datetime() in SQLite Manager - datetime

I cannot seem to figure out why datetime does not work for me on some data I imported from CSV. I have a column, TIMESTAMP, which is of type datetime.
Select TIMESTAMP from GPS limit 1 <-This gives me a time, "6/29/2009 00:00:00"
Select datetime(TIMESTAMP) from GPS limit 1 <- This gives me a pink field in SQLite manager, which seems empty.
Select datetime('now') from GPS limit 1 <- This gives me the current date and time. ("2012-12-19 20:45:17") It is formatted differently than my other data - is there a datatype issue?
What is going on? Did my "Timestamp" data not actually get converted into a DATETIME object? Why is it stored as text? Is there a way to fix this?

SQLite does not have a native date/time type; dates are stored either as numbers or as strings.
To be understood by SQLite's built-in date functions, date strings must have a format like yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.



I'm new to the SQL world and im going crazy trying to figure out how to SELECT date from a datetime field in SQLITE.
Example: value <11/11/2005 14:56>, i just want to select <11/11/2005> for EVERY ROW.
I tried strftime(), date(), CAST() and other functions but the output its always NULL.
For example i tried querying SELECT strftime('%d/%m/%Y' , columnname) AS date FROM tablename;
OUTPUT: "NULL" in every row
Can someone help me understand what im doing wrong and how can i fix it? Thank you!!!
It always returns NULL because MM/DD/YYYY is not a valid sqlite date format. Treat the column as a string and use substr and instr to drop off the time portion. Something like (no guarantees, check the doc!)
SELECT substr(columname,0,instr(columnname,' '))
Re comment "how to order by the date in descending order"
This problem is a good argument (the best argument?) for storing the date in a sqlite date/time format. There is a strategy in this post for converting MM/DD/YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD (which sorts dates correctly).
If it's not too late, it would be advisable to change the date storage to a valid sqlite date format. strftime can be used to present the date as desired, and sorting will be accurate.

Sqlite get the date part of a DateTime and return as a DateTime, not a string

In Sqlite I want to extract the date and time portions of a DateTime field separately in a view and return them also as a datetime, not strings. I've tried Cast, Date(), datetime(), but they all return strings.
I've read the SQLite documentation and understand how there is not an actual Date data type. Yet a Table field defined as DateTime is able to be parsed as a Date by an Excel query, but calculations on that field are not. I'm trying to do all data prep in the database view.
My data has the following field taken directly from the table definition:
LastModifiedDate datetime
I want the date (without time) to have the same DateTime data type as LastModifiedDate, not Text, because I use this view in many spreadsheets. I can apply Excel Date functions and formatting to LastModifiedDate field directly as returned from the ODBC query to Excel, and want to do the same to the Date-only part. I don't want to have to put a string-to-date conversion in every spreadsheet when I know it can get the date natively from Sqlite in LastModifiedDate.
SELECT LastModifiedDate,
date(LastModifiedDate) as Datepart,
cast(LastModifiedDate as numeric) as Date2
FROM Transactions
LastModifiedDate Datepart Date2
2019-07-28 18:22:38.9165394 2019-07-28 2019
LastModifiedDate in the above query is interpreted in Excel as a date to which date formats and date functions can be applied with no further processing required. Datepart above is returned as Text to Excel, and I can't apply date functions and formats without further pre-processing in Excel. I would like Datepart to be interpreted a date in Excel just as LastModifiedDate is.
I'm looking at the sqliteodbc-0.9998. It will return an ODBC TIMESTAMP type only if the column decltype starts with timestamp or datetime. It returns ODBC TIME only for decltypes starting with time and ODBC DATE only for decltypes starting with date.
sqlite3 provides this decltype only for result table columns that are direct database column references. So if your SELECT statement has some expression that is more than a plain column reference, the decltype is lost. sqlite3 works like this at least up to version 3.39.0. It is documented.
The CAST expression converts the value of given expression to a storage classes by the determined affinity of the given declared type, but does not assign decltype to the result.
If you want to see the decltypes for query columns, you can use the sqlite3 cli and give it command .stats 2. Then it'll output the column declared types for each statement it executes.
If the decltype is found, the sqliteodbc-0.9998 will always parse string values into ODBC types. If DSN Option JDConv is enabled, it'll also parse floating point julianday values (whether provided as float or a string of a float) into ODBC types and when writing it'll write floating point into database.
If you can afford to change the schema, you can add a generated virtual column. This is cheap in storage, because data is not affected, but it costs when you query the column. This column can calculate other column into the values and decltypes you need for ODBC.
Datepart date AS (date(LastModifiedDate))
Then to get the Datepart, you simply query the column.
SELECT Datepart FROM data

Change dates to a right format in a query of SQLite

I have stored dates in a Sqlite database with the following format:
21-03-2014, 09:56
How I can convert this date a right sqlite format inside a select query? (for ordering them, ORDER BY *formatted_date*)
Thanks in advance.
Ok, I've converted dd-mm-yyyy, hh:mm into yyyymmddhhmm and I've used it in order clause

SQLite Database - Compare DateTime

I am working on a SQLite Database which contains a column which stores value in format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Now I need to create a filter to select rows with filter as this datetime column.
Select * from tbl_locations where datetime >= '2013-09-11 00:00:00' and datetime <='2013-09-13 00:00:00'
Above query is returning null set despite containing values in this slot(which I verified using select statement without filter.)
Any suggestion how can i get the required data set?
Perhaps this excerpt from the SQLite documentation will help you:
1.2 Date and Time Datatype
SQLite does not have a storage class set aside for storing dates and/or times. Instead, the built-in Date And Time Functions of SQLite are capable of storing dates and times as TEXT, REAL, or INTEGER values:
TEXT as ISO8601 strings ("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS").
REAL as Julian day numbers, the number of days since noon in Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C. according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
INTEGER as Unix Time, the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
Applications can chose to store dates and times in any of these formats and freely convert between formats using the built-in date and time functions.
The date and time functions that you can use in your SQL to build your query are documented at
Ok, I tested this out in MySQL but hopefully it will work. I had a table that used timestamps, and changed the column to be of type text. Then I tried the following SQL query and got the same results that I normally would (besides trailing decimals)
SELECT timestamp(stock_quote_timestamp)
FROM stock.stock_quote
WHERE stock_quote_timestamp < timestamp('2013-10-07 11:05:30')##high_date
AND stock_quote_timestamp > timestamp('2013-10-03 14:09:03');##low_date;
So basically, just convert your text statements to timestamps so that they compare correctly. Oh, and you'll also need to state what else you're SELECTing, or you could do a compound select statement: SELECT *, timestamp(stock_quote_timestamp)...

How to convert varchar into date time while performing SELECT?

Following are the datetime values stored in a table as varchar. I want to convert them into datetime while using it in SELECT sql.
8/14/2012 7:52:32 AM
8/16/2012 3:34:22 AM
8/14/2012 9:04:03 AM
Any idea?
SQLite doesn't support a native datetime data type.
SQLite does not have a storage class set aside for storing dates
and/or times. Instead, the built-in Date And Time Functions of SQLite
are capable of storing dates and times as TEXT, REAL, or INTEGER
You can get your output in the format you want with strftime() or datetime().
