Cannot write chinese text using CairoPDF in R - r

I am using cairo pdf as suggested in my previous question
How to plot chinese characters on pdf?
for generating chinese text on R.
mydata = matrix( c( 2:6, c( 2,4,2,6,3 ) ), nrow= 2 )
mylabs = c( "木材", "表", "笔", "垃圾桶", "杯" )
CairoPDF("Report_chinese.pdf", family="GB1")
barplot( mydata, beside=T, horiz= "T", names.arg= mylabs, las= 1, col= c( "red", "blue" ) )
But there is no chinese text on bar plot. How can i fix this pblm?

cairo_pdf() works for me:
mydata = matrix( c( 2:6, c( 2,4,2,6,3 ) ), nrow= 2 )
mylabs = c( "木材", "表", "笔", "垃圾桶", "杯" )
barplot( mydata, beside=T, horiz= "T", names.arg= mylabs, las= 1, col= c( "red", "blue" ) )
If you want to use the Cairo library, you have to first define a font that has the CJK glyphs (EDIT: per request in comments, this example uses different fonts for labels and title):
CairoFonts(regular="AR PL UKai CN:Book", bold="Century Schoolbook L:Italic")
barplot( mydata, beside=T, horiz= "T", names.arg= mylabs, las= 1, col= c( "red", "blue" ) )
mtext("This is the title", side=3, line=1, font=2)
Note that the arguments to CairoFonts() are just arbitrary pointers: I have used the bold= argument to specify an italic typeface, and access it using font=2 in the call to mtext() (see the font argument in ?par). Be sure to substitute "AR PL UKai CN:Book" and "Century Schoolbook L:Italic" for fonts that you actually have on your system.
If you don't like that method, you can get the same result by calling CairoFonts() multiple times:
CairoFonts(regular="AR PL UKai CN:Book")
barplot( mydata, beside=T, horiz= "T", names.arg= mylabs, las= 1, col= c( "red", "blue" ) )
CairoFonts(regular="Century Schoolbook L:Italic")
mtext("This is the title", side=3, line=1) #implicit argument: font=1


Why Forest plot is not showing the confidence interval bars?

Hi I am generating a forest plot by following code. but my visual graph doesnot show the confidence interval on boxes. How can i improve this graphical representation.
mydf <- data.frame(
#png('temp.png', width=8, height=4, units='in', res=400)
rowseq <- seq(nrow(mydf),1)
plot(mydf$HazardRatio, rowseq, pch=15,
xlim=c(-10,12), ylim=c(0,7),
xlab='', ylab='', yaxt='n', xaxt='n',
axis(1, seq(0,5,by=.5), cex.axis=.5)
segments(1,-1,1,6.25, lty=3)
segments(mydf$HazardLower, rowseq, mydf$HazardUpper, rowseq)
text(-8,6.5, "Variables", cex=.75, font=2, pos=4)
t1h <- ifelse(!$Variables), mydf$Variables, '')
text(-8,rowseq, t1h, cex=.75, pos=4, font=3)
text(-1,6.5, "Hazard Ratio (95%)", cex=.75, font=2, pos=4)
t3 <- ifelse(!$HazardRatio), with(mydf, paste(HazardRatio,' (',HazardLower,'-',HazardUpper,')',sep='')), '')
text(3,rowseq, t3, cex=.75, pos=4)
text(7.5,6.5, "P Value", cex=.75, font=2, pos=4)
t4 <- ifelse(!$Pvalue), mydf$Pvalue, '')
text(7.5,rowseq, t4, cex=.75, pos=4)
I even tried to do this by forestplot package. But i am not getting Confidence interval on grpah as well as i want presentation as above graph.
test_data <- data.frame(coef=c(1.109,1.296,1.363),
boxsize=c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
row_names <- cbind(c("Variable", "N_Quartile 1", "N_Quartile 2", "N_Quartile 3"),
c("HR", test_data$coef), c("CI -95%", test_data$low), c("CI +95%", test_data$high) )
test_data <- rbind(NA, test_data)
forestplot(labeltext = row_names,
mean = test_data$coef, upper = test_data$high,
lower = test_data$low,
clip =c(0.1, 25),
is.summary=c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
boxsize = test_data$boxsize,
zero = 1,colgap = unit(3, "mm"), txt_gp=fpTxtGp(label= gpar(cex = 0.7),
title = gpar(cex = 1) ),
xlog = TRUE,
xlab = "HR (95% CI)",
col = fpColors(lines="black", box="black"),
ci.vertices = TRUE,
xticks = c(0.1, 1, 2.5,5,7.5))
Your intervals are quite small, so if you do it manually on plot it will take a while to refine the correct settings, and putting text together with it is not trivial. Right now your first code is not even 50% there.
My suggestion is to build up the plot slowly using forestplot, and identify the problem, for example if you just plot your data.frame, you see it works, that is the c.i is there, just that it's very narrow, and that's your problem at hand, adjusting the size using so that it is visible:
Now if we add in the text:
labeltext =row_names,
mean = test_data$coef, upper = test_data$high,
lower = test_data$low,
is.summary=c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
boxsize = test_data$boxsize,
So the text is taking up a bit too much space, i think one way is to use the conventional est[ll - ul] way of representing estimate and confidence interval, you can see examples here. One way I can try below is to wrap the values for the CI into 1 string, and have just two columns for text:
test_data <- data.frame(coef=c(1.109,1.296,1.363),
boxsize=c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
column1 = c("Variable", "N_Quartile 1", "N_Quartile 2", "N_Quartile 3")
column2 = cbind(c("HR", test_data$coef),
c("CI -95%", test_data$low),
c("CI +95%", test_data$high))
L = max(nchar(column2))
padded_text =apply(column2,1,
function(i)paste(str_pad(i,L),collapse=" "))
test_data <- rbind(NA, test_data)
labeltext =cbind(column1,padded_text),
mean = test_data$coef, upper = test_data$high,
lower = test_data$low,
is.summary=c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
boxsize = test_data$boxsize,,

R - heatmap.2 (gplots): change colors for breaks

I generated a heatmap using heatmap.2 of the gplots package:
abc <-read.csv(file="abc.txt", header=T, sep="\t", dec=".")
def <-read.csv(file="def.txt", header=T, sep="\t", dec=".")
mean <-read.csv(file="mean.txt", header=T, sep="\t", dec=".")
distance.row = dist(as.matrix(def), method = "euclidean")
cluster.row = hclust(distance.row, method = "average")
distance.col = dist(t(as.matrix(abc)), method = "euclidean")
cluster.col = hclust(distance.col, method = "average")
my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "yellow", "green"))(n = 299)
heatmap.2(meanm, trace="none", dendrogram="both", Rowv=as.dendrogram(cluster.row), Colv=as.dendrogram(cluster.col), margins = c(7,7), col=my_palette, main="mean(def+abc)", xlab="def clustering", ylab="abc clustering", na.color="white")
breaks = seq(0,max(meanm),length.out=100)
gradient1 = colorpanel( sum( breaks[-1]<=95 ), "black", "red" )
gradient2 = colorpanel( sum( breaks[-1]>95 ), "red", "green" )
hm.colors = c(gradient1,gradient2)
hm.colors = c(gradient1,gradient2)
heatmap.2(meanm, trace="none", dendrogram="both", Rowv=as.dendrogram(cluster.row), Colv=as.dendrogram(cluster.col), margins = c(7,7), breaks=breaks,col=hm.colors, na.color="white")
I slightly modified the part starting from breaks from here: How to assign your color scale on raw data in heatmap.2()
Now I want to make different colors for the following ranges:
The code from the link only provides a solution for 3 categories, but how do I implement that for 4?
my sample input here (this is semicolon-separated. The real example is tab-delimited)
You do not provide a reproducible example, so I had to guess for some parts.
### your data
mean <- read.table(header = TRUE, sep = ';', text = "
### your code
meanm <- as.matrix(mean)
### define 4 colors to use for the space between 5 breaks
col = c("green","blue","red","yellow")
breaks <- c(0, 45, 65, 95, 100)
heatmap.2(meanm, breaks = breaks, col = col)
This yields the following plot:
I hope it makes the essence of defining the breaks and the colors clear.
UPDATE with gradient
I filled your four wanted "zones" defined by the 5 breakpoints with color gradients. I invented something: yellow-green, green-blue, blue-darkblue, darkblue-black.
breaks = seq(0, max(meanm), length.out=100)
### define the colors within 4 zones
gradient1 = colorpanel( sum( breaks[-1]<=45 ), "yellow", "green" )
gradient2 = colorpanel( sum( breaks[-1]>45 & breaks[-1]<=65 ), "green", "blue" )
gradient3 = colorpanel( sum( breaks[-1]>65 & breaks[-1]<=95 ), "blue", "darkblue" )
gradient4 = colorpanel( sum( breaks[-1]>95 ), "darkblue", "black" )
hm.colors = c(gradient1, gradient2, gradient3, gradient4)
heatmap.2(meanm, breaks = breaks, col = hm.colors)
This yields the following graph:
Please let me know whether this is what you want.

Lattice key does not correspond to aesthetics on plot

Hello below is a plot created using lattice. I am using lty=c(1, 2) so the lines are black but of two types. In the key however, the lines are colored as blue & pink? I am not sure how to correct this. Thanks!
column1 <- c(89.66, 89.66, 93.10, 96.55, 86.21, 89.66, 86.21, 79.31, 79.31, 79.31, 89.66, 82.76, 100, 93.33, 90, 93.33, 96.67, 96.67, 93.33, 93.33, 90, 93.33, 93.33, 93.33)
column2 <- rep(c("SF36", "SF12"), c(12, 12))
column3 <- rep(c("1/12", "2/12", "3/12", "4/12", "5/12", "6/12", "7/12", "8/12", "9/12", "10/12", "11/12", "12/12"), 2)
column3 <- factor(column3, levels=c("1/12", "2/12", "3/12", "4/12", "5/12", "6/12", "7/12", "8/12", "9/12", "10/12", "11/12", "12/12"))
data2 <- data.frame(column1, column2, column3)
xyplot(column1~column3, data=data2, groups=column2, lwd=2, col=c("black", "black"), lty=c(1, 2), pch=2, type="o", ylab=list(label="% of People who Answered", cex=2), scales=list(x=list(cex=2, rot=90), y=list(cex=2)), xlab=list(label="Proportion of Survey Progressed Through", cex=2), auto.key=list(space="top", columns=2, title="Group", cex.title=2, lines=TRUE, points=FALSE, cex=2))
Try setting the plot parameters via the par.settings argument:
xyplot(column1~column3, data=data2, groups=column2,
par.settings = list(superpose.line = list(col = "black",
lty = c(1, 2),
lwd = 2),
superpose.symbol = list(pch = 2, col = "black")),
ylab=list(label="% of People who Answered", cex=2),
scales=list(x=list(cex=2, rot=90), y=list(cex=2)),
xlab=list(label="Proportion of Survey Progressed Through", cex=2),
auto.key=list(space="top", columns=2, title="Group", cex.title=2,
lines=TRUE, points=FALSE, cex=2))

How to set the y range in boxplot graph?

I'm using boxplot() in R. My code is:
fps_error <- c(0.058404273, 0.028957446, 0.026276044, 0.07084294, 0.078438563, 0.024000178, 0.120678965, 0.081774358, 0.025644741, 0.02931614)
fps_error = fps_error *100
fps_qp_error <-c(1.833333333, 1.69047619, 1.666666667, 3.095238095, 2.738095238, 1.714285714, 3.634146341, 5.142857143, 1.238095238, 2.30952381)
bit_error <- c(0.141691737, 0.136173785, 0.073808209, 0.025057931, 0.165722097, 0.004276999, 0.365353752, 0.164757488, 0.003362543, 0.022423845)
bit_error = bit_error *100
bit_qp_error <-c(0.666666667, 0.785714286, 0.428571429, 0.142857143, 0.785714286, 0.023809524, 1.523809524, 0.976190476, 0.023809524, 0.142857143)
ssim_error <-c(0.01193773, 0.015151569, 0.003144532, 0.003182908, 0.008125274, 0.013796366, 0.00359078, 0.019002591, 0.005031524, 0.004370175)
ssim_error = ssim_error * 100
ssim_qp_error <-c(3.833333333, 1.80952381, 0.69047619, 0.571428571, 2, 1.904761905, 0.761904762, 2.119047619, 0.857142857, 0.976190476)
all_errors = cbind(fps_error, bit_error, ssim_error)
all_qp_errors = cbind(fps_qp_error, bit_qp_error, ssim_qp_error)
modes = cbind(rep("FPS error",10), rep("Bitrate error",10), rep("SSIM error",10))
journal_linear_data <-data.frame(fps_error, fps_qp_error,bit_error,bit_qp_error,ssim_error,ssim_qp_error )
yvars <- c("fps_error","bit_error","ssim_error")
yvars_qp <-c("fps_qp_error","bit_qp_error","ssim_qp_error")
xvars <- c("FPS", "Bitrate", "SSIM")
op <- par(mfrow = c(1, 3), #matrix of plots
oma = c(0,0,2,0),mar=c(5.1, 7.1, 2.1, 2.1),mgp=c(4,1,0)) #outer margins
for (i in 1:3) {boxplot(journal_linear_data[,yvars[i]], xlab=xvars[i], ylab="Percentage error", outcex = 2)}
mtext(text="Percentage error per mode for B2",side=3, line=1.5, font=2, cex=2,adj=0.95, col='black')
The image output is shown below. As you can see the y-axis does not have the same range for all graphs. How can I fix this? For example starting in 0.5 or 0.
You can simply put an ylim = c(0, 5) in all your boxplot() call. This sets y-axis range (roughly) between 0 and 5.
Perhaps you did not see ylim argument in ?boxplot; the "Arguments" section also does not mention it. But ylim is just a trivial graphical parameter passed via "...". You can also find such example in the "Examples" session of ?boxplot:
boxplot(len ~ dose, data = ToothGrowth,
boxwex = 0.25, at = 1:3 - 0.2,
subset = supp == "VC", col = "yellow",
main = "Guinea Pigs' Tooth Growth",
xlab = "Vitamin C dose mg",
ylab = "tooth length",
xlim = c(0.5, 3.5), ylim = c(0, 35), yaxs = "i")

Adding title to the plot function as a list in R

I am using this code for plotting list of variables in a single page:
plot30 <- list(HMn25_30,HMn28_30,HMn29_30,HMn31_30,HMn32_30)
for (i in plot30) {
plot(i, type = "o", pch = 16, lty = 2, col = "Black", xlab = "Hour 2007/09/30" , ylab = "Ambient Tempreture")
Result of this code:
I wanted to add titles such as {Node 25,Node 28,Node 29,Node 31,Node 32} to the plots.
Any suggestion?
try to add the following in your for loop
plot30 <- list(HMn25_30,HMn28_30,HMn29_30,HMn31_30,HMn32_30)
Main <- c('Node 25','Node 28','Node 29','Node 31','Node 32')
for (i in seq_along(plot30)) {
plot(plot30[[i]], type = "o", pch = 16, lty = 2, col = "Black", xlab = "Hour 2007/09/30" , ylab = "Ambient Tempreture", main=Main[i])
This is the construct you should expand from:
plot30 <- list(myplot)
names(plot30)<- c('myplot1')
for (i in seq_along(plot30) ) {pname <- names(plot30)[i]
plot(plot30[i], main=pname)
