a local tabletype object, and fill it with the global table member, using a get method to protect the global (lets pretend it is "static")
#include "definition.h"
extern global_s* pglobal;
tabletype t;
void gettabl (tabletype* pt)
*pt = pglobal->table;
When I go to compile, the line in the gettable function throws a compiler error "error C2106: '=': left operand must be l-value. It looks as though this should behave as a normal copy operation, and in fact if I perform a similar operation on a more basic structure I do not get the error. For example If I copy a structure only containing two integers.
Does anyone have a solid explanation as to why this operation seems to be incorrect?
(Disclaimer: I have developed this code as a scrubbed version of my actual code for example purposes so it may not be 100% correct syntactically, I will edit the question if anyone points out an issue or something needs to be clarified.)
It's the arrays in the struct; they cannot be assigned. You should define an operator=() for each of the structs, and use memcpy on the arrays, or copy them in a loop element by element.
(IF you want to get a reference to your global variable):
I am not sure, if this is correct (and the problem), but I think besides function prototypes, arrays and pointers (to arrays 1. element) are NOT exactly the same thing. And there is a difference between pointer to array and pointer to the 1. element of an array)
Maybe taking the adress of the array:
*pt = &(pglobal->table);
Anyway it might be better not to fetch the address of the whole array but the address of the first element, so that the resulting pointer can be used directly as record array (without dereferencing it)
recordtype* gettable (size_t* puLength)
*puLength = MAX;
return &(pglobal->table[0]);
(IF you want a copy of the table):
Arrays can't be copied inplace in C90, and of course you have to provide target memory. You would then define a function get table like this:
void gettable (recordtype * const targetArr)
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < MAX; i++) targetArr[i] = pglobal->table[i];
an fully equivalent function prototype for gettable is:
void gettable(recordtype[] targetArr);
Arrays are provided by refernce as pointer to the first element, when it comes to function parameters. You could again ask for an pointer to the whole array, and dereference it inside gettable. But you always have to copy elementwise.
You can use memcopy to do the job as 1-liner. Modern compilers should generate equally efficent code AFAIK.
