unix command to change directory name - unix

Hi this is a simple question but the solution eludes me at the moment..
I can find out the folder name that I want to change the name of, and I know the command to change the name of a folder is mv
so from the current directory if i go
ls ~/relevant.directory.containing.directory.name.i.want.to.change
to which i get the name of the directory is called say lorem-ipsum-v1-3
but the directory name may change in the future but it is the only directory in the directory:
how to i programmatically change it to a specific name like correct-files
i can do it normally by just doing something like
mv lorem-ipsum-v1-3 correct-files
but I want to start automating this so that I don't need to keep copying and pasting the directory name....
any help would be appreciated...

Something like:
find . -depth -maxdepth 1 -type d | head -n 1 | xargs -I '{}' mv '{}' correct-files
should work fine as long as only one directory should be moved.

If you are absolutely certain that relevant.directory.containing.directory.name.i.want.to.change only contains the directory you want to rename, then you can simply use a wildcard:
mv ~/relevant.directory.containing.directory.name.i.want.to.change/*/ ~/relevant.directory.containing.directory.name.i.want.to.change/correct-files
This can can also be simplified further, using bash brace expansion, to:
mv ~/relevant.directory.containing.directory.name.i.want.to.change/{*/,correct-files}

cd ~/relevant.directory.containing.directory.name.i.want.to.change
find . -type d -print | while read a ;
mv $a correct-files ;
No error handling
There may be a way of reversing the parameters to mv so you can use xargs instead of a while loop, but that's not standard (as far as I'm aware)
Not parameterised
If there any any subdirectories it won't work. The depth parameters on the find command are (again, AFAIK) not standard. They do exist on GNU versions but seem to be missing on Solaris
Probably others...


Script Issues with find -> tar/gzip

I am currently working on a script, to store/backup our old files, so that we have more space on our server. This script will be used as a cronjob to backup the stuff every week. My script currently looks like this:
currentDate=$(date '+%Y%m%d%T' | sed -e 's/://g')
find /Directory1/ -type f -mtime +90 | xargs tar cvf - | gzip > /Directory2/Backup$currentDate.tar.gz
find /Directory1/ -type f -mtime +90 -exec rm {} \;
The script is at first saving the current Date + Timestamp(without ":") as a variable. Afterwards it searches for files older than 90 days, tars them and finally makes a gzip out of them, which has the name "Backup$currentDate.tar.gz".
Then it's supposed to find the files again and remove them.
I do however have some issues here:
Directory1 consists of multiple Directories. It does find the files and creates the gz file, but while some files are zipped properly(for instance /DirName1/DirName2/DirName3/File), others appear directly in the "root" Dir. What could be the issue here?
Is there a way to tell the Script, to only create the gz file, if files are found? Because currently, we get gz files, even if there was nothing found, leading to empty directories.
Can I somehow use the find output later on(store variable?), so that the remove at the end really only targets those files found in the step before? Because if the third step would take, let's say a hour and the last step gets executed after it's finished, it could potentially remove files, that weren't older than 90 days before, but are now, so they are never backed up, but then deleted(highly unlikly, but not impossible).
If there's anything else you need to know, feel free to ask ^^
Best regards
I've "rephrased" your original code a bit. I don't have an AIX machine to test anything, so DO NOT cut and paste this. Using this code, you should be able to address your issues. To wit:
It make a record of what files it intends to operate on ($BFILES).
This record can be used to check for empty tar files.
This record can be used to see why your find is producing "funny" output. It wouldn't surprise me to find that xargs hit a space character.
This record can be used to delete exactly the files archived.
As a child, I had a serious accident with xargs and have avoided it ever since. Maybe there is a safe version out there.
# I don't have an AIX machine to test this, so exit immediately until
# someone can proof this code.
exit 1
currentDate=$(date '+%Y%m%d%T' | sed -e 's/://g')
find /Directory1 -type f -mtime +90 -print > $BFILES
# Here is the time to proofread the file list, $BFILES
# The AIX page I read lists the '-L' option to take filenames from an
# input file. I've found xargs to be sketchy unless you are very
# careful about quoting.
#tar -c -v -L $BFILES -f - | gzip -9 > /Directory2/Backup$currentDate.tar.gz
# I've found xargs to be sketchy unless you are very careful about
# quoting. I would rather loop over the input file one well quoted
# line at a time rather than use the faster, less safe xargs. But
# here it is.
#xargs rm < $BFILES

grep command to search in subdirectories

I have a directory named lists, and have several subdirectories in this named as lists-01, lists-02 and so on.
In every subdirectory, I have a sript called checklist.
I want to use grep command to search for "margin" in each script "checklist", and want to know the particular checklist scripts which contain the word "margin".
I tried using
grep "margin" list*/checklist
but, this is not giving any result.
You can make use of --include to select just the files you want:
grep -Rl --include='*checklist' "margin" .
I am trying to figure out how to include list-0*/ directories, still couldn't find a way.
Note also that your attempt was quite accurate. You only need to add -R for recursive:
grep -R "margin" list-[0-9]*/checklist
How about:
find lists -name checklist -type f -exec grep -H margin {} \;
That says... find, starting in the directory called lists, and all directories below, all files called checklist and look in them for the word margin printing the filename if it is in there.
If you have a modern find, you can replace the \; with + to allow each find to search more than one file and make your query more efficient.
It will search all the files named checklist recursively and then run grep command on those files to find word "margin". -l option will give you only file name and option -w is used for exact match.
find ~/list -type f -name checklist -exec grep -lw "margin" {} +

Program fails to move file

I'm trying to move file from one place to another directory...So my program will read Log_Deleter, use parameters given in each line to delete the file.
When I execute the file, it seems like it runs fine (no errors) but non of the files are moved... I'm not sure why it's not moving the file nor display any error...
Can someone please identify the error?
my attempt:
while read -r line ; do
set -- $v
cd /
$(find "$1" -type f -name "$2" -mtime +"$3" -exec mv {} "$4" \;)
done < Log_Deleter.txt
/usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrvSIT1/logs/Server1 'SystemOut_*' 5 /backup/Abackuptest1
/usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrvSIT1/logs/Server2 'SystemOut_*' 5 /backup/Abackuptest2
Thanks for your help!
Find is looking for files that have a literal ' in the name. You need to remove the single quotes from $2 before invoking find. Try:
while read -r path name mtime dest ; do
name=$( echo $name | tr -d "'" )
find "$path" -type f -name "$name" -mtime +"$mtime" -exec mv {} "$dest" \;
done < Log_Deleter.txt
The problem is that you are trying to match a file whose name actually has the single quotes in it.
Barring other problems, I think your script will probably work once you take the quotes out of Log_Deleter.txt.
The quotes are only meaningful when the shell is parsing command input. This is not what the read builtin does. And even when reading command input, once the quotes get into a variable they stay there forever unless reread at the shells CLI layer via eval.
The shell is not exactly a macro processor. It's a complicated hybrid that a little bit CLI, a little bit programming language, and a little bit macro processor.
And, speaking of eval, it's not necessary to wrap the find in an eval-like construct. Simplify your script to run find directly and you will find it easier to debug and understand.

Using mtime other than with FIND

I am trying to write a script which will move files older than 1 day to an archive directory. I used the following find command:
for filename in `find /file_path/*.* -type f -mtime +1`
This fails since my argument list is too big to be handled by find. I got the following error:
/usr/bin/find: arg list too long
Is it possible to use find in an IF-ELSE statement? Can someone provide some examples of using mtime other then in find.
Edit: To add the for loop of which the find is a part.
find /file_path -name '*.*' -mtime +1 -type f |
while read filename
do ...move operation...
That assumes your original code was acceptable in the way it handled spaces etc in file names,
and that there is no sensible way to do the move in the action of find. It also avoids problems with overlong argument lists.
Why not just use the -exec part of find?
If you just want to cp files, you could use
find /file_path -name "." -mtime +1 -type f | xargs -i mv {} /usr/local/archived

Diff files present in two different directories

I have two directories with the same list of files. I need to compare all the files present in both the directories using the diff command. Is there a simple command line option to do it, or do I have to write a shell script to get the file listing and then iterate through them?
You can use the diff command for that:
diff -bur folder1/ folder2/
This will output a recursive diff that ignore spaces, with a unified context:
b flag means ignoring whitespace
u flag means a unified context (3 lines before and after)
r flag means recursive
If you are only interested to see the files that differ, you may use:
diff -qr dir_one dir_two | sort
Option "q" will only show the files that differ but not the content that differ, and "sort" will arrange the output alphabetically.
Diff has an option -r which is meant to do just that.
diff -r dir1 dir2
diff can not only compare two files, it can, by using the -r option, walk entire directory trees, recursively checking differences between subdirectories and files that occur at comparable points in each tree.
$ man diff
-r --recursive
Recursively compare any subdirectories found.
Another nice option is the über-diff-tool diffoscope:
$ diffoscope a b
It can also emit diffs as JSON, html, markdown, ...
If you specifically don't want to compare contents of files and only check which one are not present in both of the directories, you can compare lists of files, generated by another command.
diff <(find DIR1 -printf '%P\n' | sort) <(find DIR2 -printf '%P\n' | sort) | grep '^[<>]'
-printf '%P\n' tells find to not prefix output paths with the root directory.
I've also added sort to make sure the order of files will be the same in both calls of find.
The grep at the end removes information about identical input lines.
If it's GNU diff then you should just be able to point it at the two directories and use the -r option.
Otherwise, try using
for i in $(\ls -d ./dir1/*); do diff ${i} dir2; done
N.B. As pointed out by Dennis in the comments section, you don't actually need to do the command substitution on the ls. I've been doing this for so long that I'm pretty much doing this on autopilot and substituting the command I need to get my list of files for comparison.
Also I forgot to add that I do '\ls' to temporarily disable my alias of ls to GNU ls so that I lose the colour formatting info from the listing returned by GNU ls.
When working with git/svn or multiple git/svn instances on disk this has been one of the most useful things for me over the past 5-10 years, that somebody might find useful:
diff -burN /path/to/directory1 /path/to/directory2 | grep +++
git diff /path/to/directory1 | grep +++
It gives you a snapshot of the different files that were touched without having to "less" or "more" the output. Then you just diff on the individual files.
In practice the question often arises together with some constraints. In that case following solution template may come in handy.
cd dir1
find . \( -name '*.txt' -o -iname '*.md' \) | xargs -i diff -u '{}' 'dir2/{}'
Here is a script to show differences between files in two folders. It works recursively. Change dir1 and dir2.
(search() { for i in $1/*; do [ -f "$i" ] && (diff "$1/${i##*/}" "$2/${i##*/}" || echo "files: $1/${i##*/} $2/${i##*/}"); [ -d "$i" ] && search "$1/${i##*/}" "$2/${i##*/}"; done }; search "dir1" "dir2" )
Try this:
diff -rq /path/to/folder1 /path/to/folder2
