Qt Creator 4.8.4. windows 7 - 64bit installation - qt

I have some difficulties with QT, which I need for school for some GUI applications.
I have recently done these steps:
1) mingw-get-inst-20120426.exefrom SourceForge installed to C:\MinGW\ with default settings.
2) Qt libraries 4.8.4 for Windows (minGW 4.4, 317 MB) from QT Project installed to C:\Qt\ with default settings. Here an error occurs:
!!!There is a problem with your MinQW instalation
!!!g++ not found in c:\MinGW\bin\
!!!Do you still want to continue? Yes
I checked c:\MinGW\bin\ there is no such file
3) Qt Creator 2.6.0 for Windows (51 MB)also from QT installed to C:\Qt\gtcreator-2.6.0 with default settings
4) Run the QT IDE
5) Open project or create new project. Another error occurs here
!!!No valid kits fond.
Qt Creator uses the invalid kit Desktop to parse the project.
6) Open Options->Build & Run->Kits (But I don't know how should I set Kits and where to find them).
7) Can you also help me, how to set Qt version
(Options->Buid&Run->Qt Version)? Where do I find qmake.exe?
I also didn't find how to create GUI Application. There is no such option in New File or Project...
Thanks for help.

That is quite tricky ;)
Precompiled Qt (MinGW) is only win32 (not win64).
Precompiled Qt is compiled with MinGW-g++ 4.4 and won't work with other.
You have to download this one:
//// Edit: With this version of MinGW, gdb won't work (it's not python-enabled). Although QtSDK is depracted (and you won't find it on qt-project.org), I highly recommend downloading this online installer and, during the selection of components mark only MinGW. It will come with folder named "pythongdb".
(You may need to register. It's free.)
Add "Compiler" by g++.exe
Add "Qt Version" by qmake.exe.
Add "Kit" with Compiler and Qt Version configured above. You can try to change debugger from CDB to GDB.

When you installed mingw, did you select the C++ compiler? It is not selected by default but you need it. Re-run the wizard and select that.
The kit is not valid because the C++ compiler cannot be found: try to install it first. If you still cannot setup this read the manual: http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qtcreator-2.6/creator-targets.html. It is very complete.
qmake.exe is in *qt_directory*/bin/qmake.exe.

Try this out:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/ (Since the mingw-w64 project on sourceforge.net is moving to mingw-w64.org i suggest to use mingw-w64.org)
It works for me.


How to fix: "line: 1; Qt Quick emulation layer crashed

The Problem
I cannot stress this enough but I have looked as far as I can over the internet for a solution and either they didn't have a solution or all they did was add a support ticket. The problem is that after creating a python qt quick application I try opening the QML file but when I go to the design tab it give me this error:
The Designer is very finicky and can crash for various reasons. I've had success seeing the actual errors causing this dialog by launching Creator from the command line with debugging enabled:
QT_LOGGING_RULES="qtc.nodeinstances.init.debug=true" "/Applications/QtCommercial/Qt Creator.app/Contents/MacOS/Qt Creator"
That's specific to macOS but the like approach should work on any OS.
Look for error messages related to "Puppet". That's the name of the subprocess that actually renders the QML for Designer.
You can also go to Preferences -> Qt Quick -> QML Emulation Layer and try the opposite of the current setting and see if it works any better.
The solution that works for me is as follows:
OS: windows 10
Go to Tools >> Options >> Qt Quick >> (tab) Qt Designer
In the "Use fallback QML emulation layer", you see the placeholder path there. Switch it to C:\Qt\Tools\QtDesignStudio\bin or use browse if you have a different install location for Qt such that path\to\QtDesignStudio\bin
Boy do I have a FIX for you guys. I had been screwing around with this same issue to no avail, until I came across an error that wouldn't let me download qt3d (something) and I know that was part of the installation choices so I decided to uninstall everything. A thing to note when uninstalling: the Maintenance Tool doesn't uninstall everything. There were still Qt files located in C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming I needed to delete those. Also, I needed to go into the Registry Run >>> Regedit >>>> Edit >>> Find >>> then search for Qt and that brought up all of the QT keys that still remained. I just deleted them one by one. For the Reinstall I practically installed everything (within reason) here's the list of my installation selections. Happy Hunting Fellow Qt'errr's!
Qt 5.15.2
Web Assembly
MSVC 2015-64BIT
MinGW 8.1.0 32BIT
MinGW 8.1.0 64BIT
UWP ARMv7 (MSVC 2015)
UWP x64 (MSVC 2015)
UWP ARMv7 (MSVC 2019)
UWP x64 (MSVC 2019)
UWP x86 (MSVC 2019)
Developer and Designer Tools
Qt Creator 4.15.1 CDB Debugger Support
Debugging Tools for Windows
Qt Creator 4.15.1 Debug Symbols
Qt Creator 4.15.1 Plugin Development
Qt 3D Studio 2.8.0
-MinGW 8.1.0 32BIT
MinGW 8.1.0 64BIT
Qt 3D Studio OpenGL Runtime 2.8.0
MinGW 7.3.0 64Bit
Qt Installer Framework 4.1
Cmake 3.19.2 32bit
Cmake 3.19.2 64bit
License: I chose L GPL
I chose Cmake not qmake
Graphic drivers were the issue in my case. Try updating or changing them.
Maybe that your Direct3D driver seems to have issues with Qt.
The error can be avoided by defining:QT_OPENGL=software in the Windows environment.
Assuming the root cause is the display driver of your computer.
Please reference:

Unknown module(s) in QT: declarative

Sorry, this may be a dumb question, but I'm totally new in QT, I just need to run a project and Log some data.
I installed Qt "qt-unified-windows-x86-2.0.3-2-online", open the project and then click on configure, and then I got this error:
Unknown module(s) in QT: declarative
which wont let me compile the code. Everything else looks fine.
From researching I get that I may lack some libraries, I'm using windows, How do I get the proper library in windows? which is the library I need?
I'm using "Qt Creator user the kit Desktop Qt 5.7.0 MinGW 32bit."
Thank you.
I'm downloading linux, a live version, to try to run the code in there
The error occurs when trying to build a project that depends on the deprecated QtDeclarative module on Qt version 5.6 and later, as the module was removed in version 5.6.
The source code for the module is still available you can compile it from source. Or you can install a Qt version below Qt 5.6 to build the project.
You probably don't have declarative library installed somehow, here it is recommended to use a command-line utility named windeployqt, something like
windeployqt -declarative

Qt Creator asks me to configure a compiler

I'm running Debian 7, 32 bits. I've downloaded Qt here: http://qt-project.org/downloads
I took the link "Qt Online Installer for Linux 32-bit (22 MB) ". I then installed Qt, it worked but when I want to build a project, I get this error:
Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Connfigure a compiler in the kit options.
I searched but I can't find how to solve this issue...
First make sure that you have a C++ compiler installed on your system and than in Qt Creator you go to Tools->Options->Build & Run->Kits and make sure that the kit has a compiler selected.

Installing and compiling using the Qt Creator

So I thought upgrading Qt and Qt Creator was a good idea since I used an older version of both.
I re-installed everything as I should and realized that Qt 5 is only for VS2010 for Windows which I have never worked with since I have been sticking with minGW up to this point,
I then realized my problems that my project wouldn't compile and run so I tried to download the 4.8.4 version with minGW, but that complained that:
"The installer could not find a valid c:\MinGW32\include\w32api.h
(Only versions with W32API3.13 are supported)"
and further I did not get creator when I installed it either.
Any help that would either let me go back to 4.8.8 minGW or a simple straight forward way using Qt creator with VS2010 would be appreciated, thanks.
I think I solved parts of my own issue (at least enough to answer this problem).
1: Download and install latest minGW installer and add ';C:\MinGW\bin' to the system variable 'path'.
2: Download the Qt 4.8.4 and install it (Does not come with Qt Creator) and add'C:\Qt\4.8.4\bin' to the system variable 'path'.
3: Download the latest Qt Creator, launch it and go:
tools -> options -> build & run
From there choose the correct Qt version by pointing to the Qmake in the Bin folder (C:\Qt\4.8.4\bin in this case)
Also make sure it auto detects minGW compiler, if it does not show up I am not sure what to do.
4: If you are including a project from other Qt versions you might have to delete the users.pro file (not the .pro file) to get it to compile properly.
Last issue is that I do not have any debugger, but the program compiles in the /release folder (if you put CONFIG += release in the pro file) and I can run it by using the .exe.
Using MSVS 2010 as the compiler isn't too hard.
Download Visual Studio Express 2010.
Install it, and now you have MSVS 2010 compiler available.
The compiler should be located under C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin or somewhere similar at cl.exe.
Setting up the latest version of Qt built against MSVC 2010, with the latest Qt Creator isn't too bad, either. In Tools > Options > Build and Run > Kits, find your Qt qmake installation, and in Tools > Options > Build and Run > Compiler, find your compiler.
Now you can use the amazing Qt 5 instead of sticking in the past with 4.8 (even though Qt 4.8 is awesome and works really well, too).
Hope that helps.

Integrating QWT 6.0.1 with Qt Creator/Designer 4.8.0

I've installed the Qt SDK version 4.8.0 (to C:\QtSDK) on a Windows 7 64-bit machine. I've also installed and successfully compiled QWT 6.0.1 with MSVC2010.
I can use QWT in C++ code by linking to the libraries; however when I try to use the plugin I get an error that I can't seem to find on the Googles.
My failed plugin error is:
The plugin 'C:/QtSDK/QtCreator/bin/designer/qwt_designer_plugin.dll' uses an incompatible Qt library. (4.8.0) [release]
My QWTbuild.pri has CONFIG += debug_and_release
I built the plugin by doing:
C:\QtSDK\QWT\qwt-6.0.1\designer > qmake designer.pro
C:\QtSDK\QWT\qwt-6.0.1\designer > nmake release
I then copied the .dll generated (qwt_designer_plugin.dll) in C:\QtSDK\QWT\qwt-6.0.1\designer\plugins\designer to my plugin path for QtCreator (C:\QtSDK\QtCreator\bin\designer)
I've also put the .dll and the .lib generated in the Qt plugins folder (C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.8.0\msvc2010\plugins\designer).
I've also linked my libraries in the project file containing the form I'm trying to build.
I'm sure that there's something small I'm missing, but I can't seem to find it. What am I doing wrong here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The Qt plugins should use the same version of Qt or a lower version with the same major number as the application they are loaded in.
Since the Qt Creator currently included in the Qt SDK seems to use Qt 4.7.4, you should probably recompile Qwt for that version of Qt.
