css background image different in FF and Chrome - css

I have very strange situation and I really can't see why ... and how to overcome that.
So I have to place the backgroung image on web site of size 1920x860.
The image ends differently - like: if it is not extended over the whole window, the corners of the image looks strange.
When I tested this in FF, it does not look ok. I tested this on 22'' monitor (thus resolution 1680x ..).
when I test this in Chrome, the image extends good, the corners of the image are not seen.
BUT: I have two monitors, the second is 23'', thus the resolution is not much different of the first one and if I test this page on Crome, is ok, on FF also.
Then I used firebug tool and try to get the innerWidth of the window.
The 22'' monitor has innerWidth 2124px, the 23'' monitor has 1776px.
I would really appreciate if someone can tell me - why this is happening? If someone could have an idea how to place this image to let it extend well on every monitor ... would be even better.
The point is - that I have to extend image from corner to corner and while testing on my monitors, I cannot be sure that other users will see this as I can see :(
I'll make the comments here ... as all of you are so kind I just tried many different solutions. the point is that the image is not cover for whole background - should be seen and at the bottom should just have some color ...
Now I'm using simple background: url() no-repeat top center ..
if I use -cover- the image is extended - but I needed to extended only vertically. I used JS as well, but is not working ok, as the footer is a part of that bg-image ... and become all wired.
Maybe, I'll just use #media .. to set bigger image for bigger screens (and of course will use bigger image) but also this will work only for a bit bigger screens, if not the design will crash, I think.

Let me google that for you (first result for 'css window background'):
In a nutshell:
html {
background: url(bg.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed;
background-size: cover;
See also: http://caniuse.com/#search=background-size


How to make my background image the same on different computers resolution?

I have set up a background-image for large and medium screens.
I have a touchbar macbook and it fits perfectly.
If I play with the mouse to make the window smaller (to see how it would be for different resolutions and less pixels), it's completely responsive and looks fine (it cuts a bit the right part of the picture but it's not zooming).
Same when I open the developer tools, the Ipad pro version is half-cut but not zoomed.
But when I try to go on the website with an older macbook, the image is completely zoomed and does not fit the screen anymore.
I don't understand how there can be such a difference as we have different resolutions but same inches.. And as when I play with it on my computer, the image stays at the right size even with less pixels.
How can I solve this problem? Why is it doing this? I am fine if the image is a bit cut on the right or left side but I don't want it to be zoomed.
I have tried - height: auto, width: 100vw, background-size:contain (but it's too small) and no-repeat... basically everything with css
background-image: url(/assets/dessin-ba68b8b….png);
background-size: cover;
height: 100vh;
Thank you
When you use cover for background it is guaranteed that the same image will NOT look perfect on all screen sizes, since the browser needs to display it in different dimensions.
To handle this you may generate several images, each for screen size you aim at and use CSS media queries to apply the appropriate image for each screen size.

How to Resize Background Images to fit iPad Screens

I'm running into a problem. When I view my website on a computer and phone, it's built perfectly; but, when I pull it up on an iPad, the background images are like blown up. My website is http://www.zwdalpha.com/, any help will be very appreciated! Also, my Github is https://github.com/zcsmouse970/zwdalpha
To address the issue, you first need to understand what is happening. Background image sizes are handled with the background-size attribute, which you currently have set to cover. cover is great for large screens because it makes sure the image "covers" the height of the element. This allows for clipping on the sides to make sure it fills from top to bottom. contain is the opposite of that. It makes sure you can see the entire image at all times. It does this by making sure the width is 100% and the height is left to clip or expand. When you see on tablets and smaller that the images are "blown up", the CSS is making sure that the entire content area is filled with the image, and it does this by making sure the height of the image fills the content pane. Here's where we get a little more detailed.
You have your images setup as fixed. Obviously this was the effect you were going for, but lets think about what needs to happen here. Now the image needs to be covering the screen from top to bottom because it is able to be viewed anywhere the content pane is while being fixed. So now your image is covering the entire viewport. You can see the changes it makes when you change it to background-attachment:scroll;. It instead fits the image into the content pane instead of the viewport.
All of that being said, the way you can change this is by implementing media queries and switching backgrounds to cropped versions that are more appropriate to the viewing dimensions.
Your issue appears to be to do with background-attachment: fixed not behaving as expected.
Try background-attachment: scroll

Fix image relative to a point on a scaling background

I am trying to fix an image to a certain point in the background image for a project.
I've created a jsbin as I couldn't find the words to explain what I'm trying to accomplish.
In the example, the little map pointer is perfectly placed at the tip of the finger in the background image (at my resolution and full screen), but moves when the image scales down.
Any clues?
PS: I need the two images to be separate. I'm open to hacks as this will be a temporary landing page and we don't really care about old IE compatibility here.
Edit: I see it now when I shrink my browser vertically - you'll need to add in vertical media queries (e.g.: http://cognition.happycog.com/article/go-vertical/) or use JavaScript.
I actually didn't see it move when it scaled-down but when it scaled up. For me, 230px seems to work until a given point (around 1600px). Use a media-query to change the right position. It looks to me like 16% seems to work after that point.
#media screen and (min-width: 1600px){
#capsule {
right: 16%;
If you're still seeing it on scale-down, you can add multiple media-queries to adjust the position.

One pixel displacement of footer image on mobile browsers?

The footer on our website is displaced by 1px on mobile browsers, and we don't understand why.
Here's a screen shot of what it looks like on the iPad. The 1px green line at the top of the footer doesn't appear in desktop browsers -- only on mobile ones (tested on iPhone & iPad Chrome and Safari).
If you would like to see this for yourself, visit www.panabee.com.
Can anyone explain why this is happening?
This is a funky problem. I see it differently on different zoom levels.
Change the last div in #page_box to the following style:
#all_icons {
margin: 60px auto 54px auto
And that fixes it for me on iPad at default zoom level.
However, I am seeing it come back at different zoom levels. I'd try swapping out that image with a transparent pixel to see if it goes away. I suspect it is something to do with that image.
I can see the issue on my iPhone 4S running iOS 6.1.3, it does disappear when I zoom in. But I can also reproduce the issue using Google Chrome Version 26.0.1410.64 m. When I zoom in to anywhere above 110% (obviously it is easier to spot at even higher zoom levels) I can see a green line appear for just a little while, which then disappears as the image becomes sharper within a few seconds. At 300% the line doesn't disappear anymore, it will always be visible, and at the same time the image does not become sharper anymore, but then at even higher zoom levels, the line is never there.
Seeing the image becoming sharper and then seeing the line disappear is leading me to believe that the problem might be with the image being saved as an interlaced image. Obviously you might have done this on purpose, as it is not really a bad thing. And in that case you would also know that interlacing an image enables it to be shown as a degraded copy of itself while it has only partially been received by its intended recipient (in this case a visitor on your website).
Now I have never heard of any issues with interlaced images in mobile safari, but doing a Google search did turn up some results. Including a result to a question with some useful answers here on SO. Problems seem to have started with the iOS 6 update. Most problems seem to be fixed by either turning off transparency on the image or by saving the image with the interlacing option turned off.
So I'd suggest you try those options and see if that fixes it. Or if you really need interlacing, maybe use a different image format which supports interlacing (browsers may handle it differently between formats?).
What I find quite interesting is that it seems like Google Chrome doesn't use interlacing on higher zoom levels, I guess it doesn't make sense to try to get the image to be even sharper when you're zoomed in that much already?
I would find it interesting to read some documentation on how different browsers handle interlacing for the different formats which support it. I couldn't really find any (but I didn't have a very good look). It might shed some light on why some issues have started to appear in iOS 6 and higher, to me it looks like mobile safari on iOS 6 does not support interlacing PNG images at all, and since I could reproduce the issue in Chrome, I thought that it might be an issue with WebKit based browsers across the board, but my Safari 5.1.7 does do the right thing on all zoom levels.
Anyway, I hope one of the suggestions will solve your problem.
This looks to me like a rounding error as a result of your web page being scaled.
If you haven't set a viewport metatag on your page, the default viewport width is set to 980 pixels, regardless of orientation. This means that in landscape orientation, when the device width is 768 pixels, the page has to be scaled down to around 78%.
If your page design relies on various parts being aligned with pixel perfect precision, this is bound to fail from time to time. I would expect newer versions of webkit to deal with this sort of thing better, since they recently moved to subpixel layout units, but that won't always help.
Assuming this is the problem, you should be able to fix it by adding a viewport metatag to your page like this:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
You would then need to use media queries to adjust your layout to better handle different device widths, since you can't rely on the browser scaling your pages for you anymore.
Even then, though, you can't guarantee that your css pixels necessarily translate to exact device pixels, since some mobile devices may have non-integer device pixel ratios. It should at least fix your problems on the iPad, though, since it has a device pixel ratio of either 1 or 2 (depending on whether you have a retina display or not).
If media queries seem like too much effort, I was going to suggest you just move your #footer_top down a pixel, but it looks like you've already done that. Has that not helped?
I cannot reproduce the problem on my iPad (perhaps you've tweaked something already) but I think you might solve this problem with background-origin: border-box; on #footer_top and #footer.
Try changing your CSS for #footer_top to:
background: transparent url(/images/footer_header.png) repeat-x center -1px;
height: 72px;
position: relative;
top: 1px;
Basically if you pull up the background image by 1px pixel and pull down the div panel by 1px, it should help fix the problem.
Here's the fix:
#footer_top {
background: transparent url(/images/footer_header.png);
height: 72px;
position: relative;
background-position-y: -1px;
It has to do with the fact that the backgound is repeating, although oddly enough adding repeat-x does not fix it as it appears to be a repeating the bottom pixel to the top. I've run across something similiar at the edges of images, and I think it's an error in the way webkit does interpolation at the edges of an image. In any rate, all I've done is hide the top pixel, but you might find that placing a single repeating transparent pixel along the bottom MAY fix your issue as well (although in my other project it did not).

Background image css issue on iphone/ipad (not responsive)

I've got a site which although not responsive, should just show a scaled version of the desktop site when viewed on iphone or ipad. The problem is that my main background image is being compressed for some reason. If I resize the browser I can't recreate this issue, so am just struggling to figure out what's going on iOS which is causing it. The site is - any help would be greatly appreciated!
Added info: the issue seems to be with div.bg-main and it's background image settings, set on line 243 of style.css
iOS has a 2 megapixel limit on background images. Your image is 1587*1340 = 2,126,580 pixels - a bit too much. It therefore shrinks it.
You can use the background-size property to fix the size back up to what you’re expecting. You’ll lose some detail but it’ll be the correct size. Add this to your CSS:
.bg-main { -webkit-background-size: 1587px 1340px }
You can chop your big image with 2 parts and add 2 backgrounds to a div.
Like this:
background: url(1.jpg) top center, url(2.jpg) bottom center
That image is huge, maybe that is the issue. Try reducing the size with 'save for web' (try getting the design to work with a .jpg).
