name = MagApp 1.0
description = Magapp module that enables MagApp powered publications.
core = 7.x
php = 5.1
package = MagApp
dependencies[] = references
dependencies[] = node_reference
dependencies[] = magapp_core_content_types
version = "7.x-2.0"
I have been created a module and the info file is written above is there any problem while changing the php version , Because i did it before months , so i have to update this module , Can i add dependencies directly without using modules .
Search the source of /modules for admin/structure and check how they built that *_menu() hook.
If you have access to the server and it's running *NIX you could do:
grep -ri 'admin/structure' your_site_directory/modules/*
And then you can implement your own hook_menu() in your own module. Might also be possible in the Structure -> Menu system of the web UI. I don't recall.
Need to create a new platform for Drupal 9 in Aegir.
I have created a makefiles in the path /var/aegir/platform/makefiles/d9.make
api = 2
core = 9.x
projects[] = "drupal"
While adding the new platform by using the make file in the Aegir site, it has an error "No release history available for drupal 9.x."
Seems we have release for
But not for
I have a clean marklogic server installation together with gradle DHF(Data Hub Framework) 3.0 project.
In the build.gradle, I have a custom task that triggers an input flow and loads the files by using MLCP.
The code looks like the following.
task importEntity(type: com.marklogic.gradle.task.MlcpTask) {
classpath = configurations.mlcp
command = "IMPORT"
transform_module = "/com.marklogic.hub/mlcp-flow-transform.xqy"
transform_namespace = ""
... }
When the command is run, the execution fails due to a non-existing module (/com.marklogic.hub/mlcp-flow-transform.xqy) in MarkLogic modules database.
If I check modules database, I see that the only custom modules were uploaded but not a single dependency from MarkLogic on mlDeploy.
I am wondering, what could have gone wrong.
Thank in advance.
How can I update the jar files to the latest version which comes with coldfusion installation? I can see jar files, with different versions, under different locations. How can I confirm which version of the jar is currently running and what are the locations ColdFusion looks for these jars?
For example, in coldfusion\lib I have these jars:
Then in another location \Coldfusion\cfusion\lib, I have:
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.
what are the locations coldfusion looks for these jars
Generally, ColdFusion searches the following locations for jars:
ColdFusion Class Path (See ColdFusion Administrator > Server Settings > Java & JVM).
Default JVM class path
Dynamic paths specified in THIS.javaSettings (CF10+ only)
what version of the jar in currently running
Usually you can identify the source jar by picking a class likely to exists all versions of that library and checking it with Class.getResource(). For that specific library, CollectionUtils would probably be a good choice, since the API says it has existed since version 1.0.
// Create instance
testClass = createObject("java", "org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils").getClass();
// Convert class name to format: /path/to/TheClassName.class
className = "/"& replace(, ".", "/", "all") &".class";
// Display location, or "null" if unknown
location = testClass.getResource( className );
writeOutput( isNull(location) ? "null" : location.toString());
The results will obviously vary, but with my ColdFusion 11 install, the above returns:
I'm in trouble with the "local translation" override by buildout configuration. I would like to override some standard labels of plone using the extra conf parameter "zope_i18n_compile_mo_files" with a folder placed in the buildout's directory (plone 4.3) : "locales/it/LC_MESSAGES/plone.po"
In another Plone 4.1 installation it works well. The only difference between these installations are the plone version (4.1 vs 4.3) and the architecture (stand alone vs zeo cluster).
This is the piece of my buildout:
user = admin:admin
debug-mode = off
verbose-security = off
blob-storage = ${buildout:directory}/var/blobstorage
effective-user = ${config:system-user}
products = ${buildout:directory}/products
eggs =
zcml =
resources = ${buildout:directory}/resources
environment-vars =
LANG it_IT.utf8
TZ Europe/Rome
zope_i18n_allowed_languages it en
zope_i18n_compile_mo_files true
What's the problem?
You need to register that locales directory. I do not see that in your buildout config. Something like this:
recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
locales = ${buildout:directory}/locales
While Zope 2.13 have native wsgi support, I haven't been able to find any documentation/deployment tutorial/article/blog yet.
Would anyone point/post a working example ?
The reason is that while Zope 2's WSGI support is a starting point, there are still lots of rough edges, and as a result, WSGI is not yet an officially supported or "recommended best practice" deployment option. However, you might find useful as a starting point.
Try the following:
The buildout referenced in that document ( is as follows:
allow-hosts =
extensions =
extends =
extends-cache = .
find-links =
parts =
versions = versions
recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
eggs =
products =
user = admin:admin
scripts = paster
distribute = 0.6.24
# Error: Setup script exited with error: src/config.h: No such file or directory
# Error: Couldn't install: pycrypto 2.4
pycrypto = 2.3
zc.buildout = 1.5.2
recipe = collective.recipe.modwsgi
eggs = ${plone:eggs}
config-file = plone.ini
recipe = collective.recipe.template
url =
output = plone.ini
Zope2 = 2.13.11
Please note that a newer Zope2 is used than the one that is likely to be shipped with Plone 4.2. This is due to the fact that the 2.13.11 release adds support for doing WSGI without requiring repoze.who for authentication (which effectively increases the "convenience factor" quite a bit.)