The breakpoint will not be hit -

This has got to be the most frustrating thing I've ever seen. I'm working with an web site (something I don't do often), and every once in a while, my breakpoints stop working.
About half of the time, it's because it doesn't load symbols. The other half, the source code is different from original. Deleting the solution file and re-saving the application usually fixes it, but I'm getting tired of doing that all of the time.
I've tried pretty much every solution the web has to offer, but no luck so far. Don't hold back from giving any suggestions you may have, though.
Any ideas?

The information's about the break points (among other information's) are saved on the same directory with the solution file, in a hidden file ending in .suo extension.
Close the solution, find this hidden file ending in .suo, backup it, and then delete it from there, and then maybe you solve your problems.
This is the first that I do when I have issues with break points, and works for me.

1- Check that do you have full access the folder below
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files
2- If Yes close VisualStudio and delete all folders included. Clean and rebuid your project.
3- If No You need to get full access and try to delete

A rebuild usually fixes this for me (not a build, but build -> rebuild solution). This does a full build of everything in the solution. You could also try to do a clean and build.


What is the huge Next JS dev builld "core" file used for?

My Next JS dev build has a 1.7Gb file named "core" in my dev directory. Ive been using next for a few months and its the first time i noticed it.
I cant find any documentation on its use or reason for it's existence and an increasing amount of projects its consuming a lot of hard drive space.
I have effectively deleted it (renaming it just in case I do need it) and my dev server is still running fine. Leads to the question what is it and why do I need it? Is it dev specific? I certainly didnt put it there myself and if Next needs it why is my dev server still running without it?
Any insights much appreciated.

Power BI Microsoft custom visual locked repo?

This is the link I will be referring to
I'm working with a Microsoft visual on Github. I have found a weird problem. No changes I make to the capabilities.JSON file will apply. I haven't even gotten the script to change. I went in and replaced all instances of the X axis variable with the Y, and vice-versa within the script.r file. Didn't work.
I have deleted the package-lock file, that didn't work. I even opened every single file in this visual folder, searched for the old variables for capabilities, and found nothing.
I went one step further and packaged the file to visualname.pbiviz, converted it to zip, opened the compressed file in a text editor, and still could not find anything that would revert it to the previous names.
The X axis is by default "X axis". I have changed it to be "Duration" in the capabilities.json file, but it will not stick.
If anyone has any insight as to what may be going on, or what Microsoft has done to prevent this visual from being modified, please inform me. I'm especially confused, because Microsoft has labeled this as an open source visual, yet changes are restricted. I'm new to creating/modifying visuals, so perhaps there is something I am just missing. Short of going in and deleting files at random, I'm out of ideas.
I found a way to get this working. I found a bunch of http imports and things like that. What I am assuming was happening is it would ping whatever online repo it was told to, and re-import the files from there before compressing to .pbiviz instead of actually using the files in the visual folder... I copied the two main files I needed (capabilities.json, and script.r) and pasted them into a blank template visual. Everything is working fine and I can continue working on this like normal.
This is based on the assumption that files were being re-imported from an external source before being compressed. If anyone knows for certain what is going on here, feel free to leave an answer.

How can/should I set my path.expand in RStudio per project?

My goal is to have path.expand to be automatically modified as I open a project, so that I don't have to keep writing fread(paste0(getwd(),"foo.csv") every time I load a new file, replacing it instead with fread("")
I've found this question: address project root in Rstudio
Which seems to suggest that there is a .R_USER file per project in Rstudio. I have successfully been running an R studio project in a folder, and have 'unhidden' the the .Rproj_user folder, however, I am now at a loss to edit it. I'm seeing a tonne of different folders and don't really understand what I can edit, or how.
Is this the right path to expand upon? (jks), or is there a simpler and different way to do this? Is this even sensible? It seems like it is to me, but I'm new to all this, so please do say if this is stupid (and why).

Does Live Mesh exclude .aspx/.ascx files?

I'm tired of zipping up my MVC project all the time, so I tried to connect the entire project folder to Live Mesh, so I could work on it both at home and at the office. It seemed to work, but it turns out all the views are excluded and replaced with .wlx counterparts.
Is this a known limitation of Mesh? Does anyone know of a workaround?
.wlx is a temporary extension that indicates that a file is a placeholder for a file that hasn't been transferred yet.
I agree live mesh appears to still be very much in beta. Some of my files are still .wlx 10 hours later and nothing appears to be syncing. However, it is a great program and I look forwward to the next update. It makes my life much easier since I run Windows inside VMWare.

A ghost deleted my files?

I have a pretty weird situation here, and i came up with a very strange conclusion, the thing that makes me think that i got it all wrong, that i have cured the scratch with hcl or something !
Anyways, two days ago i found out that all the pages in a certain directory on a web app that I work on stopped working;
When I tried to debug, iis shout out an exception at my face, the exception was kinda weird (and very ambiguous to me), it says
"type Global is declared in an
assembly that is not referenced here"
and the cursor pointed to a line of code in the generated temp files, so i checked up my bin directory and compared the live version (the broken version) to my own local version (the working version) and found a couple of dlls missing on the live version
i copied those dlls from the local to the live, and everything went just fine!
the question is, where did files go in the first place, and if the temporary files were corrupted, is there is any way to fix them without having to reinstall the framework, or rebuild the app?
The Temporary ASP.Net files are created whenever your web app has to compile. (If you search this site or Google, you will find many descriptions and information on how this works.) They can be safely deleted at any time, so long as the original files are available to recompile. No reinstallation of .NET framework needed.
I doubt that anyone is going to be able to tell you where they went. Your best bet is to put some auditing on the files and log the deletes to the event log.
Its possible that ...
someone else who has access to the server deleted the files accidentally or on purpose.
you deleted them accidentally
you were hacked
your files were deemed viral and were quarantined by an anti virus.
Probably a few other reasons I cant think of too...
