How to create template for post in wordpress - wordpress

I know how to create a custom template for a specific wordpress page. However, I would like to create a template for a specific custom post type. Is that possible and if it is possible, how can I do that?

To add a custom template for custom post types you can use single-{posttype}.php template. You can look at the template hierarchy diagram for more details.
For example if your post type is called books, your filename for the template should be single-books.php

If you have created a custom post type
If you have created a custom post type then you need to create a template who's name will be smiler to the custom post type for example if you have created a custom post type "product" then you will create a template with name product.php in your theme directory and to display a particulate post of your custom post type you will create another template with name single-product.phpthis template will be used to display your custom post and remember whatever custom post you create same name will be used to name your custom post type template and do not forget to add single in the beginning.
Template for a particulate post or a post of particulate category
And to display particular post in different template and to use different template to display post of particular category you can follow this link.


Custom template for specific post type archive

For the custom post type "Product" in Woocommerce, I wish to create a custom archive page for the taxonomy "Seating".
According to the Wordpress codex the order should be "archive" then "post type" then "taxonomy"
I have therefore tried the following file names:
Is it possible to create a specific template for a specific taxonomy of a post type? if so, how is this named?
I also understand that this could be achieved by using conditional logic... I'm trying to not do this though.
According to this page (picture is very useful) filename should be taxonomy-product-seating.php

Wordperss Custom Archive Template based on Custom Post Type

I have added custom post type as "blog" and created single-blog.php. It is working fine but when I create archive-blog.php, it does not work. It is still going to default archive template.
I created custom taxonomy "blogcat" for custom post type "blog".
Can you please let me know why it is not reading archive-blog.php?
My permalink structure is post-name
To override the template for your custom taxonomy you have to use naming convention like this."taxonomyslug-archive.php"

WordPress - specific file for custom post type

I know I can create custom files for specific custom-post-types
Unfortunately, the method works for me in one case:
page-results.php for CPT = results
but does not work for page-news.php where CPT = news
or does not work for page-events.php where CPT = events
Why? can you have just a single file like that?
This might clarify some things for you:
Wordpress Template Hierarchy
The problem is, your Custom Post Types aren't actually "Pages". Even a "Page" isn't technically an actual Page, but a hierarchical Custom Post Type called "Page". Confusing? Yes. But there's a method to the madness.
The built-in Post Type known as "Pages" do function differently than the built-in Post Type called "Posts", which is why they have their own default templates and hierarchy. However, despite the fact that Wordpress allows you to extend their core to include your own Custom Post Types, at their root they're still considered "Posts" and will not follow the "Page" branch.
Your two options if you're following the standard Template naming conventions is to name your Custom Post Archive Templates "archive-results.php", "archive-news.php", and "archive-events.php".
As for your Custom Post Single Post Template, you would name them "single-results.php", "single-news.php", and "single-events.php".
If you want to fall back on an archive or single template for all three custom post types, simply don't define the separate post types and define an "archive.php" and "single.php" file.
Here's some more information on Custom Post Type Templates

Wordpress custom post type page

When creating a custom post type and fill it with some posts wordpress generates a page for that custom post type.
But I want to be able to add content to that page so I create a regular page and choose a template where I manually call the custom post type posts and loop them out. And now I can just add content in the wysiwyg editor. But this causes a conflict between these two pages, especially if the CPT has the same name as the page.
And now the question: Is there a way to always show the page where I have chosen the template for the CPT to always show? Even when someone try's to manually enter the url for the CPT generated page?
Here is what I understood from your question. You have custom post type. Then you created a page-template, that loops through your custom post types and output them. Now when you create a new page and assign it the page-template you have created you run into problems, if it has the same name as the custom post type.
Solution: I think what you need to do is change the custom-page slug from the admin menu. Then you would be able to directly reference it by the URL.

custom post types wordpress

I have created a custom post type called show.. How do I tell wordpress to go to show.php for loading the content instead of single.php?
This is crucial since single.php does not carry the code for the extra added fields I have, thats why I want to use show.php
The WordPress docs say your template file must be single-show.php, not just show.php.
The single post template used when a single post from a custom post type is queried. For example, single-books.php would be used for displaying single posts from the custom post type books. index.php is used if the query template for the custom post type is not present.
1.Copy single.php.
2.Rename it single-show.php.
3.Now modify this template as per your requirement.
