Masking a URL in a Wordpress installation - wordpress

I'm trying to mask a page URL in a Wordpress installation. Let's say it's and when this page is opened, I want the URL to show The whole point of this is so that the URL cannot be shared, only accessed by authorised users, which means I also want it so that you cannot access this page by typing in /anythingelse. Is this possible and how do I go about this? I've got as far as .htaccess files but I have no experience working with this...

If you use to actually show, then it means that you will be able to access by reaching
You might be trying to do this the wrong way. What is the point exactly? Do you know that in WordPress, you have two ways of protecting pages? One is to make it "Private" (just above the Publish or Update button) and the other one is to make it "Password protected" (same area).
In any case, if you don't use a password but just play with the URLs, it will only be protected as long as the URL stays unknown. Anyone actually typing the right URL will, indeed, be able to access the page.
You can also restrict access by IP. Try to be more explicit about why you want to protect this page.


Logged-in Users need to Refresh page to see content

Hi I'm having an issue with a site where visitors need to be members to access certain pages, but once logged in they go to these pages and still see the 'not logged in' page and need to refresh to view the actual content.
This obviously leads to a lot of bounces and I'd like to fix so that they see the content right away.
The root issue comes from some cache settings or something from the host - unfortunately we can't change host (and it's not a regular hosting company with a website but a design company reseller) for the time being. This issue does not occur in our offline environment of the same site.
I've already had to add a ?randomnumber to the stylesheet so it loads new versions properly. I was wondering if something like this would work - but dynamically as pages are being added all the time by different admins.
Or any other solutions also appreciated!
Like you said, tweaking the caching settings would be the most ideal. But since that's not an option, I'd suggest adding a random, meaningless query string to the URL of the member pages so that it's seen as a 'new page' and (likely) won't cache.
So instead of /member-page
Direct them to /member-page?cache-buster=randomlyGeneratedStringHere

Prevent PDF link from being shared

There is a pdf on the server that we want users to access only those with the link is there any way we can prevent from being shared as well? So if the users want to share the link it will redirect them to the homepage. I know users can download and share it amongst themselves, that is something we can't prevent but I at least want to prevent them from sharing the URL. I tried to prevent hotlinking but most of the tutorials and resources I found prevent all PDFs from being shared.
I know this is a late response but you can easily use the HTTP REFERER field to prevent access to a link from outside certain pages - SpeedFan does this for their installer download links.

Google analytic shows me wired links for one of my visitors

I have a website wich is registered with google analytic so I can see the statistics of it The problem is that sometime it shows me this link :
I do not know if this is a hacker trying to hack me or something but I think nobody will try to access my admin for good
Can you help me to know what is this link refers to ?
Consider checking for a malicious code included on your pages. And yes it's likely that some one is trying to access those pages but it may not execute because it's invalid path. You should consider blocking such ip addresses after checking in logs.
Although trying to reach an admin page seems a suspicious action, in our website we come accross this issue every one in ten thousand requests.
We think that a browser extension or a virus like program tries to change URL or trying to add this keyword to URL. Not for a hacking purpose, but to redirect to their advertisement website.
Very similar issue here: Weird characters in URL

How to suspend website for users but left it activated for the developer?

I would like to set a page on my website "Coming soon",and open the website when the update is finished.
My website is on host with plesk panel, so I suspended my site and edited the "temporary unavialable service" error page. but now as the developer i cannot check my website( I have to check it on the host and not in the IDE).
What should I do?
Using Url Rewrite you could do a few different things, here are a few of the easier ones:
Redirect by IP. Send everyone that doesn't match your IP address to a maintenance page (make sure you use a 302). If you're on a network where everyone has the same external IP and users on that network are accessing the site, this could be an issue.
Redirect by (lack of) a querystring parameter. This will work if you just need to view and refresh a single page, but if you need to click around through the site it's not going to work.
Redirect by (lack of) a cookie. Have Url Rewrite look for a cookie and if it's not present, redirect to maintenance page. This is probably the best solution of the 3 as it avoids the pitfalls of the other two approaches. The cookie will persist for however long you tell it to so you won't get redirected when you click through as you would with the querystring approach, and the redirects will work for everyone that doesn't have a cookie set- so everybody but you.
There are plenty of examples of all of these approaches on this site and on Webmasters.StackExchange and all over the web that can be found with quick search.
The easiest answer is leave your site up with the home page one of the static pages of your website and have your page for the site that you are working on called something like home2.aspx. I'm that way people that go to your site without a specific page will get the under construction page and you just need to add the URL of your test page when you deploy

Site only refreshes when adding www. to URL

First time posting so please bear with me.
I'm the unofficial web guy at the company I work for and I helped create our basic static HTML site.
Any work that I do to the site offline and then FTP shows up instantly on my machine. I rarely, if ever, need to clear the cache for changes to show up. However, within the company I work for, nearly half of the users never see the updates. Some do, some don't.
On the machines that don't I've cleared the cache in browser and through the internet control panel settings. Nothing. Still shows the stale content. The only thing that works - and I've seen this both in Chrome and IE is that when I add www in front of the URL is then shows the refreshed site. No big deal, right? Well for users who type in without the in front will not see the updates. People who have favorited it like that, will not see the updates.
Now, on to what I've tried to fix it. After much research many people have steered me away from meta tag refresh so I haven't tried that, however, with the help of the IT guy we have, from what we can tell, set the HTTP header of the site to always refresh. This did not do anything for us.
I've tried changing image names in the HTML page when updating a photo and that didn't work either.
I haven't been able to find a .htaccess file so can I create one? If we (IT guy and I) changed the HTTP Header setting to always refresh but there is not .htaccess file will there be no change?
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I have searched on here for the answer and the two most suggested changes are HTTP Header and Meta refresh. HTTP header didn't help and it seems the Meta tag route is bad form.
This is a DNS issue. You need to ask the provider of your web services to add an A or a CNAME record for the domain's root.
If you don't understand the above, just call the provider of your web presence (the company that hosts your web server) and tell them you want and to go to the same place.
