Importing csv file into R - numeric values read as characters - r

I am aware that there are similar questions on this site, however, none of them seem to answer my question sufficiently.
This is what I have done so far:
I have a csv file which I open in excel. I manipulate the columns algebraically to obtain a new column "A". I import the file into R using read.csv() and the entries in column A are stored as factors - I want them to be stored as numeric. I find this question on the topic:
Imported a csv-dataset to R but the values becomes factors
Following the advice, I include stringsAsFactors = FALSE as an argument in read.csv(), however, as Hong Ooi suggested in the page linked above, this doesn't cause the entries in column A to be stored as numeric values.
A possible solution is to use the advice given in the following page:
How to convert a factor to an integer\numeric without a loss of information?
however, I would like a cleaner solution i.e. a way to import the file so that the entries of column entries are stored as numeric values.
Cheers for any help!

Whatever algebra you are doing in Excel to create the new column could probably be done more effectively in R.
Please try the following: Read the raw file (before any excel manipulation) into R using read.csv(... stringsAsFactors=FALSE). [If that does not work, please take a look at ?read.table (which read.csv wraps), however there may be some other underlying issue].
For example:
delim = "," # or is it "\t" ?
dec = "." # or is it "," ?
myDataFrame <- read.csv("path/to/file.csv", header=TRUE, sep=delim, dec=dec, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
Then, let's say your numeric columns is column 4
myDataFrame[, 4] <- as.numeric(myDataFrame[, 4]) # you can also refer to the column by "itsName"
Lastly, if you need any help with accomplishing in R the same tasks that you've done in Excel, there are plenty of folks here who would be happy to help you out

In read.table (and its relatives) it is the na.strings argument which specifies which strings are to be interpreted as missing values NA. The default value is na.strings = "NA"
If missing values in an otherwise numeric variable column are coded as something else than "NA", e.g. "." or "N/A", these rows will be interpreted as character, and then the whole column is converted to character.
Thus, if your missing values are some else than "NA", you need to specify them in na.strings.

If you're dealing with large datasets (i.e. datasets with a high number of columns), the solution noted above can be manually cumbersome, and requires you to know which columns are numeric a priori.
Try this instead.
char_data <- read.csv(input_filename, stringsAsFactors = F)
num_data <- data.frame(data.matrix(char_data))
numeric_columns <- sapply(num_data,function(x){mean(as.numeric(<0.5})
final_data <- data.frame(num_data[,numeric_columns], char_data[,!numeric_columns])
The code does the following:
Imports your data as character columns.
Creates an instance of your data as numeric columns.
Identifies which columns from your data are numeric (assuming columns with less than 50% NAs upon converting your data to numeric are indeed numeric).
Merging the numeric and character columns into a final dataset.
This essentially automates the import of your .csv file by preserving the data types of the original columns (as character and numeric).

Including this in the read.csv command worked for me: strip.white = TRUE
(I found this solution here.)

version for data.table based on code from dmanuge :
num_cols <- sapply(dsnum,function(x){mean(as.numeric(<0.5})
nds <- data.table( dsnum[, .SD, .SDcols=attributes(num_cols)$names[which(num_cols)]]
,ds[, .SD, .SDcols=attributes(num_cols)$names[which(!num_cols)]] )

I had a similar problem. Based on Joshua's premise that excel was the problem I looked at it and found that the numbers were formatted with commas between every third digit. Reformatting without commas fixed the problem.

So, I had the similar situation here in my data file when I readin as a csv. All the numeric value were turned into char. But in my file there was a value with a word "Filtered" instead of NA. I converted "Filtered" to NA in vim editor of linux terminal with a command <%s/Filtered/NA/g> and saved this file and later used it and read it in R, all the values were num type and not char type any more.
Looks like character value "Filtered" was inducing all values to be char format.

Hello #Shawn Hemelstrand here are the steps in detail below:
example matrix file.csv having 'Filtered' word in it
I opened the file.csv in linux command terminal
vi file.csv
then press "Esc shift:"
and type the following command at the bottom
press enter
then press "Esc shift:"
write "wq" at the bottom (this save the file and quit vim editor)
then in R script I read the file
data<- read.csv("file.csv", sep = ',', header = TRUE)
All columns were num type which were earlier char type.
In case you need more help, it would be easier to share your txt or csv file.


A cell in a CSV is (wrongly) read as a character vector of length 2 in R

I have a data frame like this I read in from a .csv (or .xlsx, I've tried both), and one of the variables in the data frame is a vector of dates.
Generate the data with this
Name <- rep("Date", 15)
num <- seq(1:15)
Name <- paste(Name, num, sep = "_")
data1 <- data.frame(
Due.Date = seq(as.Date("2020/09/24", origin = "1900-01-01"),
as.Date("2020/10/08", origin = "1900-01-01"), "days")
When I reference one of the cells specifically, like this: str(project_dates$Due.Date[241]) it reads the date as normal.
However, the exact position of the important dates varies from project to project, so I wrote a command that identifies where the important dates are in the sheet, like this: str(project_dates[str_detect(project_dates$Name, "Date_17"), "Due.Date"])
This code worked on a few projects, but on the current project it now returns a character vector of length 2. One of the values is the date, and the other value is NA. And to make matters worse, the location of the date and the NA is not fixed across dates--the date is the first value in some cells and the second in others (otherwise I would just reference, e.g., the first item in the vector).
What is going on here, but more importantly, how do I fix this?!
Clarification on the second command:
When I was originally reading from an Excel file, the command was project_dates[str_detect(project_dates$Name, "Date_17"), "Due.Date"]$Due.Date because it was returning a 1x1 tibble, and I needed the value in the tibble.
When I switched to reading in data as a csv, I had to remove the $Due.Date because the command was now reading the value as an atomic vector, so the $ operator was no longer valid.
Help me, Oh Blessed 1's (with) Knowledge! You're my only hope!
Edited to include an image of the data like the one that generates the error
I feel sheepish.
I was able to remove the NAs with
data1<- data1[!$Due.Date), ].
I assumed that command would listwise delete the rows with any missing values, so if the cell contained the 2-length vector, then I would lose the whole row of data. Instead, it removed the NA from the cell, leaving only the date.
Thank you to everyone who commented and offered help!

R: How to read in a SAS dataset with all columns as character

I'm using R to tidy data supplied to me (in a SAS file) so that I can bulk insert it into a SQLserver database. The problem that I'm having is that sometimes numeric fields get transformed by R after I read them in eg.(the leading 0 gets dropped, some numeric fields convert to scientific notation, long ID numbers turn into gibberish after the 15th digit).
Reading all the data into R as character solves these issues. When I'm supplied a csv file I can use data.tables 'fread' function to specify colClasses = 'character' however as far as I'm aware something like this doesnt exist for the 'read_sas' function from the haven package.
Are there any workarounds or extra documentation on how I can better approach and solve this issue?
Edit to highlight issues (left values is numeric and what I want to avoid, right value is as character and what I want):
postcode <- c(0629,'0629')
[1] "629" "0629"
id <- c(12000000,'12000000')
[1] "1.2e+07" "12000000"
id <- c(123123123123123123123123,'123123123123123123123123')
[1] "123123123123123117883392" "123123123123123123123123"
How can I import the data directly from SAS so that all columns in the data frame are read in as character data type (in order to avoid data quality issues when I insert into SQLserver)

Importing xlsx data to R when numbers have a comma as decimal separator

How can I import data from a .xlsx file into R so that numbers are represented as numbers, when their original decimal separator is comma not a dot?
The only package I know of, when dealing with excel is readxl from tidyverse.
I'm looking for a solution that won't need opening and editing excel files in any other software (and can deal with hundreds of columns to import) - if that would be possible I'd export all excels to .csv and import them using tools I know of, that can take the dec= argument.
So far my best working solution is to import numbers as characters and then transform it:
var1<- c("2,1", "3,2", "4,5")
var2<- c("1,2", "3,33", "5,55")
var3<- c("3,44", "2,2", "8,88")
df<- data.frame(cbind(var1, var2, var3))
df %>%
pattern = ",",
replacement = "\\.") %>%
mutate_at(vars(contains("var")), funs(as.numeric))
I suspect strongly that there is some other reason these columns are being read as character, most likely that they are the dreaded "Number Stored as Text".
For ordinary numbers (stored as numbers), after switching to comma as decimal separator either for an individual file or in the overall system settings, readxl::read_excel reads in a numeric properly. (This is on my Windows system.) Even when adding a character to one of the cells in that column or setting col_types="text", I get the number read in using a period as decimal, not as comma, giving more evidence that readxl is using the internally stored data type.
The only way I have gotten R to read in a comma as a decimal is when the data is stored in Excel as text instead of as numeric. (You can enter this by prefacing the number with a single quote, like '1,7.) I then get a little green triangle in the corner of the cell, which gives the popup warning "Number Stored as Text". In my exploration, I was surprised to discover that Excel will do calculations on numbers stored as text, so that's not a valid way of checking for this.
It's pretty easy to replace the "," with a "." and recast the column as numeric. Example:
> x <- c('1,00','2,00','3,00')
> df <- data.frame(x)
> df
1 1,00
2 2,00
3 3,00
> df$x <- gsub(',','.',df$x)
> df$x <- as.numeric(df$x)
> df
1 1
2 2
3 3
> class(df$x)
[1] "numeric"
Just using base R and gsub.
I just had the same problem while dealing with an Excel spreadsheet I had received from a colleague. After I had tried to import the file using readxl (which failed), I converted the file into a csv file hoping to solve the problem using read_delim and fiddling with the locale and decimal sign options. But the problem was still there, no matter which options I used.
Here is the solution that worked for me: I found out that the characters that were used in the cells containing the missing values (. in my case) were causing trouble. I went back to the Excel file, replaced . in all cells with missing values with blanks while just keeping the default option for the decimals (,). After that, all columns were imported correctly as numeric using readxl.
If you should face this problem with your decimals set to . make sure to tick the box saying "Match entire cell contents" in Excel before replacing all instances of the missing values .

read.csv() R x must be numeric

I am trying to read data out of a csv-file.
The data consists of small integer numbers (53, 98 ...)
The csv was made with OpenOffice, the data stood there in the first column
one number in each row.
reading data was simple (no problem at all):
BirthNumbers <- read.csv(“/Users/.../RawData.csv”, header=FALSE)
Now I try to calculate mean(BirthNumbers) (for example),
but it is not possible, the error message:
x is not numeric
Where is my mistake?
Thanks for all help
It's probably being read in as characters.
Try mean(as.numeric(BirthNumbers))
As per (see Value section), read.csv returns a data frame.
You should be calling mean on the column of the data frame. Since you have no headers (given your header = FALSE), most likely the column is called V1 (verify by doing head(BirthNumbers) or colnames(BirthNumbers)), so you should do mean(BirthNumbers$V1).

Imported a csv-dataset to R but the values becomes factors

I am very new to R and I am having trouble accessing a dataset I've imported. I'm using RStudio and used the Import Dataset function when importing my csv-file and pasted the line from the console-window to the source-window. The code looks as follows:
stuckey <- read.csv("C:/kalle/R/stuckey.csv")
point <- stuckey$PTS
time <- stuckey$MP
However, the data isn't integer or numeric as I am used to but factors so when I try to plot the variables I only get histograms, not the usual plot. When checking the data it seems to be in order, just that I'm unable to use it since it's in factor form.
Both the data import function (here: read.csv()) as well as a global option offer you to say stringsAsFactors=FALSE which should fix this.
By default, read.csv checks the first few rows of your data to see whether to treat each variable as numeric. If it finds non-numeric values, it assumes the variable is character data, and character variables are converted to factors.
It looks like the PTS and MP variables in your dataset contain non-numerics, which is why you're getting unexpected results. You can force these variables to numeric with
point <- as.numeric(as.character(point))
time <- as.numeric(as.character(time))
But any values that can't be converted will become missing. (The R FAQ gives a slightly different method for factor -> numeric conversion but I can never remember what it is.)
You can set this globally for all read.csv/read.* commands with
Then read the file as follows: <- read.table( "filename.csv", )
When importing csv data files the import command should reflect both the data seperation between each column (;) and the float-number seperator for your numeric values (for numerical variable = 2,5 this would be ",").
The command for importing a csv, therefore, has to be a bit more comprehensive with more commands:
stuckey <- read.csv2("C:/kalle/R/stuckey.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";", dec=",")
This should import all variables as either integers or numeric.
None of these answers mention the colClasses argument which is another way to specify the variable classes in read.csv.
stuckey <- read.csv("C:/kalle/R/stuckey.csv", colClasses = "numeric") # all variables to numeric
or you can specify which columns to convert:
stuckey <- read.csv("C:/kalle/R/stuckey.csv", colClasses = c("PTS" = "numeric", "MP" = "numeric") # specific columns to numeric
Note that if a variable can't be converted to numeric then it will be converted to factor as default which makes it more difficult to convert to number. Therefore, it can be advisable just to read all variables in as 'character' colClasses = "character" and then convert the specific columns to numeric once the csv is read in:
stuckey <- read.csv("C:/kalle/R/stuckey.csv", colClasses = "character")
point <- as.numeric(stuckey$PTS)
time <- as.numeric(stuckey$MP)
I'm new to R as well and faced the exact same problem. But then I looked at my data and noticed that it is being caused due to the fact that my csv file was using a comma separator (,) in all numeric columns (Ex: 1,233,444.56 instead of 1233444.56).
I removed the comma separator in my csv file and then reloaded into R. My data frame now recognises all columns as numbers.
I'm sure there's a way to handle this within the read.csv function itself.
This only worked right for me when including strip.white = TRUE in the read.csv command.
(I found the solution here.)
for me the solution was to include skip = 0
(number of rows to skip at the top of the file. Can be set >0)
mydata <- read.csv(file = "file.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", skip = 22)
