Complete WF4 dynamic rules engine example [closed] - workflow-foundation-4

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have spent quite some time trying to learn WF4 (I'm a total n00b when it comes to WF), but I cannot seem to find any examples exactly what I’m trying to do:
I need to make a WF4 (C#) rule during runtime, save it to a database (currently SQL, but that’s not important to me), load the rule and execute it while still in runtime.
The two examples below indicate that this (loading and executing a rule made during runtime) should be possible:
I have got the two examples working independently without problems.
However, when I’ve tried combining the examples (which should be quite simple?) I constantly get loads of conversion errors like this:
Argument 2: cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.List < SharedLibrary.AssignmentRule > ' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List < ExternalRuleSetLibrary.RuleSetData > '
I have searched far and wide for days for examples that does this right, but didn't find anything. This is why I'm asking the gurus here :) Thank you in advance!
Can you provide an example or recipe of how to make a WF4 rule during runtime, save it to a database, load the rule and execute it while still in runtime?


Choosing right tool for visualization [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
We are planing to do some visualization for our existing data its a political and news domain.
After doing my initial research I came to conclusion for using R and D3.
My requirement is the tool should be able to give dynamically, since it is web based visualization (Visualization should be able to change upon change in value)
I have following questions and need help in those.
Is there any other tool which I can use.
R can be use for dynamic visuals? (My application is in php, python based solution can also be ok)
Then you'd need to look into Rook, How to set up an R based service on a web page, or (better) Shiny, How to integrate R shiny into current application.
If your application (or some parts) is already in python you can use rpy2 as a bridge between R and python.

Why exporting reports to CSV/Excel? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm developing a web platform that will show data tables and charts using highchart.
Besides there is an exporting function for user to download csv/excel file.
But i'm thinking why I should make this. It's likely that exporting csv or excel is the standard. But is there any advantage?
I think I can export html file instead and the page will be interactive and much better than excel file. Is there anyone have idea about this problem?
A CSV allows the user greater control over how they display the data - you may see some great visualisations from your users if you give them access to these.
Likely, the people who will actually use the CSVs (which will be a small percentage) would scrape the data anyway - so offering them up saves bandwidth and increases the happiness of your userbase because they don't have to go through the effort of writing a scraper.
It all depends on the type of data, though.

which database should i prefer for application with millions of data [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
We are going to develope one web application using Asp.Net which can have millions of data to handle
so i am confuse between database selection
which should i prefer sql server or oracle with respect to performance and all criteria
please guide me on this
Your question is looks subjective, how ever I like to answer and say that:
If some one gives you to drive a formula one, in how many seconds you gong to crash it? Probably you do not even manage to start it running.
The same think is on programming. Both programs are like formula one, maybe one have some feature and the other have some other, but they can run so fast if "you can drive them" like that.
Now it's up to you to make a good design to the database and make it real fast, or very slow and huge. It's not the machine, it you that you can make it run fast. It's not the formula one on the races, it’s the pilot (and the rest team) that they drive them so fast.

Are Operational Transformations on the horizon for Meteor? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Given Meteor's support for eventually-consistent offline writes to data objects, automatically merging concurrent edits to the same text field seems like a natural next step. This might be done by integrating some of all of an operational transformation library (list) such as ShareJS.
Is there a desire in the Meteor team to support this functionality in the core product at some point, or would it more likely appear as a third-party add-on module?
Also, since ShareJS actually seems to provide the basic functionality of the Meteor data architecture (they mention in their documentation that it works with arbitrary JSON objects), would it perhaps be possible to do something like Meteor using ShareJS for data syncronization?
I'm guessing it might be something they might add or could be done with packages.
In the meantime however:
You could use Meteor.methods to expose an api to communicate to the same field back and forth.
The method could do a diff on the change and merge it to the Collection before returning what should be changed on the clients computer.

Looking for an example of using with ASP.NET [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
How do you implement the search capabilities of in If possible, please include links or example code.
There is a excellent blog series here:
Introduction to Lucene
Indexing basics
Search basics
Alternatives ( did you mean …)
Faceted search / Drill down
Class reference
I have also found another project called SimpleLucene which you can use to maintain your lucene indexes whenever you need to update or delete a document.
I think mojoPortal (ASP.NET CMS) uses Lucene.NET.
Another nice example, cuyahoga, makes also use of NHibernate.
You can take a look at their source...
extra codeproject link
Be sure to check out LINQ to Lucene. It's not feature complete, but it does make getting started a lot easier:
