Web form non-responsive after download - asp.net

I'm working in ASP.NET (2.0) and we have a page where a user is able to select and download a series of files as a zip. I got this to work without undo difficulty by using the DotNetZip library (which is probably not relevant to the problem, but included for completeness.)
After the user checks which files they want to download, the page does a postback, and in the button click event handler, I use the following code:
Response.BufferOutput = false; // false = stream immediately
Response.ContentType = "application/zip";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "filename=FileRequest.zip");
using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile())
zip.AddFile(MapPath("/datafiles/fileToZip.pdf"), "");
And this all seems to work great. The user clicks the button, a download window pops up, the user downloads the zip. All is good...
...until they decide they want to do something else on the page. The buttons in the form are no longer responsive. For instance, if I click the download button again, it does nothing. If I reload the page, I can repeat this behavior...it works once, then does nothing.
I'm not understanding why the browser doesn't send the new request. It's not "spinning" or otherwise acting busy. I thought that this might be a browser issue, but I've repeated it in both IE and Firefox, so it seems likely that it's something I'm not understanding. Strangely, it's only form submission elements that seem to be non-responsive. Javascript still works, and so do regular links.
So why is this happening, and how do I get around it?

The problem is likely down to you returning;
Response.ContentType = "application/zip";
Once this has been sent (along with the actual content), the browser would assume it has nothing left to do (I believe).
You probably should create a new window specifically for downloading the files by saving the file selection in a session parameter (or equivalent) and opening a popup window that has your download code in.
This will leave the parent page in a suitable state.

Content-disposition header seems to be a discouraged solution. But the same effect of ASP.NET forms not being responsive occurs if you use standard Redirect to a zip file.
I solved very similar problem (returning *.csv files by the server for download) using Tančev Saša's code in "Response.Redirect to new window" Q&A and it works great. Perhaps it might produce some popup warnings in some browsers, but I think this is how it's often done in download sites.


ASP.NET "application/pdf": code runs only once

I'm working on a SharePoint 2013 site and I've added the ability to save pages in PDF. The PDF conversion is handled by the third party library SelectPdf.
I managed to get everything to work (rendering and file download), except that the "PDF Download" button that I have on my page works only 1 time. Meaning, the click event on the code behind is fired only once, no matter how many times I click the button (notice that I click it with intervals of 10+ seconds). If I want to download the PDF file again, I have to refresh the page.
I put together a "hello world" example (see below) in order to pinpoint the problem:
protected void lnkPdfDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=test.pdf");
/************************************ Create PDF File ************************************/
string html = #"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"" ""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"">
<html dir=""ltr"" lang=""en-US"">
<body><h1>Hello World</h1></body>
HtmlToPdf converter = new HtmlToPdf();
PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertHtmlString(html);
byte[] bytes = doc.Save();
Response.OutputStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); // ALTERNATIVE: doc.Save(Response.OutputStream);
/************************************ Create PDF File ************************************/
//Response.End(); // This throw a ThreadAbortException, therefore I'm using the alternative code below
Response.SuppressContent = true;
At the beginning I thought it was Response.End() that caused the issue (by throwing the ThreadAbortException), but I replaced it with other code and I still have the same problem (no exceptions are thrown now).
I don't think the problem is in the SelectPdf library: I can comment out the entire block (between the "Create PDF File" comments), and I still get the same thing (obviously no PDF is generated).
I noticed that, at most, I can successfully click the "download" button up to 2 times (it's rare, and not consistent): the third time nothing happens.
While this isn't a huge deal, I think there is something wrong going on that I'm not seeing. Here is why: after I click the "download" button (and get my PDF file), I am not able to go on edit mode in my SharePoint page. The "loading" message keeps spinning but nothing happens (again, unless I refresh the page).
Has anyone had this problem? I looked online but I couldn't find anything about it.
I'm using Internet Explorer 11 and Chrome 51. Please let me know if you need more information. Thank you.
Are you sure there are not javascript/jquery errors happening when the download button is clicked that prevent the re-clicking of the PDF button and also going into edit mode?
Especially since refreshing the page makes everything work again.

Precompiled views: can I still read the contents at runtime?

I have my views setup to pre-compile, and therefore, at runtime if I were to try and read the view file (e.g. "~\Views\User\Report.cshtml") I'd get the following dummy-text, as opposed to the contents of my view:
This is a marker file generated by the precompilation tool, and should not be deleted!
Problem is, I'd like to re-use the cshtml view, and rerender it another way at runtime, but I cannot due to the above restriction.
The scenario:
An admin can see a list of users in a /User/Report route. It outputs some HTML that has a list of all users, and their information in an HTML table. These admins frequently want to download this html file (styles and all) to email it as an attachment to someone else. They could, of course, go to File->Save in their browser, but I wanted to simplify that action by adding a link to the page "Download this report as HTML" that would simply return the same page's content, as a forced-downloaded HTML file (2012-07-11_UserReport.html).
So, what I tried to do was re-render the view by running the Report.cshtml file's contents through ASP.NET's File() method, like this:
var html = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath(#"~\Views\User\Report.cshtml"));
var bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(html);
return File(bytes,"text/html",string.Format("{0}_UserReport.html",DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")));
But, like I mentioned earlier, the file comes back as the dummy-text, not the view, since I'm pre-compiling the views.
I understand that to get around the pre-compilition, I could simply copy the Report.cshtml file, and rename it to Report.uncompiled (adding it to the csproj as of course) and read the contents of it, that's an ok solution, but not good enough.
What I would really like to know is: Is there a way I can get at that pre-compiled content? I looked in the Assembly's embedded resources, and they are not there. Any ideas/suggestions?
Updated with current solution
So after searching around some more, and trying to use WebClient/WebRequest to just make a request to the route's URL and send the response back down to the user to download while at the same time trying to pass the user's .ASPXAUTH cookie (that made WebClient/WebRequest time out for some reason? I even tried to create a new ticket, same result) I ended up going with what I didn't want to do: duplicate the view file, and rename it so it's not precompiled.
The view file (Report.uncompiled) had to be modified a bit as it was, and then I ran it through RazorEngine's Razor.Parse method and got what I needed, but it just felt hackey. Would still like a way to access the view file (Report.cshtml) even after it's compiled.
var templateHtml = Razor.Parse(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath(#"~\Views\User\Report.uncompiled")),model);
var bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(templateHtml);
return File(bytes, "text/html", string.Format("{0}_UserReport.html", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")));
Would the WebClient class work?
using System.Net;
using (WebClient client = new WebClient ())
client.DownloadFile("http://yourwebsite.com/test.html", #"C:\directory.html");
// If you just want access to the html, see below
string html = client.DownloadString("http://yourwebsite.com/test.html");
Just have this fire whenever your user clicks a button and then it will save the current content of the page wherever? You could probably also have a directory selector and feed whatever they select into that second parameter.
It essentially does the same thing as the browser save as, if that's what you want.

JS window.close() let IE hang

for reason I won't bore you with, I'm writing an asp.net application that must open some pages in new browser windows.
I managed to open them within a postback (don't ask why, I just needed to) with this code:
script = String.Format(#"window.open(""{0}"", ""{1}"");", url, target);
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(page, typeof(Page), "Redirect", script, true);
Now I have new windows each one with a button that should close it. I have simply an onclick="window.close()" (but that prompts me when I'm closing the browser) or window.open('','_self','');window.close() (horrible, I agree but it's the only way I found to avoid the JS prompt)
On firefox it works perfectly but on IE7 (the browser our customers have) after 2-3 times I use that button to close the window I can't open other windows (in both cases, with or without the JS prompt). With the method above it does nothing, and with a click me a new window is opened but hangs on loading (it doesn't even calls the Page_Load).
What could be the cause? How can I solve this?
Thank you.
I forgot to mention that I'm using MS Ajax in most of the pages, and that may be the reason that forces me to use window.open('','_self',''); before window.close()
I don't know if this could cause also the hanging of IE
EDIT: Ignore that, it does still prompt the user - sorry!
For your first issue about closing the window, have you tried:
Not too sure about the hanging issue though, I use window.open() and have never experienced issues in IE7.
I finally came to a solution:
on the attribute assignment there was a return false; missing.
Now it works perfectly with "window.open('','_self','');window.close();return false;".

openning files in another browser page/tab

i have an action that return a file content. i added:
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attactment; filename:\"" + survey.File + "\"");
so that the image would be opened in another tab/page, gets opened in the current tab/page.
whats wrong with the header?
The content-disposition header instructs the user agent how it should present the data, and it is usually used when serving up binary data (as opposed to plain text). When set to "attachment", the display of the content is contingent upon further action of the user. In other words, the user should receive a prompt and must decide what to do with the content (usually given an "Open" or "Save" option).
You can not programmatically force a hyperlink to open up in a new tab. Even if you could, you should not. This behavior should be controlled by the user agent. As a user, when I want to open something in a new tab, I use the mouse-wheel-click because that is how my browser is configured.
You cannot control browser's tab behaviour by using HTTP headers - there is nothing in your code that affects this.
What might help you is changing HTML code that points to your download - if you are using tag you can set its target attribute to _tab or _blank and it will work in many browsers.

Close pop up window after binary file is sent to browser

Is there a way to close a pop up window after the page writes binary data (PDF) to the browswer?
Here are the details:
Whenever my web appilcation needs to print, it will pass some parameters over to a pop up window, which will display the print options. When the user clicks on the Print button, it will set the src of a iframe that will call the page that does the printing.
I have PDFConverter to convert URL / HTML to a pdf file. At the end of the converting, it will write the binary to the browser. Here are some code:
response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "binary/octet-stream");
"inline; filename=" + fileName + ".pdf; size=" + pdfBytes.Length.ToString());
After this is done, i will need to close the pop up window. However it seems like you can't do anything after the response is flushed. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Instead of creating the iframe in the popup window, you could create it in the parent window. This way once the user clicks the print button, you could safely close the popup without interupting the printing process. But instead of going through all the pain of creating new popups windows which might be blocked by some browsers, I would simply create some placeholder in the main page so that the user could choose printing options and then print the document.
Just in case anyone else is having the same problem. This is the solution that seems to work for me.
I use the jQuery Simple Modal to show my option list page. On this page, I have a window timer running every 1 second to check against the server if the print job is done. I use ajax for that. Once the job is done, I update the session variable, and the ajax call to the server will pick up the session value and close the pop up window.
