Changing Web Service from Localhost to Server -

I've got a small WCF service I've created.
I can edit it and get it working great on the localhost, but my PC is not where this application is going to be run from. It is going to run on our Server.
However, every time I try making any kind of change to the project that points it to our server, the entire project goes to crap: I can no longer view the project in a browser and my test console application can not connect to it. I try changing it back to using the local IIS web server, but then the local machine does not start up IIS whenever the project is started so it doesn't work either.
I can debug and troubleshoot for a day or so to get it working again on the local machine, but then I'm back to Square 1 where I need to deploy my application onto our Server.
This is freakin' maddening!
My project works, but I can't seem to get it from Localhost to a real Server.
All the examples I find online show how to do this using Localhost. Does no one ever deploy their projects?
Where is the Guide for getting me from Development stage to Deploy?

Some nice tutorials here
also on SO Deploy WCF Service to IIS when it only has an App.config
Also a video on youtube


Local Debugging IIS application on my laptop using using remote IIS applications (with Rider)

I was witching and had my first few ASP.NET Razor Pages projects, debugging locally, publishing after, and everything went fine.
But now I temporarily took over a project from somebody with health issues, can not ask him things at the moment, maybe next month.
The projects run on two physical servers, five IIS-applications running, like API, Video-Handling, IndentityServer and a "WEB" for the user-interface. Endpoints defined in the "appsettings", I get it.
I changed some minor things at the User-Interface (WEB-Application), published it directly on the server and everything went fine. Pfff..
But... now I want to make some bigger changes and test them locally before publishing, but still using other unchanged IIS servers on the two servers, which do the "heavy-lifting". So I put some breakpoints like always, run "Debug" on Rider, express IIS server starts successfully, but I noticed the application redirects to the project on the remote server and then of course does not meet my breakpoints anymore, it is just running the old version on the server. Now I am missing something..., looked at several configuration files, how can I configure it, when it starts with the local IIS express server instead of the remote server? I want to stay on the local IIS express server, since I want to test the changes of course.
Hope I explained my issue well enough, did not know how to tell exactly.
Greetings to all!

Symbols not loading for remote debugging on ASP.Net app built and deployed from Azure DevOps Pipeline

I have an ASP.Net application who's code is sitting in an Azure Repo. The project has a build pipeline that builds on master branch merges. I then have a Deployment pipeline that takes the latest build and deploys local on my web server through a deployment pool I have running on my server. The web application builds with the VS Build task and deploys with the IIS Web App Deploy task. Both work fine.
I have one VM in with Visual Studio that I am trying to use to remote debug the web server. I have VS Remote Tools on the web server and it successfully runs. On my VM, I am able to open VS, attach debugger to a remote process on the web server successfully. The problem is that the symbols are not loading and I'm not sure what the correct sequence of items is here.
First, it doesn't appear that there are any .pdb files in the build produced by the Azure Pipeline. Second, I'm not sure what is the proper way to get the code onto the VM for debugging (Clone repo, vs download zip, etc). Third, I attempted to add a Publish Smybols task to my deploy pipeline, however its generating .pdb folders not files, and I'm not sure where to place these either on the web server, or on the vm.
My background is in classic local TFS setups, so working, building and deploying from Azure DevOps has me confused on how to get remote debugging to work.
OK this is not for the faint-hearted. It has taken me 3hrs to slowly work through this - but it's worth it. Many times has something worked locally, but then when you trigger an Build Agent with CI on a remote server you can't Step through the code with breakpoints.
So this info is if you are using the above situation - Azure build agent and Continuous Integration. If you are using a Publish Profile this doesn't apply.
First things first... The most important parts of this answer can be found in this blog:
I've added that Url to the wayback machine at in case it disappears.
So yes the problem is the .PDB files - they need to be included by adding Publish symbols task. in your VSO pipeline.
Note: I had to change the BuildConfiguration parameter to debug (different from Willy's instructions). Otherwise when you eventually start to hit breakpoints the code is optimized and you won't see variable values in the hover-over etc.
In VS 2019 Willy's instruction for Link to the symbols during remote debugging sessions needs reading carefully. I didn't. There is a better image on:
I include the screen capture here:
Importantly you need to add your VSTS hostname into the list of Symbol Servers
Now mine still wasn't hitting the breakpoints and I found this page (which is generally about using the slightly different method of Publish Profiles), but I noticed some more components were loaded into IIS... Yes! You may need these too.
So the most important image I will paste here:
You need to add IIS Management Scripts and Tools to your IIS installation.
That should do it. Also I run my remote debugger as Administrator, attach it to the w3wp.exe (show All Users Processes) and if it doesn't appear - reload the remote page and Refresh as if the pool goes to sleep you won't see it in the list
Good luck!

Debug ASP.NET application hosted on shared server from my VS2010 IDE

i have web site and it is hosted on shared server ORCSWEB. now when i testing one page locally then i found it is running fine but when i test the same page putting our live site url then i found it is not working. so i want to test that from live site but from my own VS2010 IDE and want to set break point. i just do not know is it possible or not but i can not install any remote debugger there due to lack of access.
i visit this url for gudance
but i could not help me. thanks
I'm not an Orcsweb customer, but you cannot do Remote Debugging unless the VS Remote Debugger service is running on the target machine. If I were a shared webhost then I wouldn't provide this service to my customers because it's a massive security liability.
Out of curiosity, why can't you fix it based on any exception reports generated right now?

Can we run a website without hosting it on web server/IIS?

I wanted to know whether I can run my website locally without hosting it on the web server/IIS?
I mean I have created a website in VS 2010 which runs when I click on run button in vs.
I have hosted the application on the localhost.
But if I try to run the application by going to the application folder and click on the very first html/homescreen, will it respond the way it does when I click on the run in vs2010.
I want to run my app locally without the IIS OR ANY webserver, so that I can give a demo like a prototype on a machine that does not contain IIS.
What if my app contains some ajax calls?Can it run without hosting on the web server?
The short answer is no. IIS is available on most flavours of windows and is quick and easy to both setup and remove. No reason not to do it compared to any possible alternative.

What causes a 403 error on a local Azure development environment?

I have an Azure application that works perfectly on every one of my colleagues machines. On mine, the web application works, but not the azure project, which runs on the local development fabric.
I'm getting a 403 error, which causes a blank page in Chrome. The application_start method gets fired and sets up the routes, but the actual MVC controller never gets called. Again, this works perfect if I run the web application directly. If I use that same azure project and deploy it online, it also works fine.
I've tried repairing visual studio, reinstalling Azure, rebooting, re-fetching source, you name it.
I'm desperate for ideas! What would cause a 403?
Here is the answer. Looks like I wasn't the first to be victimized by this:
What's interesting is that I wasn't even using IIS.
You need IIS for dev fabric. Cloud service projects do not run on the web server inbuilt in visual studio. Refer this.
So any configuration issues in IIS will affect you.
