I would like to do bootstrap of residuals for nls fits in a loop. I use nlsBoot and in order to decrease computation time I would like to do that in parallel (on a Windows 7 system at the moment). Here is some code, which reproduces my problem:
#function for fitting
Falge2000 <- function(GP2000,alpha,PAR) {
#some data
PAR <- 10:1600
GPP <- Falge2000(-450,-0.73,PAR) + rnorm(length(PAR),sd=0.0001)
df1 <- data.frame(PAR,GPP)
#nls fit
mod <- nls(GPP~Falge2000(GP2000,alpha,PAR),start=list(GP2000=-450,alpha=-0.73),data=df1, upper=c(0,0),algorithm="port")
#bootstrap of residuals
#now do it several times
#and in parallel
cl <- makeCluster(1)
ttt <- foreach(1:5, .packages='nlstools',.export="df1") %dopar% {
res <- nlsBoot(mod,niter=5)
#Error in { :
#task 1 failed - "Procedure aborted: the fit only converged in 1 % during bootstrapping"
I suspect this an issue with environments and after looking at the code of nlsBoot the problem seems to arise from the use of an anonymous function in a lapply call:
l1 <- lapply(1:niter, function(i) {
data2[, var1] <- fitted1 + sample(scale(resid1, scale = FALSE),
replace = TRUE)
nls2 <- try(update(nls, start = as.list(coef(nls)), data = data2),
silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(nls2, "nls"))
return(list(coef = coef(nls2), rse = summary(nls2)$sigma))
if (sum(sapply(l1, is.null)) > niter/2)
stop(paste("Procedure aborted: the fit only converged in",
round(sum(sapply(l1, is.null))/niter), "% during bootstrapping"))
Is there a way to use nlsBoot in a parallel loop? Or do I need to modify the function? (I could try to use a for loop instead of lapply.)
By moving the creation of the mod object into the %dopar% loop, it looks like everything works OK. Also, this automatically exports the df1 object, so you can remove the .export argument.
ttt <- foreach(1:5, .packages='nlstools') %dopar% {
mod <- nls(GPP~Falge2000(GP2000,alpha,PAR),start=list(GP2000=-450,alpha=-0.73),data=df1, upper=c(0,0),algorithm="port")
res <- nlsBoot(mod,niter=5)
However, you might need to work out what you want returned. Using capture.output was just to see if things were working, since summary(res) seemed to only return NULL.
I am trying something pretty simple, want to run a bunch of regressions parallelly. When I use the following data generator (PART 1), The parallel part does not work and give the error listed below
p <- 20; rho<-0.7;
cdc<- diag(p)
for( i in 1:(p-1) ){ for( j in (i+1):p ){
cdc[i,j] <- cdc[j,i] <- rho^abs(i-j)
my.data <- mvrnorm(n=100, mu = rep(0, p), Sigma = cdc)
The following Parallel Part does work but if I generate the data as PART 2
# PART 2
I configured the function that I want to run parallelly... as
p1 <- nrow(cov(my.data));store.beta<-matrix(0,p1,length(obj))
for (itration in obj) {
colnames(my_df)[itration] <- "y"
my.model<-bas.lm(y ~ ., data= my_df, alpha=3,
prior="ZS-null", force.heredity = FALSE, pivot = TRUE)
cf<-coef(my.model, estimator="MPM")
store.beta[ -itration, count]<- betas
So I write the following way of running parlapply
no_cores <- detectCores(logical = TRUE)
cl <- makeCluster(myclusternumber)
p1 <- ncol(my.data)
obj<-splitIndices(p1, myclusternumber)
clusterEvalQ(cl, {
newresult<-parallel::parLapply(cl,obj,fun = parallel_fun,my.data)
But whenever am doing PART 1 I get the following error
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
7 nodes produced errors; first error: object 'my_df' not found
But this should not happen, the data frame should be created, I have no idea why this is happening. Any help is appreciated.
Posting this as one possible workaround, see if it works:
p1 <- nrow(cov(my.data));store.beta<-matrix(0,p1,length(obj))
for (itration in obj) {
colnames(my_df)[itration] <- "y"
my_df <<- my_df
my.model<-bas.lm(y ~ ., data= my_df, alpha=3,
prior="ZS-null", force.heredity = FALSE, pivot = TRUE)
cf<-BAS:::coef.bas(my.model, estimator="MPM")
store.beta[ -itration, count]<- betas
The issue seems to be with BAS:::coef.bas function, that calls eval in order to get my_df and fails to do that when called in parallel. The "hack" here is to force my_df out to the parent environment by calling my_df <<- my_df.
There should be a better way to do this, but <<- might be the fastest one. In general, <<- may cause unwanted behaviour, especially when used in loops. Assigning unique variable name before exporting (and don't forgetting to remove after use) is one way to tackle them.
I am currently working on this code. Everything is fine, except...the code needs 12 hours to finish.
I really do want to change this code to use Doparallel, but I just failed over and over again. I have to use Foreach but it seems it cannot improve the efficiency... I don't know how to design a "parallel" for this array as I need this array for further analysis...
Can anybody help me?
Data <- read_csv("C:/Users/Desktop/200144.csv")
ourModels <- list("forecast(naive(data),h=h)","forecast(ets(data,model='ANN'),h=h,level=95)", "forecast(ets(data,model='AAN', damped=FALSE),h=h,level=95)"
,"forecast(ets(data,model='MAM', damped=FALSE),h=h,level=95)","forecast(ets(data,model='AAN', damped=TRUE),h=h,level=95)"
ourHorizon <- 2 #1,2,6
ourOrigins <- 144-36-ourHorizon + 1 # x rolling origins
ourForecasts <- array (NA,c(ourHorizon,ourOrigins,length(ourModels),ncol(Data)))#max origin, max horizon, how many time series.
ourHoldoutValues <- array (NA,c(ourHorizon,ourOrigins,ncol(Data)))#max origin, max horizon, how many time series.
EMTable<-array (NA,c(ncol(Data),length(ourModels),3))#3 metrics
RMSETABLE<-array (NA,c(1,ourOrigins,length(ourModels),ncol(Data)))
#collect forecasting results and Standard deviation of past forecasting errors
foreach(a = 1:ncol(Data))%do% {# a is the No. of time series
foreach(b = 1:8)%do%{# b is the No. of the models
ourData <- as.data.frame(Data [,a])
#ourData <- na.omit(ourData)
ourData <- ts(ourData,frequency=12) #monthly data
#Change Models here:
ourCall <- ourModels[[b]]
if (b==7){#MAPA
ourValue <- c("outfor","MSE")
} else if (b==8){#SARIMA
ourValue <- c("mean","model$lossValue")
} else if (b==1){
ourValue <- c("mean","model$sigma2")}#?????
ourValue <- c("mean","model$mse")
ourROReturn <- ro(ourData, h=ourHorizon, origins=ourOrigins, call=ourCall, parallel = TRUE,
value=ourValue, ci=FALSE, co=TRUE)
if (b==7){#MAPA is special
ourForecasts[,,b,a] <- ourROReturn$outfor
ourHoldoutValues[,,a] <- ourROReturn$holdout
#measure forecasting performances here #MPE
EMTable[a,b,1]<-mean(apply(((ourROReturn$holdout - ourROReturn$outfor) / ourROReturn$holdout),1,mean,na.rm=TRUE))#MPE
} else{#use ourreturn$model can get their INSAMPLE MSE
ourForecasts[,,b,a] <- ourROReturn$mean
ourHoldoutValues[,,a] <- ourROReturn$holdout
EMTable[a,b,1]<-mean(apply(((ourROReturn$holdout - ourROReturn$mean) / ourROReturn$holdout),1,mean,na.rm=TRUE))#MPE
You are almost there. All you need to do is parallel execution as follows
# load libraries
# create parallel cluster
cl <- makeCluster(9,timeout=120)
## Your parallel for loop
#collect forecasting results and Standard deviation of past forecasting errors
foreach(a = 1:ncol(Data), .packages=c(any packages you need inside for loop)) %dopar% {
If you want to further improve the execution time, make the second foreach loop foreach(b = 1:8)%do%{ as a function and use apply function.
When I using the doParallel library, I encountered this weird error, the system throws this
" Error in { : task 1 failed -could not find function "%dopar%"
To be specific, this is what I did
cl <- makeCluster(4)
# Read the data
coin95 <-read.csv('~/Documents/coin95.csv')
coin95 <- coin95[,!(names(coin95) %in% c("X"))]
coin95[c("Person")] <- sapply(coin95[c("Person")],as.character)
# create the name list
coin95_name <- as.character(coin95$Person)
coin95_name <- unique(coin95_name)
n <- as.numeric(length(coin95_name))
# the average counting process
ntw <- function(now){
foreach (Ii = coin95_name,.combine = "+",.export = c("coin95","n")) %dopar% {
time <-subset(coin95, subset = coin95$Person == Ii)$duration
# the average cumulative hazard
lambda <- function(now,params){
b <- params[1]
sigma <- params[2]
mu <- params[3]
xi <- params[4]
beta1 <- params[5]
beta2 <- params[6]
k <- function(spread){
L0 <- (1+(spread -mu)*xi/sigma)^(-1/xi)
foreach(Ii = coin95_name,.combine = "+",.export = c("coin95","n")) %dopar% {
time <- subset(coin95, subset = coin95$Person == Ii)$duration
noncov <- subset(coin95, subset = coin95$Person == Ii)$noncovered
reim <- subset(coin95, subset = coin95$Person == Ii)$reimbursement
(b*now+sum( exp(-k(now-time[(time < now)])+beta1*noncov[(time < now)]+beta2*reim[(time <now)]) ))/n
So far, everything is GOOD, I have created two functions ntw and lambda using the foreach. They worked perfectly.
Then I create the third function also using the foreach:
# the distance
Time <- coin95$duration
Time <- sort(as.double(Time))
jl <- function(params){
res<-foreach(Ii = Time,.combine = "rbind",.export = c("ntw","lambda")) %dopar% {
(ntw(Ii)-ntw(Ii-1e-7)) * (ntw(Ii)- lambda(Ii,params))^2
Type jl(guess):
> jl(guess)
Show Traceback
Rerun with Debug
Error in { : task 1 failed -could not find function "%dopar%"
Any Idea what's going wrong ?
Quick fix for problem with foreach %dopar% is to reinstall these packages:
Above packages are responsible for parallelism in R. Bug which existed in old versions of these packages is now removed. I should mention that it will most likely help even though you are not using these packages in your code.
I would like to run a large loop with the foreach function.This means using the %dopar% operator.
I can't find any questions already answered to this problem exactly. If this is a duplicate though, please point me in the right direction and I'll close this question.
I have been having mixed success. It works for simple examples on my machine, as per the help documentation, however I cannot seem to get good results for my own work.
My example is slightly more complicated, so the devil seems to be in the detail, as always! I have also read the 'white paper' provided by the package creators Revolution Analytics (you can get it here).
I don't see how best to maybe use the .combine argument to apply results to my global output list.
I would like to assign claculated value to one big list as opposed to using cbind or c
My example is pretty convoluted, but if I simplify it any further then any answers might not address my issue.
I will perform a kind of moving-linear model. So fit a model using lm() over 50 obersvations [1:50], predict the 51st observation [51], saving the results to a list.
Then I will shift it all one observation further. So a lm over [2:51] and predict the 52nd observation [52].
I will use a total of 100 observations, so I can make a maximum of 50 predictions.
## ============================================ ##
## Setup the backend for the foreach function ##
## ============================================ ##
## doMC calls upon cores on demand, uses them and closes them
registerDoMC(detectCores()) #detectCores() uses all cores
## for Windows users
#library(doParallel) --> for Windows users
## ======================== ##
## Create some dummy data ##
## ======================== ##
## three columns, one hundred observations
my_data <- data.table(outcome = runif(100), V1 = 3*runif(100), V2 = sqrt(runif(100)))
## Have a look at the data if you like - using the DT package
datatable(my_data, options = list(pageLength = nrow(my_data)))
## ================================= ##
## Perform the loop the normal way ##
## ================================= ##
## Create container (a list of lists) for results
my_results <- sapply(c(paste0("step_", seq(1:50))), function(x) NULL)
step_results <- sapply(c("coefs", "rank", "error"), function(x) NULL)
for(i in 1:length(my_results)){my_results[[i]] <- step_results}
## Use a for loop to stpe through all the 50 'slices'
for(i in 1:50) { #max. 50 predictions possible
## Fit a linear model
my_fit <- lm("outcome ~ V1 + V2", data = my_data[i:(i+49)])
## Predict the next step
my_pred <- predict(my_fit, newdata = my_data[i+50, .(V1, V2)])
error <- my_data$outcome[i+50] - my_pred #simply measure the delta to the actual value
## Assign some results to the container created earlier
my_results[[i]][[1]] <- my_fit$coefficients
my_results[[i]][[2]] <- my_fit$rank
my_results[[i]][[3]] <- error
str(my_results) ## Keep this container to compare to our next one
## ============================================ ##
## Perform the loop using foreach and %dopar% ##
## ============================================ ##
## Create same results object for results as previously for parallel results
par_results <- sapply(c(paste0("step_", seq(1:50))), function(x) NULL)
step_results <- sapply(c("coefs", "rank", "error"), function(x) NULL)
for(i in 1:length(par_results)){par_results[[i]] <- step_results}
my_results_par <- foreach(i = 1:50) %dopar%
{ #max. 50 predictions possible
my_fit <- lm("outcome ~ V1 + V2", data = my_data[i:(i+49)])
my_pred <- predict(my_fit, newdata = my_data[i+50, .(V1, V2)])
error <- my_data$outcome[i+50] - my_pred
## Assign some results to the container created earlier
par_results[[i]][[1]] <- my_fit$coefficients
par_results[[i]][[2]] <- my_fit$rank
par_results[[i]][[3]] <- error
Sys.sleep(i/20) #Allows time to see R processes spawn on your system
## We can see straight away that this didn't work as I would like it to
identical(my_results, my_results_par) #FALSE
## This shows that the output seems good on the surface
## This shows that it doesn't (WARNING: very long)
You can try out the various .combine arguments in the foreach function, for example:
foreach(i = 1:50, .combine = "c") {computation}
foreach(i = 1:50, .combine = "cbind") {computation}
these prodice a vector and a matrix respectively, but do not contain all the results that I was trying to save in each loop.
Does that structure give you a clue as to what is going on?
How might I use .combine argument to create my desired output?
Is what I am trying to do even possible??
Do I need to put the loop with foreach at a different point in the algorithm?
I have read that you can supply a custom function to foreach... might this be the way to do it? I still don't see how I would combine the results.
Yes, this can easily be done. We can modify your code for the foreach-step to the following, where we export the data.table package to each worker.
my_results_par <- foreach(i = 1:50, .combine = append, .packages = c("data.table")) %dopar%
my_fit <- lm("outcome ~ V1 + V2", data = my_data[i:(i+49)])
my_pred <- predict(my_fit, newdata = my_data[i+50, .(V1, V2)])
error <- my_data$outcome[i+50] - my_pred
par_results <- list(
coefs = my_fit$coefficients,
rank = my_fit$rank,
error = error
par_results <- list(par_results)
names(par_results) <- paste0("step_", i)
identical(my_results, my_results_par)
[1] TRUE
This works normally on my computer:
registerDoSNOW(makeCluster(2, type = "SOCK"))
foreach(i = 1:M,.combine = "c") %dopar% {
So I can say that I can run parallelized code on this computer, right?
Ok. I have a piece of code that I wish to run on parallel with foreach. It runs perfectly when it's written with %do%, but doesn't work properly when I change it to %dopar%. (PS: I have already initialized the cluster with registerDoSNOW(makeCluster(2, type = "SOCK")) in the same way as before.)
My main interest in the code is getting the vector u.varpred. I get it nicely with %do%, but when I run it with %dopar%, the vector comes as a NULL.
Here is the loop with the code that's needed to run it all properly. It uses functions in the geoR package.
#you can pretty much ignore all this, it's just preparation for the loop
datap <- grf(N, cov.pars=c(20, 5),nug=1)
grid.o <- expand.grid(seq(0, 1, l=100), seq(0, 1, l=100))
grid.c <- expand.grid(seq(0, 1, l=NN), seq(0,1, l=NN))
emv<- likfit(datap, ini=c(10,0.4), nug=1)
krieging <- krige.conv(datap, loc=grid.o,
krige=krige.control(type.krige="SK", trend.d="cte",
beta =beta1, cov.pars=emv$cov.pars))
names(grid.c) = names(as.data.frame(datap$coords))
list.krigings<-list(); i=0; u.varpred=NULL;
#here is the foreach code
foreach(i=1:length(grid.c[,1]), .packages='geoR') %do% {
list.dataframes[[i]] <- rbind(datap$coords,grid.c[i,]);
list.geodatas[[i]] <- as.geodata(data.frame(cbind(list.dataframes[[i]],valores)))
list.krigings[[i]] <- krige.conv(list.geodatas[[i]], loc=grid.o,
krige=krige.control(type.krige="SK", trend.d="cte",
beta =beta1, cov.pars=emv$cov.pars));
u.varpred[i] <- mean(krieging$krige.var - list.krigings[[i]]$krige.var)
list.dataframes[[i]]<-0 #i dont need those objects anymore but since they
# are lists i dont want to put <-NULL as it'll ruin their ordering
list.krigings[[i]]<- 0
list.geodatas[[i]] <-0
You can check that this runs nicely (provided you have the following packages: geoR, foreach and doSNOW). But once I use registerDoSNOW(......) and %dopar%, u.varpred comes as a NULL.
Could you guys please try to see if I made a mistake in the foreach statement/process or if it's just the code that can't be parallel? (I thought it could, because any given iteration does not deppend on any of the iterations before it..)
I am sorry both the code and this question are so long. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read it.
My friend helped me directly. Here is a way it works:
u.varpred <- foreach(i = 1:length(grid.c[,1]), .packages = 'geoR', .combine = "c") %dopar% {
list.dataframes[[i]] <- rbind(datap$coords,grid.c[i,]);
list.geodatas[[i]] <- as.geodata(data.frame(cbind(list.dataframes[[i]],valores)));
list.krigings[[i]] <- krige.conv(list.geodatas[[i]], loc = grid.o,
krige = krige.control(type.krige = "SK", trend.d = "cte",
beta = beta1, cov.pars = emv$cov.pars));
u.varpred <- mean(krieging$krige.var - list.krigings[[i]]$krige.var);
list.dataframes[[i]] <- 0;
list.krigings[[i]] <- 0;
list.geodatas[[i]] <- 0;
u.varpred #this makes the results go into u.varpred
He gave me an example on why this works:
a <- NULL
foreach(i = 1:10) %dopar% {
a <- 5
# a is still NULL
a <- NULL
a <- foreach(i = 1:10) %dopar% {
a <- 5
#now it works
Hope this helps anyone.