How to maximize downloading throughput by multi-threading - http

I am using multi-threading to speed up the process of downloading a bunch of files from the Web.
How might I determine how many threads I should use to maximize or nearly maximize the total download throughput?
I am using my own laptop and the bandwidth is 1Mb.
The data I want is the webpage source code of

There are much more factors than only number of threads if you want to speed up downloading files from network. Actually I don't believe that you will achieve this expect that there are some limitations you haven't described (like max bandwidth per connection on server side, you have multilink client and you can use different links do download different data, you want to download different parts from different servers, or similar).
In usual conditions having multiple threads to download something will slow the process. You will need to maintain couple of connections and somehow synchronise data (expect if you will download e.g. different files at the same time).
I would say that in "ordinary" conditions much bigger limitations are your bandwidth limit so using more threads will not make downloading faster. You will in this case share your whole bandwidth to many connections.


I want to scale mariadb database for huge number of query requests

I use Moodle on centos7 with Php, Mariadb, Nginx. There are huge number of users that use this Moodle. If the number of users grows more than 300user per sec, the Moodle has delay in response and seems to be hanged!
I read about:
Galera (multi master clustering with 3nodes)
slave-master (separate read and write)
increase ram and cpu (I have up to: 288GB ram, 24coreCPU, SSD drive)
What is the best practice to serve huge number of requests without delay? How can I scale my database (because it is the bottleneck)? I want scale it for serve huge request (most of them is read from database)
MariaDB (and MySQL) can scale 'infinitely' for reads by using Replication and sending read requests to Slave servers.
500 connections per second is very high. (But I don't know what the practical limit is.)
There are several extra tools that can do "connection pooling". Search for this; it may let you go well past 500 logical connections on a single server.
In the case of Galera, you could have 3 read-write nodes, plus any number of Slaves hanging off each of the 3.
For simple Master-Slave, there can be any number of Slaves hanging off the one Master.
Obviously you can do generic MySQL/MariaDB tuning first, and use a recent version of Moodle (3.7 is current right now)
After that, one thing you can check is how you have sessions implemented.
This page also has many more tips:

How many safe parallel connections can be made to a server

I am trying to make a simple general purpose multi-threaded async downloader in python.How many parallel connections can be generally be made to a server with minimum risk of being banned or rate limited.
I am aware that network will be a limiting in some cases but lets assume in this case that network isn't an issue in this case for the sake of discussion.I/O is also done asynchronously.
According to Browserscope , browsers make a maximum of 17 connections at a time.
However according to my research , most download managers download files in multi-part and make 8+ connections per file.
1.How many files can be downloaded at a time ?
2.How many chunks for a single can be downloaded at one time ?
3.What should be the minimum size of those chunks to make it worth creating the overhead of creating parallel connections ?
It depends.
While some servers tolerate a high number of connections, others don't. General web servers might be more on the high side (low two digit), file hosters might be more sensitive.
There's little to say unless you can check the server's configuration or just try and remember for the next time when your ban has timed out.
You should however watch your bandwidth. Once you max out your access line there's no gain in further increasing the connections.

Load Testing Thousands of SLOW Connections

I would like to test an upload service with hundreds, if not thousands,
of slow HTTPS connections simultaneously.
I would like to have lots of, say, 3G-quality connections,
each throttled with low bandwidth and high latency,
each sending a few megabytes of data up to the server,
resulting in lots of concurrent, long-lived requests being handled by the server.
There are many load generation tools that can generate thousands of simultaneous requests.
(I'm currently using Locust, mostly so that I can take
advantage of my existing client library written in Python.)
Such tools typically run each concurrent request as fast as possible
over the shared network link.
There are various ways to adjust the apparent bandwidth and latency of TCP connections,
such as Linux's TC
and handy wrappers like Comcast.
As far as I can tell, TC and the like control the shared link
but they cannot throttle the individual requests.
If you want to throttle a single request, TC works well.
In theory, with many clients sharing the same throttled network link,
each request could be run serially,
subject to the constrained bandwidth,
rather than having lots of requests executing concurrently,
a few packets at a time.
The former would result in much fewer active requests executing
concurrently on the server.
I suspect that the tool I want has to actively manage each individual client's sending
and receiving to throttle them fairly.
Is there such a tool?
You can take a look at Apache JMeter, it can "throttle" connections to the throughput configurable via the following properties:
The properties can be defined either in file or passed to JMeter via -J command-line argument
cps stands for character per second so you can "slow down" JMeter threads (virtual users) to the given throughput rate, the formula for cps calculation is:
cps = (target bandwidth in kbps * 1024) / 8
Check out How to Simulate Different Network Speeds in Your JMeter Load Test for more information.
Yes, these are network simulators. A very primitive one is in the form of WanEM. It is not going to cover your testing needs. You will need something akin to Shunra Storm, a hardware device which can manage individual connections and impairment with models derived from Ookla (think related to 3,4,5g connections from the wild. Well, perhaps I should say, "could manage," as this product has been absent since the HP acquisition of Shunra.
There are some other market competitors on the network front from companies such as Ixia, Agilent, PacketStorm, Spirent and the like. None of them are inexpensive, but I see your need. Slow, and particularly dirty connections likes cell phones, have a disproportionate impact on the stack and can result in the server running out of resources with fewer mobile connections than desktop ones.
On a side note, be sure you are including a representative model for think time in your test code. If you collapse the client-server model with no or extremely limited think time & impair the network only bad things can happen. This will play particular havoc with both predictability and repeatability on your tests. You may also wind up chasing dozens of engineering ghosts related to load in your code that will not occur in production because of the natural delays and the release of resources which should occur during those windows of activity between client requests.

How are web servers best loaded

If a web server is going to serve out say 100GB per day would it be better for it to do so in 10,000 10MB sessions or 200,000 500kB sessions.
The reason for this question is I'm wondering if there would be any advantage, disadvantage or neither to sites that mirror content to allow clients to exploit HTTP's start-in-the-middle feature to download files in segments from many servers. (IIRC this is a little like bit torrent works)
I suppose that not only the size of the session matters, but the duration of it is very important. I would guess that 200,000 small sessions will live shorter than 10,000 big ones. As soon as a session is completed, resources are freed to be used again. I would optimize it so that a session lasts as short as possible.
Have also in mind that a single server can't have more than a couple of hundred of sessions at the same time (100 - 200 is a safe number).
There's usually some overhead associated with each session - the cost of creating a TCP connection for example, or HTTP headers (if you haven't already included them in the 100GB) - so ostensibly it'd be better to use larger sessions. But also think about it from the clients' point of view: by using multiple smaller sessions they can run downloads in parallel and possibly get their content faster. So the actual "best" setup will probably be some intermediate session size, which of course depends on what kind of content you're serving (large files or small ones, streaming or static) and how important you think speed is. There's no one-size-fits-all answer.
100 GB/day is not a number you need to worry about. It's an average of slightly over 1 MBYte/sec. You could get that over old Ethernet, to put that in perspective. Now, your actual peak throughput will be a lot higher, perhaps 10 MByte/s. Still, this is no problem at all for a modern server. So, I don't think you need those multiple servers, so that's no reason for splitting the 10MB downloads. And if you're downloading from a single server, why would you insert 19 disconnect-and-reconnect sequences in the middle of a 10MB download?

Best way to determine the number of servers needed

How much traffic can one web server handle? What's the best way to see if we're beyond that?
I have an ASP.Net application that has a couple hundred users. Aspects of it are fairly processor intensive, but thus far we have done fine with only one server to run both SqlServer and the site. It's running Windows Server 2003, 3.4 GHz with 3.5 GB of RAM.
But lately I've started to notice slows at various times, and I was wondering what's the best way to determine if the server is overloaded by the usage of the application or if I need to do something to fix the application (I don't really want to spend a lot of time hunting down little optimizations if I'm just expecting too much from the box).
What you need is some info on Capacity Planning..
Capacity planning is the process of planning for growth and forecasting peak usage periods in order to meet system and application capacity requirements. It involves extensive performance testing to establish the application's resource utilization and transaction throughput under load. First, you measure the number of visitors the site currently receives and how much demand each user places on the server, and then you calculate the computing resources (CPU, RAM, disk space, and network bandwidth) that are necessary to support current and future usage levels.
If you have access to some profiling tools (such as those in the Team Suite edition of Visual Studio) you can try to set up a testing server and running some synthetic requests against it and see if there's any specific part of the code taking unreasonably long to run.
You should probably check some graphs of CPU and memory usage over time before doing this, to see if it can even be that. (A number alike to the UNIX "load average" could be a useful metric, I don't know if Windows has anything like it. Basically the average number of threads that want CPU time for every time-slice.)
Also check the obvious, that you aren't running out of bandwidth.
Measure, measure, measure. Rico Mariani always says this, and he's right.
Measure req/sec, RAM, CPU, Sessions, etc.
You may come up with a caching strategy (Output caching, data caching, caching dependencies, and so on.)
See also how your SQL Server is doing... indexes are a good place to start but not the only thing to look at..
On that hardware, a .NET application should be able to serve about 200-400 requests per second. If you have only a few hundred users, I doubt you are seeing even 2 requests per second, so I think you have a lot of capacity on that box, even with SQL server running.
Without know all of the details, I would say no, you will not see any performance improvement by adding servers.
By the way, if you're not using the Output Cache, I would start there.
