CSS simulate element move - css

I have a site with two sidebars and the content in the middle. In the HTML it's positioned as:
sidebar 1 - floated left
middle content - floated left
sidebar 2 - floated right
And that's also how it looks on the site. All good. The problem is i'm trying to make the site responsive, and i want the content to be at the top and the sidebars to jump down below, and i'm not entirely sure how to do that. I could use javascript, but i would much prefer CSS to do it, if possible.
Here's the site i'm working on if it helps:
[URL no longer allowed]
Squeeze the window down a bit and watch the left sidebar appear above the content - not good.
Is it possible?

Reorder your divs so the body content div is first.
Then wrap the first sidebar and body content in a div floating the body content to the right. Use a media query so that once your down to mobile size you set the floats to none
<div float:left>
<main-content float:right>
<sidebar float:left>
<sidebar float:right>


why is only this div in the page not responsive (anymore)?

What is wrong with the CSS (at least I think it is CSS related) that one particular div with a slider is not responsive anymore? The rest of the site is still responsive.
It is the big square image slider in the content right (so not the image in the left sidebar or the header image). The maindiv container that contains the rest of the slider is : <div class="scheeps_slider">
You can see the image is not scaling down anymore if you make the screensize smaller than the image width.
Is there CSS in one of the underlying divs of the slider or li's that break responsiveness?
Extra info:
( Note: It did work responsive fine when the slide was not clickable, but to get it clickable with custom fields html was slightly altered to get a setup with an ul and li approach, but I don't get how that should interfere with responsiviness)
The slider-jquery used here is from opensource 2cycle which acts as a perfectly responsive slider used in other pages so something in the specific css used here is messing it up I think

How to properly position DIVS on a page to

When developing a site in HTML/CSS how do you position divs on a page to hold content in place and exactly where you want them. Not just in a straight up in down manner. Is there a unified method/technique that everyone uses to achieve this placement? Or more generally how is it done?
Example: Here is an image of an example page I'm building with a container div and 5 other divs inside it.
IMAGE: http://go-dl.eve-files.com/media/1310/image.png
I was able to place the header div at the top, I was able to place the sidebar div below it and to the left (floated left), and I was able to position the content div below the header and to the right of the sidebar div (floated right). Now I have put the footer div in but the footer floats under the sidebar but also to the left of the content div. NOT under it and at the bottom of the page.
There are so many possible options/values in Dreamweaver to a assign to each div like box, float, margin, position, padding, etc,. I have linked my code below. Is there anything I can do to facilitate positioning divs on a page more efficiently and at all for that matter. I'd like for the footer to stay at the bottom of the page.
Here is my code:
PASTEBIN: http://pastebin.com/xbvPEfjA
I am truly stuck on this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also there are some other questions similar to this question but not the exact same of what I am asking. Thanks in advance!
in your css apply clear:both to the footer. That means floated elements are not allowed on either side of it.

CSS only technique to make dynamic div height, expandable to contend outside of it

I am building a web site for home made jewelry. I'd like it nice and centered ( for all those ppl with low resolution ) so all of the titles, navigation and content are in a single div, that I positioned in the center. On the left ( inside the div, everything is inside the div ) I have my vertical navigation sidebar div. On the right I have the title and the content. So far so good. Now to the problem:
I would like my sidebar to have a right border all the way from the top of the page to the bottom ( with 1em margins if possible ). The trick is that my content to the right variate from text to pictures and forms and is quite different on every page - when the content is larger then the screen the screen scrolls and in which case I'd like my sidebar border to scroll down with it - I've not been able to do that.
I think I have done quite a reading - my closest solution was to set the border's position to static but this quite obviously isn't working when the site is centered. So to the question - is there any CSS only way to make the sidebar div's height dynamic or something and define it to expand with the content to the right? This way the border will always reach the bottom.
Wrap your navigation in another div. Give this new div a height of 100% and assign it a border-right CSS property. You can also set padding too. Hope this helps.
How about giving left border to the content section Div, instead of Nav menu. so that way the border could change height according to the content area height

2-Column Fixed Width Sidebar w/ Fluid Content Not Aligned Properly

I've been running into this problem for setting up 2-column layouts with a fixed sidebar floated to the right. I'm setting a margin on the content container so it will be fluid as you resize the browser window.
However the content section is actually "above" the sidebar, and so new content pushes the sidebar down the page. You can see a live demo here which I setup for a basic layout.
The only way I know to fix this is by moving the sidebar above the content in my HTML markup. But this doesn't really feel like a fix, and honestly I would like my content to appear before the sidebar since that's how the document is structured. Is there any way to keep the floated sidebar aligned right at the top with the content area?
Have a look at the Media Object http://www.stubbornella.org/content/2010/06/25/the-media-object-saves-hundreds-of-lines-of-code/
demo: http://dabblet.com/gist/3729182
Since you have not provided the widths for the columns, I used my own in percentages. You can use Media Queries to clear the sidebar once it gets too thin.

Attach div element to the bottom of page

I have a page where the main content has a variable height. I want to have a fixed height (about 50px) footer to the very bottom of the page.
I need it to scroll along with the page (so not a fixed position).
A couple scenarios:
If the body content is 300px tall, the window has no scrollbar, the footer would be all the way to the bottom and visible.
If the body content is 900px tall and the window has a scrollbar, the footer would be all the way at the bottom with no space between the footer and the bottom of the window, and not visible unless you scroll to the very bottom.
Is there a way to accomplish this in pure CSS? Trying to stay clear of using JS to handle this.
see the fiddle for code and demo
fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/gLpFJ/
demo: http://jsfiddle.net/gLpFJ/embedded/result/
Note: Please note this http://jsfiddle.net/yp4EH/ is not for the answer it is just for demonstration purpose.
I am giving this for help and for concept purpose This fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/yp4EH/ is not related with this question but based on same situation - sidebar, content, footer at bottom always.
