Symfony2 - kernel.exception seems not called in prod / no-debug mode - symfony

I have attached an observer on kernel.exception to print a custom error page.
In prod, with debug mode : it's OK.
In prod, with no-debug mode : it's NOK.
I have try to clear cache (--env=prod --no-debug), (--env=prod), (and delete directly files).
No result.
Like the kernel.exception event was disabled or stopped.
In container cache file (appProdProjectContainer.php) I see my observer entry :
$instance->addListenerService('kernel.exception', array(0 => 'ui.exception.event_listener', 1 => 'onKernelException'), 0);
$instance->addListenerService('kernel.exception', array(0 => 'twig.exception_listener', 1 => 'onKernelException'), -128);
Perhaps, it's a priority issue ? (-128 vs 0) ?
I have try to change it : No result.
Have you an idea, a way ?

In my case I have upgraded vendors for old symfony2 application and my app/AppKernel.php have such a code
After disabling that line my error listener start working.


phpunit testable livewire fails with Undefined array key "fingerprint"

When trying a test that came with Laravel and Jetstream/Livewire libraries, I get an undefined array key "fingerprint" error message
Undefined array key "fingerprint"
at vendor/livewire/livewire/src/Testing/TestableLivewire.php:181
public function pretendWereSendingAComponentUpdateRequest($message, $payload)
$result = $this->callEndpoint('POST', '/livewire/message/'.$this->componentName, [
'fingerprint' => $this->payload['fingerprint'],
'serverMemo' => $this->payload['serverMemo'],
'updates' => [['type' => $message, 'payload' => $payload]],
This happens for any out of the box feature tests that ship with Laravel9 with Jetstream when used against my project.
Here is one example that fails at the Livewire::test.... line.
The user is created and authenticating without issue and confirmed in other phpunit tests.
class BrowserSessionsTest extends TestCase
use RefreshDatabase;
public function test_other_browser_sessions_can_be_logged_out(): void
$this->actingAs($user = User::factory()->create());
->set('password', $user->password)
I stood up a fresh Laravel 9 project which works and began inserting various areas from my project into the fresh project as a way of hopefully identifying the issue. Session parameters, events, migrations, factories, models, were not the issue as it continued to work in the fresh project.
One thing I noticed is that the generic routes are not accepted in my project within he test cases. I have to insert '' in front of every test route (e.g. $response = $this->get('');
I was curious if it was not evaluating the livewire route and I tried to add my domain into the vendor's livewire component in which the test still failed and that did not cause it to work.
Any ideas on where else I can look?

Altering a dynamic route in Drupal 8 with RouteSubscriber

I have a web-app made in Drupal 8, and I have some routing problems. Users will login using an external service, and after login they are sent to the path /user/{user}, where {user} is their user id. I want to change this behaviour and send them to a page /dashboard. Not having access to what the external service routing is doing, I need to reroute /user/{user} to /dashboard. It seems like the drupal 8 redirect module could solve the problem, but I am not too keen on using an external module just for this simple task.
Because of this, I tried to change the route with drupal's RouteSubscriber and alterRoutes method. So I made my RouteSubscriber class in my module called "module" like this:
class RouteSubscriber extends RouteSubscriberBase {
protected function alterRoutes(RouteCollection $collection) {
if ($route = $collection->get('')) {
'_controller' => '\Drupal\module\Controller\Dashboard::content',
if ($route = $collection->get('entity.user.canonical')) {
'_controller' => '\Drupal\module\Controller\Dashboard::content',
The route has path /user, and the path entity.user.canonical is the route I'm interested in, which has path /user/{user}, where {user} is again a path parameter. When I go to the page /user, the dashboard is displayed as expected, but going to for example /user/123 does not show the dashboard, but seems display what the route originally did. Just to test whether it was impossible to alter this route, I tried to set all routes to have display the dashboard by inserting the following code into RouteSubscriber:
foreach ($collection->all() as $route) {
'_controller' => '\Drupal\module\Controller\Dashboard::content',
'pid' => '',
'uid' => '',
'modifier' => '',
'display' => '',
The junk pid, uid, modifier and display are just defaults to different routes path parameters so the code will run. This makes the page /user/123 correctly display the dashboard! However, I do get the following error message at the bottom of the screen:
The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\MissingMandatoryParametersException: Some mandatory parameters are missing ("filter") to generate a URL for route "devel.configs_list". in Drupal\Core\Routing\UrlGenerator->doGenerate() (line 182 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Routing/UrlGenerator.php).
So, what am I doing wrong here? Can what I want be done, or should I do something different to achieve what I want? Also, feel free to ask for more code if needed!

Meteor : "console" variable undefined inside require call

I'm facing a strange problem on Meteor and I can't resolve it :
I'm developping a WebRTC app using Meteor, PeerJS and AdapterJS (which give an WebRTC plugin for unsupported browser like Safari or IE). These two libs are downloaded using NPM : meteor npm install peerjs/adapterjs
So in my view's controller I have :
//import Peer from 'peerjs'; => same error with "import"
//import AdapterJS from 'adapterjs';
AdapterJS = require("adapterjs");
Peer = require("peerjs");
//var peerkey="..."
var peer = new Peer({
key: peerkey, // get a free key at
debug: 3,
config: {'iceServers': [
{ url: '' },
{ url: '' },
But when I run my controller, I get an exception because "console" is undefined inside peerjs/util.js function when calling the peerjs constructor :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'log' of undefined
Strangly, when I only require "peerjs", there is no exeption...
I tried to change the order of require functions but it won't work.
Other variable like "alert", "window.console" work and are defined inside the module but "console" not.. :/
Any suggestion can help ^^
Thanks in advance.
EDIT : If I add a breakpoint on the first line of node_module/peerjs/lib/util.js, I see that the "console" variable is "undefined" inside util.js but .... it is defined inside the caller function (fileEvaluate) !
EDIT2 : I tried something else to check if the code inside adapterjs redefine or change something : I put 'require("adapterjs")' inside a timeout function with a long delay (10 seconds) and .... console is still undefined inside peer module ! But when I comment require("adapterjs"), no error, console is defined ! I think that Meteor do something special before running the controller script depending on require functions...
EDIT3 : Here is a git repo to test the project :
If you display the dev console, you will see exceptions.
I found a solution, although I don't fully understand it myself. It's something to do with the way that Meteor imports modules, and Peerjs runs afoul of that.
Basically I copied node_modules/peerjs/dist/peer.js into the client directory, so that Meteor will load it "as is".
A small change to main.js as follows:
import './main.html';
// I placed peer.js from the node_modules/peerjs/dist/peer.js into the client folder and it works fine
// import {Peer} from 'peerjs';
import {AdapterJS as Adapter} from 'adapterjs';
Template.hello.onCreated(function helloOnCreated() {
// counter starts at 0
window.peer = new Peer({
and it works fine :)
I see in line 860+ of adapter.js that console is being defined (part of the shim) from
// IE 9 is not offering an implementation of console.log until you open a console
if (typeof console !== 'object' || typeof console.log !== 'function') {
/* jshint -W020 */
console = {} || console;
// Implemented based on console specs from MDN
// You may override these functions
console.log = function (arg) {}; = function (arg) {};
console.error = function (arg) {};
This code defines the console if it doesn't find one to it's liking? Does this mean you are using IE9 or some other incompatible browser?
Try pasting this into your console and see what it tells you:
if (typeof console !== 'object' || typeof console.log !== 'function') alert("Console not present, needs to be shimmed?"); else console.log("console is ok");
Presumably the reason you are using adapter.js is for compatibility purposes - this will help you trouble shoot it. Please let me know what you find, as I will be following you down this path :)

Cordova firefoxos web access issue

I'm trying to port my properly working (in iOS, Android) cordova app to Firefoxos.
The simulator starts properly and its browser can load web pages BUT my app cannot load data from the web.
Looking at console I see the following errors:
"JavaScript error: app://aa2a2c24-a8d6-447d-92da-4f2e9af65661/plugins/, line 33: missing : after property id" simulator-process.js:44
"JavaScript error: app://aa2a2c24-a8d6-447d-92da-4f2e9af65661/cordova.js, line 1120: Module does not exist."
Any suggestion? Thanks.
Cordova 3.5.0
Simulator FirfeoxOS 1.3 and FirfeoxOS 1.4
After some research I figured out the issues
1- Despite upgrading cordova to 3.5.0 I must remember that plugins don't get automatically update.
To get the plugin code for firefoxos updated I added again the same plugin, removed the firefoxos platform and reinstalled it again.
At that point the javascript errors were gone
2- Then the ajax call were still not accessible due to permissions. To ensure you can have ajax call you have to put in your manifest.webapp the following code
"type": "privileged",
"permissions": {
"systemXHR": { "description": "Required for AJAX calls in app"}
Both "type" and "permissions" are needed
3- Finally you have to ensure the ajax calls use
mozSystem: true
Specifically for jquery, you could put something like the following on top of your js file:
if (device.platform == 'firefoxos') {
$.ajaxPrefilter( function( options ) {
if ( options.firefoxOS ) {
options.xhr = function() {
return new window.XMLHttpRequest( {
mozSystem: true
} );
} );
$.ajaxSetup( {
firefoxOS: true
} );
Now I can properly handle ajax calls.

webdriver-test is unusable

On a virtual machine (clean, fresh Ubuntu server 11.04) I created a test website as described in Creating Your First Yii Application and now I want to create simple test using webdriver-test.
I set up proper TEST_BASE_URL in protected/tests/WebTestCase.php and created protected/tests/functional/MySimpleTest.php
Yii::import( 'ext.webdriver-bindings.CWebDriverTestCase' );
class MySimpleTest extends CWebDriverTestCase {
protected function setUp() {
parent::setUp( '', 4444, 'firefox' );
public function testMySite() {
$this->get( TEST_BASE_URL );
$qElem = $this->findElementBy( LocatorStrategy::linkText, 'Users' );
$this->assertNotNull( $qElem, 'There is no "Users" link!' );
$this->assertTrue( $this->isTextPresent( '' ), 'The is no "" text on result page!' );
Running it looks like this:
etam#ubuntu:/var/www/test/protected/tests$ phpunit functional/MySimpleDbTest.php
PHPUnit 3.5.15 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Time: 5 seconds, Memory: 5.25Mb
There was 1 error:
1) MySimpleTest::testMySite
PHPUnit_Framework_Exception: setBrowserUrl() needs to be called before start().
Tests: 1, Assertions: 0, Errors: 1.
Notice that it's complaining about setBrowserUrl() from PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase_Driver, which is not the same as one from CWebDriverTestCase.
I tried to find out what's going on, but it's too complicated to me. It looks like problems with old and new selenium API existing together, but I'm not sure about it.
I'm using:
Ubuntu server 11.04
yii 1.1.8.r3324
webdriver-test 1.1b
phpunit 3.5.15 (repaired as described in
Please help!
You need to call the setBrowseUrl() method right after the parent::setup() method because selenium requires this url to resolve relative paths on your test cases. So this way you could call open('') or just open('/someAction') and both would go to the same page.
