CSS - Footer height -> scroll issue - css

I've read every post and google result about footer's height but I'm not able to fix this issue.
You can see my index here:
As you can see, I want the footer extends to the end of the page. It's not a sticky footer, I just want it to extend.
But when you load the web you can see a big vertical scroll.
I thinks it appears because of the height:100% in the footer.
It is possible to extend the footer without the scroll issue?

You can put the dark footer background on the body. Then you need to add a 100% wide wrapper for the page content and use the light background on the new wrapper.
And yes, as per comments, you need to remove height:100%; from the footer.

Just set your html background to the same as your footer:
html, body {


Bootstrap 3 styling attempts not working

Here is the relevant jsFiddle with full code sample.
I am trying to:
Change the color of the footer's <hr/>, however my styling rule doesn't seem to work; and
Figure out why, if you break the page out into a fullscreen, the page appears too wide and the browser presents you with a horizontal scrollbar
My CSS rule to color the <hr/> is:
hr {
color: rgb(255,0,0);
And as for why the page is too wide, I'm totally out of ideas. Any idea as to why my attempts here aren't working?
The hr tag use the property border to set the line ... if you need to change that color then use:
Try this:
footer hr {
The DemoFiddle
And the scroll bar on the page is because you are breaking the layout with the absolute position on the footer. http://jsfiddle.net/7j9q1ye4/2/
The HR will go over the whole Div so it depends how big the div is,
if the width of the div where the HR is within is over the whole page wide that the HR will do the same. It has probably something to do with the DIV where the HR is standing in.

CSS Vertical Background overlay and a Horizontal Scrollbar appears

Not sure how to best ask my question. And I can't yet post screenshots. :( This issue does happen in mere current coding practices. You can currently even see this issue happening on Facebooks home page.
Here's my URL:
How to replicate live
Grab the right hand side of your browser and pull inwards. Eventually a scroll bar appears. Not necessarily bad. As I have a fixed with here. However… Notice the scrollbar is the length of the background color up in the top of my header which is actually creating a "Curtain" like effect.
Make matters worse:
If on other high level parent elements like .Footer or .Page you play around with overflow and position relative the curtain will then begin overlaying on top of the entire site.
Check out Facebook: They often have this issue as well. Obviously most don't notice it as it's not going over top of the content.
In either case I know there is something not right.
Help appreciated!
Add something like this to your CSS:
body { min-width: 980px; }
You have min-width: 980px; set in many of the elements on your page, but not on html, body, or .container. Once the viewport is smaller than this, these elements will overflow html and give you the scrollbars you're seeing.
But this doesn't make html any bigger. It--and its background--is still at the viewport size. This is why you get the "curtain" effect when you scroll.
Setting width: 100% on html doesn't fix this; this only sets html to 100% width of the browser window. If you're going to use min-width, make sure you you don't just apply it to elements that hold your content, but also those that have your backgrounds.
to fix this, add
html, body {
min-width: 980px
in your www.alpacanation.com/styles.css:40, then you are done. :)
EXPLANATION: the problem is this container,
<!— stat container —>
<div class=“container”>
that container has width:980px which screws up the view because it forces that container to stay at 980px wide while the rest is shrinking, thus creates the ‘curtain’ like effect.

How can I make the horizontal scrollbar for a DIV always appear fixed on the bottom of the page?

I have a website which contains a large (and wide) table. The table is placed inside jquery UI tabs.
It looks something like this: http://jsfiddle.net/Tq3Rg/
For the user this can be somewhat annoying since he has to go all the way to the bottom of the table and page to scroll right.
Is it possible to make the scrollbar always appear fixed on the bottom of the page?
Set a fixed height (and don't use inline-styles):
Your altered Demo
the code:
If you really want to have the scrollbars at the very bottom of your page, you could check this answer on how to achieve this without needing custom scrollbars and such stuff.
Just set some fixed height to your middle div
<div style="background:white;overflow-y:scroll;height:400px;">
You need a custom scrollbar to do this, have a look http://baijs.nl/tinyscrollbar/ or http://www.jquery4u.com/plugins/10-jquery-custom-scrollbar-plugins/#.T_RSYxEe4hU.

BODY background image gets cut off on browser viewport

I used the solution proposed by Roman below, based on adding an additional DIV with position:absolute, I tested it in IE7, IE8, IE9, Chrome and Firefox and seems to work fine!
So the layout now has 3 full background images (what I needed), and even you can use the BODY bg taking care of that will be cutted off to the browser's viewport height (still could be useful in some cases), "three and and a half" bg images with "sticky footer" :)
The only drawback I found its that the links in the #footerContent were not "clickable", I solved it using position:relative to this container.
I made the changes to the sample I provided and uploaded it to my Dropbox, In the case that someone else could find it usefull.
Thank you all for your answers.
I uploaded
I'm building a quite complex layout for a website where I need to have 3 background images covering the background of the web page. So I have one in the HTML style, one in the BODY style, and the final one in a DIV that it's the container for all the webpage elements (#contenedor)
I'm also sing a "Sticky footer" technique, to have the footer "glued" to the bottom of the page whern there are small contents in the "main content" area.
The problem that I have It's that the BODY bg image gets cut off to the viewport of the web browser, I mean, It doesn't repeat-y below the visible area displayed when the page is loaded, and the contents are "tall" enough to make the webpage scroll.
What I tried until now:
To add an additional container DIV surrounding all (that's ok for me), but doing that It brokes the "Sticky footer" (maybe I did not found the right way to do it... I don't know).
Force the BODY to be as tall as the HTML using:
html>body {
height:100%; }
This solves the BODY issue, the image repeats but this also breaks the "Sticky footer"... :(
You can see a sample:
Index with "small contents" all OK... footer on bottom, etc.
Index page with tall contents (simple BRs), scroll down to see the cut on the BODY bg Image
You can also download all the files of this sample in the following URL to do your own local test.
For a reason I don't quite catch, it seems that the body is stuck with a height of 100% of the viewport. It refuses to grow past this point, and does not inherit the real height of the whole page.
However, if you don't mind to add another helper div, you can easily solve the problem.
First lets start with the html:
- Add a helper div before the head section.
<div id="contenedor">
<div id="bgfix"></div>
<header id="arriba">
<div class="push"><!--Sticky Footer Push--></div>
And now let's modify the CSS:
- Remove the background from the body, and put it into the new helper div like so.
body {
// background:url(../img/bg_body.png) center top repeat-y;
#contenedor {
position:relative; /* For #bgfix to attach here */
#bgfix {
background:url(../img/bg_body.png) center top repeat-y;
position: absolute;
width: 100%; height: 100%;
Hope it helps!!!
The solution I found for this problem is to set min-height to the
min-height: 900px;
900px was the actual height of the background image i used.
I would need to see exactly what do you want to accomplish in order to help you better,
but i will make my best giving you some tips in advance
you shouldn't be applying a background to the HTML tag.
dont play with the height property of your body, it will mess up the sticky footer, instead let body height grow naturally with content.
body will grow with the content, but html wont. html tag IS NOT a container.

Footer won't budge

see the example..the footer won't stay at bottom/
Tried to remove clearfix but it is not pushing the footer to the bottom or eliminates the white gap below the footer. Clearfix: display block is done via the Pinnaclecart itself.
Even if I tried to remove display:block, the footer will be in mess. For an example, it will move footer items to the left outside of the page where the products are laid out.
any insight will be appreciated!
I think you might want to add the following to your #footer section in the css file:
bottom:100px; /* 100 being the assumed footer height, you'll need to do the math :) */
(also, it'd be kind to spend a little more time on your problem description)
