CSS to SASS (or LESS) conversion [closed] - css

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Can anyone recommend some CSS to less, or CSS to sass conversion tools? I have found a few .e.g. http://css2less.cc/ and http://css2sass.herokuapp.com/ but any insight into their reliability (or recommendations of other tools) would be greatly appreciated. I have a large CSS code base for a white label solution which would benefit greatly from having a CSS preprocessor in place but it would be a huge task to manually convert to sass/less.
Thanks in advance
EDIT: I should emphasize I'm particularly interested in experiences of using a tool (such as those listed above (in the absence of any better ones)) to convert a large CSS code base towards using a CSS preprocessor such as SASS or LESS. Or if any other ways (other than the tools listed) to achieve such a feat are pragmatic. What hurdles did you have to overcome? Is it even worth attempting? Or are such metalanguages only suited to a new project where you can start from scratch?

I made good experiences with http://css2sass.heroku.com/. You can also find their code base on github. You can also convert files directly via the sass-convert tool which will be installed by the original sass gem. Basically this is just what css2sass is doing.
Just call:
sass-convert -F css -T sass original_file.css converted_file.sass

The good thing about SASS is that you don't need to convert CSS into SASS, since SASS is an extension of CSS.
Simply copy and paste and you're good to go.
If you're looking to refactor your CSS into well structured SASS files though, thats something i don't think a tool can do.

This post needs the following 2 online tools listed for any future viewers.
Firstly, I would always run the css through this online tool to convert it to cleaner shorthand css http://shrthnd.volume7.io/
- no explanation needed really, just makes it all cleaner and smaller if you're not in the habit of writing your css that way already.
Then, through this online tool http://sebastianpontow.de/css2compass/
-This is a really good tool for creating scss files from your css. It will convert all colors to your preferred format, set color variables and font variables and overall give you a good idea of the basics of sass just by seeing what it did to your css.
The only thing I have noticed as not so desirable in the second tool is that it names font families like this $font_0: Open Sans; $font_1: Roboto Condensed; $font_2: arial; and so on. I always find it more intuitive to name them in short form of the actual font, or setup 3-5 names that relate to the content such as $font_main, $font_sub, $font_callout, $font_titles or however you prefer. But that's a 30second fix when you paste it all back into your brand new scss file :)

It's a bit late, but recently I found this online conversion tool:
It helped me out though it sometimes reject valid css

I actually found something now: Leafo
It does a basic formating, e.g.:
#header {
/* ... */
#header p {
/* ... */
#header {
/* ... */
p {
/* ... */
Hope it helps!
And if you want to verify or anything to view the sass to css, you can try the sass online website...
Try Sass Online


Does Sass replace Css? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Currently following a sass guide but, in the guide, it auto translates the code into a CSS file. Does this do this by itself or do you have to do it manually? Or (even better) can you just use sass (scss) instead of css files?
Sass is interpreted into CSS. There are several implementations of the interpreter, the "official" one being in Ruby. But until browsers start to naitively support Sass, we're stuck with CSS "under the hood".
From the Sass documentation:
Sass is an extension of CSS that adds power and elegance to the basic language. It allows you to use variables, nested rules, mixins, inline imports, and more, all with a fully CSS-compatible syntax.
I am using it a lot because it allows me to write modular, reusable code. Especially variables and mixins are things that I appreciate.
Just like Coffeescript and Typescript are sitting on top of javascript, Sass is sitting on top of CSS.
And you need a preprocessing engine before the browser is able to use it.
So, to answer your question:
Yes, you can use Sass instead of CSS, provided that you run it through the Sass compiler before using it in the browser.
You can run the compiler manually, or set it up so that it watches for changes and auto-compiles it when needed.
SASS won't ever replace CSS. CSS is the standard developed by the W3C,
and the one browser makers follow (and sometimes advance) when
building their browsers' rendering engines. However, SASS and other
CSS pre-compilers like LESS and Stylus are making an impact on how
people view the evolution of CSS.

Importing & Extending raw CSS?

I have a preprocessor import problem. I have vendor css that i would like to copy functionality. Unfortunately, i don't control the html for this situation either.. so essentially i have vendor css & different vendor html, and i am trying to extend functionality of one css rule into another.
Now, the basic concept in many css preprocessors is to extend the rule.
// Vendor
.foo { font-weight: bold; }
.bar { text-color: red; }
// Mine
.bar { .foo }
In the above example, you don't have access to .foo or .bar, but with preprocessors, you can extend functionality from .foo into .bar, which works great for less/stylus/etc. The problem, is when the vendor rules are only defined in raw css.
So with that said, the most obvious solution is to have Stylus/Less import the raw css as stylus/less. However, neither seem to be able to actually do this.. that i've found at least. Less doesn't seem able to (#import "foo.css" directives are ignored) and while Stylus has an option to actually include the imported raw CSS, it did not seem to actually be processing it. That is to say, it would include the css, but #extend directives failed (perhaps i am wrong?).
The other option i could think of is simply renaming the .css files to the preprocessor language extension. Since we want to keep the vendor stuff out of our hands, allowing for proper versioning/etc, This involves a build process which copies the target css files and renames them into the target language extension, but this is error prone. Stylus ran into syntax errors immediately, and Less could just as easily (as not all CSS is valid Less. most is, but not all).
So.. any additional thoughts on this front? Hopefully there is an option i may be missing? Perhaps SCSS handles this better?
Currently, with what i have found is/isn't possible.. i feel the only stable way is to simply copy the raw css bits into my css code. If the vendor code changes, i'll have to update manually, but at least i don't run the risk of vendor stuff changing and all of a sudden the build process fails, because vendor introduced some CSS syntax not supported by less/etc. It is far from good.. but the worst that can happen is my css looks funny, and i need to update.
I'm going to try SCSS next.. we'll see how it goes. On the site, they claim all CSS(3 only?) syntax is valid SCSS
edit2: For clarity. My question is, give the above scenario, what would you do? Importing the .css files is not possible (See note below!), and renaming .css files to .less/.stylus can in turn be error prone, since less is not a perfect superset of CSS(namely due to proprietary features).
!Note!: I have since been digging around the less source to see what could be done to fix this problem, rather than work around it, and ran into a dozen support tickets on the matter. The main discussion of which seems to be taking place on #issue 1185, and more importantly, check out the changelog which *(i believe) addresses this issue! CHANGELOG 1.4.0 Beta
So with that said, the #import (less) "file.css" is likely the winning scenario here, even if it may have a few bugs due to the beta status. Yay :)
Your best bet is either what #Lee Olayvar said, or use the new ":extend()" feature in LESS. It sounds like you might have tried the extend feature, but you used the "SASS directive" syntax (which IMO is improper use of an at-rule), whereas LESS uses the CSS-like pseudo-selector syntax:
.foo:extend(.bar) {}
And if you are patient (in the coming days/weeks), you will see a new feature that is perfect for what you want to do, and it's unique to LESS. It will allow you to extend or mixin external "silent" styles. Meaning you will be able to "#import" and external stylesheet but the styles won't show up in your compiled code unless you extend them or use them as a mixin.
I'm on the core team for Less.js btw, so let me know if you have any other questions or if I can be of further help.
It looks like all imported .css files won't be prepocessed by less but will just be added with an #import at the top.
You can import both CSS and LESS files. Only LESS files import statements are processed, CSS file import statements are kept as they are. If you want to import a CSS file, and don’t want LESS to process it, just use the .css extension
Source: http://lesscss.org/
The best thing you could do would be the renaming I believe.
While still in beta, the newly added #import (less) "file.css" syntax should properly handle all CSS files. Due to the "official" support, it can also be expected/assumed that any proprietary syntax that breaks LESS would be fixed (though possibly not "supported").
So in theory this is the best option! Barring SCSS, which i have not tried yet in this scenario. Stylus still has issues though, in my tests.
For more information, check out this issue or this changelog.

Why use Sass (not SCSS)? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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everyone — I was looking over a recent presentation on 960 Grid System, Refresh OKC – April 19th 2011, and on the penultimate slide (101/102), the guy recommends "if you're going to use Sass, use Sass, not SCSS." Given that SCSS is the new main syntax, why prefer Sass to SCSS? Is it simply a preference for conciseness over similarity to CSS, or is there a real reason for using Sass, not SCSS?
I can't think of a good reason :)
I looked at the whole set of slides, I think the presenter (who is also a connected to the SASS project, I think anyway?) is of the mindset to use what you know to "get 'er done"
Sass is supposedly shorter and more concise and it's possible that the speaker knows Sass inside out, but speaking from personal experience having read and written CSS for over 10 years I find SCSS much more intuitive. I do not have to learn the Sass indentation rules, and the brackets in SCSS and CSS provide visual indentation clues for nesting - which is very like most every other language uses, so anyone from a programming/coding background would be familiar with the idea of closing the nests??
.. more importantly every valid CSS is already a valid SCSS so no conversion needed to start using it - e.g. I was able to take my Drupal sheets (all 29 of them!), change their extension and recompile/compress them in very little time.. since then I've been able to take a little chunk at a time and "Sassify" it, using nesting etc. and I still like to see the brackets and semi-colons, it matters not, which you use once it's all compiled anyway!
IMHO Sass itself is too high a barrier to entry for a large project (existing one, i.e. one not built/sassified from scratch), where as it can be modularised with SCSS
So to follow the original author's (of the slideshow) thinking rather than debate pro's and cons I'll just keep using the one I know TYVM :)
I believe that the bracketed .scss syntax is currently the default only because it is more familiar to newbies who switch to SASS from LESS and vanilla CSS.
The indented .sass syntax was the first in SASS, being identical to (and making an ultimate team with) HAML. The new bracketed .scss syntax is similar to LESS, a competitor of SASS, both SASS and LESS make it possible to convert from CSS just by renaming.
The indented .sass syntax has only one drawback: it does not allow splitting function/mixin arguments into multiple lines. That can make the code harder to read (example).
In practice, this problem is rare and might be an indication that the code is poorly designed and requires refactoring.
The only yet decisive advantage of the indented .sass syntax is that it is much cleaner and easier to comprehend, while being equally expressive and powerful.
I have created an animation for you to consider the difference:
Also, didn't you hate it every time when your code failed to work/compile due to a semicolon missing (and maybe the interpreter/compiler producing a misleading error message)?
Basically, the indented .sass syntax just removes bloats of visual noise.
Of course, it requires some time to get used to it. At first it looks alien to anyone who has some experience with CSS or LESS. But once you get accustomized a bit, you'll find yourself feeling distaste to the bracketed syntax of CSS/LESS/SCSS and JavaScript and preferring the clean syntax of SASS, HAML, CoffeeScript and Python/Ruby.
It's cleaner. Less visual noise. More elegant.
The big one: Can't use newline. This is the only thing that I don't like about SASS. See example below.
The rest: Higher barrier to entry for people who struggle with the apparently difficult concept of indentation.
In SASS you are forced to stick to lines. So if you have
#function -create-gradient-from-color($bgcolor:#000,$depth:6%)
then you can't do this, which i find much cleaner
#function -create-gradient-from-color(
$bgcolor: #000,
$depth: 6%
That will throw an error because of the newlines.
But you can do that in SCSS, since it doesn't care about newlines
#function -create-gradient-from-color(
$bgcolor: #000,
$depth: 6%
) {
So I find myself keeping things terse in optional argument strings to prevent this situation.
I find SASS much faster to type.
SASS and SCSS both are a huge add-on to CSS - so different that I don't want to confuse them with standard CSS.
It's not hard to learn SASS - lose the brackets, and use tabs to decide nesting.

What is the best way to use CSS? (NOT *learn* but really *use*) [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
I know CSS and I'm learning more and more common pattern. However, I always feel like I'm hacking instead of doing it the right way.
For instance, some people I respect tell me that using css reset is unnecessary while others live for it. Also, there are so many great css framework (for grids, etc.) that even thought I understand them, I never really know when to use them.
So, basically, my question is: Once you understand how CSS work, is there a recognized "best" approach used by excellent web developer? As in python, one should try to use the common pattern and read PEP 8. Or, in C++, after understanding the syntax, reading the effective serie by Meyer is an excellent "second" read.
Sorry for taking that long to explain.. I just didn't want to have answer like: Read "Beginning CSS" which explain how to change the background or how to set font. I'm really looking for a good standard approach.
Should we use reset?
Should we use only one file per site? One for homepage and one for the rest? One basic file and once different for every big sections?
Is it bad to have a 2k+ css files? Does it mean it should have been refactored and that it contain to much duplicate?
Should I define parent at the top for normal font, color, h1, etc., and then, when it's different change it per sections.. or instead always use the standard one and redefine each and every section.
Should I use .class and #id a little bit everywhere, or should I try to minimize them and instead use long descriptor such as:
.content .main tr td span a
span.classname a
Thank you!
What's the best "second" read once you already understand CSS but would like to use it in a clean/professional way?
Thanks all for your answer. I know I asked quite a lot of questions.. but they were only examples for the real question which is: What is the best "second" read once you already understand CSS but would like to use it in a clean/professional way. I.e., I was hoping to read a book explaining the examples I proposed.. but also would explain lots of other things that aren't css-syntax but more css-best-professional-use.
People will have a range of answers for these questions, but here are the approaches I would take:
If you're working on a fragile layout -- one that could easily break if a few pixels aren't where you expect them to be -- consider using a reset. I would look into normalize.css. Instead of completely overwriting browser defaults, it smooths out the differences between browsers.
You could also consider resetting specific elements if you find yourself adding a lot of margin: 0; to your stylesheets.
Splitting up CSS documents
Google recommends splitting them up so that individual pages aren't forcing users to download lots and lots of stylesheet rules that aren't actually used on the page that they're visiting.
Yahoo recommends combining files to minimize the number of HTTP requestion
Obviously, finding a balance is important, and this SO question weighs some of the pros and cons.
Classes and IDs or long chains of selectors?
I try to keep classes and IDs to a minimum (in both my HTML and my CSS). They tend to be more fragile when you're building pages that others will update with WYSIWYG editors. I add a few IDs or classes to large blocks of the page, then use CSS to target specific elements within those blocks. This is easier if you avoid deep nesting in your HTML as much as possible.
Working with a CSS preprocessor such as LESS or SASS can help you write more readable stylesheets. The ability to nest style rules in both LESS and SASS has helped me avoid a lot of specificity-related issues.
Still, specificity is a good CSS topic to be familiar with:
CSS-tricks has a good article covering specificity
The W3C's own documentation is worth reading.
Additional Resources
As far as additional reading is concerned...
SitePoint's collection of articles and tutorials on CSS is a great resource for more advanced CSS tutorials, and they also feature some good articles covering CSS issues that are more advanced than what you'd find in many beginner-level books.
Resets: I think yes, some dislike them, so it's up to you to figure out which one you like
Split vs. Unified files: Depends. There are advantages to both (chorus: advantages, advantages!) One CSS file is easier to browse, and you can clearly find relationships in a single file. Then again, if you have planned the structure of your site, are developing compartmentalized widgets, or have lots of people working on the CSS committing files, a decentralized method might benefit you. With multiple CSS files, you can always use a compressor to serve them to the client as a single file, so it's more of a maintenence question.
Large Files / Line Count: Are you saying you have 2,000 CSS files (holy crap!) or 2,000 line CSS files? Both aren't great, although the latter can be managed quite easily in an IDE that provides outlines and handles inheritance for you.The former...well, at least you have job security.
Parent Definitions: Again, no right answer. The CSS rules for a small site will vary greatly from an enterprise level site. A good starting point might be checking out how jQueryUI handles styles and then forming your own opinion from there.
Correct Selectors: Steve Souders talked about optimizing CSS selectors, coming to the conclusion that's it not worth it for your average site. So ignoring CSS optimization and based on your example, I'd say the second one is waaaay easier to maintain and ultimately far more predictable. If you HTML changes even slightly, the first one will break quickly. The second won't, and is far more portable.
There are things you can do in CSS to make your life easier. I highly recommend using a grid system for layout (blueprint, 960GS, etc). I personally like using a reset since it makes pixel perfect designs easier to manage. Other than that, research what people like Eric Meyers or site likes alistapart.com or smashingmagazine.com have to say on the topic.
tl;dr - there is no right answer, but definitely some good options
I can answer your questions based on my own experience, not necessarily the best practices out there.
I reset certain tags, but not all the tags like the "CSS purists" do. Keep in mind that if you are using certain CSS libraries, like JQuery UI, Superfish menu, etc.. resetting the tags can really mess up these libraries UIs.
I usually have one general layout/configuration CSS file and every complicated page has its own CSS file. So, every page includes these 2 CSS files plus my UI library files (JQuery UI, etc). This makes it easier for me to pin point and maintain it.
2K+?? Yes, very bad in fact. If you have file that big, you should really use YSlow to see how long it takes to load that file. The longer you page takes to load, the faster you users leave your webpage, unless they are forced to use it. :D
I always like to "scope" my CSS, by prefixing with say #app. This ensures my global setting only affects my page content and layout, and they do not override the UI libraries.
Use .class and #id in whatever way it makes sense to you. If you know this tag exists only one time, then use #id. If you know it might occur more than one time in the page, then the only option is to use .class.
As with many things there aren't really rights and wrongs, it's more about prefernce and manageability.
I use CSS Reset on some elements, I prefer the blank canvas start instead of finding a load of unknown defaults.
I don't think file size is really an issue, again what is easiest to manage is really more important. Split the file if it logical to do so.
Give some thought to optimisation and try to avoid unnecessary duplication. I like to define a parent font/styles as you call it for the most commonly used style, then just define the others as required.
Personally I like to define some common classes, i'm not sure if it's optimal but it's very usable, such as:
.bold {font-weight: bold}
.clear {clear: both}
.red {color: red}
If you do this for common requirements you can then simply use code like
<p class="bold red"></p>
<h2 class="red"></h2>
<br class="clear" />
Use tabs. Makes it easier to see. Also i rather use .classname than #id. Example of a piece of css of one of my websites:
body {
font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
font-size: 11px;
background-color: #99D9EA;
.lcategorie {
background-image: url('http://images.alphenweer.nl/i/gradient-menu-left.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding-left: 2px;
text-align: left;
color: #FFFF00;
.rcategorie {
background-image: url('http://images.alphenweer.nl/i/gradient-menu-right.png');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding-right: 2px;
text-align: right;
color: #FFFF00;
In addition to the good answers above, what you just described in your question is also otherwise called as Learning Curve.
We all go through it. It is inevitable, according to me.
The best approach probably is to make the best use of the vast resources available and then filter them out. Which is a knack developed only over time.
I don't think there are shortcuts. Although, I do agree, it would be nice to have a guiding hand to help us avoid pitfalls and time-wasters and tell us about all the best-practices.
But even those are available out there thanks to some really passionate, expert-in-their-field bloggers.
So explore-away is what I'd suggest.
If your lucky enough to have a Mac or a Hackintosh... then I highly recommend CSSEDIT (unfortunately only available on Macs). It will allow you to rapidly develop your understanding of CSS. I realize this doesn't answer your question, but if you try it, you'll understand why it is so important to the learning curve. Sadly, nothing else on windows comes close. I use windows 99% of the time and switch to my mac for CSSEDIT.

Daunting task of refactoring 5000 line CSS. Any tips?

I've just been assigned the task to refactor a huge 5000 line CSS file... but here's the worst part - I also need to make it IE6 compatible. Any CSS gurus have suggestions of tools, or possibly tips (common pitfalls) for use in my monolithic expedition? Cheers.
checkout sass... it includes the ability to convert css to sass.
A sass file is a yaml file that can be parsed down into a css file. It allows you to use variables and alternate organization...
sass example:
!main_color = #00ff00
:color = !main_color
:background-color = !main_color
:color #000000
css output:
#main {
color: #00ff00; }
#main p {
background-color: #00ff00;
color: #000000; }
Some tips:
Use version control so you can roll back when needed.
Come up with a checklist of visual tests to run through after each change, in each browser. A spreadsheet of URL links and things to look for, building on them as you run across problems (think "unit tests" but not automated).
Use a CSS-specific beautifier first to get everything into the format you prefer for braces, etc.
Consider using something like SASS to "compile" your CSS as you go along.
Comment the heck out of things, especially where you're doing IE6-specific stuff.
Future-proof yourself by building a separate file with IE6-specific directives as you go along, or at least use Microsoft's way of filtering them out for other browsers.
Use the W3C Validation often.
Mechanically, I would attack it like this:
<link type="text/css" href="newhotness.css" />
<link type="text/css" href="newhotness-ie6.css" />
<link type="text/css" href="oldandbusted.css" />
Move code from the third (old) file into the other two, cleaning up as you go. That way you can validate your code without worrying about tons of errors in the old stuff, and you can track your progress, Ctrl-Tab between them more easily than between locations in a single file, etc.
(If you can't control the markup to add your CSS files, use an #import at the top of the old file.)
Start from scratch!
Assuming you can check all the major pages manually, I would be VERY tempted to wipe the entire file and start from scratch. Spot-checking for IE6 inconsistencies, you'll be doing nearly the same amount of work anyway, but it will be much, much more painful if you're modifying old, browser-specific CSS.
That 5000 lines may well be expressable in 2000 lines of modern, well-designed CSS. I think most experienced CSS developers would find it less work to write 2k lines of new CSS than modify 5k lines of horrible CSS.
which is based on this:
Not necessarily CSS, but here's worflow tip: use GIT.
start off by importing the files in git;
commit for every minor step, and record what you did;
whenever you find that you broke something, you can identify the exact same step broke using git bisect ( a good description );
For extra kicks, here's a talk about code coverage for CSS to help you quickly weed out unused rules.
As Triptych said, I would start from scratch. Also, consider the following:
use a CSS reset file to smooth out cross-browser inconsistencies: http://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2007/05/01/reset-reloaded/
get it working perfectly in Firefox, then tweak for other browsers as needed
study the underlying HTML. How is it organized? Is it laid out with tables? all DIVs? Semantic tagging?
is the CSS used for layout or simply styling (fonts, colors, etc.)?
Once you get a feel for that, study the content. Categorize the layout and elements as much as possible, so that you identify all the common elements and can maximize the efficiency of your CSS
remember the C in CSS, Make the most commonly used font the body font, so that other elements will inherit it by default.
use relative units (ems) for font size, to allow proper scaling of text
try not to use ANY inline styles
make use of Firebug - it will let you inspect an element and see exactly what CSS is in effect and where the rules came from
don't be afraid to re-use portions of the old CSS, especially for things like dropdown menus, which can need very specific incantations to work properly
have fun! starting from scratch lets you implement best practices and learn a ton along the way. When you are done you are probably going to look back on this as a good experience.
there is a presentation here that should get you in the right headspace for tackling this task: CSS Systems
I would be tempted into creating a test suite first: automating page visits (perhaps with Selenium?), taking screenshots, then using something like ImageMagick to compare those with reference images.
Also, I second all the suggestions to use source control. If you later discover that your refactorings broke something that wasn't checked by the test suite, you can add a new test and then bisect your history to find the change that broke it. Git is good for that.
Get a code editor with good syntax highlighting. Also, goodluck I dont envy you.
My initial thought was does some like NCover exist for CSS, as it would be handy to see if all of the CSS is referenced. A quick Google on CSS code coverage found a few things- you might want to look yourself though: http://development.lombardi.com/?p=436
Install sass, run css2sass on your 5000 lines of css, proceed. After you are done with your sass file refactoring, run sass2css to regenerate the css file. Best of luck!
I'd suggest Stylizer - it is a CSS editor with an embedded live preview browser. It makes life much easier when editing CSS files and can tell you which rules affect which element on the page and more.
All of you guys saying he should start from scratch are wrong. You shouldn't. Try to identify the different parts the site uses. Put them on a sheet of paper. Find the parts that match together. Build a structure. Find parts of the application that are the same but are still styled with different rules.
Take that one part and name it. Then match all app parts that use that "pattern" with the correct HTML/CSS.
Repeat until you're done. Break up the large task in small chunks.
Identify whether the original CSS writer used standard methods like using a CSS reset. If he didn't, and everything is defined by #id without reusable classes, well, then maybe the guys saying you should start from scratch are in fact right. But my point here is that you can't just recommend that without assessing the situation.
Using the Dust-Me Selectors Firefox Plugin can be handy. It's a bit like a code coverage tool for CSS.
Tool suggestion: ReSharper by JetBrains. It will autocomplete CSS and rename selectors site wide from the CSS file editing window.
