Meteor: how to serve images outside the /public folder? - meteor

Using Meteor I'm writing a framework that can serve custom themes in the /themes folder. I'd like the images of each theme to stay inside the corresponding theme folder.
From the Meteor documentation:
Lastly, the Meteor server will serve any files under the public
directory, just like in a Rails or Django project. This is the place
for images, favicon.ico, robots.txt, and anything else.
How can I serve images to clients from outside the /public folder?

Well, you have to think of /public as the root folder when Meteor is serving its content.
So if you have content in /public/themes/x.jpg when you are referring your image in HTML you would do something like /themes/x.jpg
If I'm not understanding your question correctly, please tell me so. I will try my best to answer.


Firebase hosting - prevent user from seeing my code

Firebase web hosting
I have uploaded to the public folder 3 items:
js folder
css folder
I notice that I can browse to the folders and actually see the js file or css under these folders. I want to prevent it.
I tried to put .htaccess but it does not seem to have any effect at all.
I need your assistance how should I prevent directory browsing?

How to put a Template together with Ruby on Rails

I have a template, one of those you could buy, with many css/js/images, very beautiful.
But I have to control these pages with Ruby on Rails, which I am still learning.
The template files have many directives for other files and folders.
I am trying to understand the Assets Pipeline and I am feeling that it looks not good.
There are dozens of css files, with the directives for many images that are placed in other folders.
I am very scared to be straightforward.
I am not the project owner, I just have these two requirements:
Use this template
Build the system in Ruby on Rails
Could someone indicate me the correct way to get along with this situation.
Thanks a lot.
There is no direct solution to this, but may be this can help: install_theme gem. I haven't used it but the link shows how to use an html/css/js theme in rails application.
There is a solution for dummies!
I am feeling so fool.
Inside Rails folders, there is a folder called public
We just have to put our css/js/images inside this folder.
For example, in my template, the index.html was in the same folder then a folder called assets which has sub folder css, js, images
So, the files need for index.html were (relatively to it) in assets/css/... or assets/js/...
Thus, all I had to do was copy my whole folder assets to inside the public directory below Ruby on Rails files.
I found it here:
The Asset Pipeline
I am sorry for the dummy question.
Thanks a lot!

Get Static referenced files with http request in meteor

This can be a silly question but I have had some issues with it. I am trying to implement jwplayer with meteor. Jwplayer will try to get a file based off the url you suggest. So I tried to place a file in localhost:3000/test.mp3. When I tried to hit that url I get just the default site. This would work if I used tomcat. Is there something I can do to get the files relative to meteor directory?
Thanks for your help.
In the /public directory, per the docs:
Lastly, the Meteor server will serve any files under the public directory, just like in a Rails or Django project. This is the place for images, favicon.ico, robots.txt, and anything else.
Meteor hasn't yet implemented server side routing and all directories are ultimately flattened. So for the time being, you can access your file at http://localhost:3000/test.mp3, but that may change in the future.

Meteor public folder not working

I'm new to Meteor and I'm trying to understand how to serve static content - images, JS, etc.. I've followed the docs by creating the correct folder structure (which it doesn't really touch on) but making requests to this content just fails over to serving the main app page instead.
For instance - putting an image in "app_root"/public/image.png and making a request to localhost:3000/image.png just returns the main app page.
Any clue what I'm doing wrong here?
The setup you have described sounds correct to me. Media in public/ are served like
The todos example serves images from the public directory. Just back out of whatever project you're in and run: meteor create --example todos then cd into todos/ and run meteor. Then open:
The image you will see lives in public/.
Meteor public folder not working
Use ./public directory for serving static assets.
Given the following directory structure:
- server
- client
- public
- css
- bootstrap.css
- images
- js
You could serve the static assets by dropping 'public' from linked documents.
<link href='/css/bootstrap.css'>
More info here: Official Meteor Docs #FileStructure
Files in /public are served to the client as-is. Use this to store
assets such as images. For example, if you have an image located at
/public/background.png, you can include it in your HTML with or in your CSS with background-image:
url(/background.png). Note that /public is not part of the image URL.
That same thing happened when I moved the project files in a folder and forget to move the directory .meteor.

symfony routing.yml config for site folders

I have symfony web files in web root folder where the project is running. I have site files such as index.html, aboutus.html and contactus.html files. I have put these files into public_html/site/ How to access these files by default using routing.yml? also project should run in index.php
Hm...If you want to add to your project some static pages, I would recommend you this method.I think this is the right way. For index.php ,well read this
Why don't you make a new module for static pages and move the html content into it?
You have to understand that routing system in symfony is used for connect requested urls to controllers. So you can't use it to provide generating urls for static pages outside of your symfony application. That files are just like files of foreign site.
So you can just use link_to('about us', $this->getRequest()->getHost().'/about_us.html');
