How to calculate difference from initial value for each group in R? - r

I have data arranged like this in R:
indv time val
A 6 5
A 10 10
A 12 7
B 8 4
B 10 3
B 15 9
For each individual (indv) at each time, I want to calculate the change in value (val) from the initial time. So I would end up with something like this:
indv time val val_1 val_change
A 6 5 5 0
A 10 10 5 5
A 12 7 5 2
B 8 4 4 0
B 10 3 4 -1
B 15 9 4 5
Can anyone tell me how I might do this? I can use
ddply(df, .(indv), function(x)x[which.min(x$time), ])
to get a table like
indv time val
A 6 5
B 8 4
However, I cannot figure out how to make a column val_1 where the minimum values are matched up for each individual. However, if I can do that, I should be able to add column val_change using something like:
df['val_change'] = df['val_1'] - df['val']
EDIT: two excellent methods were posted below, however both rely on my time column being sorted so that small time values are on top of high time values. I'm not sure this will always be the case with my data. (I know I can sort first in Excel, but I'm trying to avoid that.) How could I deal with a case when the table appears like this:
indv time value
A 10 10
A 6 5
A 12 7
B 8 4
B 10 3
B 15 9

Here is a data.table solution that will be memory efficient as it is setting by reference within the data.table. Setting the key will sort by the key variables
DT <- data.table(df)
# set key to sort by indv then time
setkey(DT, indv, time)
DT[, c('val1','change') := list(val[1], val - val[1]),by = indv]
# And to show it works....
## indv time val val1 change
## 1: A 6 5 5 0
## 2: A 10 10 5 5
## 3: A 12 7 5 2
## 4: B 8 4 4 0
## 5: B 10 3 4 -1
## 6: B 15 9 4 5

Here's a plyr solution using ddply
ddply(df, .(indv), transform,
val_1 = val[1],
change = (val - val[1]))
indv time val val_1 change
1 A 6 5 5 0
2 A 10 10 5 5
3 A 12 7 5 2
4 B 8 4 4 0
5 B 10 3 4 -1
6 B 15 9 4 5
To get your second table try this:
ddply(df, .(indv), function(x) x[which.min(x$time), ])
indv time val
1 A 6 5
2 B 8 4
Edit 1
To deal with unsorted data, like the one you posted in your edit try the following
unsort <- read.table(text="indv time value
A 10 10
A 6 5
A 12 7
B 8 4
B 10 3
B 15 9", header=T), lapply(split(unsort, unsort$indv),
function(x) x[order(x$time), ]))
indv time value
A.2 A 6 5
A.1 A 10 10
A.3 A 12 7
B.4 B 8 4
B.5 B 10 3
B.6 B 15 9
Now you can apply the procedure described above to this sorted dataframe
Edit 2
A shorter way to sort your dataframe is using sortBy function from doBy package
orderBy(~ indv + time, unsort)
indv time value
2 A 6 5
1 A 10 10
3 A 12 7
4 B 8 4
5 B 10 3
6 B 15 9
Edit 3
You can even sort your df using ddply
ddply(unsort, .(indv, time), sort)
value time indv
1 5 6 A
2 10 10 A
3 7 12 A
4 4 8 B
5 3 10 B
6 9 15 B

You can do this with the base functions. using your data
df <- read.table(text = "indv time val
A 6 5
A 10 10
A 12 7
B 8 4
B 10 3
B 15 9", header = TRUE)
We first split() df on the indv variable
sdf <- split(df, df$indv)
Next we transform each component of sdf adding in the val_1 and val_change variables in a manner similar to how you suggest
sdf <- lapply(sdf, function(x) transform(x, val_1 = val[1],
val_change = val - val[1]))
Finally we arrange for the individual components to be bound row wise into a single data frame:
df <-, sdf)
Which gives:
R> df
indv time val val_1 val_change
A.1 A 6 5 5 0
A.2 A 10 10 5 5
A.3 A 12 7 5 2
B.4 B 8 4 4 0
B.5 B 10 3 4 -1
B.6 B 15 9 4 5
To address the sorting issue the OP raises in the comments, modify the lapply() call to include a sorting step prior to the transform(). For example:
sdf <- lapply(sdf, function(x) {
x <- x[order(x$time), ]
transform(x, val_1 = val[1],
val_change = val - val[1])
In use we have
## scramble `df`
df <- df[sample(nrow(df)), ]
## split
sdf <- split(df, df$indv)
## apply sort and transform
sdf <- lapply(sdf, function(x) {
x <- x[order(x$time), ]
transform(x, val_1 = val[1],
val_change = val - val[1])
## combine
df <-, sdf)
which again gives:
R> df
indv time val val_1 val_change
A.1 A 6 5 5 0
A.2 A 10 10 5 5
A.3 A 12 7 5 2
B.4 B 8 4 4 0
B.5 B 10 3 4 -1
B.6 B 15 9 4 5


Create columns with different rules with data.table in r

I'm trying to better understant the data.table package in r. I want to do different types of calculation with some columns and assign the result to new columns with specific names. Here is an example:
df <- data.frame(rain = rep(5,10),temp=1:10, skip = sample(0:2,10,T),
windw_sz = sample(1:2,10,T),city =c(rep("a",5),rep("b",5)),ord=rep(sample(1:5,5),2))
df <-
vars <- c("rain","temp")
df[, paste0("mean.",vars) := lapply(mget(vars),mean), by="city" ]
This works just fine. But now I also want to calculate the sum of these variables, so I try:
df[, c(paste0("mean.",vars), paste("sum.",vars)) := list( lapply(mget(vars),mean),
lapply(mget(vars),sum)), by="city" ]
and I get an error.
How could I implement this last part?
Thanks a lot!
Instead of list wrap, we can do a c as the lapply output is a list, and when do list as wrapper, it returns a list of list. However, with c, it concats two list end to end (i.e. c(as.list(1:5), as.list(6:10)) as opposed to list(as.list(1:5), as.list(6:10))) and instead of mget, make use of .SDcols
df[, paste0(rep(c("mean.", "sum."), each = 2), vars) :=
c(lapply(.SD, mean), lapply(.SD, sum)), by = .(city), .SDcols = vars]
# rain temp skip windw_sz city ord mean.rain mean.temp sum.rain sum.temp
# 1: 5 1 0 2 a 2 5 3 25 15
# 2: 5 2 1 1 a 5 5 3 25 15
# 3: 5 3 2 2 a 3 5 3 25 15
# 4: 5 4 2 1 a 4 5 3 25 15
# 5: 5 5 2 2 a 1 5 3 25 15
# 6: 5 6 0 1 b 2 5 8 25 40
# 7: 5 7 2 2 b 5 5 8 25 40
# 8: 5 8 1 2 b 3 5 8 25 40
# 9: 5 9 2 1 b 4 5 8 25 40
#10: 5 10 2 2 b 1 5 8 25 40

Filter data frame matching all values of a vector

I want to filter data frame x by including IDs that contain rows for Hour that match all values of testVector.
ID <- c('A','A','A','A','A','B','B','B','B','C','C')
Hour <- c('0','2','5','6','9','0','2','5','6','0','2')
x <- data.frame(ID, Hour)
ID Hour
1 A 0
2 A 2
3 A 5
4 A 6
5 A 9
6 B 0
7 B 2
8 B 5
9 B 6
10 C 0
11 C 2
testVector <- c('0','2','5')
The solution should yield the following data frame:
ID Hour
1 A 0
2 A 2
3 A 5
4 A 6
5 A 9
6 B 0
7 B 2
8 B 5
9 B 6
All values of ID C were dropped because it was missing Hour 5. Note that I want to keep all values of Hour for IDs that match testVector.
A dplyr solution would be ideal, but any solution is welcome.
Based on other related questions on SO, I'm guessing I need some combination of %in% and all, but I can't quite figure it out.
Your combination of %in% and all sounds promising, in base R you could use those to your advantage as follows:
to_keep = sapply(lapply(split(x,x$ID),function(x) {unique(x$Hour)}),
function(x) {all(testVector %in% x)})
x = x[x$ID %in% names(to_keep)[to_keep],]
Or similiarly, but skipping an unneccessary lapply and more efficient as per d.b. in the comments:
temp = sapply(split(x, x$ID), function(a) all(testVector %in% a$Hour))
x[temp[match(x$ID, names(temp))],]
ID Hour
1 A 0
2 A 2
3 A 5
4 A 6
5 A 9
6 B 0
7 B 2
8 B 5
9 B 6
Hope this helps!
Here's another dplyr solution without ever leaving the pipe:
ID <- c('A','A','A','A','A','B','B','B','B','C','C')
Hour <- c('0','2','5','6','9','0','2','5','6','0','2')
x <- data.frame(ID, Hour)
testVector <- c('0','2','5')
x %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(contains = Hour %in% testVector) %>%
summarise(all = sum(contains)) %>%
filter(all > 2) %>%
select(-all) %>%
## ID Hour
## <fctr> <fctr>
## 1 A 0
## 2 A 2
## 3 A 5
## 4 A 6
## 5 A 9
## 6 B 0
## 7 B 2
## 8 B 5
## 9 B 6
Here is an option using table from base R
i1 <- !rowSums(table(x)[, testVector]==0)
subset(x, ID %in% names(i1)[i1])
# ID Hour
#1 A 0
#2 A 2
#3 A 5
#4 A 6
#5 A 9
#6 B 0
#7 B 2
#8 B 5
#9 B 6
Or this can be done with data.table
setDT(x)[, .SD[all(testVector %in% Hour)], ID]
# ID Hour
#1: A 0
#2: A 2
#3: A 5
#4: A 6
#5: A 9
#6: B 0
#7: B 2
#8: B 5
#9: B 6

How to delete duplicates but keep most recent data in R

I have the following two data frames:
df1 = data.frame(names=c('a','b','c','c','d'),year=c(11,12,13,14,15), Times=c(1,1,3,5,6))
df2 = data.frame(names=c('a','e','e','c','c','d'),year=c(12,12,13,15,16,16), Times=c(2,2,4,6,7,7))
I would like to know how I could merge the above df but only keeping the most recent Times depending on the year. It should look like this:
Names Year Times
a 12 2
b 12 2
c 16 7
d 16 7
e 13 4
I'm guessing that you do not mean to merge these but rather combine by stacking. Your question is ambiguous since the "duplication" could occur at the dataframe level or at the vector level. You example does not display any duplication at the dataframe level but would at the vector level. The best way to describe the problem is that you want the last (or max) Times entry within each group if names values:
> df1
names year Times
1 a 11 1
2 b 12 1
3 c 13 3
4 c 14 5
5 d 15 6
> df2
names year Times
1 a 12 2
2 e 12 2
3 e 13 4
4 c 15 6
5 c 16 7
6 d 16 7
> dfr <- rbind(df1,df2)
> dfr <-dfr[order(dfr$Times),]
> dfr[!duplicated(dfr, fromLast=TRUE) , ]
names year Times
1 a 11 1
2 b 12 1
6 a 12 2
7 e 12 2
3 c 13 3
8 e 13 4
4 c 14 5
5 d 15 6
9 c 15 6
10 c 16 7
11 d 16 7
> dfr[!duplicated(dfr$names, fromLast=TRUE) , ]
names year Times
2 b 12 1
6 a 12 2
8 e 13 4
10 c 16 7
11 d 16 7
This uses base R functions; there are also newer packages (such as plyr) that many feel make the split-apply-combine process more intuitive.
df <- rbind(df1, df2), lapply(split(df, df$names), function(x) x[which.max(x$year), ]))
## names year Times
## a a 12 2
## b b 12 1
## c c 16 7
## d d 16 7
## e e 13 4
We could also use aggregate:
df <- rbind(df1,df2)
# df$names V1 V2
# 1 a 12 2
# 2 b 12 1
# 3 c 16 7
# 4 d 16 7
# 5 e 13 4
In case you wanted to see a data.table solution,
# load library
# bind by row and convert to data.table (by reference)
df <- setDT(rbind(df1, df2))
# get the result
df[order(names, year), .SD[.N], by=.(names)]
The output is as follows:
names year Times
1: a 12 2
2: b 12 1
3: c 16 7
4: d 16 7
5: e 13 4
The final line orders the row-binded data by names and year, and then chooses the last observation (.sd[.N]) for each name.

Maintaining order in split-apply-combine problems [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to ddply() without sorting?
I have the following data frame
dd1 = data.frame(cond = c("D","A","C","B","A","B","D","C"), val = c(11,7,9,4,3,0,5,2))
cond val
1 D 11
2 A 7
3 C 9
4 B 4
5 A 3
6 B 0
7 D 5
8 C 2
and now need to compute cumulative sums respecting the factor level in cond. The results should look like that:
> dd2 = data.frame(cond = c("D","A","C","B","A","B","D","C"), val = c(11,7,9,4,3,0,5,2), cumsum=c(11,7,9,4,10,4,16,11))
> dd2
cond val cumsum
1 D 11 11
2 A 7 7
3 C 9 9
4 B 4 4
5 A 3 10
6 B 0 4
7 D 5 16
8 C 2 11
It is important to receive the result data frame in the same order as the input data frame because there are other variables bound to that.
I tried ddply(dd1, .(cond), summarize, cumsum = cumsum(val)) but it didn't produce the result I expected.
Use ave instead.
dd1$cumsum <- ave(dd1$val, dd1$cond, FUN=cumsum)
If doing this by hand is an option then split() and unsplit() with a suitable lapply() inbetween will do this for you.
dds <- split(dd1, dd1$cond)
dds <- lapply(dds, function(x) transform(x, cumsum = cumsum(x$val)))
unsplit(dds, dd1$cond)
The last line gives
> unsplit(dds, dd1$cond)
cond val cumsum
1 D 11 11
2 A 7 7
3 C 9 9
4 B 4 4
5 A 3 10
6 B 0 4
7 D 5 16
8 C 2 11
I separated the three steps, but these could be strung together or placed in a function if you are doing a lot of this.
A data.table solution:
dt <- data.frame(dd1)
dt[, c.val := cumsum(val),by=cond]
> dt
# cond val c.val
# 1: D 11 11
# 2: A 7 7
# 3: C 9 9
# 4: B 4 4
# 5: A 3 10
# 6: B 0 4
# 7: D 5 16
# 8: C 2 11

Generate combination of data frame and vector

I know expand.grid is to create all combinations of given vectors. But is there a way to generate all combinations of a data frame and a vector by taking each row in the data frame as unique. For instance,
df <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = 5:7)
c <- 9:10
how to create a new data frame that is the combination of df and c without expanding df:
a b c
1 5 9
2 6 9
3 7 9
1 5 10
2 6 10
3 7 10
As for me the simplest way is merge(df,
a b c
1 1 5 9
2 2 6 9
3 3 7 9
4 1 5 10
5 2 6 10
6 3 7 10
This may not scale when your dataframe has more than two columns per row, but you can just use expand.grid on the first column and then merge the second column in.
df <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = 5:7)
c <- 9:10
combined <- expand.grid(a=df$a, c=c)
combined <- merge(combined, df)
> combined[order(combined$c), ]
a c b
1 1 9 5
3 2 9 6
5 3 9 7
2 1 10 5
4 2 10 6
6 3 10 7
You could also do something like this,lapply(9:10, function(x,d) data.frame(d, c=x), d=df)))
# or using rbindlist as a fast alternative to,list)
rbindlist(lapply(9:10, function(x,d) data.frame(d, c=x), d=df)))
rbindlist(Map(data.frame, c = 9:10, MoreArgs = list(a= 1:3,b=5:7)))
This question is really old but I found one more answer.
Use tidyr's expand_grid().
expand_grid(df, c)
# A tibble: 6 × 3
a b c
<int> <int> <int>
1 1 5 9
2 1 5 10
3 2 6 9
4 2 6 10
5 3 7 9
6 3 7 10
