External CSS won't load in IOS6 Chrome - css

I have a simple webpage that calls up to external stylesheets, one for google's webfonts, the other to a css file on my own server.
This works fine for desktop tests on IE9, FF, Chrome as well as Android chrome and IOS6 Safari -
but on IOS6 - Chrome no luck.
On chrome even though the webfont stylesheet sheet loads, my own external stylesheet doesn't - does anyone have a clue?
The webpage my webpage
My stylesheet my stylesheet


CSS tags not all is working on my browser

There is a problem when it got to css coding in my PC(Version 83.0.4093.3 (Official Build) dev (32-bit)) because not all of tags on css works on my google chrome but my code is correct.
I'm not sure if my chrome is connected to my problem.

-webkit-pictograph not working on safari

I employed font -webkit-pictograph;
It displays good on chrome and opera browser,
but as for safari,
It return little helpful info when search -webkit-pictograph safari.
Try to clean cache in browser.
If you open the dev console and see what files the browser is pulling from your site, you'll be able to see if it's downloading the font file in Safari.

my site showing up in chrome and firefox but not in safari and edge

My current project is showing up nicely in chrome and firefox browsers but does not showing up in safari and internet explorer browsers. Here is the link for my site, http://www.grahamkellyphotography.com/landscape-photography-ireland/blog/
The issue is totally killing me as same site is working fine on other browsers but not working in safari and internet browsers.
Looks like a .js issue or conflict.
Which theme are you using? Is the theme working in safari and IE in the original theme demo?

Custom font not loaded properly in Firefox

I'm trying to use custom font for my client live website. The font is working properly in Chrome, Safari, Opera as well as in IE but not working in Firefox.I follow the Manuel solution that works fine but when I see the firefox network log it show that loaded font size is only 0KB. If I directly open the font link it start downloading font with it's original size.

Bad rendering fonts in Firefox

I have this example: http://mbcapps.es/desarrollo/
On the left you can see a menu.
In this menu use the font Helvetica Neue.
In Internet Explorer 10 font rendering is correct
In Google chrome also
In Opera also
In Safari for PC and MAc, is correct.
The problem is firefox (21.0, I have not been able to test in other Firefox version)
In Firefox font rendering is LOUSY.
How can I fix this problem?
