Relative parent, absolute positioning vertically by percentage? - css

I'm trying to create a vertically positioned DIV by percentage. I have the parent container to set to relative and the content div set to absolute. This works fine when I position the content div with pixels, but when I try percentages the percentages are disregarded:
.container {
position: relative;
.content {
position: absolute;
left: 10%;
top: 50%;
<div class="container"><div class="content"> This is the content div. It should be 10% from the left of the container div.
The content div appears at the top of the page, disregarding the 50% vertical placement. What am I missing? Thanks in advance!

The absolutely positioned element is taken out of the natural flow of the document which means your container has zero height and width.
10% and 50% of that zero height and width are, of course, zero.
If you give your container a height and width, your percentage positions will start to work as you want.
Here is a working example.
.container { position: relative; width:500px; height:500px; }

Welp, my first post in SE. For those of you seeing this in the future, you can actually use viewport height as a measure of percentage.
.container {
position: relative;
top: 10vh; // 10% of height from top of div

You will likely need to add height: 100% to your .container div:
.container { height: 100%; position: relative; }
and possibly all the ancestor elements:
html, body { height: 100%; }

#Jaime Dixon's answer was great. Beautiful, two great concepts given there.
The percentage, the relative units are relative TO SOMETHING, you must understand what's the reference container to which those values are calculated.
Even if you have a container, there CAN BE an arbitrary behavior if the container has it's dimensions as "auto". So, to have a predictable behavior, be sure that the container has a dimension better than simply saying "auto". OR, if your container also has 100%, and its parent and so on, make sure you have a css instruction in which you have specified the height of the elements html, body:
html, body {
height: desired_value;


How to keep inline 2 fixed elements having min-width?

There are 2 fixed(can't be change) inline blocks and min-widths for both of them. When i'm trying to resize the window (width less then min) they overlap each other. Any suggestion ? How can I set min-width for whole page?
<div style="position:fixed;left:0;top:0;bottom:0;width:40%;min-width:500px;border:2px solid red;margin:5px;"> </div>
<div style="position:fixed;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;width:40%;min-width:500px;border:2px solid blue;margin:5px;"> </div>
The short answer is no, not without changing that position: fixed
have a look at what position: fixed actually means:
Do not leave space for the element. Instead, position it at a
specified position relative to the screen's viewport and don't move it
when scrolled. When printing, position it at that fixed position on
every page.
And since you can't control the width of the viewport...
Position absolute should work though, and then you can set your body to something like this:
body {
min-width: 1020px;
position: relative;
min-height: 100%;
height: 100%;

set div width as a percentage of height

I am trying to set the width of the .full_height_div element using pure css, based on its height. It has to be width-relative-to-height, and not height-relative-to-width. The reason for this is that the parent container (.set_rectangle_height) is already a div with height relative to the page width. Obviously, as the page is resized the divs on the page will resize, so i cannot set a fixed width in px for the .full_height_div child.
So .rectangle and .set_rectangle_height make up the parent container which has a width as a percentage of the page and a height relative to this width. See here for an explanation for this method.
But the problem is that then I want to place a div inside the parent with height: 100% and width relative to this height. The aim is then that I will be able to alter the browser window size and everything will keep its aspect ratio.
here is my failed attempt:
position: relative;
width: 30%;/*the outermost div is always a % of the page
width, even while resizing*/
background-color: green;
padding-bottom: 30%;/*this sets the height of the outermost div
to a ratio of 1:3*/
position: relative;
float: left;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.full_height_div/*this is the div that i want to have a width relative
to its height*/
height: 100%;
width: 20px;/*i will delete this once .square_set_width is working*/
position: absolute;
background-color: red;
display: inline-block;
padding-left: 100%; /*i want to use something like this line to set
the width of this div to be equal to .full_height_div's height - ie a 1:1 aspect
ratio, but padding-left does not work :( */
position: relative;
height: 100%;
background-color: blue;
<div class='rectangle'>
<div class='set_rectangle_height'>
<div class='full_height_div'>
<div class='square_set_width'></div>
So, this is what the above incorrect markup looks like:
And this is what i want it to look like:
I know I could find the blue square percentage height in javascript, then set the width to be equal to this height, but it would be really handy if there is a pure css fix for what I am trying to do. I will be using this structure a lot and I don't really want to go writing code to resize all the divs on my page.
you have to use javascript for that. If I understood you, you want a perfect blue square. Use
var height = $('.square_set_width').height();
here is a jsfiddle:
Edit: instead of doing padding-bottom: 30% do height: 70% instead. Here is another fiddle:
Edit #2: Sorry, but you cant use css to do this. Its not powerful enough
If i understand you correctly
you can do
#divID {
width: 75%;
margin-left: auto; // this is used to center the container
margin-right: auto;// this as well

Why is my div not breaking out of parent div?

I'm trying to break out of a parent div so I can have a colour div cover the width of the browser.
However, for some reason it pushes the block off to the left.
This is my site.
This is my code:
<div class="aboutTop"></div>
width: 100%;
height: 600px;
background-color: black;
margin-left: -100%;
margin-right: -100%;
Where am I going wrong?
To make your div "break out" of its parent, you'll have to use position: relative;
<div class="aboutTop">
<div>break out!</div>
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
border: 1px solid #000;
.aboutTop div
position: relative;
top: 50px;
left: 50px;
This is because child elements are restricted to the boundaries of their parents. USing positioning takes the element out of the document flow. Using relative positioning takes it out of the flow but uses its original position within the parent as the point of reference. Absolute uses the top left corner of the browser window as its reference. :)
The width will always reference the parent div, no matter what. So you can use jQuery to set the width of the element based on the window width.
var winWidth = window.innerWidth;
$('.aboutTop div').css("width", winWidth);
In this:
margin-left: -100%;
margin-right: -100%;
The percentages are relative to the parent element.
So if the parent element is 200px wide 100% will be 200px.
If you want something to span the width of the browser you have a couple of options:
Use absolute position and left:0; right:0;
make the element a direct child of the body element and set it's width to 100%
width: 100%;
height: 600px;
background-color: black;
margin-left: -100%;
margin-right: -100%;
When you give a width:100% without positioning, it will take 100% with respect to parent division. You need to make it fixed, or you need to change the width of the parent division.
The code you write, must from start be aimed at what you want to achieve. For something like this, you should not have a parent division with less width.
If yo use relative positioning, or absolute with negative margin the width will still be 100% of parent division. You will have to increse width to something like 110% to achieve.
I think it's better to remove padding of your div #site. let it to have full width of browser.
then apply padding to children divs as you want.
You're setting width: 100% but also margin-left: -100%. This means that the element will span from -100% to 0.
Since you're also setting margin-right: -100% it looks like you want it to span from -100% to +200%, which means you need to set width: 300% instead.

Child div defining Parent height

<div id="parent">
<div id="childRightCol"></div>
<div id="childLeftCol"></div>
Parent's height is suppose to be dynamic and stretches to the max height defined by the child. ChildRight dynamically changes height but I want it to be 100% height of parent. ChildLeft some times defines the height of parent.
The problem is that because ChildLeft defines the height of the parent. Height:100% on childright doesn't work because parent's height isn't defined. Please help.
Instead of using display: none and display: block to toggle visibility, use visibility: hidden and visibility: visible which keeps the size of the elements.
To prevent the articles form stacking on top of each other, you have to compensate. This can be achieved by floating all the articles to the left of each other, and give them all but the first a negative margin so they all remain at the same location.
See this demo fiddle which demonstrates two situations, i.e. an article with less height then the right column and one with larger height then the right column. In both cases the height of the left column (the height of the largest article) decides the height of the parent div.
The basic requirements for the CSS:
#news-flicker-container {
float: left;
#news-flicker-userbars {
float: left;
#news-flicker-container article {
width: 100%;
visibility: hidden;
float: left;
margin-left: -100%;
#news-flicker-container article:first-child {
margin-left: 0;
Equal Height Columns with Cross-Browser CSS
If you don't need to support IE 6 and 7, this would be a better approach:
Use CSS display:table for Layout

Centering in CSS, when the object is larger than the viewport

I'm trying to get a jquery carousel centered on the screen, even when the clipping area is wider than the viewport. This will basically always give the element a negative left margin -- how can I specify this? The clipping area is a fixed width but of course the viewport area is variable.
Here's the best solution I've been able to find uses a wrapping element around your-fixed-width content, then a -50% margin on the content itself. This is off the top of my head, but it should be enough to get you started. Here's the code snippet:
div.wrapper {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
.content {
position: relative;
margin-left: -50%;
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="content">JQUERY BIZ-NASS HERE</div>
Of course, this assumes that your div here is a direct descendant of the body tag, and that your browser specifies body to have a width of 100% and no margin or padding.
