Secure web.config info -

We are working on a ASP.NET MVC site. I am a dev who is also responsible for prod deployments with other members of the team distributed across the globe.
Today I started working on the web.release.config transformation file for production deployment, and it made me thinking that I really don't want other devs to have access to these files since they contain sensitive production information. But, in VS 2010 these files are placed right next to the dev web.config, so if I check them in, then, the rest of the crew will see them.
Is there a recommended way to use VS2010 to apply transformations to web.config files in such a way that these transformation files don't have to be located with the rest of dev files? Or, do I need to use some kind of automated build tools such as NANT or MS Team Server to do that?
Thanks for your advice.

I typically use the src= tag on the web.config connection file to have a separate file for connection strings for production server that the developers don't have access to to keep it secure. Then in my build process, I grab the webProd.config file from a more secure place and update the server with it.


are connection strings safe in config.json

I am starting to play around with MVC 6 and I am wondering, with the new config.json structure... are my connection strings safe in the config.json file?
Also, I was watching a tutorial video and I saw the person only put their connection strings in their file, not just the config.json. This will mean the application will not have the connection strings while on the production side, correct? He must have meant to put them in both.
Thanks a lot for the help!
I think the Working with Multiple Environments document sums it up pretty well.
Basically, you can farm secret settings such as connection strings out into different files. These files would then be ignored by your source control system and every developer will have to manually create the file on their system (it might help to add some documentation on how to setup a project from a fresh clone of SCC).
For production, the compile will include the production settings. Typically, these are provided by a build server where they are locked away from developers. I'm not sure if that is totally automatic with MVC core or you have to add some kind of build step to do it, but that is how it is normally done.
If you are worried about storing connection strings in the production environment securely, you can extend the framework with your own configuration provider.

What is the difference between copying whole website to server and MSDeploy kind of tools

Maybe i'm totally outdated but for last four years i've been using simple FTP upload feature while uploading new website even without building it within Visual Studio. Just bunch of ASPX and CS files as in Visual Studio.
I do understand that compiling the project will provide me with some security defence so ones who have access to the server won't be able to read those files in text editors and i will avoid first time compilation but is that so important?
I mean, you can always do a lot of harm if you have access to server that just reading CS files instead of DLL.
First time compilation usually takes no more than 1 minute just searching for compiled version of the site will take as much time.
Now i'm watching video on PluralSight which explains new MSDeploy tool available from ASP.NET and i can't see any good reason to use it.
So what's wrong with the old fashioned way of just sending files via FTP without compiling or using fancy tools?
I did speed test and with MSDeploy i can deploy a website twice faster than old-fashioned FTPing. So instead of 4 minutes it will take 2.
Now from another perspective, when i already have alive project on the web. In which have to change Default.aspx because i have typo in some html tag. Deployment via MSDeploy will take 10 times more than uploading one file
Maybe i miss something?
MSDeploy does things which FTPing to a site can't do. Need to change a machine.config? You're unlikely to have FTP write access to the folder which contains it. Want to change a server setting in a server-version-independent manner? FTP won't do that. Etc. FTP works fine for copying files to folders in which you have write access, but that's all it can do.
When you deploy a project you can do a lot of things with it.
You can set up a job in your deploy that packages all your javascript into one file and all your css into one file.
You can set up a job in your deployment that changes a bunch of config settings to match your production server settings (rather then development settings).
The idea of deployment is that you take your current development website and transform it into a production website without having to do any of that manually.
The most important thing is that when you can only deploy your website you will never forget to package your js or forget to remove some debugging code because you can't just sneakly update a single file.

Deploy ASP.Net website from SVN to multiple server?

I need to deploy a website from the SVN to different servers all within our own network. The code is currently not compiled but probably will be in the future.
First, the site would need to be deployed to the development server for the developers to test.
Once the Developer signs off, it would be deployed to the staging server for the testers.
Once final sign off was given it would be deployed to a server farm- two live servers.
Each server has a couple of settings in the web.config to that are different (except the two live servers, of course). I would like to use templates, the way the Ruby on Rails world does. It seems like an elegant solution to multiple web.config files.
I also need to create a list/report of the files that were changed and what the change was since the last deployment.
I am thinking of writing a script that will do the following:
1. Take args for server to deploy to, and revision
2. Export a copy of the source to a directory with svn export -r <deploy revision>
3. Delete the web.config file
4. Use ttree (a template tool to create the correct web.config
5. Create a list of file changes with svn list -r <deploy revision>:<current server revision>
6. Store the <current server revision> of the website for when the script is run next time
The problem I have is it doesn't seem like the most elegant solution. It could become unmaintainable, and I prefer to use tools that are already available rather than re-invent the wheel. Unfortunately I don't think MSDeploy will do what I need, but I'm happy to use it, or anything else, if it will do what I need it to. Does anyone know of any tools that are up to the task or is the script my only option?
Check out TeamCity. I have my build server setup so that it can deploy to different environments with different settings based on the build configuration all in "One Click". It's relatively painless to setup and integrates directly with Subversion and other source control systems. This would be a more elegant solution to the issue you are dealing with...

SCM for

As part of my overall development practices review I'm looking at how best to streamline and automate our web development practices.
At the moment, our process goes something like this:
Designer builds frontend as static HTML/CSS on a network share. This gets tweaked until signed off. (e.g. http://myserver/acmesite_design)
Once signed off, developer takes over and copies over frontend HTML/CSS to a new directory on the same server (e.g. http://myserver/acmesite_development)
Multiple developers work on local copy until project is complete.
Developer publishes code to an external publicly accessible server for a client to review/signoff.
Edits made locally based on feedback.
Republish to external server.
Developer publishes to live public server
What goes wrong? Lots of things!
Version Control — this is obviously a must and is being introduced
Configuration errors — many many times, there are environment specific paths and variables (such as DB names, image upload directories, web server paths etc. etc.) which incorrectly get copied from local to staging to live etc. etc. with very embarrassing results.
I'm pretty confident I've got no.1 under control. What about configuration management? Does anyone have any advice as to how best to manage an applications structure within apps to minimize these kinds of problems?
I found that using SVN, NAnt and NUnit with Cruise solves a lot of the issues you describe. I think it works well for small groups and it's all free. Just need to learn how to use them. helps you put together builds and continuous integration.
Use NAnt or MSBuild to do different environment builds (DEV, TEST, PROD, etc).
You got the most important part right. Use version control. Subversion is a good choice.
I usually store configuration along with the site; i.e. when coding a PHP-based site I have a file named config.php-dist. If you want the site to work at all you'll have to copy + edit in all the required parameters (this avoids storing passwords in version control). The -dist file should have reasonable defaults.
Upload directories should be relative if possible; actually all directories should be relative. I'm not experienced in, but if it's anything like PHP the current directory is always the directory of the file being requested. If you channel all requests through a single file (i.e. index.asp), then this can even be found programmatically. Or you could find it programmatically by using the equivalent of dirname(____FILE____) in your configuration file.
I also recommend installing IIS (or whatever webserver you are using) on all development workstations (including the designers). Makes life easier as noone can step on each others toes. What one has to do is simply add test hosts to the hosts file (\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts iirc) in addition to adding a site to the local IIS. This plays well with version control (checkout, add site to IIS and hosts-file, edit edit edit commit).
One thing that really helps is making sure you keep your paths relative where you can and centralise them where you can't, so when I've been working with ASP.Net I have tended to use web.config to store any configuration and path related data that can't be found programmatically. It is quite possible to find information like your current application path programmatically through the Request object - it's worth looking in some detail over what the environment makes available to you.
One way to make sure you don't end up on something that is dependent on the path name is having a continuous integration server executing your test suite against your application. Each time this happens you create a random filepath. As soon as someone introduces a dependency on the filepath it will fail.

How do you deal with connection strings when deploying an ASP.NET site?

Right now our test and production databases are on the same server, but with different names. Deploying has meant editing Web.config to change all the connection strings for the correct database. A step which I forget all too frequently...
We've finally created a new database server for testing, and I'm moving the databases over... but now the server will be different and we'll still need to deal with connection string issues.
I was thinking of managing it via a hosts file, but the thought of switching that on my desktop machine whenever I need to test against production data seems cumbersome at best.
So I'm just wondering if there's a better way out there. Something that would build with a "production" web config for deployment would be ideal...
Use a Web Deployment Project and update the wdproj file (it's just an MSBuild file) with some post build tasks to output the correct .config file. I keep a web.config and web.release.config then use this in the wdproj file:
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Copy Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' " SourceFiles="$(SourceWebPhysicalPath)\web.release.config" DestinationFiles="$(OutputPath)\web.config" />
<Delete Files="$(OutputPath)\web.release.config" />
More information
A simpler solution some like is using configSource property of appSettings and connectionStrings and then never overwriting that file on the production server.
I usually have three separate web configs: one for my development machine, one for QA, and one for production. The development one connects to my local SQL database (which is firewalled from outside) and it is the default web.config. The others are named web-prod.config and web-qa.config. After publishing I delete the two that I don't need and rename the correct one to web.config. If I forget, the app breaks the first time it attempts to access the database, since the default config references one it can't get to.
Since IIS refuses to serve up a file named .config, I make sure they all end in .config instead of say web.config-prod or web.config-qa.
Here's another thing you can try:
Using SQL Server Configuration Manager, make a db Alias for your development database so that the web.config file can be the same on both your development box and the production server.
I create a database alias on each server to point to the database. I then use this alias in my web.config files. If I need to change which database the application points to, then I change the alias and not the web.config.
For SQL Server, go to SQL Server Configuration Manager > SQL Native Client Configuration > Aliases > Create New Alias.
You can do the same thing with Oracle with the tnsnames file.
have environment folders with separate configs for each environment
deploy out the correct one for the environment
I did this so often, I made the web.config on the production server read-only.
I've been in a few places now that store them in the registry.
There's probably more elaborate ways to do it now but a lot of code I've worked on with a 1.0/1.1 heritage store the strings in the registry.
The registry has a few advantages
It keeps people from deploying the code to the wrong places since machines not configured properly will lack the keys
It eliminates the problem wherein a developer will accidentally package a web.config file with the development connection strings in it (followed by a frantic phone call in the middle of the night wherein it is revealed that the late night sysadmin did not back up the previous web.config and the developer does not know or recall the production strings)
It limits the possibility of a hacker being able to get the connection string by fetching the web.config off of the machine. Plus the registry has more levels of security than the filesystem.
We drive our a deployments from our CI server. We usualy have a seperate file for each location and have the CI server switch to the appropriate config depending on the arguments passed ot it. All the file editing is done in NAnt scripts, so develops can run the sam build on their machine to get their own settings.
I'll put my connection strings in the machine.config on our QA and Production boxes. I'll keep them in the web.config on my dev box for flexibility, though. Then, I'll use a web deployment project to overwrite my dev connection strings with nothing (no connection strings) when deploying to QA. Therefore the QA site relies on the connection strings in machine.config. I still deploy to Production manually to make sure everything succeeds. I do this by manually copying everything from QA (except for web.config) to production.
This kind of task is exactly what build events are designed to address. Think of building as building for a specific target, any target specific configuration should be done there. (with the normal caveat that there are always some exceptions to the rule)
I've recently been leaning towards config manipulation on the continuous integration server. That's because we've had problems with multiple web.config,, web.production.config keeping the 95% of the file that should be the same in sync.
In a nutshell: there's only the one web.config in source control and it's the development configuration (debug friendly, local db, etc.). The build server does the compile, then a deploy to the canary site, then the package for release candidate.
We're using nant, so it's the .build file that has xmlpoke to set debug="false", alter connection strings, and whatever else needs to change in the canary copy and the packaging copy of the web.config.
The build machine's deploy is called "canary" because it's the first thing to die if there's a problem.
