Sharpdevelop - set the default project for solution - setup-project

Maybe this is a stupid question, but here I go :)
I have two projects in one solution. WinApp and ConsoleApp. If i have open only files from ConsoleApp then sharpdevelop launches the WinApp. I have to right-click ConsoleApp and choose "Run project".
How can I tell sharpdevelop which one of the two to run, by default, when I pressed F5?
I'm using sharpdevelop 4.2.2 build 8818

In the Projects window, right click the ConsoleApp project and select Set as Startup Project. SharpDevelop will then run the ConsoleApp when you press F5.


How do I know which console command Qt is building the project on?

My project unlike this issue is going through MSVC and I'm having troubles with nmake. Is there a way to just see what commands Qt Creator uses when I press Ctrl+R?
Simply click down on the "Compile Output" pane, and it will show you the exact commands that are issued to build the project.

How to permanently disable QML debugger in Qt?

Whenever I make a Qt project, the qmake command includes this parameter:
I never use qml and dont want to manually click three times and ignore the warning every time I generate a new project.
It happened to me in a project. I just added this to the .pro file :
CONFIG -= qml_debug
It seems to work.
You can download Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition, it's free to use. And it is not only a great IDE but also it has got Qt support. By downloading Qt plug in for Microsoft Visuals Studio you can create Qt projects and build and debug them...
Everything that you do with Qt Creator and it has got no such problem as yours.
Also if you want to stay with Qt creator, check Projects -> Build & Run -> Run Settings. There is Enable QML setting which mine is disabled. Maybe you can disable it from there.
If not I advice you to check Tools -> Options -> Build & Run and Tools -> Options -> Debuggers. If it can be solved within Qt Creator it must be solved from these places.

How to select building target in QT Creator?

I am trying to set up and run an open source application(LibreCAD) and I am following their Build From Source guide. In section "Building LibreCAD 2.0 on Windows" and under "Building LibreCAD in Qt-Creator" they state this:
Take care about the Shadow build option in Debug and Release
configuration. Disable this option in both configurations and save the
Select librecad as building target in Qt Creator (instead of tff2lff, which is another choice)
If everything is good up to this point, you can build and run LibreCAD
within Qt-Creator.
I could not figure out how or/and where to do the second task. Could anyone help me please?
In Qt - Building for Multiple Platforms they say I need to "1.Click the Build and Run Kit Selector icon" and then to "2.Choose Build > Build Project". But I don't see any Kit Selector icon on my QT compiler!
And in Configuring Projects they say it is right here:
But on mine, it looks like disabled:
This is how my "Kit Selector" looks like:
and then to "Choose Build > Build Project"
I'm not sure where you see that, but it's not on either of those pages.
They're talking about this thingy:
The "Build and Run Kit Selector icon" is on the button above the "Run" button (it's probably named like this because running an executable via this button implies that the target is built first).
In your project, tff2lff might be where app is in the screenshot, and librecad might be where test is, for example.

How to remove DBProject from my solution's sequence of build

Any time I try to debug my web project by pressing F5, the DBProj also get rebuilt and deployed. The deploying aspect takes time and I want to avoid this. Thanks.
on visual studio, find the combobox with "Debug, Release, Configuration Manager"
select "Configuration Manager", a window will popup, uncheck the projects you dont want to build and voila.

Qt Creator: is there something like VS solution in which you can add projects and set project dependencies and build order?

I have one of the latest versions of Qt Creator.
is there something like VS solution? In which you can add projects and set project dependencies and build order?
if I have multiple open projects, how do I set one of them as "default", so that Ctrl+B builds specifically that project?
I think the "solution" you are looking for is the file that gets created when you open a .pro file in QtCreator. It's an XML file that describes build steps, build environment, etc. for your project. When your project is open in QtCreator, go in the "Projects" tab (from the left), then in the "Dependencies" tab, where you can check all other (open) projects that this project depends on, and thus must be built first. You can repeat for each project, then QtCreator will figure a build order that satisfies all dependencies (unless there are cyclic dependencies).
Go in the "Projects" tab (on the left), then select the project you want to be "default" from the top bar, and go back in Edit mode. The project you selected will show in bold in the project sidebar, which means it's the one tied to the "Build project" shortcut.
