Efficiently match the first characters of an indexed SQLite field - sqlite

I have two tables in SQLite:
CREATE TABLE article (body TEXT)
CREATE TABLE article_word (
word TEXT,
article_rowid INTEGER,
FOREIGN KEY(article_rowid) REFERENCES article(rowid),
PRIMARY KEY(word, article_rowid)
The program stores long strings in article.body and, for each word in the string, it stores a lowercase version of the word along with the article's rowid in article_word.
I want to let the user search for articles by the first case-insensitive characters in a word, so a search for baz yields an article containing foobar Bazquux spambacon.
How can I modify the tables/add more (if necessary) and query them for matches optimally? Does
SELECT a.rowid, a.body FROM article a, article_word w WHERE w.word LIKE "baz%" AND a.rowid = w.article_rowid
take advantage of the PRIMARY KEY index on article_word.word or does it naïvely search every row?

Use NSPredicate to retrive specific Attribute According to your
requirement, and you can also do Mapping with Sqlite as in core Data.


Lossless SQLite FTS5 search of a substring

Using a FTS5 virtual table returns nothing for postfix searches.
It only can search for the entire word tokens, or for the prefixes of the word tokens if I append * to the search.
For example, it does not find qwerty.png row, if I search for werty.
INSERT INTO files (name, id) VALUES ('qwerty.png', 1), ('asdfgh.png', 2);
INSERT INTO names (name) SELECT name FROM files;
FROM names
WHERE name MATCH 'werty';
It only works for prefix searches (qwerty, qwer*, qwe*, ...).
I can't use * at the start of the search (*werty), since it produces an error.
Is possibly to make the indexed text search working as if I would use
FROM names
WHERE name like '%wert%';
I just want to have the fast search for a substring without the full table scan.
Perhaps try the experimental trigram tokenizer
When using the trigram tokenizer, a query or phrase token may match any sequence of characters within a row, not just a complete token.

SQLite queryslow when using index

I have a table indexed on a text column, and I want all my queries to return results ordered by name without any performance hit.
Table has around 1 million rows if it matters.
Table -
CREATE TABLE table (Name text)
Index -
CREATE INDEX "NameIndex" ON "Files" (
"Name" COLLATE nocase ASC
Query 1 -
select * from table where Name like "%a%"
Query plan, as expected a full scan -
Time -
Result: 179202 rows returned in 53ms
Query 2, now using order by to read from index -
select * from table where Name like "%a%" order by Name collate nocase
Query plan, scan using index -
Time -
Result: 179202 rows returned in 672ms
Used DB Browser for SQLite to get the information above, with default Pragmas.
I'd assume scanning the index would be as performant as scanning the table, is it not the case or am I doing something wrong?
Another interesting thing I noticed, that may be relevant -
Query 3 -
select * from table where Name like "a%"
Result: 23026 rows returned in 9ms
Query 4 -
select * from table where name like "a%" order by name collate nocase
Result: 23026 rows returned in 101ms
And both has them same query plan -
SEARCH TABLE table USING INDEX NameIndex (Name>? AND Name<?)
Is this expected? I'd assume the performance be the same if the plan was the same.
EDIT - The reason the query is slower was because I used select * and not select name, causing SQLite to go between the table and the index.
The solution was to use clustered index, thanks #Tomalak for helping me find it -
create table mytable (a text, b text, primary key (a,b)) without rowid
The table will be ordered by default using a + b combination, meaning that full scan queries will be much faster (now 90ms).
A LIKE pattern that starts with % can never use an index. It will always result in a full table scan (or index scan, if the query can be covered by the index itself).
It's logical when you think about it. Indexes are not magic. They are sorted lists of values, exactly like a keyword index in a book, and that means they are only only quick for looking up a word if you know how the given word starts. If you're searching for the middle part of a word, you would have to look at every index entry in a book as well.
Conclusion from the ensuing discussion in the comments:
The best course of action to get a table that always sorts by a non-unique column without a performance penalty is to create it without ROWID, and turn it into a clustering index over a the column in question plus a second column that makes the combination unique:
Other TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY(Name, Id) -- this will sort the whole table by Name
This will result in a performance penalty for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operations, but in exchange sorting will be free since the table is already ordered.

How can I implement a junction index in DynamoDB?

Given two DynamoDB tables: Books and Words, how can I create an index that associates the two? Specifically, I'd like to query to get all Books that contain a certain Word, and query to get all Words that appear in a specific Book.
The objective is to avoid scanning an entire table for these queries.
Based on your question I can't tell if you only care about unique words or if you want every word including duplicates. I'll assume unique words.
This can be done with a single table and a Global Secondary Index.
Create a table called BookWords with a Hash key of bookId and a Sort key of word. If you Query this table with a bookId you will get all of the unique words in that book.
Create a Global Secondary Index with a Hash key of word and a Sort key of bookId. If you Query this index with a word you will get all of the bookIds of books that contain that word.
Depending of your use case, you will probably want to normalize the words. For example, is "Word" the same as "word"?
If you want all words, not just unique words, you can use a similar approach with a few small changes. Let me know

How to search the database for a field which is a substring of the query by using sqlite

Problem description
I want to search for the query = Angela in a database from a table called Variations. The problem is that the database does not Angela. It contains Angel. As you can see the a is missing.
Searching procedure
The table that I want to query is the following:
To search for the query I am using fts4 because it is faster than LIKE% especially if I have a big database with more than 10 millions rows. I cannot also use the equality since i am looking for substrings.
I create a virtual table create virtual table variation_virtual using fts4(ID, ID_ENTITE, NAME, TYPE, LANGUAGE);
Filled the virtual table with VARIATIONS insert into variation_virtual select * from VARIATIONS;
The selection query is represented as follow:
What am I missing in the query. What I am doing is the opposite of when we want to check if a query is a subtring of a string in a table.
You can't use fts4 for this. From the documentation:
SELECT count(*) FROM enrondata1 WHERE content MATCH 'linux'; /* 0.03 seconds */
SELECT count(*) FROM enrondata2 WHERE content LIKE '%linux%'; /* 22.5 seconds */
Of course, the two queries above are not
entirely equivalent. For example the LIKE query matches rows that
contain terms such as "linuxophobe" or "EnterpriseLinux" (as it
happens, the Enron E-Mail Dataset does not actually contain any such
terms), whereas the MATCH query on the FTS3 table selects only those
rows that contain "linux" as a discrete token. Both searches are
So your query will only match strings that have 'Angela' as a word (at least that is how I interpret 'discrete token').

Fast search on a blob starting bytes in SQLite

Is there a way to index blob fields and have the index used for beginning of blob searches?
Currently I have hashes stored as hexadecimal in text fields.
These hashes in hexadecimal form are 32 characters long, and form the bulk of the data in the database.
Problem is, they are often searched by their starting bytes, as in
select * from mytable where hash like '00a1b2%'
I would like to store them as blobs, as this saves about 30% of the database size. However while
select * from mytable where hex(hash) like '00a1b2%'
works, it's also much slower and does not seem to use the index.
Searching for exact blob matches does use the index, so the index is working.
Is there a way to perform a search on a blob start (with binary/memcmp "collation") that would use the index?
I also tried substr(), it's apparently faster than hex() but still not indexed
select * from mytable where substr(hash, 1, 6) = x'00a1b2'
To be able to use an index for LIKE, the table column must have TEXT affinity, and the index must be case insensitive:
CREATE TABLE mytable(... hash TEXT, ...);
CREATE INDEX hash_index ON mytable(hash COLLATE NOCASE);
Functions like hex or substr prevent usage of indexes.
Blobs can be indexed and compared like other types.
This allows you to express a prefix search with two comparisons:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE hash >= x'00a1b2' AND hash < x'00a1b3'
