Request and Response in -

As per my understnding the difference between Response and Request is below
Request is - We request to server for like .aspx page
Response is - We get the .aspx page from server
So, I think, request is toward Server and response is what we got.
We have following terms
All these seems to go to server first and brings back the associated data. But the following term is contrary ?
Because the cookies creates at client side and value part is also fetched at client side using Response.Cookies
Your comments?
Query - 2 - Why it is useful to create/Access cookie using Request/Response.cookies? Because it can be created/fetched at client end in JavaScript.
Query 3 - Cookie resides at client end. Why do we send request to server ?
Query - 4 - Why do we write Response.Cookies? to go to server? Why? it creates at client end and accessed from client end. right? Why do we write Request.Cookies? Means fetching cookie information from server? Cookie is at client end. right?

"When a browser makes a request to the server, it sends the cookies for that server along with the request. In your ASP.NET applications, you can read the cookies using the HttpRequest object, which is available as the Request property of your Page class. The structure of the HttpRequest object is essentially the same as that of the HttpResponse object, so you can read cookies out of the HttpRequest object much the same way you wrote cookies into the HttpResponse object."
ASP.NET Cookies Overview
"Cookies are sent to the browser via the HttpResponse object that exposes a collection called Cookies. You can access the HttpResponse object as the Response property of your Page class"
Beginner's Guide to ASP.NET Cookies

Every time you send a Request to server, the cookies for that server are also sent.
Also, when the server sends you a Response it can include cookies for the next Request you send it to.
So Request.Cookies and Response.Cookies make perfect sense.

Both objects Request and Response "live" in the server. So Request holds the data sent by the User Agent (the Browser, like Chrome, IE, etc.). Examples of this data are, the POST and GET Variables, the User Agent, the language, IP Adress, and many more.
Response is the object that lets you send data to the User Agent (the browser), i.e. a Web Page, a stream of bytes (like a downloadable file), etc.
The cookies live in the client side, that's right, but is the browser that send this information, so this data comes in the Request object.
You receive the cookies via Request.Cookies, but you receive the cookies in the Server. If you are coding in C#, the code is in the Server point of view, so receive means, the server receives. If you want to access the cookies in the Client Side, you must use some client programming language like JavaScript.
I hope this helps.


Simple HTTP call without opening Browser

Hello everybody I'm trying to do a simple HTTP call to a Tomcat Server running on my server from my Android App. The server will then execute a certain command to my website. I created a button that when I click it runs the HTTP call from the App.
If I use the approach below, it opens the browser on my phone to run this HTTP. Is it possible to do something similar but not have my app open the browser???
Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("http://" + IP + ":8080/server/run.jsp"));
thank you so much in advance :D
Of course it starts your browser. Your code is explicitly asking Android to launch an app that can "view" the URL.
If you want your app to access the URL directly, use HttpURLConnection instead:
1.Obtain a new HttpURLConnection by calling URL.openConnection() and casting the result to HttpURLConnection.
2.Prepare the request. The primary property of a request is its URI. Request headers may also include metadata such as credentials, preferred content types, and session cookies.
3.Optionally upload a request body. Instances must be configured with setDoOutput(true) if they include a request body. Transmit data by writing to the stream returned by getOutputStream().
4.Read the response. Response headers typically include metadata such as the response body's content type and length, modified dates and session cookies. The response body may be read from the stream returned by getInputStream(). If the response has no body, that method returns an empty stream.
5.Disconnect. Once the response body has been read, the HttpURLConnection should be closed by calling disconnect(). Disconnecting releases the resources held by a connection so they may be closed or reused.

URL not changed using servlet [duplicate]

What is the conceptual difference between forward() and sendRedirect()?
In the web development world, the term "redirect" is the act of sending the client an empty HTTP response with just a Location header containing the new URL to which the client has to send a brand new GET request. So basically:
Client sends a HTTP request to some.jsp.
Server sends a HTTP response back with Location: other.jsp header
Client sends a HTTP request to other.jsp (this get reflected in browser address bar!)
Server sends a HTTP response back with content of other.jsp.
You can track it with the web browser's builtin/addon developer toolset. Press F12 in Chrome/IE9/Firebug and check the "Network" section to see it.
Exactly the above is achieved by sendRedirect("other.jsp"). The RequestDispatcher#forward() doesn't send a redirect. Instead, it uses the content of the target page as HTTP response.
Client sends a HTTP request to some.jsp.
Server sends a HTTP response back with content of other.jsp.
However, as the original HTTP request was to some.jsp, the URL in browser address bar remains unchanged. Also, any request attributes set in the controller behind some.jsp will be available in other.jsp. This does not happen during a redirect because you're basically forcing the client to create a new HTTP request on other.jsp, hereby throwing away the original request on some.jsp including all of its attribtues.
The RequestDispatcher is extremely useful in the MVC paradigm and/or when you want to hide JSP's from direct access. You can put JSP's in the /WEB-INF folder and use a Servlet which controls, preprocesses and postprocesses the requests. The JSPs in the /WEB-INF folder are not directly accessible by URL, but the Servlet can access them using RequestDispatcher#forward().
You can for example have a JSP file in /WEB-INF/login.jsp and a LoginServlet which is mapped on an url-pattern of /login. When you invoke, then the servlet's doGet() will be invoked. You can do any preprocessing stuff in there and finally forward the request like:
request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/login.jsp").forward(request, response);
When you submit a form, you normally want to use POST:
<form action="login" method="post">
This way the servlet's doPost() will be invoked and you can do any postprocessing stuff in there (e.g. validation, business logic, login the user, etc).
If there are any errors, then you normally want to forward the request back to the same page and display the errors there next to the input fields and so on. You can use the RequestDispatcher for this.
If a POST is successful, you normally want to redirect the request, so that the request won't be resubmitted when the user refreshes the request (e.g. pressing F5 or navigating back in history).
User user = userDAO.find(username, password);
if (user != null) {
request.getSession().setAttribute("user", user); // Login user.
response.sendRedirect("home"); // Redirects to after succesful login.
} else {
request.setAttribute("error", "Unknown login, please try again."); // Set error.
request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/login.jsp").forward(request, response); // Forward to same page so that you can display error.
A redirect thus instructs the client to fire a new GET request on the given URL. Refreshing the request would then only refresh the redirected request and not the initial request. This will avoid "double submits" and confusion and bad user experiences. This is also called the POST-Redirect-GET pattern.
See also:
How do servlets work? Instantiation, sessions, shared variables and multithreading
doGet and doPost in Servlets
How perform validation and display error message in same form in JSP?
HttpServletResponse sendRedirect permanent
requestDispatcher - forward() method
When we use the forward method, the request is transferred to another resource within the same server for further processing.
In the case of forward, the web container handles all processing internally and the client or browser is not involved.
When forward is called on the requestDispatcherobject, we pass the request and response objects, so our old request object is present on the new resource which is going to process our request.
Visually, we are not able to see the forwarded address, it is transparent.
Using the forward() method is faster than sendRedirect.
When we redirect using forward, and we want to use the same data in a new resource, we can use request.setAttribute() as we have a request object available.
In case of sendRedirect, the request is transferred to another resource, to a different domain, or to a
different server for further processing.
When you use sendRedirect, the container transfers the request to the client or browser, so the URL given inside the sendRedirect method is visible as a new request to the client.
In case of sendRedirect call, the old request and response objects are lost because it’s treated as new request by the browser.
In the address bar, we are able to see the new redirected address. It’s not transparent.
sendRedirect is slower because one extra round trip is required, because a completely new request is created and the old request object is lost. Two browser request are required.
But in sendRedirect, if we want to use the same data for a new resource we have to store the data in session or pass along with the URL.
Which one is good?
Its depends upon the scenario for which method is more useful.
If you want control is transfer to new server or context, and it is treated as completely new task, then we go for sendRedirect.
Generally, a forward should be used if the operation can be safely repeated upon a browser reload of the web page and will not affect the result.
The RequestDispatcher interface allows you to do a server side forward/include whereas sendRedirect() does a client side redirect. In a client side redirect, the server will send back an HTTP status code of 302 (temporary redirect) which causes the web browser to issue a brand new HTTP GET request for the content at the redirected location. In contrast, when using the RequestDispatcher interface, the include/forward to the new resource is handled entirely on the server side.
The main important difference between the forward() and sendRedirect() method is that in case of forward(), redirect happens
at server end and not visible to client, but in case of
sendRedirect(), redirection happens at client end and it's visible to
Either of these methods may be "better", i.e. more suitable, depending on what you want to do.
A server-side redirect is faster insofar as you get the data from a different page without making a round trip to the browser. But the URL seen in the browser is still the original address, so you're creating a little inconsistency there.
A client-side redirect is more versatile insofar as it can send you to a completely different server, or change the protocol (e.g. from HTTP to HTTPS), or both. And the browser is aware of the new URL. But it takes an extra back-and-forth between server and client.
SendRedirect() will search the content between the servers. it is slow because it has to intimate the browser by sending the URL of the content. then browser will create a new request for the content within the same server or in another one.
RquestDispatcher is for searching the content within the server i think. its the server side process and it is faster compare to the SendRedirect() method. but the thing is that it will not intimate the browser in which server it is searching the required date or content, neither it will not ask the browser to change the URL in URL tab. so it causes little inconvenience to the user.
Technically redirect should be used either if we need to transfer control to different domain or to achieve separation of task.
For example in the payment application
we do the PaymentProcess first and then redirect to displayPaymentInfo. If the client refreshes the browser only the displayPaymentInfo will be done again and PaymentProcess will not be repeated. But if we use forward in this scenario, both PaymentProcess and displayPaymentInfo will be re-executed sequentially, which may result in incosistent data.
For other scenarios, forward is efficient to use since as it is faster than sendRedirect
Request Dispatcher is an Interface which is used to dispatch the request or response from web resource to the another web resource. It contains mainly two methods.
request.forward(req,res): This method is used forward the request from one web resource to another resource. i.e from one servlet to another servlet or from one web application to another web appliacation.
response.include(req,res): This method is used include the response of one servlet to another servlet
NOTE: BY using Request Dispatcher we can forward or include the request or responses with in the same server.
request.sendRedirect(): BY using this we can forward or include the request or responses across the different servers. In this the client gets a intimation while redirecting the page but in the above process the client will not get intimation
Simply difference between Forward(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) and sendRedirect(String url) is
The forward() method is executed in the server side.
The request is transfer to other resource within same server.
It does not depend on the client’s request protocol since the forward () method is provided by the servlet container.
The request is shared by the target resource.
Only one call is consumed in this method.
It can be used within server.
We cannot see forwarded message, it is transparent.
The forward() method is faster than sendRedirect() method.
It is declared in RequestDispatcher interface.
The sendRedirect() method is executed in the client side.
The request is transfer to other resource to different server.
The sendRedirect() method is provided under HTTP so it can be used only with HTTP clients.
New request is created for the destination resource.
Two request and response calls are consumed.
It can be used within and outside the server.
We can see redirected address, it is not transparent.
The sendRedirect() method is slower because when new request is created old request object is lost.
It is declared in HttpServletResponse.

Simulate request in

I have a Jquery Ajax request which goes to Facebook server. (jsonP)
However , Im not satisfy with the current response and I would like to "edit" the response before it goes back to the ajax call.
In order to do it , I was thinking about building a proxy by ashx. ( it will do the request , and when the response is back - he will edit it , and it will return to the ajax call).
jQuery ajax ---> myHandler.ashx ----> Facebook +--->
jQuery ajax <---- myHandler.ashx(+edit) <-----------+
the problem is that Facebook requires its cookies , And IMHO -only facebook can access its cookies.
Is there any way for the ashx handler to be able to TRANSFER the cookie along with his request ( as if jQuery ajax would do ) ?
Technically, you may simulate a cookie-aware user agent and relay them to user.
Request 1:
Browser sends the first request to your ashx handler.
Your handler relays it to facebook server.
FB responds with a content + a set-cookie header(s) (fb-cookie=xxx on
Your handler edits the content and returns the set-cookie header with some kind of prefix (your-fb-cookie=xxx on
Request 2:
Next time the browser sends a request to your ashx handler, you will receive the the "your-fb-cookie=xxx" (as it is defined on
Your handler relays the request to FB with the cookie "fb-cookie=xxx"
However, be aware that facebook (or any other service) may (and should) use some kind of anti-flood detection.
It may block your server's IP adress as it receives lots of requests from it.
This can even be against FB licensing terms.

.Net System.Net.HttpWebRequest & Authentication Cookies

I would like to know if the following is possible:
As part of the PageLoad of an ASP.Net page request:
Use HttpWebRequest (POST) to make a request to a forms authentication
webpage of a different web application
Examine the response to see if the authentication succeeded (identifiable if an authentication cookie has been set)
If it fails, then finish the ASP.Net page request, which will display a message saying "couldn't auto-login" or some such thing
If success, then instead of completing the ASP.Net page lifecycle, use "Response.Write" to send the response from the HttpWebRequest back to the browser (thus essentially displaying the webpage from the HttpWebRequest)
If the above is possible, then, is there also a way to transfer the authentication cookie from the HttpWebResponse to the requesting browser? My gut feeling is probably not - but if this is the case, then how do proxy servers handle such things? Is that not essentially what they are doing?
Thanks for any help
You can add a CookieContainer to the HttpWebRequest. It will store any cookies received from the response and if you attach the same cookie container to the next request, it will send those cookies back up to the server.
You can access the contents of this CookieContainer object and send those back to your client using Response.Cookies.

HTTP Session Tracking

Since HTTP is a stateless protocol, when a client makes a number of requests to the server, how does the server uniquely identify a particular client's requests over a period of time say t1, t2, t3..
I browsed the web and came across terms like session id, URL rewriting and cookies. But it would be great if someone explains it in a better way. Specifically which part of the HTTP request and response would be used for session tracking?
As you mentioned, common ways to implement HTTP session tracking include URL rewriting and cookies. Session tracking basically requires that a session ID is maintained across multiple requests to the server. This means that each time a given client makes a request to the server, it passes the same session ID. The server can use this ID to lookup the session information it maintains.
When using cookies, the server asks the client to store a cookie by setting the Set-Cookie HTTP response header. This cookie contains the unique session ID assigned to that client - in this example the string 'ABAD1D':
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=ABAD1D;path=/
The cookie is then sent back to the server by the client using the Cookie HTTP request header on each request and thus the server is informed on each request the session ID currently assigned to the client.
When using URL rewriting, this same session ID is instead sent somewhere in the URL. Again, the server extracts the session ID from the URL so that it can lookup the session for a particular client:;JSESSIONID=ABAD1D
However, the server must also make sure that any URLs in the web pages sent back to the client are also rewritten to contain that particular clients session ID. As the session ID is encoded in the URLs, this method of session tracking is transparent to the browser. Often a server will resort to URL rewriting if it finds it is unable to set a session cookie on the client - implying that the client does not support/allow cookies.
Note that sessions can expire. This means that if the server does not 'see' a given session ID for a period of time, it may remove the session data to preserve resources.
Specifically which part of the HTTP
request and response would be used for
session tracking?
In the HTTP response, the server can set a cookie. It does so with the Set-Cookie header. For example:
Set-Cookie: session=12345; path=/
The client then returns the value of all cookies that match the properties that were set along with the cookie, which can include path (as above) and domain, and that haven't expired yet.
The cookie is sent back to the server as part of the HTTP headers. For example:
Cookie: session=12345
None of the original property information is sent back with the cookie.
A unique cookie allows the server to associate a unique key with a particular browser instance. The server can then use that key as an index into a hash table or a database table that holds unique per-user state information.
Session tracking is a server side thing.
A web server issues some session identifier that is returned to the browser. Browser submits this session identifier along with each request.
This is probably done using cookies transparently for the user.
the session handling is in most case handled by sending a cookie to the client. that cookie would be sent back to the server on every request from that particular client.
The session id will be associated with some resources on server side (file,ram space) so the server by reading the session id in the cookie can find this resource and then know which client it was.
Find enough details here
HTTP Sessions are the recommended approach. A session identifies the requests that originate from the same browser during the period of conversation. All the servlets can share the same session. The JSESSIONID is generated by the server and can be passed to client through cookies, URL re-writing (if cookies are turned off) or built-in SSL mechanism. Care should be taken to minimize size of objects stored in session and objects stored in session should be serializable. In a Java servlet the session can be obtained as follows:
HttpSession session = request.getSession(); //returns current session or a new session
Sessions can be timed out (configured in web.xml) or manually invalidated.
HTTP Session allows web servers to maintain user identity and store user specific data during multiple request/response between client and we application
