Include/exclude images for Pinterest "Pin It" button - button

each post in my website, contains a photo gallery. The gallery consists of thumbnail images which link to full-size images.
I have also placed a PinIt button in my posts. The problem is that it catches thumbnail images for pining.
Based on what I've found about this kind of issue, I ended up with the following code which should exclude thumbnails from pining, and include full-size images instead. None of these, is donw though...
<a href="path_to_full_image" rel="lightbox[single_post]" pi:pinit:media="path_to_full_image">
<img src="path_to_thumbnail" width="200" height="130" nopin="nopin" />
Any suggestions?

We can avoid showing an image in the pin action just by using nopin = "nopin" in the image attribute.
For eg.,
<img src="" nopin = "nopin" />

In order for the PinIt button to pick full-size images they should be loaded and visible on the page. Since they are not, it cannot grab them to the grid gallery. As a workaround I would suggest to have a custom logic that pre-loads full-sized images before triggering the PinIt button click event. Something like this:
image_src = $(this).attr('href');
This way you will pre-load all the images and put them into imageContainer block and then trigger a click that will open Grid Gallery to pick an image.
Hope it helps.


Read image size and hide watemark

<div style="margin:0px auto ;width:490;height:288px; overflow:hidden;"> // But here read and hide watmark on "height".
<img style="width:490px;height:318" src="******"/> // Original image src, and size.
Me using wordpress, so i got uploaded images, and watemark on images at the bottom. I want to hide this 40px on botton.
Simple page:
I want to do same.
You can use the manual crop feature after uploading the image or if you want to bulk crop multiple images then use this plugin . I got the same problem hence resolved it with this plugin . link

Display lightbox gallery without displaying the whole gallery on document

Is it possible to display a Nivo Lightbox Gallarey (or any other responsive lightbox) with for example 4 pictures when a user clicks on a single picture? (the other 3 pictures are hidden and only displayed in the lightbox)
Pretty easy with Nivo. Simply create empty anchors for the other images
<img src="images/gallery-thumb-004.jpg" width="365" height="245" />
Then call the gallery from JQuery

Wordpress Evolve Theme: Change Images in Slider

In the Carousel Slider at the Evolve Theme, there are a few sample pictures.
How can I change them into new pictures and add an href that an article opens by clicking on an image?
You upload a photo in the media library with the correct dimensions for the slider.
When you select to edit the image you get the full size version.
In Firefox I right click on the image and ask to copy "Image Location", in the Chrome browser "Copy image URL"
that gives me the url to the image in my clipboard something like
Then you go to the widgets
You have to add the "T4P Carousel Slider" to the Header1 area. If you don't The theme automatically loads its own custom widget for advertizing the theme. Once you add the widget you will get a code box that by default has their code in it.
You are going to replace that code with your own it is not to hard but it is certainly not a drag and drop option.
Once you drag the Carousel Slider to the Header you will see the code.
you will see 4 sections that look like this:
<img src='http://www.####.###/wp-content/themes/evolve/library/media/images/slide/slider_img_01.jpg' alt='' />
<div class='carousel-caption'>
<h4>Built-in Bootstrap Elements let you do amazing things with your website</h4>
You replace this part of the code with the url to the image from the library using cntl-v and ad a alt tag if you like
http://www.####.###/wp-content/themes/evolve/library/media/images/slide/slider_img_01.jpg' alt='' />
After' alt='Baby' />
Next you can add a Caption to be over the top of the image
Built-in Bootstrap Elements let you do amazing things with your website
This is a really cool image
down at the bottom of the code box you will see additional code.
This controls how may dots are in the rectangular window for navigation one line for each dot
So you want to have as many lines as you have images. If you only have 3 images take the line with data-to='4' completely out. or you can add another line at the bottom:
<div id='carousel-nav'>
<a href='#myCarousel' data-to='1' class='active'>1</a>
<a href='#myCarousel' data-to='2'>2</a>
<a href='#myCarousel' data-to='3'>3</a>
<a href='#myCarousel' data-to='4'>4</a>
-- add or remove lines above this line
This controls the navigation box in the lower center of the slider. However the dot does not seem to move as the slides change automatically. The dot only moves when you click on it.
If you prefer you can remove the entire div from the code and that will remove the navigation box.
Hope this helps.

Lightbox - Way to start without first image

I have a lightbox that has one image, then some more images in the same set, but these are styled to be hidden, the only way you can see them is by clicking the first image (the only visible one) and activating the lightbox.
Is there a way of skipping straight to the second image in the lightbox instead of the image being clicked on being shown first,
This is what im working on:
Try setting a link on the first image that will link to the second one. It may look something like this:
<img src="1" />
<img src="2" />
<img src="3" />

Why print button always showing when cursor on an image tag in my web page

I'm have an .aspx page done with and the buttons "Save Image" "print image" "Send image" is showing when I put the cursor on one of the images tag. I say one image because it doesn't appear on the other images tags. I don't want these buttons!
Are these the buttons?
ie6 image hover
(I don't know when they appear and when not - check your browser documentation or ask the browser vendor.)
Do you have the galleryimg tag set on the other images?
<img src="proprietary.gif" galleryimg="no" />
The 'no' setting will not show the toolbar, while if it is set to 'yes' the toolbar will be visible.
You can also disable this feature for the entire page by using the meta tag:
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />
