Preselecting option in Meteor - meteor

Trying to implement a popup that allows you to modify an existing database record. As part of this, I have a couple of select boxes that I need to prepopulate with existing selections. This seems harder to do that I first thought. Here's a snippet of what I have as my template
{{#with myExistingRecord}}
<select class="myselect">
{{#each hoursInTheDay}}
{{#if isSelectedHour}}
<option selected>{{this}}</option>
The problem I run into is in the isSelectedHour template function, because this can't have two definitions (the first being the #each value and the second being the record object). I need to compare the value in the #each loop with the value in my record, and I can't think of an elegant way to do this. I could always set my record value as a Session variable, but that's hacky.
Is there a good, non-hacky way to do this?

I had the same problem, and to my surprise there is a good way to this. You do have access to the outer context in the templating section, and you can use that to pass this to a value to a helper function. I would rewrite your code as follows:
<template name="myTemplate">
{{#with myExistingRecord}}
<select class="myselect">
{{#each hoursInTheDay}}
<option {{selected ../recordHour}}>{{this}}</option>
And then have a helper function:
Template.myTemplate.selected = function(hour) {
if (hour == currentHour)
{ return "selected ";}
{ return "";}
Look here for details on how the ../ notation works.

In the end I decided to create a simple Handlebars helper to handle this. If anyone wants to do something similar, here's the helper code:
Handlebars.registerHelper('hourOptions', function(selectedHour) {
var html = '';
for (var hr = 0; hr < 24; hr++) {
if (hr === selectedHour)
html += '<option selected>' + hr + '</option>';
html += '<option>' + hr + '</option>';
return new Handlebars.SafeString(html);
And the template code becomes
{{#with myExistingRecord}}
<select class="myselect">
{{hourOptions mySelectedHour}}


Replacing Jade for ... in loop with Handlebars

I need convert Jade select list which iterates over statuses and assigns a status to an account into Handlebars template. In Jade it looks like this:
option(value='') -- choose --
for status in data.statuses
option(value='#{status._id}') #{}
I tried to do this with #each like this
<select name="status" class="form-control">
<option value="">-- choose --</option>
{{#each statuses}}
<option value="{{this._id}}">{{}}</option>
but it doesn't work because it is not an array.
Is there a way to do this with Handlebars? Thank you.
You can see this example:
var source = $("#some-template").html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
var data = {
{_id:1, name:'name1'},
{_id:2, name:'name2'}
o1:{_id:1, name:'name1'},
o2:{_id:2, name:'name2'},
o3:{_id:3, name:'name3'}
Both variants (array and object) are working correct with your template. May be you set statuses into handlebars incorrect?

How to manupulate {{#each something}} in the view ,where "something" is comming from database

Actually I am new to meteor . I want to manupulate {{#each something}} in my view, without manipulating database. Is there something like i treat it like an array. actually its returning the list of elements.
<select name="field">
<option value="">Lists</option>
{{#each something}}
<option value="{{_id}}">{{name}}</option>
JUST I WANT TO SHOW ALL THE ELEMENT within "options" except the LAST element.
Any Help would be appreciated .
if you want to show everything in "something" except the last thing, you can use #index in Blaze to detect when you're at the end. i'm using the each/in construct because i think it's easier to read.
<select name="field">
<option value="">Lists</option>
{{#each thing in something}}
{{#if showThing #index}}
<option value="{{thing._id}}">{{}}</option>
for the JS, i'm making assumptions about how you get your data, but the helpers would look something like this:
something() {
return Somethings.find({});
showThing(index) {
let somethingsCount = Somethings.find({}).count();
return (index != (somethingsCount - 1));

Meteor + Blaze - If else statement

Looking at this Using Blaze guide, it seems Blaze supports {{#if}} and {{else}} statements, but I have't seen examples of an if-else statement. Is this supported in Blaze? Or do I have to do an additional if block inside the else block, which can get ugly.
I tried {{else if}}, but that gave an error.
{{#if en}}{{text.en}}{{else if tc}}{{}}{{/if}}
Spacebars uses the same control flow structure as handlebars so the answer is the same as this one. In your case:
{{#if en}}
{{#if tc}}
Side note - one of the nice things about jade is that it supports else if.
Sometimes a better alternative is to move the logic into a helper like this:
textValue: function() {
if (this.en) {
} else if ( {
<template name="myTemplate">
The current version of Blaze supports else if - see below for a sample format and reference to the github issue resolution.
{{#if isUserProfile}}
<h3>User Profile</h3>
{{else if isLawyerProfile}}
<h3>Lawyer Profile</h3>
Reference Link: GitHub Else If Issue Resoltion
Following on from #David Wheldon's excellent answer, it's also worth noting that you can pass parameters to your JavaScript helper functions from your Blaze template.
So, for example the code below selectively renders the options for a select list by calling the helper method with the line isSelected region customerCompany:
{{#if isSelected region customerCompany}}
<option value={{region._id}} selected>{{}}</option>
<option value={{region._id}}>{{}}</option>
and then in the js file:
isSelected: function (region, customer) {
return customer.salesRegionId === region._id;
This approach of passing in your variables to your helpers is generally recommended to avoid the confusion that can the arise with the changing meaning of the this keyword when using templates.

How do I indicate 'checked' or 'selected' state for input controls in Meteor (with spacebars templates)?

So I'm trying to be efficient and clean in my Spacebars templates as I work with Meteor. But I'm stumped by the way in which checkboxes and select options are to be dealt with. Suppose I want to have a checkbox set as checked or not depending on a flag that is in a document in one of my collections. I don't appear to be able to do the following:
<input type='checkbox' id='item-{{this.item_id}}' {{#if checked}}checked{{/if}} />
When I try this, I get the following error:
A template tag of type BLOCKOPEN is not allowed here.
If I try the following options, though, they all result in the checkbox being checked even when the flag is false:
<input type='checkbox' id='item-{{this.item_id}}' checked='{{#if checked}}true{{/if}}' />
<input type='checkbox' id='item-{{this.item_id}}' checked='{{#if checked}}true{{else}}false{{/if}}' />
I have the same trouble with selected in my select options, so I end up doing something like the following to get around it, which seems verbose and error-prone:
<select id='option-{{this.item_id}}'>
{{#if option_60}}
<option value='60' selected>1 hour</option>
<option value='60'>1 hour</option>
{{#if option_90}}
<option value='90' selected>90 mins</option>
<option value='90'>90 mins</option>
{{#if option_120}}
<option value='120' selected>2 hours</option>
<option value='120'>2 hours</option>
You can use non-block helpers for placing such arguments:
UI.registerHelper('checkedIf', function(val) {
return val ? 'checked' : '';
<input type="checkbox" {{checkedIf checked}}>
Here is an example of the code I use to solve this problem, this should be pretty straightforward.
// assumes that this.checked is the flag in your collection
return this.checked?"checked":"";
// store options in a helper to iterate over in the template
// could even use in this case ?
return [{
text:"1 hour"
text:"90 mins"
text:"2 hours"
// compare the current option value (this.value) with the parameter
// the parameter is the value from the collection in this case
return this.value==value?"selected":"";
// dummy data, should come from a collection in a real application
return {
<template name="myTemplate">
<input type="checkbox" {{checked}}>
{{#each options}}
{{! ../ syntax is used to access the parent data context which is the collection}}
<option value="{{value}}" {{selected ../value}}>{{text}}</option>
<template name="parent">
{{> myTemplate dataContext}}
EDIT : using universal helpers as Hubert OG hinted at :
return value?"checked":"";
return left==right?"selected":"";
<template name="myTemplate">
<input type="checkbox" {{checkedIf checked}}>
{{#each options}}
<option value="{{value}}" {{selectedIfEquals value ../value}}>{{text}}</option>
The best, most efficient and effective way to accomplish this is to setup global template helpers, one each for determining checked and selected values. For documentation on creating global template helpers, see this documentation.
For checked, I suggest implementing it in this way:
Template.registerHelper('isChecked', function(someValue) {
return someValue ? 'checked' : '';
For selected, I suggest implementing it in this way:
Template.registerHelper('isSelected', function(someValue) {
return someValue ? 'selected' : '';
With these two global template helpers implemented, you can use them in any of your templates within your application like this:
<template name="someTemplate">
<input type="checkbox" {{isChecked someValue}}>
{{#each someOptions}}
<option {{isSelected someValue}}>{{someDisplayValue}}</option>

Accessing parent context in Meteor templates and template helpers

I'm running into a template context situation that I'm having a hard time finding a way around.
Here's the template in question:
{{#each votes}}
{{#each participants}}
<select name="option-select">
{{#each ../options}}
<option value="{{option}}" class="{{is_selected_option}}">{{option}}</option>
And here's an example of a vote document:
_id: '32093ufsdj90j234',
question: 'What is the best food of all time?'
options: [
participants: [
id: '2f537a74-3ce0-47b3-80fc-97a4189b2c15'
vote: 0
id: '8bffafa7-8736-4c4b-968e-82900b82c266'
vote: 1
And here's the issue...
When the template drops into the #each for participants, it no longer has access to the vote context, and therefore doesn't have access to the available options for each vote.
I can somewhat get around this by using the ../options handlebars path to jump back into the parent context, but this doesn't affect the context of the template helper, so this in refers to the current participant, not to the current vote or option, and has no way of knowing which option we are currently iterating through.
Any suggestions on how to get around this, without resorting to DOM manipulation and jQuery shenanigans?
This is a templating issue that has come up multiple times for me. We need a formal way of reaching up the template context hierarchy, in templates, template helpers, and template events.
It seems since Spacebars (Meteor's new template engine), you have access to the parent context within {{#each}} blocks using ../.
In Meteor 0.9.1, you can also write a helper and use Template.parentData() in its implementation.
It's not particularly pretty, but I've done something like this:
<template name='forLoop'>
{{#each augmentedParticipants}}
{{> participant }}
<template name='participant'>
Question: {{this.parent.question}}
// and in the js:
augmentedParticipants: function() {
var self = this;
return,function(p) {
p.parent = self;
return p;
It's similar to the approach that AVGP suggested, but augments the data at the helper level instead of the db level, which I think is a little lighter-weight.
If you get fancy, you could try to write a Handlebars block helper eachWithParent that would abstract this functionality. Meteor's extensions to handlebars are documented here:
I don't know the formal way (if there is one), but to solve your issue, I would link the participants with the parent ID like this:
_id: "1234",
question: "Whats up?",
participants: [
_id: "abcd",
parent_id: "1234",
vote: 0
and use this parent_id in helpers, events, etc. to jump back to the parent using findOne.
That is obviously a sub optimal thing to do, but it's the easiest way that comes to my mind as long as there is no way of referencing the parent context.
Maybe there is a way but it is very well hidden in the inner workings of Meteor without mention in the docs, if so: Please update this question if you find one.
It's a long shot, but maybe this could work:
{{#with ../}}
{{#each options}}
This should make life easier.
// use #eachWithParent instead of #each and the parent._id will be passed into the context as parent.
Handlebars.registerHelper('eachWithParent', function(context, options) {
var self = this;
var contextWithParent =,function(p) {
p.parent = self._id;
return p;
var ret = "";
for(var i=0, j=contextWithParent.length; i<j; i++) {
ret = ret + options.fn( contextWithParent[i] );
return ret;
Go ahead and change
p.parent = self._id;
to whatever you want to access in the parent context.
Fixed it:
// use #eachWithParent instead of #each and the parent._id will be passed into the context as parent.
Handlebars.registerHelper('eachWithParent', function(context, options) {
var self = this;
var contextWithParent =,function(p) {
p.parent = self._id;
return p;
return Handlebars._default_helpers.each(contextWithParent, options);
This works :) with no error
Simply register a global template helper:
function () {
return Template.parentData(1);
and use it in your HTML templates as:
{{#each someRecords}}
======= EDIT
For Meteor 1.2+, you shold use:
UI.registerHelper('parentData', function() {
return Template.parentData(1);
I was stuck in a similar way and found that the Template.parentData() approach suggested in other answers currently doesn't work within event handlers (see User Lirbank posted this simple workaround:
Pass the data from the outer context to an html element in the inner context, in the same template:
{{#each companies}}
{{#each employees}}
Do something
Now the company ID can be accessed from the event handler with something like
"click .selected":function(e){
var parent_id = $(e.currentTarget).parent().attr("uid");
return parent_id
<td id="" class="staff_docs" uid="{{_id}}">
{{#each all_req_doc}}
<div class="icheckbox selected "></div>
{{#each parent}}
{{#each child}}
<input type="hidden" name="child_id" value="{{_id}}" />
<input type="hidden" name="parent_id" value="{{../_id}}" />
The _id is NOT the _did of the thing, it's the id of the parent!
