Symfony2 HTML in the trans twig filter - symfony

I use the Symfony2.1 and have the default config.yml
Documentation said:
{# but static strings are never escaped #}
{{ '<h3>foo</h3>'|trans }}
But if I copy and paste it into the my empty template (without any additional autoescapes or another) I got the escaped string <h3>foo</h3>. What I do wrong?

Try it with the twig raw filter:
{{ '<h3>foo</h3>' | trans | raw }}
However, do not use the raw filter if you are processing any user input! It allows for cross-site-scripting attacks, according to the creators of Symfony. See this similar question for a secure but more tedious alternative.

Holding HTML stuff in translations is wrong, because translators usually break it. But if you really need it:
{% trans %}<h3>foo</h3>{% endtrans %}


Translation of flash messages with parameters in Symfony 4

I have a problem with flash messages in Symfony 4 and translation.
Translation of simple flash messages is working fine:
$this->addFlash('success', 'flashmessage.project_deleted');
But now I want to add some parameters to the flash messages and I have no idea how to handle it. I tried a lot, but nothing is working. I want to show in the flash messages the title of projects after f.e. removing. For example:
$this->addFlash('success', sprintf('flashmessage.project_deleted: %s', $project->getTitle()));
But the translation is not recognized, because the parameter is replaces before translation happens (I think so). And it should also be possible to have parameters in the middle of a string and not only at the end or at the beginning and ideally more than one parameter.
I'm using this in my Controller which extends AbstractController.
Does anybody has a solution for this?
Usually you would pass in the parameters to the translation, so your code snippet should probably look your first example and then in twig you would have something like this:
{% for message in app.flashes('success') %}
<div class="alert alert-success">
{{ message|trans({ 'title': project.title }) }}
{% endfor %}
The translation then should contain the parameter that is replaced:
project_created: 'The project "%title%" was created successfully.'
project_deleted: 'You successfully deleted the project "%title%".'
Obviously the downside is that you have to dynamically pass in the variables which does not make much sense for flash messages, as not all of them will require these parameters. Also, as you already mentioned, when you deleted the project you will probably not have it available anymore in the template.
Instead I would recommend translating the message before passing it into the flash bag:
'title' => $project->getTitle(),
This will require that you pass in the translator to your controller. You could either create your own base controller similar to Symfony's AbstractController for this and create something like a $this->trans()-method to make it easier to translate things inside your controller. Also, you will still have to make sure that $project->getTitle() will still return a value, so you probably want to call this before you actually delete the entry or have the data in memory.
When you do it this way, then you should not translate the flash messages in the template itself because they are already translated. This will still work because when Symfony tries to translate the already translated message, e.g. You successfully deleted the project "foo". then it will not find a translation and just print the original text instead, but you will get warnings in your logs about missing translations. The solution is to remove the |trans in your template (see first snippet).
A possible solution is to add another flash with serialized parameters.
Then, when you display your flash message, check if that extra flash exists and, if so, deserialize it and use it as argument.
Example follows.
In controller:
$this->addFlash('success', 'flashmessage.project_deleted');
$this->addFlash('_params', serialize(['%project%' => $project->getTitle()]));
In template:
{% flashMessage = app.session.flashbag.get('info') %}
{% if app.session.flashbag.has('_params') %}
{% set flashParams = app.session.flashbag.get('_params')|first|unserialize %}
{{ flashMessage|trans(flashParams) }}
{% else %}
{{ flashMessage|trans }}
{% endif %}
You need to create a Twig extension that defines an unserialize filter (or use a library that provides it)
Since Symfony 5.2 you can use the TranslatableMessage object to achieve this.
use Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage;
new TranslatableMessage(
['%project%' => $project->getTitle()]
Then in your Twig template you only need to use {{ flashMessage|trans }}.
This works without injecting the Translator service, or messing about with anything in Twig.
Have a look at the ICU Message Format:

Symfony forcing translation into different language than the current one

I have the locale set to one language. Let's say german "de" and I want to have a part of the whole text translated into different languages (Ex. This happened 100 years ago -> This happened vor 100 Jahre). For this I am trying the following code:
//this returns 'site.dates.years'
{% set yearsText = yearsCount|displayTimeDivisions() %}
( {{ yearsCount }} {% trans with {'%content%': yearsText } from "messages" into "en" %}%content%{% endtrans %}
after using the trans method i get the string from yearsText ('site.dates.years') and not the translated content. Is this even possible to translate or I should drop it?
This works as expected, what you are trying to translate is %content%, not site.dates.years. Try this:
//this returns 'site.dates.years'
{% set yearsText = yearsCount|displayTimeDivisions() %}
( {{ yearsCount }} {% trans from "messages" into "en" %}{{ yearsText }}{% endtrans %}
The previous suggestion doesn't work as using trans in that way only works with simple text, not with variables.
This works for me:
{{ yearsText | trans({}, 'messages', 'en') }}
EDIT: clear cache
Sometimes Symfony has a too strong caching mechanism. If you work without locales first, and then modify controllers and twigs to be multi-locale and you also add a new messages file, Symfony loads all new controller/twigs but somehow misses that there are new message files. A simple cache clear, done ONLY ONCE (!) right after you add the message files, solves this problem. And thenceforth you don't need to clear the cache every time you change a translation.
Try this as a last resort. If this doesn't help I'd recommend to read carefully the documentation (link in the last line of this answer):
app/console cache:clear --env=dev
You may try one or all (!) of these, it's impossible to tell what is going wrong.
{{ yearsCount|trans }}
{{ 'site.dates.years'|trans }}
See if these translate. If the second does, you're setting the variable wrong, somehow.
If not, pass the _locale along in the route:
defaults: { _controller: Bundle:Controller:action, _locale: de }
Or have it as a route parameter:
path: /a/path/{_locale}/whatever
defaults: { _controller: Bundle:Controller:action }
_locale: en|de
Print the locale to be sure it's properly set in the twig:
{{ app.request.locale }}
{{ app.request.getLocale() }}
If the locale prints out fine but the translation still does not work, it's because Symfony does not find the identifier. Go to the translations file and check that it's written correctly:
years: Jahre
If you find it in then maybe it's the wrong placement of the file. The loader searches for these files:
Symfony looks for message files (i.e. translations) in the following default locations:
the app/Resources/translations directory;
the app/Resources/MyAppBundle/translations directory;
the Resources/translations/ directory inside of any bundle.
If fiddling around with these files doesn't yield results, it's a configuration error in config.yml, or many overlapping errors (all of the above?) that work against you.
Here's the source of all pain/info about translations, but you've probably memorized every paragraph, by now: Symfony translations.

SaltStack: how do I repeat other states with context?

I created a complex state for API service, it involves git checkouts, python venv, uwsgi, nginx, etc etc. It works fine.
Now I would like to turn it into a template and execute it several times per minion, with variables supplied from pillar - i.e something like.
{% for apiserver in pillar.apiservers %}
include apiserver_template.sls, locals: apiserver.config
{% endfor %}
where apiserver_template will work with context supplied to it, with apiserver.config having all config data for each API instance. I know syntax is wrong but hopefully I am communicating the idea - ideally, something like executing ruby partials with supplying local variables.
How is it done properly in saltland?
It sounds to me like Jinja Macro is something you want to use for this. You can find more information about usage here:
In short what you will have in your case may look like:
{% macro api_server(git_repo, python_venv_path, python_venv_requirements) %}
- system_site_packages: False
- requirements: salt://{{python_venv_requirements}}
- name: {{git_repo}}
{% endmacro %}
Assuming you have a pillar apiservers where each api server has git_repo, python_venv_path and python_venv_requirements values, you can use the macro like this:
{% for server in salt.pillar.get('apiservers', []) %}
{{ api_server(server['git_repo'], server['python_venv_path'], server['python_venv_requirements']) }}
{% endfor %}
If you want - you can also put a macro in a separate state file and then import a marco as a regular salt resource.
Please also not that instead of pillar.apiservers I used salt.pillar.get('apiservers', []). This is a safer way to get data from pillar. If for some reason a pillar is unavailable - the later code will result in empty dict instead of failure in first case.

Twig safe html does not work inside macro

Using a twig macro on safe content seems to remove the safe flags
{% macro identity(value) %}
{{ value }}
{% endmacro %}
{{ "<br>"| raw }}
{{ _self.identity( "<br>"| raw) }}
{% autoescape false %}
{{ _self.identity( "<br>"| raw) }}
{% endautoescape %}
The code above show only 2 <br>. Is there a way to disable escaping, or marking my content as safe without editing my twig macro ?
You are indeed correct that you must put the raw filter in the macro in order to keep whatever tags inside the macro from escaping their input and this would, at least in my opinion, be the expected behavior.
In Twig, macros are not function or filters, they are simply shortcuts that keep you from repeating boilerplate tags and code. It helps, when you create and use a macro, to think of writing the whole code each time you will use it i.e.
Instead of thinking of your macro as a call {{ _self.identity( "<br>"| raw ) }} actually think that what you are writing is {{ {{ "<br>"| raw }} }} because you are passing the output of the macro's input as a literal, not the expression you have written.
If you would like your macros to operate using the provided input as a template, rather than, as designed, operating on the output of whatever you pass in, you may look at enabling the template_from_string function.

Symfony2: HTML inside translation message

In messages.en.yml, I have
confirmed: Congrats %username%, your account is now activated.
But I want to 'bold' username to example ... how can I made this ?
confirmed: Congrats <span class='bold'>%username%</span>, your account is now activated.
Of course I could use two sentence in this example like
first: Congrats
second: , your account ...
and inside twig use the html tag but this seems very dirty.
Update 2
In such cases, I started to use like this:
confirmed: Congrats %start_link%%username%%end_link%, your account is now activated
Since separation of concerns is maintained, this way is strongly recommended.
In YAML, I have used translations like this without any problem:
trans.key: click here to continue
Although translations and design should be kept separated there are always some situations that you must use html tags inside translation files as it is also seen in huge projects like Facebook and Twitter.
In such situations, you can use XLIFF format which is being recommended by Symfony. Inside translation file:
<trans-unit id="1">
<target>Congrats <![CDATA[<span class='bold'>%username%</span>]]> , your account is now activated.</target>
Twig's Raw Filter
I don't know if this was an option back in 2013 but when using translation, you can apply the raw twig filter having this translation string:
confirmed: Congrats <span class='bold'>%username%</span>,
your account is now activated.
And use it in twig like this:
{{ 'confirmed'|trans|raw }}
This will not escape the html inside the string and will display the username as bold.
Update: I haven't seen the comment the first time, but Rvanlaak had proposed the raw filter solution in the first place.
Security issues
Note that the content of those translation strings must not be user provided, because it could open up your application to XSS attacks. Using the raw filter allows JavaScript to be executed if a malicious user is able to input custom data into the translation strings (Community based translations for example)
Separation of concerns
Using the raw filter does not comply with separation of concerns as the content and styling are bound together. As Ferhad mentioned, using his method, separation of concern will be maintained. But in my case, I preferred using a simple raw filter. I felt that for my case, Ferhad's method was a bit overkill for me, though it would be more recommended his way
My approach is although still ugly, but at least respects the separation of concerns. Escape filter is used to escape a variable, making the final result is pretty safe from XSS, because all other sources considered to be hard-coded.
points: You have %num% points left.
{% set pointsFormatted = '<span class="points">' ~ num | escape ~ '</span>' %}
{{ 'pages.score.points' | trans({'%num%' : pointsFormatted}) | raw }}
I've just found something out, you can use this in your YAML file:
mind: >
<i>Mind is a nice thing to have</i>
So this ">" sign in the first row achieves it. I think this would be the preferred way, better than handling the escapes etc in TWIG.
I've looked it up now and it is actually a YAML feature. Check here :)
Also, there's an earlier question with similar subject: How can I get YAML to ignore raw HTML in same file.
some yml:
hello: Hello <b>%username%</b>
{{ 'dashboard.hello'|trans({'%username%': app.user.username}, 'General') | raw }}
this | raw part worked for me
In my opinion, this is the best solution today:
'key'|trans({'%username%': '<strong>' ~ suspiciousVar|escape ~ '</strong>'})|raw
The only risk here is stored XSS in your translation files.
Holding HTML stuff in translations is wrong, because translators usually break it. But if you really need it:
{% trans %}confirmed{% endtrans %}
Yaml translation file:
confirmed: 'Congrats <span class="bold">%username%</span>, your account is now activated.'
Discussion about this:
We could use separate twig snippets for different languages if situation requires heavy formatting differences. I wrote a little blog on this.
{# templates/translations/ #}
{{ 'msg.my_favourite_language_is' }}<b>{{ 'langnames.elfic_language' | trans | lower }}</b>!
{# templates/translations/user_message.en.html.twig #}
{{ 'msg.my_favourite_language_is' }}<i>{{ 'langnames.elfic_language' | trans | ucfirst }}</i>!
{# templates/pages/index.html.twig #}
{% set locale=app.request.locale[:2] %}
{% include 'translations/calculator_message.' ~ locale ~ '.html.twig' %}
Translation files are for translations, design and layout is part of the view layer (namely: template engine (twig)). You can split it into two pieces: congrats and account.activated.
