Arduino WiFi shield not communicating - arduino

I'm using the Official Wifi shield on a Uno R3.
Everything was working fine in the beginning.
But now, the Uno couldn't communicate with the WiFi shield whether it's plug in with USB or with a 9V battery. I could still control the L9 LED on the Wifi shield, but the WiFi function isn't working anymore. I'm returned a
WL_Connected = False, when I did WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
I did notice, even when it was working, when I switched the the 9V battery from laptop power, it doesn't always power up immediately.
How do I even begin to trouble shoot this?

Swapping out boards/shields. It could be something simple like a bad pin.

The WiFi shield was based on a transceiver made by ZeroG. Now this company was bought from Microchip and of course they don't support Atmel processors anymore.
I had the same problem and I switched to another amazing product: Flyport Wi-Fi that has a processor onboard (PIC24) and this transceiver. It's also open source, look to


Sony Spresense + Arduino: connect a W5500 based Ethernet if

I try to use the Spresense board to build a NTP server.
Ethernet should be done with W5500 chip connected over SPI. Seems that the Arduino Ethernet library got a problem with the Apresense SPI library.
Someone out there who tried this already and have some ideas on it?
Code from Ethernet DhcpAddressPrinter example compiles just fine after changing Arduino/libraries/Ethernet/src/EthernetClient.cpp in Line 51
if (ip == IPAddress((uint32_t)0) || ip == IPAddress(0xFFFFFFFFul)) return 0;
I always get the message from the serial terminal that "Ethernet shield was not found". The W5500 PCB should not be the problem as it works on a normal Arduino Uno just fine. (It is not the original Arduino Ethernet shield, as this shield uses the ICSP header which is not present on Spresense board)
The Arduino IDE is 1.8.8
Hardware Problem solved: The W5500 and Spresense want the I/O level jumper on the board set to 3.3V. Ethernet lib seems to work now, at least on the SPI.
I´m looking forward to work on the software now.

Sending Data from Arduino to Android using Bluetooth

I am trying to do a project based on arduino and Android in which I want to use ultrasonic sensors and Bluetooth module hc-05 . I want to detect any obstacle using ultrasonic and send it's distance to Android app using Bluetooth. I am completely new to arduino and have never used it before . How could I connect both the Bluetooth and ultrasonic sensor to arduino uno board without using breadboard? Is it possible to connect both of them without using breadboard and just the jumper wires?
You can connect the Bluetooth Module and Ultrasonic Sensor with jumper wires directly to the Arduino.
Depending upon the Ultrasonic Sensor you are interfacing, there must be a library or a sample code. You can tweak the code to get the distance in your desired format or variable.
As far as the Bluetooth is concerned, you can operate it at 3.3v or 5v depending upon the module you use. Most of the Bluetooth module support both 3.3v and 5v - as they have voltage regulators on their break out. I have used these and they work on 3.3v as well as 5v
For instance, check the Bluetooth HC - 05 Module in the below link :
For implementing the Bluetooth communication, prefer using the Software Serial. If you connect the Bluetooth HC 05's Rx and Tx to the Arduino's Hardware UART Pins, there can be unpredictable results. I have experienced that using HC05 with Software Serial is reliable. Additionally, you can use the Serial Monitor to debug your code at the same time. I mean, you can send the same data on Software Serial and the Serial port and check if things are as desired.
You can implement, the HC-05 Software Serial at 9600 baudrate. 9600 is the default baudrate on most HC 05 Modules.
For developing the Arduino code and testing it, you can use a terminal client like PuTTY on you computer. You need to establish a bluetooth connection between your computer and HC 05.
HC-05 runs at 3.3V, make sure you do level conversion from 5V to 3.3V using a zener diode. Or buy a level converter if you are new to electronics. If you don't, there is a good chance you will blow up the HC-05. If you could add a photo we can see if its already done on the Bluetooth module, then you need not worry about level conversion
HC-05 is basically a wireless serial port over bluetooh. On arduino create a software serial post using the library SoftwareSerial and send the sensor data to that serial port
There are libraries available for popular HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, if that is the sensor you are using.
For testing on android many app are availables like Bluetooh Terminal, you can receive the data sent from arduino.
Yes the whole project can be done without breadboard using connecting wires.

Arduino Relay not Powering

I recently bought this Arduino Relay module ( and it hasn't been working. I have tested it with batteries, and connecting it directly to the battery does function. However, when I connect to the Arduino Leonardo board, the indicator lights come on for both the In pin and the VCC pin, but the electromagnet does not function and the circuit does not complete. There is no click when connected to Arduino. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
While this is not the right place to post about electronics, It appears that your relay only triggers at 12V, Arduino supplies 3.3V and 5V, not enough to trigger your relay.

arduino connected to zigbee shield rebooting itself

I am using an arduino board and I have connected a Zigbee shield to the board. A switch is connected to one of the gpios available with the arduino board.
The problem is when I press the switch at a very high frequency the arduino board is resetting itself. When any other zigbee is powered on then the board is not rebooting. Please suggest some solution for this problem.

Can't get serial output while using Ethernet

I started to experimenting with the Arduino Ethernet shield and got it working with not much effort. However, when I try to debug through the hardware serial port of the board, I get nothing, and though the program still runs, and I know it should be giving me something, it doesn't. Truth be told, I haven't got a clue of what's going on. How do I fix this problem?
P.S. I am using one of the example sketches included in the Arduino IDE.
The Ethernet shield does not use the RX and TX pins (0,1) and I have personally used Serial communication with the shield before.
So it definitely had to do with your code. Can you post your code?
Also have you connected anything to digital pins 0 and 1?
The Arduino Ethernet board is not equivalent to Arduino Uno + Etherent shield. In the Arduino Ethernet board the USB-to-serial chip is not present.
From the official Arduino Ethernet board page
The Ethernet differs from other boards in that it does not have an
onboard USB-to-serial driver chip, but has a Wiznet Ethernet
So I don't think you can print any values in the serial monitor.
You need an external FTDI adapter like get the serial communication between Arduino and your computer to work.
