Does Qt Resources system support having files just for testing? - qt

I already used the Resources from Qt to add a couple of icons to the menu and works great, but now I was wondering if it would be possible to add a file that I need to use as a reference for testing purposes.
Therefore, I would like this file to be accesible just when I´m running the tests, not that it gets added to the binary of the application. Is there any way to set that differentiation?
I did not find something like that in Qt´s documentation.

You can do it programmatically using QResource.
Or maybe writing on the .pro file (i have not tried it!! ) :
Debug:RESOURCES += resources_only_debug_mode.qrc
more information here : Qt .pro Docs


add module in qt(QML module) [duplicate]

So when I create a new Qt project inside Qt Creator I'm only asked for some simple details like location of the project, build targets, the main window class name (along with header, source and form file) and at the enda choice to add it to version control.
After I create the project I'm only given the qt core and gui modules. My question is how do I add other modules (such as network or opengl). I've looked and looked, yet I cannot find anything on how to add other Qt modules easily. I know I can edit the .pro file, but unfortunately I don't know all the modules in Qt, nevermind the name I'm supposed to put there. Adding external libraries is easy, but how come there's no (obvious) option to add Qt libraries?
Help would be much appreciated ^_^ Thanks!
Oh yeah... I'm running Arch Linux if that's any help.
Edit your .pro file. It should has one line like this:
QT += core gui
Append the desired modules in this line. To get the module's names, just remove the "Qt" part in this list. (e.g. QtSql turns "sql")
I can't find that either.
It seems that in older versions of the "New project" wizard you used to be able to specify which modules you wanted to use, but even then you were not able to alter your choice later. And this seems gone now, so your only choice is to manually edit the .pro file.
As others have pointed out, you simply #include the module you want in the source and add the name of the module in the .pro file to the QT variable.
However the actual documentation you need which no one else has mentioned is the qmake Project Files page. qmake is very powerful and it's well worth getting familiar with how it works and I think that's why they don't provide a complete GUI for it, as it can handle some very complex scenarios.
You have to read the documentation to add the modules.
Frankly speaking, I never really felt like that there needs to be a GUI for that.

Getting an all-white screen on deploying Qt Quick demo app Minehunt

To test the deployment process I am trying to deploy the included demo app Minehunt. I am able to get it to run, no crashing or errors, but the screen is all white.
I believe this generally means that I am missing plugins. Dependency walker reports no problems, and I even tried including ALL the plugins from the Qt MingW plugins directory, but no such luck.
Here is what I am including so far; Can anyone advise what else I need to add to get it to run?
Your dlls don't look bad at all. I think, too, that it's your plugins. Even if they are there, there is a good chance, that your program don't find them. Qt is a bit picky where to look by default. You might try qt.conf. This is a small textfile you must create in the folder where your executable lies. It contains the path to your Qt plugins.
For instance, in one of my projects I have the followin folder layout:
...many dlls...
Then I added a qt.conf file to the Appfolder, which has the following content:
Plugins = plugins/qt/plugins
My program is Qt 4, but I don't think this aspect of plugin deployment changed in Qt5.
All my qt dlls are in qt. And I add the following PATH: SET PATH=.\plugins;.\plugins\qt;%PATH%. Works like a charm on any Windows I ever tried.
I then created a .bat file, which does:
SET PATH=.\plugins;.\plugins\qt;%PATH%
cd Appfolder
start myapp
This was an ugly quick fix, which I did not have the time to replace with something better, yet.
If application runs and shows blank screen then that usually indicates two things :
All the dependencies (dlls) are probably present and detected properly.
Most probably whats missing is the presence of qml files at the correct location.
In your main.cpp check the path of qml file which you would have given, and see if relatively that folder is present at the same location corresponding to your executable.
Also, instead of running the executable by double clicking, run it through the command line. It might print some messages if it is not able to locate some images/files/other dependencies etc according to the specified paths.
Edit 1 :
Add this flag in the .pro file :
CONFIG += console
It will give the exact debug message in a console once you run the application.

Cannot find correct file called qtnetwork4.dll

Guys I've written app in qt and when trying to run it (double click on *.exe) I'm getting error that this application cannot start because qtnetwork4.dll isn't available. I've searched my drive and I found few files with this name (and copied one by one every time trying to run my app) but none of them seems to work. How can I solve it?
place into your *.exe - folder appropriate dll-s from %QT_PATH%\bin\
There is an app called Dependency Walker that will let you know what functions in qtnetwork4.dll are being used in your program. It can be found at the following:
All of the DLLs your program use will be from the same installation as the qmake.exe that is used to compile the program. If you are using Qt Creator you can see where the qmake.exe your using is located by going to:
Get the DLLs that are located at the path displayed here to make sure they will work with your program.
On windows, DLL are looked for in folder where executable lies, then using "PATH" environenment variable.
In your case, you want to put your dll along your executable, taking them from the sdk you're using to compile
The following page provides a lot of additional information on the subject (example, plugins, strategy for building installers)
To force using QtNetwork and linking it, you have to put
QT += network
in your poject file.
If you're sure you're not using it, you can use
QT -= network

Add specific phrases from Qt framework to my application's translation files

Is there a way to add specific phrases from Qt frameworks's internal .ts files to my application's translation files? I only need to translate several phrases for QMessageBox and friends.
I also want to:
Bundle the phrases inside my application's .ts file
Prevent them from going obsolete after a routine lupdate
There's always an alternative to subclass QMessageBox, but I'd like to try a perfectionist solution first.
EDIT #2:
I've solved the problem the ugly way by shipping a .qm file with my application from the Qt distribution. I'll keep this question open in case somebody comes up with a more elegant solution.
For custom translation of internal Qt phrases you only need to do some steps:
Modify appropriate qt_lang.ts in translation folder inside Qt SDK directory. I strongly recommend you to use Qt linguist for this purpose.
Use lrelease utility on qt_lang.ts to produce .qm file.
Modify your code. You need to install generated translation file in your app by using QTranslator class.
Distribute your app with generated .qm. All .qm files must be arranged in special dir relative to your app binary. By default it is translations folder, but you can change this dir by using custom qt.conf.
So when you change app language you'll get needed (translated by you) phrases.
For example, if you want to achieve custom translation for russian friends you need to open qt_ru.ts in Qt Linguist, locate there QMessageBox context and translate all needed phrases. Then follow described above instruction.
In Qt you can load various ts files for your application, i would try not to extract the needed phrases but load the qt ts files along with your own translation

Managing files copy/paste within Qt pro-file

In my Qt project i have some files that should be located in drectory located against with executable(it should be in filesystem, I cannot place it into resources).
The question is: can I manage these files to be copied into correct location on app build within .pro file? What is the best approach for managing stuff like that?
inb4: I could use QMAKE_POST_LINK to run shell scripts to manage this. This is no good solution, since I have to build my app both for linux and windows.
QMake really does have a features that you can use to copy files when application is builded. Unfortunatedly information how it is use seems to be quite hard to find.
While digging I actually found this one:
Other Topic on issue
So ripped example from there:
images.path = $${DESTDIR}/images
images.files += images/splashscreen.png
images.files += images/logo.png
INSTALLS += images
This should also work in all OS's directly.
