How to define/pass the entity manager for sonata-admin - symfony

I followed this tutorial to install SonataAdmin with FOSUserBundle.
Now i keep getting this Error Message:
No entity manager defined for class Application\Sonata\UserBundle\Entity\User
But how do i set/pass the EntityManager?
I haven't found anything about configuring it or any hint on what this error means.
Any help anyone?
Edit #1:
As asked for, here is what i have in my config.yml for sonata so far:
default_contexts: [cms]
contexts: [admin]
Edit #2:
I added the entity manager configuration part for Doctrine2 ORM Admin thou it is mentioned in the Documentation that if left null, it should just use the default. Still, it doesn't solve my problem.
# default value is null, so doctrine uses the value defined in the configuration
entity_manager: '#doctrine.orm.entity_manager'
Edit #3:
I did set auto_mapping to true as well, even thou that also is true by default.
Still no Solution to this Problem.

When you use
php app/console sonata:admin:generate
it requests for fully qualified model class, so you'd write something like:
the problem is, that when generator creates service for you it adds line:
arguments: [~, \Acme\DemoBundle\Entity\DemoEntity, AcmeDemoBundle:DemoEntityAdmin]
That breaks it.
It works with:
arguments: [~, Acme\DemoBundle\Entity\DemoEntity, AcmeDemoBundle:DemoEntityAdmin]
Notice missing "\" before Acme\Demo....

What was missing in my config.yml was:
ApplicationSonataUserBundle: ~
SonataUserBundle: ~

Just had this problem.
Make sure you easy-extended the SonataUserBundle:
php app/console sonata:easy-extends:generate SonataUserBundle
and are loading it in AppKernel.php
new Application\Sonata\UserBundle\ApplicationSonataUserBundle(),
See documentation here:
Then the automapping is enough and you don't need to define manual mapping.


Unknown Entity namespace alias 'PirastruFormBuilderBundle'

It has been now 2 days that i'm looking for a solution to this error but in vain :
Unknown Entity namespace alias 'PirastruFormBuilderBundle'
in fact i installed the sonata form builder with sonata page bundle using the composer but i don't know why i'm getting this error.
i don't know which part of codes should i copie here so please don't hesitate to ask me for it
resource: '#PirastruFormBuilderBundle/Controller/FormBuilderController.php'
type: annotation
Thanks !!
when i run this : php app/console config:dump-reference
PirastruFormBuilderBundle | pirastru_form_builder |
and when i run this : php app/console doctrine:mapping:info i got
[Exception] You do not have any mapped Doctrine ORM entities
according to the current configuration. If you have entities or
mapping files you should check your mapping configuration for errors.
well i managed to solve the problem ! i had just to add a getManager in my FormBuilderBlockService
This problem can be caused by some (mis)configurations :
app/console config:dump-reference
This command let you know if the Bundle is referenced.
app/console doctrine:mapping:info
This command let you know if the Bundle is mapped.
It's typically a mapping issue :
Unknown Entity namespace alias '***Bundle'
The better solution is to add auto_mapping to true in config.yml, like this :
auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%"
auto_mapping: true
But it can be solved by others way, you can have a look to : Symfony : What is the meaning of auto_mapping and auto_generate_proxy_classes
Best regards,

Provide Doctrine with custom cache factory for second level cache

Background: we're using Symfony 3.1 + Doctrine 2.5.5 + symfony doctrine bundle.
While trying to enable second level caching for our entities, we have encountered the following issue. If we use NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE, everything works fine. However, when we tried to use READ_WRITE, we got the following error
Type error: Argument 2 passed to Doctrine\ORM\Cache\Persister\Entity\ReadWriteCachedEntityPersister::__construct() must be an instance of Doctrine\ORM\Cache\ConcurrentRegion, instance of Doctrine\ORM\Cache\Region\DefaultRegion given, called in vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Cache/DefaultCacheFactory.php on line 133
As far as I understood, we need to actually implement our own version of ConcurrentRegion and CacheFactory to make it work (FileLockRegion does not suit us due to its usage of file system to handle cache locks). So I wrote those implementations, but the main issue now lies in following: I cannot find where to put my custom factory class' name in the configuration. We have tried the following locations in config:
auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%"
default_entity_manager: master
class: AppBundle\Cache\MyCacheFactory
This fails due to
Unrecognized option "second_level_cache" under "doctrine.orm"
even though in our other project using Symfony 2.8 option "second_level_cache" does not throw any errors.
So we went to doctrine bundle code and found the following node description (vendor/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php:492)
So we decided we should try this config in our master entity manager section:
type: memcache
enabled: true
log_enabled: true
factory: AppBundle\Cache\MyCacheFactory
lifetime: 3600
However, even though this config is considered valid, when we actually try to access the entity with configured caching, we get the error 0), which makes us think that this option is being ignored by doctrine/symfony.
Is there any way to do it via .yml config at all? Doctrine docs only propose to implement CacheFactory and provide a PHP code example, but it's still quite unclear where should this PHP code go, even if we decide to abandon the idea of putting our class in .yml config and go the PHP way.
Use type - filelock for configurate FilelockRegion
type: service
id: 'Doctrine\Common\Cache\RedisCache'
lifetime: 3600
type: filelock

Symfony2 CMF: Using Doctrine ORM instead of PHPCR ODM

I'm working in a project in Symfony2 and i want to use Symfony CMF with Doctrine ORM.
In my config.yml:
twig: true
enabled: true
manager_name: ~
I'm getting this error:
You have requested a non-existent parameter "None of the managerParameters
resulted in a valid name".
Im triying to use Doctrine ORM instead of PHPCR ODM
Someone knows what can i do?

Doctrine Mapping in Symfony2 using YAML

I have a question regarding YAML configuration of Doctrine in Symfony2.
I have created an entity via "doctrine:generate:entity", and chose YAML as the mapping format.
This didn't add any metadata on ../Entity/"MyEntity".php, which would allow me to update or create my schema.
As an example, if I run
./app/console doctrine:schema:create
it fails, saying:
Bundle "MySuperBundle" does not contain any mapped entities.
My automapping is already set to "true".
If I choose to use annotation config this would not be a problem.
Did I miss something? Are there any extra steps that I should take?
Thank you in advance, regards,
I just had a fun time looking at the Doctrine config initialisation code. What I found was:
Using auto_mapping results in various defaults being set for the single default entity manager; it leaves the type value as false
If type is false the config code looks into the default directory for likely config files, and as soon as it finds a file of a valid extension it decides that that's the way config is being done, in the order xml, yml, php
If it doesn't find any of those it assumes annotation
Do you have anything else at all in the Bundle/Resources/config/doctrine folder? If so, it might be throwing off the auto-detection.
That aside, basically if you've used defaults, and have some entity classes and valid config, what you're doing should be working without any additional config. You've said "auto_mapping" is true, but have you changed any other bit of Doctrine config?
It might be an idea to try configuring stuff explicitly, e.g. as described in the Symfony Doctrine docs, go from default config
driver: "%database_driver%"
auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%"
auto_mapping: true
to explicit
driver: "%database_driver%"
auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%"
auto_mapping: false
type: yml
dir: Resources/config/doctrine

Change document Namespace from Bundle/Document to Bundle/Model

I'm using DoctrineMongoDBBundle, normally i put the documents into the MyBundle/Document directory and works fine but i want change to MyBundle/Model
after move my documents to new namespace i get a error message
You do not have any mapped Doctrine MongoDB ODM documents for any of your bundles...
currently i'm using annotations for set the configuration, i dont want use xml or yml. this is the current config, how i can achieve this?
# app/config/config.yml
server: mongodb://localhost:27017
options: {}
default_database: "%database_name%"
auto_mapping: true
Assuming your document is Acme/Model/Invoice.
You can adjust the mapping like this:
# ...
type: annotation
is_bundle: false
dir: %kernel.root_dir%/../src/Acme/Model
prefix: Acme\Model
alias: MyDocuments
Now use the the mapping like this:
If you want to keep the document inside a bundle ...
... just use the bundle's name i.e. AcmeDemoBundle instead of Acme as the mapping-name, set is_bundle to true and the dir option will be seen as relative to the bundle's root directory.
More information on the mapping options can be found in the documentation chapter DoctrineBundle Configuration#Mapping Information.
More information on how to store documents out of bundles can be found in this blog post.
The procedure is the same for Doctrine ORM btw.
