On a button click I need to read the first page of my data. The common answer is to use the query() method of datasource, specifing page, and other additional values through the parameterMap. The problem is that in my datasource I am also using aggregates, and the query() methods does not seem to handle them at all.
Am I right? Is it because only read() uses "transport.read" settings?
Is there another way to reset a grid binded to a datasource to the first page mantaining all datasource settings?
Yep mate there is specific method for paging -> dataSource.page(3). Here is link from the documentation.
I solved my problem (read the first page of data through datasource, with parameters) using "datasource.page(1)" and setting the values in the parameterMap through an "observable" object, so they are updated when I change my parameters and sent through the "page(1)" request.
var vm = kendo.observable({
param1: "value1",
param2: "value2",
param3: "value3"
var datasource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
parameterMap: function (inputParams, operation) {
return JSON.stringify($.extend({
param1: vm.get("param1"),
param2: vm.get("param2"),
param3: vm.get("param3"),
$("#btn").bind("click", function(e) {
// set call parameters, if needed
vm.set("param1", "new value");
=== HTML ===
<button class="k-button" id="btn">GetData</button>
I have a List, bound to an entityset from mainService. Same view contains a filter field. Once user enters some filtering criteria, the read should happen. I am already reading the OData entityset, results are coming back. But I have no luck to let the table be bound to that result
The binding in XML View
items= "{/ItProjHeadSet}"
mode="{= ${device>/system/phone} ? 'None' : 'SingleSelectMaster'}"
Then, when the GO button of the smart filter bar is clicked, I am triggering the onSearch event as follows:
onSearchProjects : function (oEvent) {
var oMasterPage = this.getView().byId("masterPage");
var that = this;
var aTokens = this._oMultiInput.getTokens();
var aMultiFilters = aTokens.map(function (oToken) {
var oProperties = oToken.data("range");
return new Filter({
path: oProperties.keyField,
operator: FilterOperator[oProperties.operation],
value1: oProperties.value1,
value2: oProperties.value2
this.getOwnerComponent().getModel().read("/ItProjHeadSet", {
filters: aMultiFilters,
success: function (oData) {
var list = that.getView().byId("list");
var projectModel = new JSONModel(oData);
var oModel = that.getView().getModel("/ItProjHeadSet");
error: function (oData) {
The problem then is that although I am receiving the corresponding successful results in the read, the setData seems that it is happening to a different model than the one bound to the list.
Am I doing the right model update in the Success read?
Solved by my own, by getting the list binding then applying filters:
List.getBinding("items").filter(aMultiFilters, "Application");
then there was no need to getOwnerComponent and all that
I use a bunch of helper methods in my project. Some of them require to load the whole collection into the client due the restriction of the api on client side (the distinct function!). I googled the problem and found Meteor.methods as solution.
Can I use helpers (like this.helpers) into Meteor methods? Or how should I dynamically update my data in the frontend?
Can someone give me an example?
Additional information:
class View2 {
constructor($interval, $scope, $reactive) {
this.tempVar = Kafkadata.find().fetch();
this.tempVar2 = _.pluck(this.tempVar, 'orderNumber');
this.tempVar3 = _.uniq(tempVar2, false);
return this.tempVar3;
This is an example for a helpers query. Currently, this code runs client-side. I get ALL orders(tempvar) and then remove ALL data except the ordernumbers(tempvar2). At the end I remove all multiple ordernumbers. ordernumber is not an unique value. Here is an example from one of the collections:
I want to use functions like db.collection.distinct(). But they only work server-side. I think I must use Meteor.methods()to make this thing server-side. But what about this helpers function? How do they work on Meteor.methods()?
my test:
class View1 {
constructor($interval, $scope, $reactive) {
// some code
Meteor.call('allTestData',function(error, result){
return result;
}); //end of contructor
// this is my testfunction, which is bound to a button!
Meteor.call('allTestData',function(error, result){
on the server-side:
var results=Kafkadata.find().count();
return results;
and this is my view1.html:
//some code
<md-button ng-click="view1.testFunction()"> It works!</md-button>
Why does the button work, but not the helper?
Even though .distinct is supported by Mongo, Meteor does not expose it, even on the server. You just have to use _.uniq as your example shows, but for performance reasons it's better if it runs on the server.
Below is an example of a helper that I use:
aweek: () => {
if (debug)
console.log("Querying weekly appointments for "+this.selectedWeek.format("Do MMMM"));
var weekApts = Appointments.find(
{start: {$gte: new Date(this.getReactively('this.selectedWeek').clone().day(1)),
$lt: new Date(this.getReactively('this.selectedWeek').clone().endOf('week'))},
elderid: Meteor.userId()
return utils.services.getAWeek(weekApts,utils.data.elderTimeFormat);
Note the use of this.getReactively('this.selectedWeek') in the code... basically this tells Meteor to run this helper reactively, so if the value of this.selectedWeek changes, the helper will get re-run. So when I click on a week in the calendar and update the variable, it runs my helper again to get the data.
The utils.services.getAWeek() function does some calculation and formatting on the array of data that makes is easier to display.
If you create a Meteor Method to do processing, I would make it update a collection with its results, and then your helper on the client will update automatically. Best make the technology do the work for you :)
i have been knocking my head for 2 days now in that .
am creating a search engine, am creating queries dynamically using Meteor Framwork, the queries are working fine and when i search i can rebind the UI (Table in My Case) with the dynamic data query output.
however if an insert/update/delete operation occures the data object
and the UI (html Table) is not updating.
which means that the template is not re-rendered when the data object changes.
Template.search.rendered = function () {
Meteor.autorun(function() {
alarmsData = Alarms.find(getSearchSelector($('#searchTxt').val(), $('#startTimeTxt').val(), $('#endTimeTxt').val())).fetch()
//alarmsData = Alarms.find({},{sort: {timestamp: "desc"} }).fetch();
getConsole(alarmsData, ".console")
the get console function is just reading the array from teh search and creating an html table (this is working fine)
as for the begining i am creating a simple query as the default for my search. and then am changing this query whenever user changes the search criteria. i can notice that only the first instance of teh data object is kept and tracked for changes, so if the second search criteria resides within the first one, it's updating the UI, if not nothing happenes
i have used Meteor.autorun(function(){}) function however i traced it's execution with console.log and i can see it's no excuting when i insert data in the database for the same collection.
One, I believe you are trying to use Deps.autorun. Also, there is nothing in your autorun that seems to be dependent on a reactive source. Since alarmsData is taking a snapshot of data it won't care when Alarms has data changing.
Second, I would probably approach this with a redirect. I would compile my data, and redirect to the same page, allowing the server to handle the querying for me. This easily allows you to jump to this page from anywhere else with a prefilled query in the parameters (because the route would then handle it) and also gives a visual change to the navigation bar when a search has happened (just like every other search engine). You would do something like this on a button click:
var query = {},
query.text = encodeURIComponent($('#searchTxt').val()),
query.start = encodeURIComponent($('#startTimeTxt').val()),
query.end = encodeURIComponent($('#endTimeTxt').val()),
// redirect to current path
path = Router.routes[Router.current().route.name].path({}, {
query: query
Router.go( path );
In your router you would just pass the query into your server and route as a data object (assuming you are using iron-router):
this.route( "search", {
path: "/search",
waitOn: function() {
return [
Meteor.subscribe( "searchAlarms", _.omit( this.params, "hash" ) ),
data: function () {
return { "query": _.omit( this.params, "hash" ) };
This will not only give you the query data that was used for the search (in your template) but the server can now handle the search for you! Your Alarms data now holds all of the documents needed to display to the user and you no longer need to subscribe to all your Alarms. This is also great because it is automatically reactive. So if a new Alarm matches your query filter it will automatically be passed down to the client and displayed to the user without needing to setup any extra dependencies/autoruns.
Note though, that if you are subscribing to Alarms elsewhere you will still need to do filtering client-side.
What a strange meteor code…
The "rendered" code method code is called once you will be rendering the search template
getSearchSelector($('#searchTxt').val() is not reactive, my advise is to use the session variable to put your search criteria inside and use this same session to inject the find parameters inside.
Are you looking for displaying all the alarms Data ?
function getAlarms()
var text = Session.get("text");
var from = Session.get("start");
var to = Session.get("end");
var filter = getSearchSelector(text, from, to);
return Alarms.find(filter);
Template.search.alarms = function () {
return getAlarms();
Template.search.alarmsCount = function () {
return getAlarms().count();
'keypress input[name=text]' : function(e,o)
var val = $("input[name= text]").val()
Session.set("text", val);
'keypress input[name=start]' : function(e,o)
var val = $("input[name=start]").val()
Session.set("start", val);
'keypress input[name=end]' : function(e,o)
var val = $("input[name=end]").val()
Session.set("end", val);
// And your template will look something like:
<template name="search">
Search alarms
<input type="text" name="text" placeholder="Enter your text here…"/>
<input type="text" name="start" placeholder="start time"/>
<input type="text" name="end" placeholder="end time/>
There is {{alarmsCount}} alarms(s);
{{#each alarms}}
Alarm object: {{.}}
I Guess its Solved it by using Session.set & get, and automatically subscribing to the Serevr and send the dynamic Query.
Check the below Code
Template.zConsole.rendered = function () {
Session.set("obj", getSearchSelector($('#searchTxt').val(), $('#startTimeTxt').val(), $('#endTimeTxt').val()))
Deps.autorun(function (){
Meteor.subscribe("dynamicAlarms", Session.get("obj"))
console.log("Count from AutoRun ==> " + Alarms.find(Session.get("obj")).count())
on the server
Meteor.publish('dynamicAlarms',function (searchObj) {
return Alarms.find(searchObj)
& it works perfect with less code.
I have a mysql database with the tables "deliverables", "tags" and "deliverables_has_tags". I want to link tags to a deliverable.
This is what I do in my javascript file:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(function () {
var object = {};
type: "GET",
url: "/Deliverable/Tags",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
object.tags = data;
function split(val) {
return val.split(/,\s*/);
function extractLast(term) {
return split(term).pop();
// don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item
.bind("keydown", function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB &&
$(this).data("ui-autocomplete").menu.active) {
minLength: 0,
source: function (request, response) {
// delegate back to autocomplete, but extract the last term
object.tags, extractLast(request.term)));
focus: function () {
// prevent value inserted on focus
return false;
select: function (event, ui) {
var terms = split(this.value);
// remove the current input
// add the selected item
// add placeholder to get the comma-and-space at the end
this.value = terms.join(", ");
return false;
I can add multiple tags in my textbox.
But now I want to save this in my repository.
In my Action method in controller:
repository.AddDeliverable(model.Title, model.Description, model.UsernameID, data, datatwo, model.VideoUrl, model.AfstudeerrichtingID, model.ProjectID);
Tags action:
public JsonResult Tags()
var data = (repository.GetTags()).ToArray();
return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
In my repository:
public IQueryable<string> GetTags()
return from tag in entities.tags
orderby tag.tag_name
select tag.tag_name;
I have no clue how to save this in my database.
Can anybody help me?
If I correctly understood your question, you have implemented your tag handling as follows:
There is MVC action method that returns the view with input placeholder containing no data
The placeholder itself is probably input type=text with id=tags
On 'dom ready' you fire ajax request to retrieve your tags from database, json-serialized as array; when it arrives you store it to tags variable (no error handling(!))
At the same time you decorate your input with jqueryui autocomplete that reacts on user input and returns items from the tags variable
Since input already contains tags (comma separated), your filter is first letters of the last tag
So, you have a situation when user has input a few comma separated tags (probably some of them can be new) and now wants to save it to the database. For each input, if that is a known tag you have to store it to "deliverables_has_tags". If there is a new tag, you have to store it both to "tags" and "deliverables_has_tags".
Most common scenario would be having a 'Save' button to start saving process.
Let's analyze what you have to do in the process.
1) Button click
On button click you use js to convert your comma separated tags string
using logic like split(term) to the array, and serialize it. You can
do serialization using serializeArray and manually create JSON
object, or serialize the whole form using
$('#yourForm').serialize(). I would choose the first option
because that way I get more control over JSON format and avoid
problems with MVC default model binder.
2) Ajax call
When the JSON object is ready to be sent, you fire an ajax POST
request to your MVC POST action method. When you save state always
avoid GET because new versions of browsers can scan thru your page and
actively preload urls using GET requests. You don't want this here. Of
course, use your data as a data-parameter in the ajax call.
3) Action method
When the request arrives, you have to process it in your controller
using a new action method. Typically in this case you will have
something like public JsonResult SaveTags(SaveTagsModel saveTags) {
... } which saves tags using your repository and returns result that
says something like 'OK' or 'ERROR' (sth like
response.isSaved=true/false). Tricky part can be designing view model
according to your JSON object - this could help. And regarding
collections this could be valuable info.
When saving, use transaction to ensure everything is saved at once.
First check if each tag exists in the database and insert those who
don't exist. After that, check for each tag if there is appropriate
n-n relation in deliverables_has_tags and insert it if there isn't.
I believe that you should use same repository encapsulation for both
In the post action, include FormCollection collection as argument and gather your tags from that. There is no automatic way. You could implement some custom model binding, but that is probably not worth the effort.
I have just started to use ember.js. I have two models in my application. One that holds data and one that holds this data edited by user. I bind them using one-way binding.
App.ViewModel = Ember.Object.create({
App.EditModel = Ember.Object.create({
titleBinding: Ember.Binding.oneWay('App.ViewModel.title'),
textBinding: Ember.Binding.oneWay('App.ViewModel.text'),
I let a user edit the data in EditModel model. But if the user discard the changes I want to be able to set the values back to the state before editing, ie. to the values in ViewModel.
Is there a way to rebind those properties? Or to manualy rise change event on properties in ViewModel so EditModel gets updated? Or any other approach to my problem?
You could create a custom Mixin which handles the reset for a model, see http://jsfiddle.net/pangratz666/CjB4S/
App.Editable = Ember.Mixin.create({
startEditing: function() {
var propertyNames = this.get('propertyNames');
var props = this.getProperties.apply(this, propertyNames);
this.set('origProps', props);
reset: function() {
var props = this.get('origProps');
Ember.setProperties(this, props);
App.myModel = Ember.Object.create(App.Editable, {
propertyNames: ['title', 'text'],
title: 'le title',
text: 'le text'
And later in the views you just invoke the startEditing when you want to take a snapshot of the current values and reset when you want to reset to the previous snapshot of the values.