When exactly do we use let rec? - functional-programming

I know that let rec is used when I want recursive.
For example,
let rec power i x = if i = 0 then 1.0 else x *. (power (i-1) x);;
Ok, I understand that.
But how about this one:
let x y = y + y in x 2?
Should I use rec inside?
I think I should, because it has x 2 inside, loading itself, but it seems it is fine with compiler.
So when I should use let rec and shouldn't?
Also, what is the difference between
let (-) x y = y - x in 1-2-3;;
let rec (-) x y = y - x in 1-2-3;;
Are they both legal?

You need to understand the scoping rules of OCaml first.
When you write let f XXX = YYY in ZZZ, if you use f in YYY then you need rec. In both cases (ie with or without rec),f will be defined in ZZZ.
let x y = y + y in
x 2
is perfectly valid.
For you second question: no it is not equivalent, if you try it on the toplevel, the second statement loop for ever and is equivalent to let rec loop x y = loop y x in (). To understand why it is looping for ever, you can understand the application of loop as an expansion where the identifier is replaced by its body. so:
So loop body is function x y -> loop y x, which can be expanded to
function x y -> (function a b -> loop b a) y x (I've renamed the parameter names to avoid ambiguity), which is equivalent to function x y -> loop x y when you apply the body and so on and so on. So this function never does anything, it just loops forever by trying to expand/apply its body and swapping its arguments.


Difference between let+, let* and let()?

As the documentation on OCaml is sparse, i would appreciate if some one can explain the difference in different flavors of let usage.
I tried looking into https://dev.realworldocaml.org/toc.html, but there is no easy way to search in the website. Google search landed me to some articles, but did not get the exact explanation.
The basic form of let expressions is:
let p1 = e1
and p2 = e2
and pN = eN
in e
where N is at least 1. In this form, let expressions pattern matches the value that results from evaluating the RHS expressions against the LHS patterns, then evaluates the body with the new bindings defined by the LHS patterns in scope. For example,
let x, y = 1, 2 in
x + y
evaluates to 3.
When let has an operator name attached, it is the application of what is called a "let operator" or "binding operator" (to give you easier terms to search up). For example:
let+ x, y = 1, 2 in
x + y
desugars to (let+) (1, 2) (fun (x, y) -> x + y). (Similar to how one surrounds the operator + in parentheses, making it (+), to refer to its identifier, the identifier for the let operator let+, as it appears in a let expression, would be (let+).)
Finally, when a let binding has an operator name attached, all the and bindings must have operator names attached as well.
let* x = 1
and+ y = 2
and* z = 3 in
x + y + z
desugars to (let*) ((and+) 1 ((and*) 2 3)) (fun ((x, y), z) ->).
The following program is invalid and has no meaning because the let binding is being used as an operator, but the and binding is not:
let* x = 1
and y = 2 in
x + y
Binding operators are covered in the "language extensions" section of the OCaml documentation.
let () = e is merely the non-operator form of a pattern match, where () is the pattern that matches the only value of the unit type. The unit type is conventionally the type of expressions that don't evaluate to a meaningful value, but exist for side effects (e.g. print_endline "Hello world!"). Matching against () ensures that the expression has type (), catching partial application errors. The following typechecks:
let f x y =
print_endline x;
print_endline y
let () =
f "Hello" "World"
The following does not:
let f x y =
print_endline x;
print_endline y
let () =
f "Hello" (* Missing second argument, so expression has type string -> unit, not unit *)
Note that the binding operators are useful for conveniently using "monads" and "applicatives," so you may hear these words when learning about binding operators. However, binding operators are not inherently related to these concepts. All they do is desugar to the expressions that I describe above, and any other significance (such as relation to monads) results from how the operator was defined.
Consider the following code from the OCaml page on let operators.
let ( let* ) o f =
match o with
| None -> None
| Some x -> f x
let return x = Some x
If we create a very simply map:
module M = Map.Make (Int)
let m = M.(empty |> add 1 4 |> add 2 3 |> add 3 7)
If we wanted to write a function that takes a map and two keys and adds the values at those keys, returning int option, we might write:
let add_values m k1 k2 =
match M.find_opt k1 m with
| None -> None
| Some v1 ->
match M.find_opt k2 m with
| None -> None
| Some v2 ->
Some (v1 + v2)
Now, of course there are multiple ways of defining this. We could:
let add_values m k1 k2 =
match (M.find_opt k1 m, M.find_opt k2 m) with
| (None, _) | (_, None) -> None
| (Some v1, Some v2) -> Some (v1 + v2)
Or take advantage of exceptions:
let add_values m k1 k2 =
Some (M.find k1 m + M.find k2 m)
| Not_found -> None
Let operators let us write:
let add_values m k1 k2 =
let* v1 = M.find_opt k1 m in
let* v2 = M.find_opt k2 m in
return (v1 + v2)

Reassign function and avoid recursive definition in Julia

I need to operate on a sequence of functions
h_k(x) = (I + f_k( ) )^k g(x)
for each k=1,...,N.
A basic example (N=2, f_k=f) is the following:
f(x) = x^2
g(x) = x
h1(x) = g(x) + f(g(x))
h2(x) = g(x) + f(g(x)) + f(g(x) + f(g(x)))
println(h1(1)) # returns 2
println(h2(1)) # returns 6
I need to write this in a loop and it would be best to redefine g(x) at each iteration. Unfortunately, I do not know how to do this in Julia without conflicting with the syntax for a recursive definition of g(x). Indeed,
f(x) = x^2
g(x) = x
for i=1:2
global g(x) = g(x) + f(g(x))
results in a StackOverflowError.
In Julia, what is the proper way to redefine g(x), using its previous definition?
P.S. For those who would suggest that this problem could be solved with recursion: I want to use a for loop because of how the functions f_k(x) (in the above, each f_k = f) are computed in the real problem that this derives from.
I am not sure if it is best, but a natural approach is to use anonymous functions here like this:
f(x) = x^2
g = x -> x
for i=1:2
l = g
g = x -> l(x) + f(l(x))
or like this
f(x) = x^2
g = x -> x
for i=1:4
l = g
global g = x -> l(x) + f(l(x))
(I prefer the former option using let as it avoids using global variables)
The issue is that l is a loop local variable that gets a fresh binding at each iteration, while g is external to the loop.
You might also check out this section of the Julia manual.

several questions about this sml recursion function

When f(x-1) is called, is it calling f(x) = x+10 or f(x) = if ...
Is this a tail recursion?
How should I rewrite it using static / dynamic allocation?
let fun f(x) = x + 10
let fun f(x) = if x < 1 then 0 else f(x-1)
in f(3)
Before addressing your questions, here are some observations about your code:
There are two functions f, one inside the other. They're different from one another.
To lessen this confusion you can rename the inner function to g:
let fun f(x) = x + 10
let fun g(x) = if x < 1 then 0 else g(x-1)
in g(3)
This clears up which function calls which by the following rules: The outer f is defined inside the outer in-end, but is immediately shadowed by the inner f. So any reference to f on the right-hand side of the inner fun f(x) = if ... is shadowed because fun enables self-recursion. And any reference to f within the inner in-end is shadowed
In the following tangential example the right-hand side of an inner declaration f does not shadow the outer f if we were using val rather than fun:
let fun f(x) = if (x mod 2 = 0) then x - 10 else x + 10
let val f = fn x => f(x + 2) * 2
in f(3)
If the inner f is renamed to g in this second piece of code, it'd look like:
let fun f(x) = if (x mod 2 = 0) then x - 10 else x + 10
let val g = fn x => f(x + 2) * 2
in g(3)
The important bit is that the f(x + 2) part was not rewritten into g(x + 2) because val means that references to f are outer fs, not the f being defined, because a val is not a self-recursive definition. So any reference to an f within that definition would have to depend on it being available in the outer scope.
But the g(3) bit is rewritten because between in-end, the inner f (now g) is shadowing. So whether it's a fun or a val does not matter with respect to the shadowing of let-in-end.
(There are some more details wrt. val rec and the exact scope of a let val f = ... that I haven't elaborated on.)
As for your questions,
You should be able to answer this now. A nice way to provide the answer is 1) rename the inner function for clarity, 2) evaluate the code by hand using substitution (one rewrite per line, ~> denoting a rewrite, so I don't mean an SML operator here).
Here's an example of how it'd look with my second example (not your code):
~> (fn x => f(x + 2) * 2)(3)
~> f(3 + 2) * 2
~> f(5) * 2
~> (if (5 mod 2 = 0) then 5 - 10 else 5 + 10) * 2
~> (if (1 = 0) then 5 - 10 else 5 + 10) * 2
~> (5 + 10) * 2
~> 15 * 2
~> 30
Your evaluation by hand would look different and possibly conclude differently.
What is tail recursion? Provide a definition and ask if your code satisfies that definition.
I'm not sure what you mean by rewriting it using static / dynamic allocation. You'll have to elaborate.

Definition without recursion, by cases, in Isabelle

I'm trying to define a unary operation on a set stalk x, whose typical elements are of the form germ x U s. In this case, there is no way to define an operation on general things of the same type as germ x U s in a way that reduces to what I want, so it seems like I really do have to resort to a definition by cases. I attempted the following
definition stalk_mop2 :: "'a ⇒( ('a set × 'a) set ⇒ ('a set × 'a) set ) " where
"stalk_mop2 x y = ( (λ z . if (∃ U s. y= germ x U s ) then
(germ x U ( -⇩a ⇘objectsmap U⇙ s ) ) else undefined) z ) " ,
and got the error message that U s are extra variables on the RHS. It seems like by using this syntax Isabelle does not make the connection between the if hypothesis and the following term, so that although I did bind U and s in the conditional statement, it apparently interprets the next occurrences of U and s (after then) as free variables.
What I really want is just a function that takes x and something of the form germ x U s and returns germ x U ( -⇩a ⇘objectsmap U⇙ s ). Nothing here is recursive.
Is there a way around this problem, or maybe a better way to make definitions by cases that will allow me to define what I want?
Be aware that this is nothing strange about Isabelle's syntax but, there just is no connection between the if-condition and the then- and else-branches. The scope of the existential quantifier naturally ends with then.
If you want to obtain a witness for something you know exists, you can use Hilbert's choice operator, e.g., SOME (U, s). y = germ x U s) gives you a pair (U, s) that satisfies y = germ x U s if such a pair exists (which you made sure by your if-condition), and is undefined otherwise.
So how about:
definition stalk_mop2 :: "'a ⇒(('a set × 'a) set ⇒ ('a set × 'a) set)"
"stalk_mop2 x y = ((λz .
if ∃U s. y = germ x U s then
let (U, s) = (SOME (U, s). y = germ x U s) in
germ x U (-⇩a ⇘objectsmap U⇙ s)
else undefined) z)"
Update: You can use multiple lets in one of the following ways
let x1 = e1 in let x2 = e2 in ...
let x1 = e1; x2 = e2; ... in ...

Memoization in OCaml?

It is possible to improve "raw" Fibonacci recursive procedure
Fib[n_] := If[n < 2, n, Fib[n - 1] + Fib[n - 2]]
Fib[n_] := Fib[n] = If[n < 2, n, Fib[n - 1] + Fib[n - 2]]
in Wolfram Mathematica.
First version will suffer from exponential explosion while second one will not since Mathematica will see repeating function calls in expression and memoize (reuse) them.
Is it possible to do the same in OCaml?
How to improve
let rec fib n = if n<2 then n else fib (n-1) + fib (n-2);;
in the same manner?
The solution provided by rgrinberg can be generalized so that we can memoize any function. I am going to use associative lists instead of hashtables. But it does not really matter, you can easily convert all my examples to use hashtables.
First, here is a function memo which takes another function and returns its memoized version. It is what nlucaroni suggested in one of the comments:
let memo f =
let m = ref [] in
fun x ->
List.assoc x !m
Not_found ->
let y = f x in
m := (x, y) :: !m ;
The function memo f keeps a list m of results computed so far. When asked to compute f x it first checks m to see if f x has been computed already. If yes, it returns the result, otherwise it actually computes f x, stores the result in m, and returns it.
There is a problem with the above memo in case f is recursive. Once memo calls f to compute f x, any recursive calls made by f will not be intercepted by memo. To solve this problem we need to do two things:
In the definition of such a recursive f we need to substitute recursive calls with calls to a function "to be provided later" (this will be the memoized version of f).
In memo f we need to provide f with the promised "function which you should call when you want to make a recursive call".
This leads to the following solution:
let memo_rec f =
let m = ref [] in
let rec g x =
List.assoc x !m
Not_found ->
let y = f g x in
m := (x, y) :: !m ;
To demonstrate how this works, let us memoize the naive Fibonacci function. We need to write it so that it accepts an extra argument, which I will call self. This argument is what the function should use instead of recursively calling itself:
let fib self = function
0 -> 1
| 1 -> 1
| n -> self (n - 1) + self (n - 2)
Now to get the memoized fib, we compute
let fib_memoized = memo_rec fib
You are welcome to try it out to see that fib_memoized 50 returns instantly. (This is not so for memo f where f is the usual naive recursive definition.)
You pretty much do what the mathematica version does but manually:
let rec fib =
let cache = Hashtbl.create 10 in
begin fun n ->
try Hashtbl.find cache n
with Not_found -> begin
if n < 2 then n
let f = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2) in
Hashtbl.add cache n f; f
Here I choose a hashtable to store already computed results instead of recomputing them.
Note that you should still beware of integer overflow since we are using a normal and not a big int.
