How to hide title from page node Drupal - drupal

I'm trying to remove the title of a page node on Drupal. I have this page:
And I want it to look like this:
As you can see, I want the title to be removed, but only for taxonomy terms. If I try to erase it using CSS, I erase al page-titles, so I wanted to use this module, that allows administrators to auto-generate node titles and hide it.
I go to structure -> type content -> my type content, and edit it. I activate the module, and I want to auto-generate titles depending on the node category. I think it should look like this, but it doesn't work...
Any ideas why?
EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to say: yes, when I activate the module, use it, and select the category as the auto-generated title, it works. But it doesn't hide the title...
It also launches this mistake:

Use Exclude Node Title module.
Setting for this module:
Click on Module->Exclude node title->configure
Home » Administration » Configuration » Content authoring
Select All nodes from Basic Page
Check Full Content for hide title from all cms page except home page
Check Teaser for hide title from home page.

If you want to remove the title, you should look into overriding the page and node templates.
page.tpl.php and node.tpl.php
All you need to do is click "View Source" on both of those and copy them to your theme folder. From there you can modify both as required.
From what I can gather, you'll want to remove the print $title from your node.tpl.php.

Have the similar issue before, as far as I remember, I just added some if statement to the code:
<?php if (blah-blah-blah): ?>
<h2> <?php echo $title; ?> </h2>
<?php endif; ?>
Hope, it'll give you a clue.
Some other thoughts: you can make an if statement or rewrite it not only in page.tpl.php but create some specific page-node-type.tpl.php file and overwrite only its $title, or you can try to customize page's output via Views/Panels modules as well.
Also, could you please make more clear, what title do you want to remove? Page title or node title? And it should be removed only when you are looking nodes associated with some taxonomy term (in other words, when you are on /taxonomy/term/n page), am I right?

By using the Context module, you can add classes to the body so you can target just the taxonomy pages in CSS.
Using Context module to set body classes

Sorry guys, it was as easy as hide title tag on "manage presentation"...
You are all right on your responses, but they were not exactly what I needed... thanks!

Use Exclude Node Title module.

another nice solution for specific nodes, is to use the standard $title_prefix/suffix vars, which should be implemented by every theme. using the standard class element-invisible in page preprocess ..
* Implements hook_preprocess_page().
function YOUR_THEME_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
if (isset($variables['node']) && $variables['node']->nid == 1) {
$variables['title_prefix'] = array('#markup' => '<div class="element-invisible">');
$variables['title_suffix'] = array('#markup' => '</div>');

Every page should contain a heading.
You should always maintain a structured hierarchy of headings within any web page. You should never have a blank heading or even hide it with display:none;. Hiding any content which isn’t viewable by your visitors but is by search engines is against Google’s guidelines as your intention is to only manipulate search engine results by including it. Restyle a H1 so it fits into your design is the best option.
If you still have to hide it then a better option would be to either create a template for that node, content type or page and simply not print the heading.
Or if you want to use CSS then use position:absolute so the heading doesn’t use any space where it is located in the page and text-indent:-9999px; so the text is moved off the screen and no longer visible but at least can be read by screen readers and search engines.

This is how I did it, Switch statement
// Get the name of node
$node_name = node_type_get_name($node);
// Then just add the content types you wish to exclude by overwriting the // $title object with an empty string
switch ($node_name) {
case 'Home page':
$title = '' ;
case 'Event':
$title = '';
case 'Offer':
$title = '';


Place an Edit Button on the view node page in Drupal 7

I don't use the Drupal Tabs because they interfere with my CSS but I need the functionality of the Edit tab to be on that screen so that a user can edit the node after reviewing it.
Any ideas on how to do this? Functions? tpl placement? Thanks!
You can do this in a custom module as follows.
In yourcustommodule.module you implement hook_preprocess_node(). In there you check if the user has permissions to edit the node and you set the edit link.
function yourcustommodule_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
if (node_access("update", $vars['node']) === TRUE) {
$vars['edit_link']['#markup'] = l(t('Edit'), 'node/' . $vars['nid'] . '/edit');
In the node.tpl.php template in the theme you print the edit link if it is available.
<?php if (isset($edit_link)) : ?>
<p><?php print render($edit_link); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
If you do not have a node.tpl.php template in your theme folder than copy the one from modules/node.
If you're using the Views Format "Fields", one of the fields that you can add is "Edit Link." It's pretty flexible; it will tell you what text to display in the link. That's probably the preferred option.
If you're not using the "Fields" format, it gets trickier, especially since you're already interfering with some basic drupal styling. I'd need more information about your View and your skill set to recommend a method that doesn't cause more problems.
As a sidenote: I learned Drupal theming from the outside in, and used to use CSS that would interfere with the underlying drupal mechanics like tabs and contextual links. I've moved away from that; I find very few cases where I need to interfere with native styling-- and for those I can use custom .tpl's to get around.
EDIT: Ah. If you're not using views, a custom page .tpl is probably the best way to go. If you're not familiar, the structure for any node edit link is '/node/<NID>/edit' (for clean URL's) or '/?q=node/<NID>/edit' for old-style URL's. Depending on how your path aliases are set up, '/<url-alias>/edit' may work as well but the previous ones are more reliable.
This link on gives a few options.
I think u can write a theme file(.tpl) for u specific case and theme page in whichever way u want

How to disable page's title in wp-admin from being edited?

I have a wp-network installed with users that can create pages in each site.
Each of those pages get a place in the primary menu, and only one user have permission to create all this menu.
I want to create a user only to be able to edit the content of the pages, but not the title.
How can I disable the title of the page to be edited from the admin menu for a specific user, or (far better) for a capability?
I thought only a possibility, that's editing admin css to hide the title textbox, but I have two problems:
I don't like to css-hide things.
I don't know where is the admin css.
I know php, but don't know how to add a css hide to an element for a capability.
You should definitely use CSS to hide the div#titlediv. You'll want the title to show in the markup so the form submission, validation, etc continues to operate smoothly.
Some elements you'll need to know to implement this solution:
current_user_can() is a boolean function that tests if the current logged in user has a capability or role.
You can add style in line via the admin_head action, or using wp_enqueue_style if you'd like to store it in a separate CSS file.
Here is a code snippet that will do the job, place it where you find fit, functions.php in your theme works. I'd put it inside a network activated plugin if you're using different themes in your network:
add_action('admin_head', 'maybe_modify_admin_css');
function maybe_modify_admin_css() {
if (current_user_can('specific_capability')) {
div#titlediv {
display: none;
I resolved the problem, just if someone comes here using a search engine, I post the solution.
Doing some research, I found the part of the code where the title textbox gets inserted, and I found a function to know if a user has a certain capability.
The file where the title textbox gets added is /wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php. This is the line before the textbox
if ( post_type_supports($post_type, 'title') )
I changed it to this
if ( post_type_supports($post_type, 'title') and current_user_can('edit_title') )
That way, the textbox is only added when the user has the capability called "edit_title"
When this IF block ends few lines after, I added:
else echo "<h2>".esc_attr( htmlspecialchars( $post->post_title ) )."</h2>";
To see the page title but not to edit it, when the user hasn't got "edit_title" capability.
Then I had already installed a plugin to edit user capabilities and roles, wich help me to create a new capability (edit_title) and assign it to the role I want.

Displaying a Drupal content type field outside of a node

I have created a custom field on a content type in Drupal 7 which I need to display outside of the node, in a separate area on the page.
Similar to how the $title variable works (in which you can place this where you like in the page.tpl.php file) I would like to be able to create another variable called $subtitle which would call the data from the current node and allow me to print out the variable in an area on the page.tpl.php file.
I've seen a view examples seeming to use views and blocks to accomplish this task, but that seems a bit excessive and wondered if there was an easier way.
There is an easier way, you do need to bear in mind though that not every page is a node page, and not every node page will be of the right content type so you should be selective. Just add this to your theme's template.php file:
function mytheme_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
$node = $vars['node'];
if ($node->type == 'my_type') {
$vars['subtitle'] = $node->field_my_field[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'];
Then in page.tpl.php you should do something like this:
if (isset($subtitle)) :
echo $subtitle;
Make sure you clear your caches (at admin/config/development/performance) once you've implemented the hook in template.php or Drupal won't pick it up.

new content type, with completely blank(body of node only) output theme files

I have a content type that is only used for scripts on my drupal site that should return json data. So the issue then becomes that I can't have any of the theming elements of the site in the output.
So I know I need blank (only the output variable) tpl files for the following:
field.tpl.php (the manual says this isn't used but its the only way I could find to remove field divs around the body of my page)
So my question is, how can I create all of the content specific files for this content type? I know its easy to do a theme override in template.php BUT I can only get it to work for html.tpl,page.tpl and thats it. Drupal seems to ignore any content specific functions from region down to field.
I noticed you tagged this drupal-7, which I haven't tried yet. But, in Drupal 6 I would accomplish this by adding a new page template to $vars['template_files'][] in the page preprocess function of template.php. Example:
$node_type = $vars['node']->type;
if ($node_type == '{your content type name here}') {
$vars['template_files'][] = "page-" . $node_type;
If your content type was called 'scripts', then Drupal will look for a page called page-scripts.tpl.php, which will contain only one line:
<?php print $content; ?>

Drupal 6: print all body field content to node template file

I tried to display body content with:
<?php print $node->content['body']['#value']; ?>
However, it doesn't display all body content, it just display first paragraph of body content, sometimes 2 paragraph if it is short :/
I need to print all body. how can I do that?
Thanks a lot! Appreciate helps!
The shortened body content hints on it being filled/rendered for 'teaser' view instead of 'full'. In what context do you issue this print statement?
EDIT: The node templates are usually used for both, teaser and full output, but the decision on what to use, as well as the population of the content entries in the node object happen outside of the node template files. Within the node template file, the variable $teaser will be TRUE, if the node is to be shown as a teaser.
So you need to check in what context your node template gets called, as you'll have to configure that context to render the node as 'full'. This could be in many places, depending on who is responsible to provide the nodes you want to theme, e.g. if the node template gets called from a view, you'll need to configure the view to use 'full page' output, if it comes from a module, you'll need to check with the module settings, etc...
In node.tpl.php try
<?php print $content ?>
<?php print $node->content['body']['#value']; ?>
works for me as well.
To get control over your teaser length the master value is set with Post Settings.
(Length of trimmed posts)
To control this by node type try:
NOTE: Teasers are cached so you'll need to
However, if you want to just get it done in the node template you could run a node_load() and have everything... but that's not the best practice.
FYI: you can control what CCK fields show up in $content under Display Options.
PS: In teaser mode I often make use of truncate_utf8().
