how do I do "model" calculation in Plone or Zope - plone

This is a really basic design question, but I can't seem to find an answer. I'll use a really simple example, but my concern is for cases where the model-level calculations, "2+2" in this example, become complex.
Let's say I'm designing an application to run in Zope or Plone; its job is to add two numbers. Dexterity lets me easily create a content type with fields addend1 and addend2, and will generate add, edit, display forms for me. I could modify the display form to also present a field named "sum," but "sum" is a result of extensive calculation in my model, and I don't want to present it in the "add" or "edit" forms because I don't need that as input, just as a result of calculation. I don't want to calculate it in my view, because it's expensive, I'd like to reuse it after initially calculating it, and I don't want my "view" to need any knowledge of how I do my calculations anyway.
So what is the proper "zca"ish approach for doing model-work that has nothing whatsoever to do with presentation of results? Do I create an interface like ISum and create an adapter that converts my content type to one including a sum, then do a view for the ISum interface? If not that, what? Searching PP4D and the Zope 3 Developers Handbook hasn't helped.
Thanks in advance for any insights.

Use events; you can register event handlers for when your content type is added, or edited, and you set the value on the object whenever these events trigger your handler.


Separate ASP.NET MVC View object for each Model CRUD operation?

Most MVC tutorials I've been reading seem to create 4 View objects for each Model. For example, if my Model is "Foo", there seem to be 4 .cshtml files: Foo/Create, Foo/Delete, Foo/Details, and Foo/Edit. Using the VisualStudio "scaffolding" helper does this as well.
Is this really considered MVC best-practice? It just feels wrong to have 4 classes that are 80-90% identical to each other. When I add a new field to Foo, I need to edit all 4 .cshtml files. This sort of dual-maintenance (quad-maintenance?) just makes my OO skin crawl.
Please tell me: is there an expected/accepted best-practice which handles this differently? Or, if this really IS accepted best-practice, tell me why the quad-maintance shouldn't make me squirm.
I'm a reasonably skilled veteran of ASP.NET / c# / OO Design, but pretty new to MVC; so apologies if this is a noob question. Thanks in advance for your help!
Edit: thanks for all the replies! I marked the most thorough one as the answer, but upvoted all that were helpful.
You'll probably need between two and four different views:
List (for viewing many things)
View (for viewing a single thing. Might not be necessary, if it's OK to use Edit as View, or if List has room to show all properties)
Edit (can be the same as create, if you code cleverly)
Thus, if your model doesn't have too many properties to show them all in a table, and if you're OK with not having a static, non-editable view for just examining, you can get well away with just List and Edit, and scrap the other two.
However, this doesn't solve your problem of double (or triple) maintenance if you update your model. There's other magic for that ;)
In ASP.NET MVC 3, there are extensions on HtmlHelper that let you do Html.DisplayForModel() and Html.EditorForModel(). These use predefined templates to nest themselves into your object and draw up display/edit fields for all public properites. If you pass DisplayForModel an IEnumerable<Foo>, it will create a table with column headers that are the property names of Foo (using the DisplayName attribute information if you supplied it) and where each row represent one Foo instance. If you give EditorForModel a Foo, it will create a <label> and an <input> for each public property on Foo.
All of the templates used by these powerful extension methods can be replaced by you, if you're not happy with the defaults. This can be done either on the level of Foo, in which case you'd be back in your double-maintenance scenario, or on lower levels (such as string or DateTime) to affect all editor/display fields generated with the templates.
For more information on exactly how this works, google "ASP.NET MVC 3 editor templates" and read a couple of tutorials. They'll explain the details much better than I could.
The views that ASP.NET MVC create for you don't necessarily need to be the views that you use in production. I found those just to be handy while developing quick prototypes or to test the database CRUD operations. Feel free to create whatever view(s) you would like to handle the operations.
I would generally just have 1 or 2 views to handle the basic operations and not use the built in views that are generated. For example, 1 view for adding, editing, or details and 1 view to show a list of objects.
It all depends on your application.
If you have a single item, you don't need a List view. If you can't edit it, then you don't need an edit view. Create and Edit can often be the same view, unless there are special things you need to do in one, but not the other.
In other words, use as many views as you need. There's no hard and fast rule here. The scaffolding is just there to help you on your way. Many kinds of apps will work just fine using the scaffolding, and won't require advanced HTML or Javascript.
Why would you want multiple views? Well, let's take the display and edit functions. You could create one view, in which you use if statements to determine the edit mode of the view, however this will complicated the view logic and views should be as simple as possible.
The reason to create seperate views is that its easier to maintain than one gigantic view with tons of conditional logic in it.
You can use exactly the same view when you are performing [HttpGet]. Given that you pass a proper ViewModel to this view, it will populate with appropriate data every time whether you are loading create, update, or delete Action.
The problem becomes apparent when you try to post that data to a specific Action.
Naturally View should have only one form, which will be used for posting data. When you declare this form, you specify which exactly Action to use for Post.
Having 3 different Submit buttons in that form will not make a difference since all of them will post the same form to the same Action.
You could do some javascript tweaking on OnClick event for these buttons to change Action to which data is posted, but this definitively would not be best practice.
Buttom line: having 4 different views for each of the CRUD actions is the best practice for MVC.
I tend to create the following for an object's CRUD ops:
_form (partial)
As the same form is shared between new and update, there is very little difference between the two. It really depends on how much you want the variation to be, honestly.
As for delete, this is optional. I like to have a view in case javascript is disabled.
You mention view models and the guy above posted a long, convoluted (no offense) VM code sample.
Personally, I hate classes written to basically mirror domain objects and are only used to "move" data. I hate VMs. I hate DTOs. I hate everything that makes me have to write more code than is necessary.
I guess I've drank the coolaid of other frameworks (rails, sinatra, node.js) to the point where I can't stomach the idea of tossing DRY to the wind.
I personally say skip um.
Edit2 I forgot list..

Drupal 6 - make a module for every block of dynamic information?

I have a Drupal 6 website with about 20 pages. Inside every page, I need to create a lot of widgets with information either stored inside the database or from external web services. Most of the time, a "view" (from the view module) is just not enough to solve the requirement.
Up until now, any time I need such a widget, I create a new module which implements hook_block. Then, I drag and drop this new module inside the panel I want. I will need to create about 20 modules. This works pretty good. However, I'm not sure if this is the correct-drupal-strategy and I would love to receive some feedback from experienced Drupal developers.
A module can expose as many blocks as you want (in theory, admin/build/blocks will teach you otherwise ;)).
Have a look at the documentation of hook_block(), you just need to extend yours to return multiple block infos and then decided which one to show based on the $delta.
So you don't need 20 separate modules, maybe 2-3 and group the blocks somehow together because just a single module might be hard to maintain. The thing is that every single module makes your site a tiny bit slower (at least one more file to load, module_implements() needs to loop over every module for every hook and so on).
Without more information , it's hard to give any better advice. Maybe you could expose your data to views, or write a views plugin to display it in the way you want it, or...
Although Berdir's answer is pretty good, I'm impressed there's no link to any documentation in it. hook_block is meant for several blocks, and they can share functions that build their content. The API page is good, the example it gives defines two blocks at once.
You should notice each defined block has a delta (a key in the $blocks array). You can have dynamic deltas and use values in it to fetch data (passing a nid or uid and getting related content, for example).

How to build flexible web forms in ASP.NET

I'm using and I need to build an application where we can easily create forms without recreating the database, and preferably without changing the create/read/update/delete queries. The goal is to allow customers to create their own forms with dropdowns, textboxes, checkboxes, even many-to-one relationship to another simple form (that's stretching it). The user does not have to be able to create the forms themselves, but I don't want to be adding tables, fields, queries, web page, etc. each time a new form is requested/modified.
2 questions:
1) How do I structure a flexible database to do this (in SQL Server)? I can think of two ways: a) Create a table for each datatype (int, varchar(x), smalldatetime, bit, etc). This would be very difficult to create the adequate queries. b) Create the form table with lots of extra fields and various datatypes in case the user needs 5 integers or 5 date fields. This seems the easiest, but is probably pretty inefficient use of space.
2) How do I build the forms? I thought about creating an xml sheet that had the validations, data type, control to display, etc. as a list. Then I would parse through the xml to build the form on the fly. Probably using css to do the layout (that would have to be manual, which is ok).
Is there a better/best way? Is there something out there that I could look at to get ideas? Any help is much appreciated.
This sounds like a potential candidate for an InfoPath solution. At first blush, it will do most/all of what you are asking.
This article gives a brief overview of creating an InfoPath form that is based on a SQL data source.
I have built a completely custom solution like you are describing, and if I ever did it again I would probably opt for either 1) a third-party product or 2) less functionality. You can spend 90% of your time working on 10% of the feature set.
EDIT: reread your questions and here is additional feedback.
1 - Flexible data structure: A couple things to keep in mind are performance and the ability to write reports against the data. The more generic the data structure, the harder these will be to achieve (again, speaking from experience).
Somewhat contrary to both performance and report-readiness, Microsoft SharePoint uses XML fragments/documents in generic tables for maximum flexibility. I can't argue with the features of SharePoint, so this does get the job done and greatly simplifies the data structure. XML will perform well when done correctly, but most people will find it more difficult to write queries against XML. Even though XML is a "first class citizen" to SQL Server, it may or may not perform as well as an optimized table structure.
2 - Forms: I have implemented custom forms using XML transformed by XSLT. XML is often a good choice for storing form structure; XSLT is a monster unto itself, but it is very powerful. For what it's worth, InfoPath stores its form structure as XML.
I've also implemented dynamic forms using custom controls in .Net. This is a very object-oriented approach, but (depending on the complexity of the UI) can require a significant amount of code.
Lastly (again using SharePoint as an example), Microsoft implemented horrendously complicated XML list/form definitions in SharePoint 2007. The complexity defeats many of the benefits. In other words, if you go the XML route, make your structures clean and simple or you will have a maintenance nightmare on your hands.
EDIT #2: In reference to Scott's question below, here's a high-level data structure that will avoid duplicated data and doesn't rely on XML for the majority of the form definition.
Caveat: I just put this design together in SQL Management Studio...I only spent 10 minutes on it; developing a flexible form system is not a trivial task, so this is an over-simplification. It does not address the storage of user-entered data, just the definition of the form.
The tables:
Form - top-level form table which contains (as you would guess) the collection of fields that comprise the form.
Field - generic fields that could be reused across forms. For example, you don't want 50 different "Last Name" fields for 50 different forms. Note the "DataTypeId" column. You could store any type you wanted in this column, like "number, "free text", even a value that indicates the user should pick from a list.
FormField - allows a form to contain 0-many fields in its definition. You could even extend this table to indicate that the user can ADD as many of this field as they need.
Constraint - basically a lookup table that defines a constraint type (maybe it's max length, max occurrences, required, etc.)
FormFieldConstraint - relates a constraint to a particular instance of a form field. This table combines a specific form with a specific field with a specific constraint. Note the metadata column; this potentially would be a good use for XML to store the specifics of the constraint.
Essentially, I suggest building a normalized database with few or no null values and no duplicated data. A structure as I've described would get you on the path to that goal.
I think if you need truly dynamic forms saved into a database, you'd have to create a sort of "dictionary" data table.
For example...
FormID relates back to the parent form (so you can aggregate all of the fields for one form. FieldName is the name of the text field entered from. FieldValue is the value entered/selected for that field.
Obviously this isn't a perfect solution. You could have issues typing your data dynamically, but I leave the implementation of that up to you.
Anyways, hopefully this gives you somewhere to start thinking about how you'd like to accomplish things. Good luck!
P.S. I've found using webforms with .NET to be a total pain when doing dynamic form generation. In the instances I had to do it, I ditched it almost entirely and used native HTML elements. Then rewired my form by using the necessary values from Request. Probably not a perfect solution either, but it worked the best for me.
We created a forms system like the one you're describing with a schema very similar to the one at the end of Tim's post. It has been pretty complicated, and we really had to wrestle with the standard WebForms controls like the DetailsView and GridView to make them be able to perform CRUD operations on groups of answers. They're used to binding straight to properties on an object, and we're forcing them to look up a field ID in a dictionary first. They don't like it. You may want to consider using MVC.
One tricky question is how to store the answers. We ended up using a table that's keyed on FieldId, InstanceId (for example, if 10 people are filling out your form, there are 10 instances), and RowNumber (because we support multi-row forms for things like employment history). Instead of doing it this way, I would recommend making your AnswerRow a first-class concept with its own table tied to an Instance, and having the answers be linked to the AnswerRow and Field.
In order to support different value types, we had to create multiple answer fields on our answer table (AnswerChar, AnswerDate, AnswerInt, AnswerDecimal). Each of these maps to one or more Field Types (Date, Time, Number, etc.). Each Field Type has its own logic to represent the value in the UI, and put the value into the appropriate property on our answer objects.
All in all, it's been a lot of work. It's worth it for us, since this is the crux of the product, but you will definitely want to keep the cost in mind before embarking on a project like this.

How to get business objects and UI controls to talk to each other

I've got a person object with a name and age property that implements INotifyPropertyChanged. I want to hook this object up to an ASP.NET form so that the 'name' and 'age' properties bind to textboxes in a way that, when changes happen in either place (in the control or in the object) the other will get updated.
Do I create an intermediary class that listens to each textbox change events and the objects change events and handle the updates between them? What's the best way to do this?
I'm unclear on how to get business objects and the UI talking to each other.
I've stressed over this exact problem a lot.
The short answer is, yes, an intermediate item.
The trick is to NOT write ANY code per control. You should be able to place a GUI control on the screen (That may or may not take code), and then bind your business logic to it through a generic binding mechanism.
I have defined the bindings through XML, through properties files, and through constant arrays--there are a million ways...
You probably have to write code per TYPE of object bound (a listbox binds differently than a text control) and you may have to write validators (but specifying the parameters to the validators and which control the validators bind to should also be done in data)
Now all that said, I'd be really surprised if some data-driven auto-binding mechanism didn't already exist, Microsoft has been into that since VB first came out (although their implementations used to be pretty inflexible, I'm sure they do a better job now).
I'm very insistent about the 0 lines of code per control because my job has typically involved configuring complex devices with dozens of pages of controls. A typical client/server system will have 7(!) lines of code PER CONTROL just to transport data from the DB, to the server, to the client, to the screen and back (this is a minimum for plain ole "dumb" code with no smart binding tricks).
0LOC/control may not be a requirement for everyone, but it's a good goal.
Comment response:
I've done most of my stuff manually in Java, so I'm not sure I can be too much help with the specifics.
Searching for C# and binding gave me this which looks promising, although it may be binding straight to a database which is too much IMO, it should bind to a business object, but the concepts should be the same.
One way to create the bindings at first is to manually instantiate binding objects... (Please excuse my Java)
TextControl textCtrl1=new TextControl("Name Goes Here");
new TextBinder(textCtrl1, personObject, nameField);
In Java, that second line gets tricky. When you are binding to a particular field, you HAVE to use reflection to find the setter and getter for that field of the personObject. In C# I think it should be easier.
Anyway, the binder should add itself as a listener to the control and the object, then forward changes back and forth.
Does that help any?
As you noticed, the hard part is noticing when your property is updated. Luckily, that is optional. More often than not, you don't need to update the component once the object is set (I had to deal with this a few times when I had distributed UIs that could update each other).
So, if you assume your object won't change, the "Binding" has to do the following:
get the value from the property and set it in the component.
add itself as a listener to the component.
store the property/object (if you can manipulate properties, you're set here. If not, you need to store the object and property name, and use reflection)
bail and wait for an "updated" event from your component.
When you get the update from your component:
- store the value in the property.
- You may want to set an "Updated" flag or store the original so that if you iterate through all the binding components, you can tell if any updates need to be saved/enable the "ok" button.
Your object should always be pretty much up-to-date now.
As you build a form, you may want to put all your binding controls into a collection so that you can do a few other operations...
A "Save" operation could call each binding control and tell it to copy from the control to the property, that way you don't need to use a listener.
A "Reset" operation can reset all the controls to their original value.
A "Test" operation can ask each control if it's been updated.
. etc
The neat thing about doing it this way is that every "Operation" you wish to add is pretty trivial to add, but automatically affects the entire UI.
You probably also want a little object hierarchy of controls with an abstract base "bind" class, then a specific binder for each type of control (text field, number field, date, spinner, table, pulldown)--I think that's about it.
This can be very simple, but gains complexity rapidly. Try it with a text field and see what you can do. A simple text binding object should just be like 5 lines of code if you can pass "properties" around in C#...
Okay, totally separate answer. As I told you, I'm not very up-to-date with C# technologies, but from what I've heard, LINQ may do this entire job for you.
In fact, LINQ may be made to do exactly what you are trying to do. It doesn't exist in Java, so that's why I gave you the "Manual" version in the other answer.
The comment at the bottom of this page: alludes to a better way.

Clean way to offer a 'review' stage in an ASP.NET form

I'm currently working on a reasonably complicated data input form, based around ASP.NET Web Forms. After the form has been completed, we'd like to offer a chance for the user to review their input before actually submitting the form (as well as going back to make changes to their data if requried).
Due to the large number of fields, I wanted to use a FormView control due to it's automatic databinding ability, removing a lot of tedious code, however there doesn't seem to be a simple way to offer this functionality.
At the moment, my current approach uses an ObjectDataSource to bind all the form fields. I've created two 'modes' of operation on the data source; one mode temporarily saves the object to the user Session (allowing retrieval again later for read-only/edit modes - this facilitates the review/modification functionality), while the second mode actually does the database insertion.
While this seems reasonably robust at this point, it still feels quite dirty to me. I know I could use a Wizard/Multiview type approach, but then you lose out on the niceties of automatic databinding (I believe?). I'm sure this is a fairly common problem, so how is this typically done in a Web Form environment?
The project I am currently work on uses a custom wizard setup (not the 2.0 wizards). It comprises of the several steps your wizard may require, and when you go from one step to the next, the code saves the values into a final step (a read-only review). When the user gets to that last step, they can go back to the step that needs to be updated. When happy, the user submits the wizard, and the data is saved to the db. It is basically a series of panels that have their visibility toggled.
You should be able to still use the ObjectDataSource for each of the editable fields, having the panel or mutliview being visible or not shouldn't affect the binding. When you go from one panel to the next, you can update a read-only step (like I said before) while keeping the editable controls bound to the ObjectDataSource. When you go back to any steps that need to be modified, you are still bound, so when you make any changes and click submit or whatever the button is, it should use the ObjectDataSource.
Anyone else have any other ideas?
