Hukkster technology stack - web-scraping

I started using a few days ago. It is really fast and accurate.
The bookmarklet of hukkster always fetches correct price from the product page.
This happens for all the featured merchants it supports.
I was really curious to know what technology stack they might me using for such a fast and accurate response ?
I have tried to search everything I could on google. I found nothing other than Hukkster success story, Hukkster in NEWS etc.
There was nothing related to technology stuff used by Hukkster.

It is Mozenda .
Found it. Here it is:
The co-founders believed in their idea. There was just one problem–neither one knew how to code. They didn’t let that stop them. They developed a “paper prototype” that they could run without coding. They built a crawler using a data extraction service called Mozenda, and did the rest of Hukkster’s legwork with spreadsheets, emails and phones.


Can't find exact api to get all products from ebay to sync with woocomerce

I was planning to build a system where I can sync my product list on ebay to woocommerce and vice-versa.
I have gone through the internet searching this info, but cannot find the same.
I have gone through the API:
But, don't know which is going to work or even I don't know whether I'm searching the right category.
If you know any available plugin or any solution or sample, please refer.
You COULD do it that way, in the same sense that you could build yourself a house if I sent you to a lumber yard.
I think what you're really after is this here. It should do everything you need.
You still can do it using the link you shared, but give yourself a good 6 months at least to get your code written. (Or longer depending on how well you can code.)

How Does an RSS Feed Work?

How's it going?
I've found a lot of more detailed answers relating to specific problems relating to RSS feeds, but I can't really figure out how you USE one, basically.
Could someone explain?
I see the RSS feed icon at the top of a lot of Wordpress sites, including my own, but when I click it, it just seems to be a long XML file. I don't know what to do with it, or even why it would be there.
How do you use this? Are you meant to hit it with an API request, or is there a particular kind of software that you use?
Before telling you what RSS, let me describe you a common problem that many people have.
Say there is a bunch of sites that you really like and it's sort of a
daily routine for you to go thru them. They may be a news site, your
friend's blog, but also craigslist bcause you're currently looking for
a new house and maybe a weather site to know how late you should stay
at work :)
The first thing you do when you get to work, is open your web browser
and these sites in new tabs. It's not particularly cumbersome because
there are just 4 sites. But think about it: maybe there is a new blog
that you start to like and ho, these cartoons are really funny. Maybe
there is also a bit of financial info that you're interested in and
the pictures that your brother is posting to Flickr every couple day:
they just had a new baby! Also, as you're trying to buy a house, you'd
love a little raise and you've figured that your boss really likes it
when you tell her that you've read about your company in the news or
when you tell her about a new competing product... There is also
StackOverflow. You're desperately trying to get this "expert" badge
and boost up your reputation: this may help with your boss too or even
when you're looking for a new job.
Opening all these tabs is starting to take a toll and you keep
forgetting an important one. You're also slowly getting tired of the
different reading experience that all these sites have: small fonts,
large fonts, ads all over...etc. Now you have a problem.
Imagine there is a tool that does the following: you can tell it what sites you care about, and then, this tool will look up the new stuff for you. It will show everything in a nice looking format. It should also help you identify what's really worth seeing ASAP or maybe have some kind of "serendipity" mode that you can go into and find interesting stuff that you would have missed otherwise. The tool will obviously send you to the original sites should you need more info about any particular story or classified...
This tool exists. It's usually called a Reader, mostly because it lets your read more things online. Often times you'll see them called "RSS reader", because RSS is what they use to get the information from all these sites. RSS is the pipe. You as a user should probably not know about it, but that's what the readers depend on. In an ideal world, when you're on site you like, you should just hit "follow" on a button like this one and then you'd be redirected to your reader of choice. Later when new content is added, you'll get it straight in your reader.
To get a bit into more technical details, RSS (like Atom) is an XML flavor. It's a collection (mostly reverse chronological) of entries. Entries have at least a title and a link to the actual story. They should also include a unique identifier and could have other elements like a description, an image, tags, author information... etc.
RSS is great because it's content agnostic. It can be used to represent a lot of different things (as described in the little story) and decouples the publishing platform from the subscribing platform: they don't even know the other one exists. RSS is their lingua-franca.
I wrote a blog post about this very question not long ago. Here's the link if you're interested in reading my personal interpretation.
An XML file is all the content of a page, with no markup. The XML represents the data in its rawest, most descriptive form. Many readers can interpret XML sources from a variety of places, and format all of the data in its own unique way.

Captchas on RSS Reader?

This question is coming from a non-technical person. I have asked a team to build a sort of RSS reader. In essence, its a news aggregator. What we had in mind at first was to source news directly from specific sources:,, and
Now, the development team has proposed a certain way of doing it (because it'll be easier)... which is to use and return whatever is the result. Now I know this has questionable legality and we are not really that comfortable with that fact, but while the legal department is checking that.. we have proceeded working with a prototype.
Now comes the technical problem... because the method was actually simulating search via, after a period of time it returns a captcha. I'm suspicious that its because the method was SEARCHING WITH RESULTS SHOWN AS RSS as opposed to an outright RSS... however the dev team says RSS is exactly the same thing... and that it will give captcha as well.
I have my doubts. If thats the case, how have the other news aggregator sites done their compilation of feeds from different sources?
For your reference, here is the same of the URL that eventually gives the CAPTCHA,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=963&um=1&ie=UTF-8&output=rss
"Searching" is usually behind a captcha because it is very resource intensive, thus they do everything they can to prevent bots from searching. A normal RSS feed is the opposite of resource intensive. To summarize: normal RSS feeds will probably not trigger CAPTCHA's.
Since Google declared their News API deprecated as of May 26, 2011, maybe using NewsCred as suggested in this group post!topic/news/RBRH8pihQJI could be an option for your commercial use.

Bugzilla: How to get an rss feed for bug comments?

I can see where to get an rss feed for the BUG LIST, however I would like to get rss updates for modifications to current bugs if possible.
This is quite high up when searching via Google for it, so I'm adding a bit of advertisement here:
As Bugzilla still doesn't support this I wrote a small web service supporting exactly this. You can find its source code here and a running instance here.
What you're asking for is the subject of this enhancement bug:
but no one seems to be working on it.
My first guess is that the way to do it is to add a template somewhere like template/en/default/bug/show.atom.tmpl with whatever you need. Put it in custom or an extension as needed.
If you're interested in working on it or helping someone with it, visit channel #mozwebtools on
Not a perfect solution, but with the resolution of bug #255606, Bugzilla now allows listing all bugs, by running a search with no criteria, and you can then get the results of the search in Atom format using the link in the bottom of the list.
From the release notes for 4.2:
Configuration: A new parameter search_allow_no_criteria has been added (default: on) which allows admins to forbid queries with no criteria. This is particularly useful for large installations with several tens of thousands bugs where returning all bugs doesn't make sense and would have a performance impact on the database.

How to support your software and customers in a one man shop? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this question
I'm a one man shop (a micro-ISV). A week after putting my product online I get a mail from one of my customers about a bug. It was an obvious fix and I fixed it in 5 minutes but I realize that the reason why the bug was reported so late is because the only contact I have with my users is through mail.
I feel I need something more but I have difficult time finding the right solution.
I was checking out some solutions, but I would like some feedback from the community
What do you use for a micro-ISV (both online and built into software) when you want to give good quality service and support to your clients?
Have an issue-tracking system that your customers can use through a web page. (You do have a web page, right?) Alternately, if your software is interactive, have a menu entry "Submit Bug Report" which will email you what the user says, and perhaps other useful things (users very frequently omit things like software versions, OS versions, that sort of thing). Or both.
Also, your customers are likely to feel happier if they have a standard way to report problems.
If you want to go beyond the "email us" link, you might consider putting up a bulletin-board or even wiki-style forum on your site for your clients to use. Make your own list of Frequently Asked Questions the first post. I'd recommend using an off-the-shelf package, instead of rolling your own. A pre-existing solution should include the spam-filtering and moderation tools that you'll need.
Another idea would be to start a company blog, and invite users to leave feedback.
You fixed it in five minutes? Sounds like you're already giving good quality service / support. But if you really want a tool, I would check out if has a public bug report feature. I love that site.
This is a subject I've thought a lot about (since I'm contemplating doing just what you're doing), and there's considerable precedent for how you could proceed.
Set up a feedback page on your website
Set up a dedicated email account for your website
Set up automated opt-in bug reporting and crash reporting for your software
Set up a twitter account; and conduct twitter searches for your software name
Set up a Google Alert to track when a website or user references your product, and respond to them.
Set up a Uservoice account for your software/website (it's free for a 'small' company).
For a start, you can ensure your website is clear, and has useful sections like FAQs and How-Tos.
Make sure your customers can get in touch with you easily, and that you respond to them in a reasonable amount of time.
If you out and don't have a Blackberry enabled phone you could have your software send you an SMS of the fault.
A well designed website with a forum for news, updates, user discussions is probably a good start. It's worth paying someone to do this for you if you want to spend more time designing and coding good software. The more information you can put out there, the less time you'll spend dealing with customer issues.
In addition to giving your users more options on how to report a problem, your site should also be logging a fair amount of information. Such as, who, when, and what they did.
Further, ANY failure should be logged and automatically be reported back to you. Most clients simply won't say there is a problem and will just move on.
Just basic logging will also give you usability information. What pages do they use the most, which ones are used least, what is different about them. Are there features no one cares about?
Finally, engage your customers by asking them what they would like to see. Quite often their vision is different from yours.
I use ontime as a customer portal and help desk / bug tracking tool. It's free for a one person license. Which is great for me since I'm a one man shop as well. I'm the only full-time employee and have one to two part-time 1099 contractors here and there as work comes and goes.
There are also lots of open source out there. However, I've found the ontime to be dead simple, free for a 1 user license and cheap for 5 user license.
Split your time between development and customer support. If you focus too much on support, new functionality will suffer, and if you focus on development, customers will suffer.
So find a balance and plan portion of your time for development and another part to support.
Also keep in mind that solving the bug is just the first step.
You need to test (preferablyseveral configurations)
create a new installation
possible update manual and help files (and don't forget the translations if it's multi lingual).
Add a new version number (every deliverable must be identifyable).
Update website...
So it often takes several days to ship a single bugfix.
Besides, most customers are happy with a few updates per year. And ocasionally an urgent hotfix if the customer is in serious need of a bugfix.
I have a few systems. My main system is through a fogbugz account with buttons built in to my application that create emails for users so that they can then submit comments / bug reports etc. I also run a wiki as the documentation for my application, although I am the main contributor to the wiki and it does take a lot of effort to keep up to date. Again, there is a menu item in my application that takes users directly to the wiki. I have a built in crash reporter using an open source framework, which again submits emails to fogbugz. Finally I do online video and text based tutorials on my applications website, although I'd like to integrate them more into the application.
One (free) product that I know uses Yahoo Groups (and also a Google Group).
It acts as a mailing list: so if you report a bug, that's seen by other users as well as by the group's owner/moderator (i.e. you).
It also acts as a weblog/archive: so users can search it for known issues/answers before they submit a new message.
Have you tried Casengo? Its a free solution (for 1st agent) for handling email, chat and social media . It might be of interest to you. url:
I am using Casengo for several weeks and is very easy to use.
