A name record changes not loading site - ip

I have a domain registered in Australia. The site is hosted on VPS server on Rackspace. I wanted this domain to point to the VPS and so changed the ip address in Plesk Panel. Having made these changes I tried loading the domain but it doesn't and instead loads my ISP's site not found error.
So I did a ping and the results response indicate that the domain is pointing to my Rackspace ip as intended. I checked Apache's access and error logs but no haven't found any entries to indicate that the request was received by Apache.
I have been at this for a few days but can't seem to figure out what is wrong. Would appreciate any help to have this resolved.


What causes this and how to fix: Error code: SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP

I'm migrating a bitnami wordpress site from AWS lightsail to GCP.
The AWS's setup includes a purchased wildcard SSL. When I set up the loadbalancer in GCP, I opt for Google's SSL instead.
I got this error Error code: SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP when I access from the loadbalancer's IP. The VM is working fine and I am able to access it with it's own external IP.
The domain is still pointing to AWS's server. I wonder if the error is because I have not pointed the domain to the load balancer's IP?
I'm hoping to gain some clarity first before I update the domain's IP. I want to avoid situation where it does not work after I make the switch.

URL for Wordpress site not working (err: DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN)

I have the domain 'alexdollard.xyz' registered with Google domains
I added the custom resource record 'wp' as a type A, and pointed it to my digitalOcean droplet (a Wordpress instance)
I then added a CNAME record for www, and pointed it at my Netlify-hosted site. (This Netlify site is a gatsby/react site which will query my wordpress instance for blog-post data)
When I ping the IPv4 address of the wp subdomain in my terminal, I get a response. But when I ping 'wp.alexdollard.xyz', I get unknown host. And when I run it in the browser I get "wp.alexdollard.xyz’s server IP address could not be found."
I've been working with this subdomain for a while now and this issue just started. wp.alexdollard.xyz was working until yesterday.
I have already tried renewing my DHCP Lease, flushing my dns cache, and changing my DNS servers to public servers. For context, this issue didn't start until I deployed the site to Netlify, and pointed the google DNS name servers for alexdollard.xyz to the Netlify name servers. But wp.alexdollard.xyz should still point to this digitalOcean droplet since it's a subdomain, right?
I'm sorry if this question is sophomoric or dumb, it's possible that I really just don't understand the basics of DNS configuration. Seems like something simple is going on. What is causing this issue with my DNS?
DNS entry seem correct:
dig a wp.alexdollard.xyz
wp.alexdollard.xyz. 3600 IN A
it is also resolving globally: https://www.whatsmydns.net/#A/wp.alexdollard.xyz
I can see two options here:
your local DNS is stil propagating or needs to be flushed
your droplet is not accepting this domain

Unable to direct Route53 records to new server

I am trying to point a domain from a website (radicalxchange.org) currently hosted by Firebase to a new version hosted in a Digital Ocean droplet. The name servers are managed by AWS Route53. When I change the A record in Route53 to my D.O. droplet IP address (, the site immediately stops loading. I've tried to wait a few hours but it never connects.
I should note that Route53 contains a lot of other stuff related to our site (CNAME, MX & TXT records) however I've been under the impression that the only thing necessary to route website traffic to the new IP is the A record. What am I doing wrong?
Well, your Digital Ocean droplet is kind of misconfigured:
1) from current hosting, you have permanent redirect to https (and if your browser have that already cached, it will immediately go to https://radicalxchange.org), and you don't have https configured in your new hosting
2) Even if you use clean browser, your new http://radicalxchange.org will redirect you to, which is quite strange.
I suggest you hardcode radicalxchange.org entry in your hosts file, and test thoroughly, and only then make DNS changes.

Subdomain throwing error 404 to few customers.

I have my website http://www.mouryadandu.com which is hosted on photo shelter. I recently build a blog and wanted to host it on a separate hosting service. I already was having a multi site hosting service plan and decided to use add on domain to connect my blog. I have pointed the blog.mouryadandu.com subdomain to the server. The DNS propagation took few days but I was finally able to access the blog and successfully modify. Now when I share it, some people across the world are complaning they are seeing error 404 Page not Found. I also when share it on Facebook, its throwing error 404 instead of pulling the image. But for majority it seems not a problem , but I don't want this issue once the blog becomes permanent. I have a feeling there is something wrong with DNS settings, but when I ask my host, they say things are fine at their end. Does anyone have solution for this ?
It looks like your blog host has both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses:
blog.mouryadandu.com. 3600 IN CNAME cpanel17.fozzy.com.
cpanel17.fozzy.com. 14400 IN A
cpanel17.fozzy.com. 14400 IN AAAA 2a00:1178:1:43:4::11
When accessing via the address (IPv4), I see your blog just fine. When accessing it via the 2a00:1178:1:43:4::11 address (IPv6), I get the cPanel redirect page (I assume this is the 404 people have been running into).
This is almost certainly a configuration error on the blog host. Can you try enabling IPv6 via cPanel (https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/ALD/Enable+IPv6)?

Hosts file - Error 404

I am trying to run test and production sites in ASP.NET IIS config. I have following entries in my Hosts file: testsite ### test site www.mysite.com ### LIVE WEBSITE
I have two problems here: I can not navigate to my test site using IP Address or using "testsite" in browser. I tried using all combinations: http://testsite, http://mysite:8080, http://mysite:80,, and so on. But none of them works for me.
If I however use following entry, it works correctly: www.mysite.com ### test site
Note that I used Test Server IP Address and actual Name from Live Site, and it worked.
Can anyone tell me why is this happening? I thought writing in Hosts file will navigate to respective IP Address no matter what I use as name. And indeed it goes to that IP address but shows "Not Found" and "HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found." error.
Any help?
Editing your hosts file will basically send your browser to the designated IP address for that host/url. The destination IP address has to have something on the other end that is expecting that, if that makes sense.
If you set up a site in IIS on called testsite, with a binding of testsite, then it would work fine, as it then knows what to do with that request. Then going to http://testsite will work. I'm assuming that's the part you are missing!
I've personally got plenty of development sites in my hosts file pointing to an IIS installation on a network server. You just need to make sure the destination server can work out what to do with testsite.
